Captain Black Clover is a popular manga and anime series created by Hiro Mashima. The series follows the adventures of a young boy named Clover as he navigates his way through life in a world where people are controlled by an unknown force. The captain of the black clover unit is one of the most powerful characters in the series. He is a skilled fighter and has a strong sense of justice. He is also one of the most mysterious characters in the series, and few know who he really is. Who is Captain Black Clover? Captain Black Clover is a powerful character who has played an important role in many episodes of the manga and anime series. He first appears in episode 2, and has since appeared in every episode since. The captain is known for his skills as a fighter, as well as his ability to use magic. He has been shown to be able to fight on equal footing with other characters, and even defeat them if they are not prepared for it. He also has a strong sense of justice, which can be seen in many episodes where he takes action against those who wrongfully use or hurt others. In some cases, he even goes so far as to take revenge on those who have hurt him or his unit.

Incluso antes de que se introdujeran conceptos como Mana Zone, el poder basado en la magia de Black Clover y la variedad que ofrece hacen que sea difícil comparar las fortalezas de los capitanes. Es aún más difícil porque estos personajes han aprendido nuevas técnicas y han crecido desde el comienzo de la serie.

Aquí están los Capitanes del Escuadrón del Caballero Mágico del Trébol Negro, clasificados por poder de combate.

También te puede interesar: Yuno vs asta: ¿QUIÉN GANARÍA?



Although the magic of the Coral Peacock captain is certainly useful for trapping, it has little combat viability.

Dorothy will not be able fight off her opponent if they resist her Dream Magic. She is therefore the weakest captain in direct combat.


Rill’s Paint Magic has more combat viability that Dorothy’s but it is still best used as a support role during the Spade Kingdom Raid. The Aqua Deer captain has still some strengths and options for direct combat.

Although Rill is not the strongest, his combat prowess and magic make him far more than Black Clover weakest captain.


Charlotte Roselei’s Briar Magic provides a balanced mix of support and combat skills. It is due to her blue-and-red rose magic that allows her to use anti curse magic and prioritise fighting power.

Blue Rose Knights Captain is not an expert in combat or support. Her skills in both areas make her an above-average captain.


Jack, un capitán de Trébol Negro que usa Slash Magic, es el único que parece ser capaz de concentrarse en la ofensiva. A pesar de su reclamo de fama, Green Mantis Captain está muy por debajo de los capitanes mejor clasificados.

Jack simplemente no puede compararse con los otros capitanes, independientemente de si Jack usa magia natural o tiene una cierta habilidad.


El capitán del Escuadrón Águila Plateada es posiblemente el capitán más equilibrado del Trébol Negro. Puedes usar tu Magia de Mercurio de muchas maneras. Desde la creación de fortalezas o barreras defensivas hasta la creación de una multitud de armas masivas.

A pesar de sus habilidades sobresalientes en ambos campos, la falta de especialización en combate de Nozel lo deja detrás de los otros capitanes en esta lista.


El bermellón fuegoleón, a pesar de estar en coma durante casi la mitad de la historia hasta ahora, es uno de los capitanes de combate más poderosos. Su Magia de Fuego es extremadamente poderosa y peligrosa.

El capitán del Escuadrón del León Carmesí también está equipado con la Salamandra Espíritu de Fuego. Esto significa que puede realizar habilidades mágicas espirituales y mágicas de fuego.


William Vangeance, capitán de Amanecer Dorado es sin duda el mejor Escuadrón de Caballeros Mágicos en Black Clover. Su Magia del Árbol del Mundo también es increíblemente poderosa.

La magia ofensiva de Vangeance es casi inigualable. Puede cultivar muchos árboles en un área grande y manipularlos libremente. El árbol puede ser moldeado en diferentes formas y trampas por el hombre, lo que permite una gran flexibilidad ofensiva y creatividad.

World Tree Magic ofrece muchas características de apoyo, pero su potencial de combate es la atracción principal.


Los próximos capítulos pueden sugerir lo contrario, pero Yami Sukehiro es actualmente el segundo capitán más fuerte de Black Clover. El corte interdimensional es posible gracias a su Magia Oscura y su habilidad con el juego de espadas y katana.

El capitán de los Black Bulls está armado con una experiencia de combate de por vida, además de su poderosa magia. Esto ha llevado a la velocidad extrema, la fuerza y la resistencia, así como al juego de la espada.

