There is no clear answer to this question, as the two main contenders for the BORUTO-KAWAKI Battle are both very strong and have a lot of experience. However, there is one clear victor who will emerge from this battle: the Kawaii Kowaii warrior who can outfight and outplay their opponents.

Они, как и главные герои оригинальной серии Наруто, являются самыми важными персонажами, которые позволяют сюжету развиваться. В то время как Боруто Узумаки был известен поклонникам с самого начала, Каваки познакомился с историей после истории Ао. Он быстро зарекомендовал себя как один из самых любимых персонажей в Боруто. Каваки – замечательный персонаж.Коллекция Crunchyroll

За развитием его персонажа было интересно наблюдать. Как показано в прологе к Boruto Next Generations, Каваки — добродушный персонаж, который в конечном итоге сражается с Боруто Узумаки. Хотя было выпущено очень мало информации об этой разработке, фанаты знают, что Каваки столкнется с Боруто, но причины могут быть не такими, как они думают.

Фанаты должны изучить эволюцию отношений между Боруто Узумаки и Каваки на протяжении многих лет, чтобы понять, почему они дерутся. Подобно отношениям Наруто или Саске, Каваки был не самым успешным началом. Боруто не мог вынести грубого поведения Каваки, и его пренебрежение к чувствам, окружающим его (таким как Химавари), усугубило ситуацию. Боруто также не смог понять, что насилие Каваки сделало его тем человеком, которым он является сегодня, и что исцеление займет некоторое время.

 He began to show compassion to others thanks to Naruto Uzumaki (the Seventh Hokage), and the amazing love and care he showed Kawaki. He not only accepted Naruto Uzumaki as his father, but also opened his heart to the Uzumaki clan. Kawaki and Boruto developed a close relationship as they spent most of their time together. They ate together, trained together and, most importantly, worked together to eliminate the Karma. Kawaki was able to build a strong relationship with Boruto through the many battles they fought. 

Boruto would not hesitate to risk his life in order to save Kawaki. This feeling is sure to be reciprocated by Kawaki. Despite all this, it is still true that Boruto and Kawaki end up with opposing ends. This is quite strange. There is more to the story than meets the eyes and it is possible Kawaki was not involved in Konoha’s destruction.

The prologue to Boruto. Naruto Next Generations shows Konohagakure totally destroyed, with no signs of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. As they differ in opinion, Boruto Uzumaki faces Kawaki from the Hokage. Although it is true that they end up fighting, it could be for a different reason than many believe. Kawaki’s character development and the immense amount of love and respect he has for Naruto Uzumaki make it impossible for him not to support his benefactor. Kawaki destroying Konoha for the sake it seems unlikely, unless he is manipulating the situation. Fans know that Kawaki is goodhearted and has one goal in life: to protect Naruto Uzumaki.

Kawaki speaks of Boruto Uzumaki being sent to the same place that Naruto. It is possible that Kawaki used a space-time Ninjutsu to transport him to another dimension. Naruto, the village’s Hokage, wants to protect all his family . However, he isn’t able to do so anymore because Kurama has died . Kawaki may have sent him to another dimension against his will. However, Kawaki’s view of protecting what is important may differ from that held by Boruto Uzumaki or the shinobi community. This difference of opinion could be what leads to the Hokage facing clashes.

Konoha’s demise is most likely due to an outside force such as Code or someone else stronger like Otsuki Clan members. Despite all odds, Boruto Umaki and Kawaki will clash in the midst of a destroyed Konoha community. It’s not clear why this happens, or who wins. Fans will see Kawaki’s character progress as the story builds toward the final confrontation. However, Kawaki’s role as Boruto Uzumaki’s brother and Naruto’s son and their importance to the plot means that he will be redeemed no matter what.

Boruto’s and Kawaki’s fateful battle will be a mirror of the clash between Naruto, Sasuke and Naruto in both its motivations and its impact on the world. Boruto: Naruto Next Gens revealed that Boruto would eventually face Kawaki. This promise promises an epic one-on-1 battle that has clear parallels with Naruto’s last fight with Sasuke. The Naruto manga series ran for 15 years and was full of comic book greats. Of all the duels in the manga’s pages, none were more memorable or influential than the duel between childhood foes, Naruto and Sasuke. This battle would define manga and Borutofans will be able to expect the same. 

The Naruto best battles were not just about competitions of strength and bravado, but were also clashes that had taken a long time to come and were therefore heavy with emotional drama, longstanding grudges and intense rivalry. This was more apparent than in the final battle between Naruto & Sasuke. They had been friends since childhood and were widely regarded as the best at Ninja Academy. Being part of Ninja Team 7, it was easy for their minor differences to grow into hatred as young adults. Sasuke’s obsession with revenge drove him to Konohagakure Village and other questionable characters.

