Episode 12 of Review and Final Explained Program is a special episode that features women heroes. These women have overcome many challenges in their lives, and they have shown us that they are not afraid to stand up for what is right. They are examples to all of us, and we should always be proud to be able to call them our friends. In this episode, we meet two of these women: Shannon Bream and Kaitlyn Bristowe. Shannon Bream is a firefighter who has been through some tough times in her life. She has had to fight for her life multiple times, and she has shown us that she is not afraid to do whatever it takes to protect those around her. Kaitlyn Bristowe is a soldier who has faced many challenges in her life. She has faced danger on the battlefield, and she has also shown us that she is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. She is an example to all of us, and we should always be proud to call her our friend.

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El error más grave en el último episodio de este último arco no es cómo discute el fandom, sino que en realidad se centra en el fandom. Heroínas no era un programa que se centrara en los ídolos. Esta fue una pieza de personaje sobre Hiyori tratando de manejar a sus grandes adolescentes y los problemas que inevitablemente resultaron de este extraño concierto debajo de la mesa.

Estaba lleno de texturas coloridas y hecho para algunas grandes escenas musicales. Pero era secundario a los dramas personales y la intriga de descubrir sus secretos. A pesar de que no eran particularmente ricos, sus relaciones eran excelentes.

El arco del escándalo llegó a presionar las relaciones que Hiyori y Yujiro habían construido. Sin embargo, una vez que el elenco comenzó a hacer declaraciones audaces sobre los sentimientos y los fanáticos de los fanáticos, se convirtieron en portavoces en lugar de personajes. No es necesariamente incorrecto que las heroínas se muden a un territorio más difícil y polémico.

However, the writing and direction must be able to handle that level of abstraction. Last week, I discussed the confusing framing. This week, though it is more consistent and bubbly, can’t help feeling too treacly considering the extent of harm done, trust betrayed, and the level of danger.

I have been quite laissez-faire with the top secret idol manager thing. It was a vehicle to get these characters to do things in fun and improbable ways. When Hiyori’s confession is revealed, it ends up being the thing which finally convinces Chizuru that she can forgive herself and reconcile with her friend.

It is frustrating and less compelling than the actual story. While this season tried to emphasize all the hard work idols and managers put in, the real problem is gross managerial negligence. This allowed for resentment to simmer for the sakes of secrecy. Instead of addressing this, the characters instead spout platitudes about being good idols or good fans.

The episode felt rushed and rushed. It was my hope that we would get some context about Chizuru’s behavior. But, there isn’t anything here that even attempts explain her stalking. Hiyori and Hiyori have little friction and rush to get to the big concert, where they can watch the boys perform on stage. There is a lot of other stuff in the epilogue that should have been included in the show. Not least is Hiyori learning that Mona was her idol all along. It would have been a lot more entertaining than this tedious stalking.

Although I didn’t mean to complain so much in this review, I will highlight parts that I liked. Although their performance is not as spectacular as that of the midseason episode, Yujiro and Aizo’s still impressed, if only because they refused to use CG animation. Both scenes with their brothers are also very nice, even though I wish they had spent more time on these relationships and their friction.

It’s a cute way to end the show, with Hiyori showing off her moves in a panda costume. Although the boys are able to use their charms, the main focus of the series was not a Hiyori romance. This might have helped to focus a scattershot season, though I believe the lack of rigidity was a positive for Heroines.

It is always disappointing when a show that was otherwise great ends with its worst episode. They could have done a lot more with Chizuru, but if they were that enthusiastic about it, I wish they had given more thought to her mental health and the many real-life issues associated with fandom. Overall, Hiyori’s misadventures were enjoyable. Although this bitter taste will eventually fade, I’ll always be grateful for Hiyori’s formidable spirit and formidable eyebrows.

To Become a Heroine, Heroines Run the Show You can watch this anime on Crunchyroll. To Become a Real Heroine was inspired by the song “Heroine Tarumono!” HoneyWorks is the music group.


What would you do if you wanted to follow your passion? Hiyori Suzumi’s dream is to leave her quiet country life and move to Tokyo to join the Sakuragaoka High School Athletics team. She also finds a job as a manager for two young pop stars. Hiyori is busy between her sport and her work, as well as her friends.


Studio Lay-duce was given the task of bringing HoneyWorks’ song to life. Noriko Hashimoto, the first anime Noriko Hashimoto to be a director, was responsible for creating the storyboards for Given and Sarazanmai. Yoshimi Narita wrote the script, which was also used in Dance Dance Danseur and Sakura Taisen. Pretty Cure. She also wrote My number one light novel. Kaori Ishii was responsible for the chara design. This is a very feminine team that has a lot of talent.

The music side features Moe Hyuga, HoneyWorks and the composer Moe Hyuga. Julietta is the opening credits and is performed by LIPxLIP, an anime idol group. The three main dubbers, who are the high school friends, interpret the credits at the end as Kawaiku Naritai and Tokyo Sunny Party.

Mis expectativas se vieron muy disminuidas por el primer episodio. Hiyori Suzumi (actriz de voz) me dio dolores de cabeza con su voz aguda y estridente. Está claro que puede hablar normalmente, a pesar de sus otros papeles (Aharen y Rem (Re:zero), Jeanne y Vanitas), pero las cosas mejorarán mucho a partir del segundo episodio. Encontrarás los próximos episodios mucho más entretenidos.

La joven debe aprender a adaptarse a su nuevo trabajo. Es difícil hacer todo bien, por lo que tendrá que tomar decisiones difíciles. Uno de ellos será desgarrador. Aunque los miembros de LIPxLIP pueden ser inicialmente muy distantes y desagradables al principio, se volverán más receptivos con la joven con el tiempo. También aprenderán de su forma de ver las cosas, aunque no se den cuenta. Se volverán extremadamente protectores mientras fingen ser indiferentes.

Heroines Run the Show es mi título favorito de esta temporada. Su lado positivo me trae alegría cada semana. Este anime es ideal para pequeños corazones de malvavisco.