Yami también usa Mana Zone y Ki, que es una combinación rara entre los capitanes. Crean una zona peligrosa de percepción extrasensorial alrededor de su cuerpo.


Esto puede cambiar en un futuro cercano, pero el ex capitán de Crimson Lions sigue siendo el jugador más fuerte de Black Clover en este momento.

Mereoleona Vermillion ha sido llamada la humana más fuerte del Reino del Trébol. Su conexión de maná se vio fortalecida por el tiempo que pasó en la naturaleza, lo que aumentó sus reservas y aumentó su fuerza en la zona de maná.

Mereoleona tiene un nivel sobrehumano de velocidad, fuerza y resistencia, que está más allá de su magia.

Mereoleona ha sido el único capitán en derrotar a Lucifero dos veces. Incluso enemigos y demonios le han dado cumplidos.



Mereoleona es una mujer que tiene el pelo largo y ondulado. Tiene marcas rojas alrededor de los ojos, al igual que sus hermanos. Y, al igual que Leopold, tiene caninos afilados.

Mereoleona lleva una túnica de color claro, sobre la que tiene una camisa de manga larga con cuello alto. Las rayas verticales también se aplican al cuello y las mangas de la parte superior. Meleoleona tiene un cinturón que usa alrededor de su cintura para mantenerlo todo junto. Lleva pantalones de color claro, y ella sobre él, un vestido largo rojo que cubre todo su cuerpo.

Mereoleona, miembro de la Compañía del León Ardiente, lleva la capa de marca registrada de la compañía que cubre su torso. Está terminado con una bufanda y está adornado con patrones intrincados. La bufanda tiene un par de cuerdas que sobresalen de ella. Los extremos y el cuello de la capa están decorados con piedras. El logotipo de la empresa se encuentra en la parte posterior de la capa.


Mereoleona es una mujer explosiva e impulsiva. Mereoleona también parece dar mucho valor al honor y el poder de su empresa. Cuando el León Llameante se coloca quinto, ella regaña a sus empleados y amenaza con golpear a Leopold Vermillion si él responde.

Los magos de su compañía le temen y la obedecen sin ninguna protesta. Los capitanes de otras compañías también la obedecen sin cuestionarla.

Mereoleona es una astuta, a pesar de su personalidad hostil y su carácter explosivo. Ella sabe cómo motivar a los demás a pesar de que acaba de conocerlos.


Mereoleona era la hija mayor de la Casa Vermillion.

Después del intento de asesinato de su hermano Fuegoleon Vermillion, y los comas subsiguientes, Mereoleona asume su posición como capitana de Flaming Lion. A petición de Julius Novachrono, asiste a la ceremonia de entrega de premios. [3]

Después de que el León Ardiente toma el quinto lugar, Mereoleona los reprende duramente por renunciar a Fuegoleon Vermillion. Ella decide que todos tendrán que ir a las aguas termales. [11] [12] Después de la opinión de Asta sobre el campamento, Mereoleona la agarra con una ardiente Pata de León y lo invita a unirse a ellos. Yuno deja pasar la oportunidad, pero ella también la aprovecha, porque quiere presenciar el poder de los dos nuevos más poderosos. [13]

As Yami Sukehiro congratulates her, Mereoleona appears and taunts Asta, Yuno, and Charlotte Roselei. She also grabs Noelle Silva title=”Noelle Silva”>Noelle Silva and drags them away. She also grabbed passing Charlotte Roselei, and Noelle Silva before she left. They all went to Volcano Mountain of Volcanoes. [14]

They are encouraged to climb the mountain and enjoy the hot springs, but neither one is enthusiastic about the idea. Then, she kicks Asta and Leopold, who are distracted. [16]

Mereoleona comments to Noelle that she has changed, and encourages her to be like her mother. Mereoleona advises Asta to rest, as he lacks magic and the will to climb the mountain. She assumes that Asta arrived at the second location by accident and may have become Emperor-Mage accidentally. Asta is determined to keep going despite his disagreement. [17] But, he is unable to come up with a solution. Mereoleon threatens to send him home. He is left to his own devices after she leaves. [18]

After accessing his Anti Magic and losing control over his transformation, he rushes to the top the volcano, where Mereoleona waits for him. He tells her to get off his back, so she releases her mana. She points out that lionesses can be huntresses, and she jumps high into the air to Asta’s right, landing a punch that sends her flying into a rock. He compliments her on how much he looks better and she tells him to get his clothes off so he can soak in the hot springs. [19]

