There’s no question that Goku is the strongest fighter in the universe. He’s fought against some of the most powerful beings in existence, and he’s never been defeated. But Beast Gohan is no slouch either. He was born with incredible power, and he’s used it to become one of the strongest fighters in the world. If they were to fight, who would come out on top? There are a few factors that could determine who would win a fight between these two warriors. First and foremost, Goku’s strength comes from his mastery of ki energy. This power allows him to do things like fly and fight underwater. Beast Gohan, on the other hand, has a more brute force approach to fighting. He relies on his strength and speed to take down his opponents. Another important factor is experience. Goku has fought many battles over the years, while Beast Gohan has only had a few major confrontations. This could give Goku an edge if he can use his knowledge of fighting styles to defeat his opponent. Ultimately, it’s impossible to say who would win in a fight between these two titans – it would depend on many different factors! ..

Beast Gohan Or Final Gohan In Dragon Ball Super Super Heroes

we’re gonna take a look at this new form and try to understand where exactly it stands in the power hierarchy for starters let’s go over how gohan’s potential even works ever since the battle against cell has been pretty self-explanatory that gohan as a saiyanis built kind of different through intense concentration and composed rage he left both goku and vegeta behind and overcame perfect cell this movie rhymes a little with the soul saga and while goku and vegeta aren’t physically there for the most part the implication that gohan may have once again surpassed these two is still there.

But since they weren’t there we as theaudience are ambiguously told about this implication instead of seeing it happen in actuality this allows for the benefit of the doubt and hints that this may not be literal in the first place.

Another Aspect that gives gohan an edge andfights is the potential unleashed legendary state which is only accessible through the old kai’s unlocked affectability it’s pretty much just a state that allows ones to use their latent power or like in other words gohan on some crazy lethal steroids but without any side effects the result ends up being ultimate gohan a form which was initially conceived tobe gohan’s peak but deep down. 

we all wondered if it really was gohan’s ultimate state because if that was the case then it would negate the idea of training and growth rightsince gohan has theoretically already reached its peak see where i’m kind of going with this now let’s reference his new form and see it for what it’s actually we’re talking about final gohan unparalleled level of strength that gohan was able to attain through sheer rage it sprouted from ultimate gohan and took his peak to another level so if we want to make kind of a comparison here.

 let’s begin to look at it this way goku has unwavering faith in gohan during the sosa it might have just been his intuition but goku knew that gohan is the thing that they really needed to overcome cell he’ll be the one who’ll evolve the super saiyan form and take it to the next level which by the way was supposed to be the literal peak of a saiyan at that time there were no records whatsoever of any other saiyan ever surpassing the legendary super saiyan form so anything beyond that was supposed to be kind of head canon. 

i guess they would say yet goku had firm faith in his intuition that gohan would be able to be the one to harness this and bring out the next level of this legendary power the result as we all know ended up being the super saiyan 2 form it momentarily slipped out during their training in the hyperbolic time chamber but by the timeend of the battle against perfect cell gohan had managed to completely masterand perfect and control the state this inadvertently created what’s known as the roger bannister effect and allowed others to later undergo the same kind of evolution as well so while goku’s super saiyan form continues to remain the most iconic transformation in anime history. 

gohan’s legendary breakthrough in what it did to the narrative is the reason why the majority of fans hold it kind of in a similar light if not preferred over the super saiyan form then there’s this movie and weave ourselves a few plot points that rhyme with the cell saga here we have piccolo who appears to be concerned that gohan might have been way too lags recently and now he ought to get out of those books and move around a little bit it’s obvious that piccolo is concerned because he’s lived long enough to know extreme danger can indeed befall them at any moment and they might not be ready for it gohan does understand his concerns and would train. 

but when you have people like goku and vegeta around who can pretty much take care of everything it’s hard to be that serious this takes us back to goku’s legendary statement power comes in response to a need not desire this is especially true for saiyans because while they may consistently train themselves to the bone it isn’t until the defining moment that they experience insurmountable growth suffice to say it’s not all blackand white of course piccolo is obviously in the right for being cautious but gohan isn’t necessarily in the wrong for focusing on what he currently seems more necessary. 

however as the movie progresses and the life of his daughter pain seems to be at stake you bet gohan has zero thoughts related to how goku and vegeta would come and save them hopefully in the movie the antagonists appear to be gamma 1 and gamma 2 who at first glance don’t look all that threatening they are indeed really strong though the red ribbon army made sure to follow the manga and that’s why despite their laid-back appearances they are strong enough to pose a major threat in this movie and yet just like the case with the cell saga the androids weren’tthe biggest threat it was cell well here we have cell’s successor and this is another major spoiler. 