Naruto was more focused on earning the right for the village Hokage. It was not surprising that the two met on the battlefield. They were able to make a lasting connection and each was ready to take on the burden that had been bothering their hearts for years. Although neither side won the battle, it was expensive for Konohagakure and them. The battle brought together the main characters of the story and forced them into a fight to save their world. Based on the time skip at the beginning of the Boruto next Generations series Naruto’s younger brother Boruto will be fighting Kawaki in a similar climactic battle.

This is a crucial battle, and will be heavily influenced in part by the long-standing problems between the two rivals. It will also make it the highlight of the story. Boruto is Naruto by blood. Kawaki, however, was adopted by Naruto. He treated him as a family member. Although Kawaki is eventually a vital member of the family, the flash forward suggests that he cannot escape the past. This past includes the abuses he suffered as a child by his biological father. Then, at the hands his adoptive father, Kawaki was turned into a vessel for Isshiki Oksutsuki. He is a member the same clan as Momoshiki Ozsutsuki (of which Boruto is a vessel).

 The battle between Boruto and Kawaki will mirror the Naruto-versus-Sasuke fight from a variety of angles. The first is the sibling rivalry that has existed for years between the boys, which is similar to the ongoing competition between Naruto & Sasuke. The battle is supposed to end the tensions that have been brewing between the opponents. It was the determination of who is the best Ninja in Naruto. Boruto’s purpose is to determine whether Momoshiki and Isshiki are true and future leaders for clan Otsuki .

The flash-forward shows that there is destruction. This will, in turn, impact the survival and future of the world. Boruto made a bold move, letting readers know the outcome from the beginning. He used Naruto’s clash with Sasuke to tease , where Boruto is heading. As they get closer to their battle, the echo of Naruto‘s epic clash against Sasuke speaks to themes of family and heritage that have made Boruto Next Generations such an exciting continuation of the story.

In the first episode Boruto announced that the fight between Boruto versus Kawaki would be the most important in the entire series. As it appears now, Boruto versus Kawaki will be the series’ version the Naruto-versus Sasuke fight. While we don’t yet know the outcome of the fight, we can still analyze the characters to determine which fighter is the best at the moment. 

Boruto is currently stronger than Kawaki at the moment. Kawaki is a formidable shinobi but Boruto is more experienced than Kawaki and has more powerful techniques due to his father Naruto. It is not clear how the balance of power will change at the end, but Boruto is the main character of the show and is more powerful than Kawaki in the future. This article will expand on the above-mentioned answer as we compare Boruto to Kawaki. You will see which one is stronger. We will also explain why we believe this answer is true.

Also Read:Kawaki Boruto : Everything You Need To Know


Boruto inherits his father’s immense chakra reserves and is able create four shadow-clones, even though he has had much of his chakra absorbed by himself. Boruto also inherited the Otsuki’s power and, because he is Byakugan user, was able communicate with the spirit of Momoshiki Otsuki. He is an exceptional master of chakra control. After only a few days training, he was able perform one-handed mudras with the Rasengan and then instinctively refined and improved the technique. Boruto’s speed is exceptional, and he can quickly pass his opponents without being noticed. Boruto demonstrated a high level of skill in taijutsu.

He was able to mount unstoppable attacks using coordinated strikes from all his limbs. He was a Hyuga descendant and learned basic Juken skills, but he couldn’t target enemy tenketsu without a Byakugan. He is also strong and can deliver strikes that are powerful enough to shatter the ground. Kawaki is a specialist in close combat. He is agile and coordinated and uses the environment to launch himself at his opponent. He can then unleash a torrent of punches using each of his limbs. He is also resilient. Even though he was tired before, he was able endure Garo’s assault and fight back despite his condition. 

Later, Kawaki proved to be proficient at the use of a bo and was able match Boruto in swordsmanship. Kawaki was marked with Isshiki Otsuki’s Kama. This Kama had been given to him by the Otsuki in the hope that it would become his receptacle. Kawaki can activate the mark at will thanks to Jigen’s training. However, it sometimes activates without his control. When activated, it can absorb chakra from any target and cause large-scale explosions.

The mark can cause his body to heat up and may lead to him losing consciousness. They can create a space-time gap by synchronizing their Kama and Boruto to allow them to enter different dimensions. While both Kawaki (and Boruto) are great fighters, at this stage, we believe that Boruto is the better fighter. Boruto, on the other hand, has more experience and training that Kawaki. He is also a shinobi. PointsBoruto 1 Kawaki 0


Boruto was able to create shadow clones before he entered the Academy. He could coordinate his attacks with them to make it difficult for a chunin or even a Jonin. Boruto was initially unable to see his clones in order to get them to work. His father taught him many sexy techniques. Although he was initially unsuccessful in learning the Rasengan, Boruto learned how to make a smaller version with two hands under Konohamaru’s supervision, and then grow it to normal size with one hand. He signed a contract to Garaga when he visited the Ryuchi Cave. This allowed him to summon the giant serpent whenever and wherever he wanted. He also developed a kinship to snakes and was able to help any snake he wanted.

