There is no definitive answer to this question, as it would depend on a variety of factors. However, Yuno and Asta have both been highly successful in their careers, and they are both very experienced fighters. They would likely be able to evenly match each other in a duel, and would likely come out on top.

These two friends are often childhood besties, but the question is: Who would win in a fight? 

Let’s find the answer

It is likely that the game will end in a draw. Asta is the most powerful when it comes attacking with his five-leaf Grimoire and four swords. Asta, in full Evil Union form, is impossible to defeat. Lucifero, the king from the underworld lost to him.

Yuno, on the other hand, has his offensive power, but it doesn’t suit his style as he is more passive fighter.

But, Yuno’s defense is invulnerable. He can use his star magic to teleport anyplace in his environment. In his Saint Stage form, his speed and reflexes are exponentially increased.

In a nutshell: If Asta is invincible when he is fully evil, then Yuno can also teleport and use long range. He just needs to avoid any major attacks by Asta until he is gone in his full evil form.

Asta devil Union: Power and SKILL

Asta’s Devil union may be the most important ace in the hole when it comes to combat. Because he is able to sustain it for a short time, he rarely transforms with Liebe. However, when combined with his antimagic abilities, he becomes a real menace.Asta Devil Form

Asta, even without the devil powers, is a constant traine and has reached a point where his strength can easily match that of Magic knights in the top ranks. He can be quick and agile, dodge attacks quickly, and is extremely durable in battle.

Asta has four swords that he can pull from his five-leaf grimoire.

Demon slayer swordDemon destroyer SwordDemon Dweller SwordDemon Slasher Katana

Asta is a formidable opponent because he can use these four swords to negate any magic attacks. He can even negate attacks such as devil singularity when he is in his unification state.

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Anti-Magic Devil Union Skill

Partial transformation

Asta’s right side is covered with anti-magic while undergoing partial union. His anti-magic abilities can be used to control his body and provide targeted attacks against opponents. Asta can use his black body for five minutes after he has entered into a contract with Liebe, his devil.

Asta’s chest cross is a sign of how much time is left in the union. Asta experiences extreme pain after 5 minutes and must face a cooling timer for 30 minutes before he can use the black form again.

Complete Union

Although complete union lasts only five seconds, it is enough time for a devil or angel to defeat an opponent. Asta literally projects into and transforms into a devil in his full union form. He has horns, tail, and his anti-magic blade almost as an extension to his body.

Yuno Star Magic and Wind Magic: Powers and CAPACITYS

The Golden Dawn picked Yuno up in the magic knight trials. This should be enough to describe his abilities and powers. Yuno is a wind manipulator. Most of his defenses and attacks are based on wind and he is also a primary elemental user.

But, Yuno’s celestial spirits are far more powerful than any comparable understanding.

Yuno has been gradually increasing his light powers and has gained considerable control over his Star Magic. Yuno can use star magic to create and manipulate multiple types of light-based magic.

Yuno Wind Magic Capacitys

Yuno was an expert elemental wind magician even before he received his grimoire. With proper training and guidance from the Golden Dawn Yuno was able to awaken a new side of himself that was more focused and had greater control of his wind powers.

Yuno can summon a celestial spirit of wind that follows him around and gives him combat abilities. Yuno is able summon Sylph in battle and can enter the Saint Stage after combining 100 percent with Sylph.

Yuno Star Magic Powers

Yuno’s star magic is unprecedented since no one else has previously been shown to wield two different types of magic. Using this form takes an immense toll on Yuno’s mana, so he does not ideally use it all the time.

Yuno is able to summon light magic from the stars and can use this form of magic to successfully activate it. He is able to shoot light beams and combine this with his defensive wind magic for an almost perfect combination of defense and attack.

Asta vs Yuno

Based on Power

Asta doesn’t have any mana, and therefore can’t use magic. This may seem like a huge weakness but it allows Asta to use Anti Magic without any weakening effects.

He is also untraceable using mana sensors, and immune to the life-draining substances of the underworld.

Yuno, on the other hand, is the rightful heir of the Spade Kingdom’s throne. He can cast two spells simultaneously, which is a great advantage.Yuno Saint Stage and Bell

Sylph possessed Sylph and his magic abilities increased further. Asta, despite all this, is an effective counter to Sylph since he can use his Anti-Magic in order to nullify Yuno’s Wind Magic.

But, with the advancements in the Mana Zone, and the ability to manipulate the natural element (i.e. wind), we believe Yuno is the winner.

Based on the Host Demon/Spirit Host

Asta is the host for Liebe. Yuno summons Sylph.Asta Devil Union Black Clover

Yuno has a lot of control over his abilities and can use wind magic more efficiently. Yuno can be defeated in saint stage if Asta and Liebe combine in five seconds.

Yuno can only take on a long battle since Asta is on an alarm clock. However, Asta has the edge to make them their best .

Asta and Yuno: Who will prevail?

Asta can use his demon dweller sword to take Yuno’s Wind Magic during a one-on-1 battle.

Yuno is certainly very powerful but Asta doesn’t have a chance due to the Anti-Magic .

Yuno has a lot of control over his abilities and can use wind magic more efficiently. But, Yuno can defeat Asta in Saint Stage in five seconds if he combines Liebe with Asta.

Yuno also has an alternative, his star magic. This allows him to avoid Asta and attack him from a distance. According to our opinions, the battle will end in a draw.