Mereoleona disperses everyone who has not reached the top by sunset and invites others to relax in the hot springs. Sol Marron divides the spring into two. The women then take a bath on one side and undress the other. Mereoleona enjoys sake while she bathes. Charlotte refuses to drink it, which she finds offensive. Mereoleona is left confused when the latter falls asleep after thinking about Yami naked. [20] Mereoleona is struck by Noelle’s resemblance to her mother Steel. She compares them, pointing out Steel’s strength and Noelle’s weaknesses. But, she also points out that her mother will be surpassed by her own strength. [21]

Mereoleona bursts into Black Bull’s headquarters several days later after the Royal Knights Selection Examination. She presents Yami with an alcoholic gift and grabs Noelle, Asta, and Luck Voltia. Mereoleona informs all Royal Knights at the Royal City that she will be their Captain. Mereoleona then notices someone missing. Zora Ideale, the former, bursts in to attack her. He manages to stop her which impresses her. [22]

Later, when the Twilight Evil Eye attacked her lair, she chose Asta and Zora as her companions and rushed into the heap, easily defeating all her opponents. She burns the Astas she sees to determine which one is real. The fake Asta used water magic to protect herself, while the real Asta canceled her magic. She will confront Ryah, the fake. After resisting all his attacks, she continues to hit him and easily defeats him. Asta intervenes when he is about to explode, and Mereoleona takes offense to the young knight-mage.



Fire Magic Mereoleona uses fire magic to manipulate the element.  [23] [24] Mereoleona’s flame magic, which is something she masters well, allows her to use great power. She is able not only to be a company Captain, but she also has the ability to resist 5 elven spirits that took control of knight-mages, including Rill and Ryah, who are both members of the third eye.


Increíble Poder Mágico: Mereoleona, un noble y capitán de la Compañía de Caballeros Magos, posee un increíble poder mágico.  [9] [25] La velocidad de Alta Velocidad de Mereoleona es impresionante, ya que ella puede incapacitar a Asta mientras él está en su transformación demoníaca parcial.  [26] Gran fuerza: Mereoleona es un luchador fuerte y puede enviar a Asta volando por el aire, estrellándose contra una roca, mientras está en forma demoníaca parcial.  [27]


Grimorio: Mereona tiene un Grimorio, que es del Reino del Trébol y contiene hechizos de Magia de Fuego


Mereoleona ante Acier Silva (varias veces no visto): Derrotas Mereoleona contra Ryah: Victoria (pero Asta interviene para evitar que Ryah explote).

title: “Who Is The Strongest Captain In Black Clover? Everything You Need To Know” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-14” author: “April Morrow”

Captain Black Clover is a popular manga and anime series created by Hiro Mashima. The series follows the adventures of a young boy named Clover as he navigates his way through life in a world where people are controlled by an unknown force. The captain of the black clover unit is one of the most powerful characters in the series. He is a skilled fighter and has a strong sense of justice. He is also one of the most mysterious characters in the series, and few know who he really is. Who is Captain Black Clover? Captain Black Clover is a powerful character who has played an important role in many episodes of the manga and anime series. He first appears in episode 2, and has since appeared in every episode since. The captain is known for his skills as a fighter, as well as his ability to use magic. He has been shown to be able to fight on equal footing with other characters, and even defeat them if they are not prepared for it. He also has a strong sense of justice, which can be seen in many episodes where he takes action against those who wrongfully use or hurt others. In some cases, he even goes so far as to take revenge on those who have hurt him or his unit.

Incluso antes de que se introdujeran conceptos como Mana Zone, el poder basado en la magia de Black Clover y la variedad que ofrece hacen que sea difícil comparar las fortalezas de los capitanes. Es aún más difícil porque estos personajes han aprendido nuevas técnicas y han crecido desde el comienzo de la serie.

Aquí están los Capitanes del Escuadrón del Caballero Mágico del Trébol Negro, clasificados por poder de combate.

También te puede interesar: Yuno vs asta: ¿QUIÉN GANARÍA?

EL CAPITAÍN MÁS FUERTE EN TRÉBOL NEGRO: RANKING DE LOS CAPITANES MÁS PODEROSOS¡Cada Capitán Caballero Mágico CLASIFICADO de Más Débil a Más Fuerte! (Trébol Negro) porAnimeUproar


Although the magic of the Coral Peacock captain is certainly useful for trapping, it has little combat viability.