He is also able to perform fuinjutsu or cooperative ninjutsu. This allows him to use both to limit a person’s movement and increase his attack power with other users. He began learning ninjutsu from the Seventh Hokage after he moved to Konoha. He is proficient in chakra manipulation and shurikenjutsu. He can also perform advanced techniques, such as Multi Cloning and Katon, with just one hand. He was also able to use the few skills he had for creating cunning traps with great creativity.

Каваки смог обнаружить способность Оцуки инстинктивно скрывать свою подпись чакры. Как и в предыдущей категории, здесь также вступает в игру формальное обучение Боруто. Боруто является победителем в этой категории, потому что Каваки не шиноби, как Боруто.

ОчкиБоруто 2 Каваки 1


Боруто начал активировать Джогана в правом глазу бессознательно в возрасте восьми лет. Это было вызвано пророческим сном Тонери Оцуки и появлением Нуэ. Глаз первоначально активировался инстинктивно во времена большой опасности, но некоторое время он оставался в спящем состоянии, пока Момосики Оцуки не вывел его наружу. Ему было 16 лет, когда он активировал его самостоятельно. Он может чувствовать вещи, которые невидимы невооруженным глазом через додзюцу. Боруто может чувствовать поток чакр.

Это позволяет ему обнаруживать изменения в своей чакре и отслеживать цель через свою чакру. Он может видеть ключевые точки чакр и кровеносной системы, а также невидимые барьеры между измерениями. Карма и уникальные способности этого Кэккэй Гэнкая позволяют Каваки проявить Додзюцу Иссики Оцуки. Дайкокутен позволяет ему извлекать объекты, хранящиеся в другом измерении. Он также может атаковать своих противников с высокой скоростью с помощью очень тяжелых кубиков или брусьев. Каваки не в состоянии использовать технику глаз в полной мере, в отличие от Иссики.

He can only display four bars instead of the eight that Isshiki could. Boruto is the most powerful Dojutsu user, but Kawaki’s ability and speed with which he learns new techniques cannot be overlooked. We have decided to split the points in this category because it is fair considering all the circumstances. PointsBoruto 3 Kawaki1


Боруто, хотя он часто беззаботен до такой степени, что его можно воспринимать как ленивого и немотивированного, является умным человеком, который умеет приспосабливаться к новым ситуациям. Он очень похож на своего отца, но проявляет необычайную изобретательность, используя мультиклонирование для создания сложных стратегий. Тем не менее, он может использовать только четыре клона, поэтому он отображает его тонко. Хотя он предпочитал прямой подход к бою, он смог приспособиться к сложным финтам, неправильным направлениям и другим тактикам, что позволило ему победить Иваби, Момосики и других. Он также способен использовать слабости и недостатки своих врагов, которые лежат в его сердце.

Он доказал свою способность решать сложные задачи, используя собственные методы. Иноджин сказал, что у него есть природный талант к этому. Он также был единственным студентом, который успешно сдал письменный экзамен своих выпускных экзаменов без обмана и получил идеальную оценку. Боруто также может использовать навыки других, чтобы создать стратегию и сделать лучшее из своих союзников. Ао, ветеран деревни Кири и известный джонин с многолетним опытом и мощными кибернетическими инструментами, был побежден хитрой тактикой Боруто в бою. Каваки не ниндзя, но он очень умный боец, который прошел строгую боевую подготовку от Дзигэна, как вооруженного, так и безоружного, чтобы изучить его различные техники.

He was capable of destroying dangerous robot puppets in the past. He has the mental power to kill Team Konohamaru in one attack. If Boruto hadn’t tapped into his Kama and absorbed it. Delta openly praises Kawaki for his power. Kawaki could be an amazing shinobi if taught ninjutsu, in addition to his Kama or Ninja Artifact. Boruto appears to be more focused in this category than his father, but Kawaki’s amazing skills mean that we must – ultimately – give him the last point. PointsBoruto 3 Kawaki2


Как мы и ожидали, цифры подтверждают, что Боруто сильнее обоих Узумаки, основываясь на их текущих способностях и методах. Это естественно, так как Боруто Узумаки имеет больше опыта, чем Каваки, и обладает большей силой. Он также может использовать силы кланов Оцустуки и Узумаки.

Каваки — опытный боец и быстро обучаемый шиноби, но еще не на том же уровне. Таким образом, Боруто является победителем. Мы все еще должны рассмотреть будущую сцену в Боруто, где Боруто сталкивается с гораздо более сильным Каваки. Мы не знаем исхода битвы, но верим, что она будет близка. Боруто по-прежнему наш фаворит, потому что он главный герой шоу и, кажется, обречен спасти его.