but we’ve been doing spoilers all weekend guys cell max and just like so he is portrayed to be capable of handling pretty much everyone on the scene all by himself be it gohan piccolo in his new orange form trunks and goten are even there even android 18 and krillin not to mention gamma 1 and gamma 2 who are already a threat to begin with also joining forces with a z fight. 

it was the combined effort of all of these individuals from whom actually fought in the tournament of power against the mightiest warriors from other universes and yet it still wasn’t enough to take cell max down if we’re talking about sheer power and strength cell max is exponentially stronger though unlike cell who maintain a serene attitude foremost of the cell games cell max is basically a wild beast set on destroying anything and everyone and this is what i like to call the bio broly effect if you guys know what i’m talking about he also appears to be pretty constipated most of the time.

 in terms of narrative substance it’s nowhere near as climatic and impactful as the legendary super saiyan2 transformation but the same kind of progression happens once againthat’s right final gohan is a natural progression to the ultimate gohan formand is meant to elevate his latent potential even more maybe it’s an indication that even if ultimate gohan was able to bring out all of gohan’s latent potential there’s always a deeper layer another level i guess which is especially true for saiyans though in terms of visual effects we have a bit of something else going on here gohan’s eyes turn red and his hair turns gray we don’t have to look into it too much as the prospect of gohan having a greyish aura in his mystic form was kinda always there now the real question however is just where does gohan standing the dragon ball super hierarchy. 

because, there were some really interesting statements in this movie this is an important one because after gohan completely and utterly overwhelmed cell max with his new form and just absolutely destroys and while orange piccolo was holding them back there was a pretty interesting conversation thathappened needless to say though from the moment gohan’s new form emerged it was no longer a fight between strong individuals.

 it was basically just gohan and piccolo bully and cell mech thinking rationally this guy would have easily got destroyed by goku or vegeta as well rite well apparently we would be wrong for thinking that gohan mentions topiccolo how even if goku and vegeta were here they may not have been able to defeat cell mass so he was right about him having to train himself now first we have to see what the statement implied in the context of this story arc rather than taking it literally right off hand piccolo was upset he wants gohan to continue training as there’s no telling why they might need his strength and he was right.

 because they did end up facing a genuine threat shortly after so at the end of the battle gohan acknowledged that piccolo was right about how he shouldn’t be so laid back but let’s say that maybe gohan’s adrenaline or something along those lines made him make that statement about goku and vegeta i know that’s a stretch.

 but this is goku and vegeta after moro andgranola let’s also note that this statement isn’t necessarily the same ashim saying to pan that he might have surpassed his father rather i personally feel like seeing as when this movie takes place is meant to try and portray so mad as a greater threat than you know broly or moro or things like that which again personally don’t think he is but this is what is being stated in the movie because cell max is kind of just like a premature monster set on destroying things the way i personally see it this does allow for some major character growth though. 

because the very idea that all gohan’s forms have been named older you know final implies that he sees them as the absolute summit of what his potential allows him to do this pretty much just outright negates the idea that sand is always on an upward ladder towards better and greater heights unlike gohan goku and vegeta continuously and persistently keep reaching new heights even if we were to take gohan’s hyperbolic statement literally goku and vegeta can and will surpass him soon enough at best it is in the same tier as maybe alter ego or altra instinct i would say however unlike those forms we have yet to see gohan do anything genuinely staggering with this one besides one shot and cellmax. 

i don’t know let me know you guys thoughts down in the comments it won’t be until he goes up against an opponent of the same level that we can truly see why gohan is currently capable of but i will say i could be wrong if they’re trying to imply to us that cell max is stronger than moral with angel power absorbed and final gohan did that to him then they got it like gohan is broken but as far as the manga goes right now though guys right now in this current point in time these boys still haven’t seen ultra eco so i gotta remain ten toes down on that one but let me know if you genuinely feel that this means that gohan has surpassed goku and vegeta.

Comparison Beast Gohan Vs Goku 

Martial Arts Skills

Gohan was taught martial arts while training under Piccolo. Although he didn’t excel in martial arts, he was able to get by with his fights using only his potential and raw power. Piccolo and Goku taught him a lot about martial arts. This means that Gohan has a good understanding of the styles of both his mentors.