Dorothy will not be able fight off her opponent if they resist her Dream Magic. She is therefore the weakest captain in direct combat.


Rill’s Paint Magic has more combat viability that Dorothy’s but it is still best used as a support role during the Spade Kingdom Raid. The Aqua Deer captain has still some strengths and options for direct combat.

See also

Yuno vs asta: WHO WOULD WIN ?

Although Rill is not the strongest, his combat prowess and magic make him far more than Black Clover weakest captain.


Charlotte Roselei’s Briar Magic provides a balanced mix of support and combat skills. It is due to her blue-and-red rose magic that allows her to use anti curse magic and prioritise fighting power.

Blue Rose Knights Captain is not an expert in combat or support. Her skills in both areas make her an above-average captain.


Jack, a Black Clover captain who uses Slash Magic, is the only one who seems to be able to focus on offense. Despite his claim to fame, Green Mantis Captain is far below the top-ranked captains.

Jack is simply not able to compare with the other captains, regardless of whether Jack uses natural magic or has a certain skill.


The Silver Eagle Squad captain is arguably the most balanced Black Clover captain. You can use your Mercury Magic in many ways. From creating defensive fortresses or barriers to creating a multitude massive weapons.

Despite his outstanding skills in both fields Nozel’s lack combat specialization leaves him behind the other captains on this list.

See also

Yuno vs asta: WHO WOULD WIN ?


Fuegoleon vermillion, despite being in a coma for almost half of the story so far, is one the most powerful combat captains. His Fire Magic is extremely powerful and dangerous.

The Crimson Lion Squad captain is also equipped with the Fire Spirit Salamander. This means that he can perform both Spirit Magical and Fire Magical abilities.


William Vangeance, captain of Golden Dawn is undoubtedly the best Magic Knight Squad in Black Clover. His World Tree Magic is also incredibly powerful.

Vangeance’s offensive magic is nearly unmatched. He can grow many trees in a large area and manipulate them freely. The tree can be molded into different shapes and traps by the man, which allows for great offensive flexibility and creativity.

World Tree Magic offers many support features, but its combat potential is the main attraction.


upcoming chapters may suggest otherwise, but Yami Sukehiro is currently Black Clover’s second-strongest captain. Interdimensional slashing is possible thanks to his Dark Magic and his skill with swordplay and katana.

The Black Bulls captain is armed with a lifetime worth of combat experience, in addition to his powerful magic. This has led to extreme speed, strength and stamina as well as swordplay.

See also

Yuno vs asta: WHO WOULD WIN ?

Yami also uses Mana Zone, and Ki, which is a rare combination among captains. They create a dangerous zone of extrasensory perception around his body.


This may change in the near future, but the former captain of Crimson Lions remains the strongest Black Clover player right now.

Mereoleona Vermillion has been called the Clover Kingdom’s strongest human. Her mana connection was strengthened by her time spent in nature, which boosted her reserves and increased her Mana zone strength.

Mereoleona has a superhuman level of speed, strength and stamina, which is beyond her magic.

Mereoleona has been the only captain to defeat Lucifero twice. Even enemies and devils have given her compliments.



Mereoleona is a woman who has long, wavy hair. She has red marks around her eyes, just like her brothers. And, like Leopold has sharp canines.

Mereoleona wears a light-colored tunic, over which she has a long-sleeved shirt featuring a high collar. Vertical stripes are also applied to the collar and sleeves of the top. Meleoleona has a belt that she wears around her waist to keep it all together. She wears light-colored pants, and she over it, a long red gown that covers her entire body.

See also

Yuno vs asta: WHO WOULD WIN ?

Mereoleona, a member of the Company of the Blazing Lion wears the company’s trademark cloak which covers her torso. It is finished with a scarf and is embellished with intricate patterns. The scarf has a pair of ropes that protrude from it. The cape’s ends and neck are decorated with stones. The company logo is located at the back of the cape.


Mereoleona is an explosive, impulsive woman. Mereoleona also seems to place a lot of value on the honor and power of her company. When the Flaming Lion is placed fifth, she scolds her employees and threatens to punch Leopold Vermillion if he replies.

Her company’s mages fear her, and they obey her without any protest. The captains of other companies also obey her without question.

Mereoleona is a shrewd, despite her hostile personality and explosive character. She knows how to motivate others even though she’s just met them.


Mereoleona was the eldest child of House Vermillion.