Goku has been obsessed with martial arts since the beginning of Dragon Ball. Goku has been trained in many different forms and styles of fighting throughout his life. He was open to learning from both his rivals and his enemies. Goku was the only character who could combine his incredible power with his mastery of martial arts, while the rest of Dragon Ball’s characters were limited by their raw power.

Gohan is as powerful as Gohan in fighting but he lacks half the martial arts skills of Goku, who has been training hard. In terms of martial arts, Goku is still a better fighter than Final Gohan.

Final Gohan 0, Goku1

Power Level

Final Gohan was the most powerful character in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, based on his power level. Although it is not yet known if Final Gohan is able to summon divine powers, there is no doubt his power is greater than Super Saiyan Blue and Evolved Super Saiyan Blue at the moment. His power is evident by the fact that he was able to kill Cell Max in one shot.

Without using his Ultra Instinct Goku has a power that could even threaten the gods. Although he is strong enough to get some hits on Jiren with his Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20 form, it was not enough to cause him any trouble. However, Goku remains one of the most powerful characters in Super Saiyan Blue.

Even though Goku is in his most powerful Super Saiyan Form, it would not make sense for him be at the same level as Final Gohan. Gohan’s Ultimate form could fight on equal terms with Goku’s Super Saiyan Blue.

Final Gohan 1, Goku1


We learned one thing during Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Gohan does not have the same drawbacks that the Super Saiyan forms, because it wasn’t a transformation. It was Gohan unleashing his full potential. This is only the enhanced version of Gohan’s Potential Unleashed, so it’s possible that Final Gohan has no drawbacks and doesn’t consume much stamina. It might not consume the same amount of stamina as the Super Saiyan states, even if it does.

One of the reasons that Goku and Vegeta aren’t always able to jump to their Super Saiyan Blue form immediately in Dragon Ball Super is because they would need to use a lot of stamina. Even though their stamina levels may vary, all Super Saiyan forms consume stamina. However, stamina is still a drawback to using Super Saiyan forms. It takes a lot energy to enter and maintain.

Given that Gohan’s Final Form doesn’t require stamina, he takes the round. He could keep that form for an indefinite period of time without becoming tired. Goku needs to be more economical with how he uses his stamina, when he enters his Super Saiyan forms.

Final Gohan 2, Goku1


Gohan is a skilled fighter, even though his experience may not be as extensive as that of the Dragon Ball fighters. After the Buu Saga, he stopped training and was not in the best of health during the Frieza Revival. He was an avid fighter as a child, and most of his fighting experience was during the Tournament of Power. His training sessions with Piccolo were his best. He didn’t have much experience fighting in his Final Gohan Form, and Goku had told Frieza that he needed to get experience before he could take it out for battle.

Goku is, however, probably the most skilled fighter in Dragon Ball’s entire story. He has been fighting since his childhood. He also has a lot of experience using his transformations. This means that he is able to use them effectively and keep up with the stamina loss. Goku is a skilled fighter who has seen everything as he has fought gods, angels and every type of being in the universe.

It is clear that Gohan does not have the same experience as Goku, so there is still the possibility that he could lose in Final Gohan despite his raw power. Goku’s fighting experience speaks for itself.

Final Gohan 2, Goku2


Final Gohan accomplished one of the greatest feats in Dragon Ball Super when he was capable to defeat Cell Max. Cell Max was a being that could defeat Gamma 1 & 2, Android 18, Orange Piccolo and Trunks as well as Krillin. It was done in one shot. This shows that he is extremely powerful. His feat in the current Canon is, along with others that Goku or Vegeta have achieved together, at the top.

Without his Ultra Instinct Goku has not had many feats in anime or manga. In his Super Saiyan Blue form, Hit was defeated in their rematch. This was his best feat. He almost always required Vegeta’s help after that. This was when they needed to defeat villains together, or whenever they had fusion. His mastery of Ultra Instinct was the key to all his later feats.

Final Gohan’s feat in Dragon Ball Super was as impressive as Goku’s. Piccolo and Gohan even stated that they were unsure if Vegeta and Goku could have defeated Cell Max during the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie. Final Gohan is therefore quite powerful.

Final Gohan 3, Goku2

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Final Gohan vs. Goku – Who Would Win in a Fight?

Final Gohan can be tough to beat, even if Goku uses his most powerful Super Saiyan form. But his son will still defeat him with all his raw power. Final Gohan’s power was so great that he destroyed Cell Max immediately after he achieved this form. Piccolo and Final Gohan thought that Vegeta and Goku might not be able defeat the monster. This proves that Final Gohan, in terms of raw power, is Dragon Ball Super’s strongest character.

title: “Who Would Win In A Fight Between Beast Gohan And Goku?” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-04” author: “Winston Lacasse”

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it would depend on a variety of factors. However, some potential outcomes could include Gohan prevailing in a fight against Goku, or the two evenly matched combatants coming to blows. Ultimately, who would win in a fight between Gohan and Goku is up for interpretation.


Vamos a echar un vistazo a esta nueva forma y tratar de entender dónde se encuentra exactamente en la jerarquía de poder para empezar, repasemos cómo funciona el potencial de Gohan desde que la batalla contra la célula ha sido bastante autoexplicativa que Gohan como saiyanis construyó algo diferente a través de una intensa concentración y rabia compuesta dejó atrás tanto a goku como a vegeta y superó la celda perfecta esta película rima un poco con el alma. Saga y aunque goku y vegeta no están físicamente allí en su mayor parte, la implicación de que gohan puede haber superado una vez más a estos dos todavía está allí.


Explicación de vegeta New Form : El Ultra Ego

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Pero como no estaban allí, a nosotros, como audiencia, se nos dice ambiguamente sobre esta implicación en lugar de verla suceder en realidad, esto permite el beneficio de la duda e insinúa que esto puede no ser literal en primer lugar.

Otro aspecto que le da a gohan una ventaja y peleas es el potencial estado legendario desatado que solo es accesible a través de la afectabilidad desbloqueada del viejo kai, es más o menos un estado que permite a los demás usar su poder latente o, como en otras palabras, gohan con algunos esteroides letales locos, pero sin ningún efecto secundario, el resultado termina siendo el gohan definitivo, una forma que inicialmente se concibió para ser el pico de gohan, pero en el fondo.

todos nos preguntamos si realmente era el estado final de gohan porque si ese fuera el caso, entonces negaría la idea de los derechos de entrenamiento y crecimiento, ya que gohan teóricamente ya ha alcanzado su punto máximo, mira a dónde voy con esto ahora, hagamos referencia a su nueva forma. y míralo por lo que es en realidad, estamos hablando del nivel de fuerza incomparable de gohan final que gohan pudo alcanzar a través de la pura ira, brotó de gohan final y llevó su pico a otro nivel, así que si queremos hacer una especie de comparación aquí .


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¿Qué tan fuerte es Orange Piccolo?

 comencemos a verlo de esta manera goku tiene una fe inquebrantable en gohan durante el sosa podría haber sido solo su intuición pero goku sabía que gohan es lo que realmente necesitaban para vencer a cell él será el que evolucionará el forma de super saiyan y llevarlo al siguiente nivel que, por cierto, se suponía que era el pico literal de un saiyan en ese momento, no había ningún registro de ningún otro saiyan que superara la forma legendaria de super saiyan, por lo que se suponía que cualquier cosa más allá de eso. ser una especie de canon principal. 

Supongo que dirían que goku tenía una fe firme en su intuición de que gohan sería capaz de aprovechar esto y sacar el siguiente nivel de este poder legendario. El resultado, como todos sabemos, terminó siendo el super saiyajin 2. se escapó momentáneamente durante su entrenamiento en la cámara de tiempo hiperbólica, pero al final de la batalla contra Perfect Cell, Gohan había logrado dominar, perfeccionar y controlar completamente el estado. Sin darse cuenta, creó lo que se conoce como el efecto Roger Bannister y permitió que otros sufrieran lo mismo más tarde. tipo de evolución también, mientras que la forma de super saiyan de goku sigue siendo la transformación más icónica en la historia del anime. 


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¿Cuántas veces murió Goku y cómo? : Todo sobre esto

El avance legendario de Gohan en lo que le hizo a la narrativa es la razón por la cual la mayoría de los fanáticos lo consideran de una manera similar, si no se prefiere a la forma de súper saiyan, entonces está esta película y tejemos algunos puntos de la trama que riman con la celda. saga aquí tenemos a Piccolo que parece estar preocupado porque Gohan podría haber estado demasiado retrasado recientemente y ahora debería salir de esos libros y moverse un poco. Es obvio que Piccolo está preocupado porque ha vivido lo suficiente como para conocer el peligro extremo. De hecho, puede ocurrirles en cualquier momento y es posible que no estén preparados para ello. Gohan entiende sus preocupaciones y entrenaría. 

pero cuando tienes gente como goku y vegeta alrededor que pueden encargarse de todo, es difícil ser tan serio, esto nos lleva de vuelta a la declaración legendaria de goku, el poder viene en respuesta a la necesidad de no desear, esto es especialmente cierto para los saiyajin porque mientras ellos pueden entrenarse constantemente hasta los huesos, no es hasta el momento decisivo que experimentan un crecimiento insuperable, basta con decir que no todo es blanco y negro, por supuesto, Piccolo obviamente tiene razón por ser cauteloso, pero Gohan no está necesariamente equivocado por concentrarse. sobre lo que actualmente le parece más necesario. 


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sin embargo, a medida que avanza la película y la vida de su hija parece estar en juego, apuesto a que gohan no tiene ningún pensamiento relacionado con cómo goku y vegeta vendrían y los salvarían, con suerte en la película, los antagonistas parecen ser gamma 1 y gamma 2 que en a primera vista no parecen tan amenazantes, son realmente fuertes, aunque el ejército de la cinta roja se aseguró de seguir el manga y es por eso que, a pesar de sus apariencias relajadas, son lo suficientemente fuertes como para representar una gran amenaza en esta película y, sin embargo, como el caso de la saga de cell los androides no eran la mayor amenaza era cell bueno aquí tenemos el sucesor de cell y este es otro gran spoiler. 

pero hemos estado haciendo spoilers todo el fin de semana, chicos, cell max y así se le presenta como capaz de manejar a casi todos en la escena por sí mismo, ya sea gohan piccolo en su nueva forma naranja, los baúles y goten están incluso allí, incluso android. 18 y krillin, sin mencionar a gamma 1 y gamma 2, que ya son una amenaza para empezar, también unen fuerzas con az fight. 


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Naruto vs Goku: ¿Quién ganaría?

fue el esfuerzo combinado de todos estos individuos de los que realmente lucharon en el torneo de poder contra los guerreros más poderosos de otros universos y, sin embargo, aún no fue suficiente para acabar con Cell Max si estamos hablando de puro poder y fuerza Cell max es exponencialmente más fuerte, aunque a diferencia de cell, que mantiene una actitud serena sobre todo en los juegos de cell, cell max es básicamente una bestia salvaje que se dedica a destruir cualquier cosa y a todos, y esto es lo que me gusta llamar el efecto bio broly, si saben lo que soy. Hablando de él, también parece estar bastante estreñido la mayor parte del tiempo.

 en términos de sustancia narrativa, no es tan climático e impactante como la transformación legendaria del super saiyan2, pero el mismo tipo de progresión ocurre una vez más. una indicación de que incluso si Ultimate Gohan pudo sacar a relucir todo el potencial latente de Gohan, siempre hay una capa más profunda en otro nivel, supongo, lo cual es especialmente cierto para los saiyans, aunque en términos de efectos visuales, tenemos algo más aquí, los ojos de Gohan. se vuelve rojo y su cabello se vuelve gris, no tenemos que investigarlo demasiado, ya que la posibilidad de que Gohan tenga un aura grisácea en su forma mística siempre estuvo ahí, ahora la verdadera pregunta es, sin embargo, ¿dónde está Gohan parado en Dragon Ball Super? jerarquía. 


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porque hubo algunas declaraciones realmente interesantes en esta película, esta es importante porque después de que Gohan abrumara por completo a Cell Max con su nueva forma y simplemente destruyera absolutamente y mientras Orange Piccolo los estaba reteniendo, hubo una conversación bastante interesante que sucedió sin necesidad de digamos que desde el momento en que surgió la nueva forma de Gohan, ya no fue una pelea entre individuos fuertes.

 básicamente era solo gohan y piccolo bully y cell mech pensando racionalmente que este tipo habría sido destruido fácilmente por goku o vegeta también rite well aparentemente estaríamos equivocados al pensar que gohan menciona topiccolo cómo incluso si goku y vegeta estuvieran aquí, es posible que no han sido capaces de derrotar a la masa celular, por lo que tenía razón acerca de que tenía que entrenarse a sí mismo ahora primero tenemos que ver lo que implica la declaración en el contexto de este arco de la historia en lugar de tomarlo literalmente de inmediato Piccolo estaba molesto porque quiere que Gohan continúe entrenando ya que no se sabe por qué podrían necesitar su fuerza y ​​tenía razón.


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 porque terminaron enfrentándose a una amenaza genuina poco después, así que al final de la batalla, Gohan reconoció que Piccolo tenía razón acerca de que no debería estar tan relajado, pero digamos que tal vez la adrenalina de Gohan o algo por el estilo lo hizo hacer eso. declaración sobre goku y vegeta sé que es una exageración.

 pero esto es goku y vegeta después de moro y granola, también tengamos en cuenta que esta declaración no es necesariamente la misma que la de él diciendo que podría haber superado a su padre. tan enojado como una amenaza mayor de lo que conoces, broly o moro o cosas así que, de nuevo, personalmente no creo que lo sea, pero esto es lo que se dice en la película porque cell max es como un monstruo prematuro decidido a destruir cosas. Sin embargo, tal como lo veo personalmente, esto permite un gran crecimiento del personaje. 

porque la idea misma de que todas las formas de gohan han sido nombradas mayores, ya sabes, final implica que él las ve como la cumbre absoluta de lo que su potencial le permite hacer esto prácticamente niega por completo la idea de que la arena siempre está en una escalera ascendente hacia algo mejor. y mayores alturas a diferencia de gohan goku y vegeta continua y persistentemente siguen alcanzando nuevas alturas incluso si tuviéramos que tomar la declaración hiperbólica de gohan literalmente goku y vegeta pueden y lo superarán lo suficientemente pronto en el mejor de los casos está en el mismo nivel que tal vez alter ego o altra instinto Sin embargo, diría que, a diferencia de esas formas, todavía tenemos que ver a Gohan hacer algo realmente asombroso con este, además de One Shot y Cellmax. 


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No sé, déjenme saber sus pensamientos en los comentarios, no será hasta que se enfrente a un oponente del mismo nivel que realmente podamos ver por qué Gohan es actualmente capaz de hacerlo, pero diré que podría estar equivocado. si están tratando de insinuarnos que cell max es más fuerte que moral con el poder del ángel absorbido y gohan final le hizo eso, entonces entendieron que gohan está roto, pero en lo que respecta al manga en este momento, aunque los muchachos ahora mismo en esto punto actual en el tiempo estos muchachos todavía no han visto ultra eco, así que tengo que permanecer diez pies por debajo de eso, pero avísame si realmente sientes que esto significa que gohan ha superado a goku y vegeta.



Gohan aprendió artes marciales mientras entrenaba con Piccolo. Aunque no se destacó en las artes marciales, pudo salir adelante con sus peleas usando solo su potencial y poder puro. Piccolo y Goku le enseñaron mucho sobre artes marciales. Esto significa que Gohan tiene una buena comprensión de los estilos de sus dos mentores.


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Explicación de la nueva forma de Vegeta: El Ultra Ego

Goku ha estado obsesionado con las artes marciales desde el comienzo de Dragon Ball. Goku ha sido entrenado en muchas formas y estilos diferentes de lucha a lo largo de su vida. Estaba abierto a aprender tanto de sus rivales como de sus enemigos. Goku era el único personaje que podía combinar su increíble poder con su dominio de las artes marciales, mientras que el resto de los personajes de Dragon Ball estaban limitados por su poder en bruto.

Gohan es tan poderoso como Gohan en la lucha, pero carece de la mitad de las habilidades en artes marciales de Goku, quien ha estado entrenando duro. En términos de artes marciales, Goku sigue siendo mejor luchador que Final Gohan.

Final Gohan 0, Goku1


Final Gohan fue el personaje más poderoso de Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, según su nivel de poder. Aunque aún no se sabe si Final Gohan es capaz de invocar poderes divinos, no hay duda de que su poder es mayor que Super Saiyan Blue y Evolved Super Saiyan Blue en este momento. Su poder es evidente por el hecho de que pudo matar a Cell Max de una sola vez.


Explicación de vegeta New Form : El Ultra Ego

Sin usar su Ultra Instinto, Goku tiene un poder que incluso podría amenazar a los dioses. Aunque es lo suficientemente fuerte como para darle algunos golpes a Jiren con su forma Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20, no fue suficiente para causarle ningún problema. Sin embargo, Goku sigue siendo uno de los personajes más poderosos de Super Saiyan Blue.

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Aunque Goku está en su forma Super Saiyan más poderosa, no tendría sentido que estuviera al mismo nivel que Final Gohan. La forma Ultimate de Gohan podría luchar en igualdad de condiciones con el Super Saiyan Blue de Goku.

Gohan final 1, Goku 1