After the attempted assassination of her brother Fuegoleon Vermillion, and the ensuing comas, Mereoleona assumes her position as captain for Flaming Lion. At the request of Julius Novachrono, she attends The Awards Ceremony. [3]

See also

Yuno vs asta: WHO WOULD WIN ?

After the Blazing Lion takes fifth place, Mereoleona harshly reprimands them for giving up Fuegoleon Vermillion. She decides that everyone will have to go to the hot springs. [11] [12] After Asta’s opinion about the camp, Mereoleona grabs her with a fiery Lion’s Paw and invites him to join them. Yuno lets the opportunity slip by, but she grabs it as well, because she wants to witness the power of the two most powerful new ones. [13]

As Yami Sukehiro congratulates her, Mereoleona appears and taunts Asta, Yuno, and Charlotte Roselei. She also grabs Noelle Silva title=”Noelle Silva”>Noelle Silva and drags them away. She also grabbed passing Charlotte Roselei, and Noelle Silva before she left. They all went to Volcano Mountain of Volcanoes. [14]

They are encouraged to climb the mountain and enjoy the hot springs, but neither one is enthusiastic about the idea. Then, she kicks Asta and Leopold, who are distracted. [16]

Mereoleona comments to Noelle that she has changed, and encourages her to be like her mother. Mereoleona advises Asta to rest, as he lacks magic and the will to climb the mountain. She assumes that Asta arrived at the second location by accident and may have become Emperor-Mage accidentally. Asta is determined to keep going despite his disagreement. [17] But, he is unable to come up with a solution. Mereoleon threatens to send him home. He is left to his own devices after she leaves. [18]

See also

Yuno vs asta: WHO WOULD WIN ?

After accessing his Anti Magic and losing control over his transformation, he rushes to the top the volcano, where Mereoleona waits for him. He tells her to get off his back, so she releases her mana. She points out that lionesses can be huntresses, and she jumps high into the air to Asta’s right, landing a punch that sends her flying into a rock. He compliments her on how much he looks better and she tells him to get his clothes off so he can soak in the hot springs. [19]

Mereoleona disperses everyone who has not reached the top by sunset and invites others to relax in the hot springs. Sol Marron divides the spring into two. The women then take a bath on one side and undress the other. Mereoleona enjoys sake while she bathes. Charlotte refuses to drink it, which she finds offensive. Mereoleona is left confused when the latter falls asleep after thinking about Yami naked. [20] Mereoleona is struck by Noelle’s resemblance to her mother Steel. She compares them, pointing out Steel’s strength and Noelle’s weaknesses. But, she also points out that her mother will be surpassed by her own strength. [21]

See also

Yuno vs asta: WHO WOULD WIN ?

Mereoleona irrumpe en la sede de Black Bull varios días después después del Examen de Selección de Caballeros Reales. Ella le presenta a Yami un regalo alcohólico y agarra a Noelle, Asta y Luck Voltia. Mereoleona informa a todos los Caballeros Reales de la Ciudad Real que ella será su Capitana. Mereoleona luego nota que alguien falta. Zora Ideale, la primera, irrumpe para atacarla. Él logra detenerla, lo que la impresiona. [22]

Más tarde, cuando el Mal de Ojo Crepúsculo atacó su guarida, eligió a Asta y Zora como sus compañeras y se precipitó hacia el montón, derrotando fácilmente a todos sus oponentes. Ella quema los Astas que ve para determinar cuál es real. La falsa Asta usó magia de agua para protegerse, mientras que la verdadera Asta canceló su magia. Ella se enfrentará a Ryah, el falso. Después de resistir todos sus ataques, ella continúa golpeándolo y lo derrota fácilmente. Asta interviene cuando está a punto de explotar, y Mereoleona se ofende con el joven caballero-mago.



Fire Magic Mereoleona utiliza magia de fuego para manipular el elemento.  [23] [24]La magia de las llamas de Mereoleona, que es algo que domina bien, le permite usar un gran poder. Ella es capaz no solo de ser una capitana de la compañía, sino que también tiene la capacidad de resistir a 5 espíritus élficos que tomaron el control de los caballeros magos, incluidos Rill y Ryah, que son miembros del tercer ojo.

Ver también

Yuno vs asta: ¿QUIÉN GANARÍA?


Increíble Poder Mágico: Mereoleona, un noble y capitán de la Compañía de Caballeros Magos, posee un increíble poder mágico.  [9] [25]La velocidad de Alta Velocidad de Mereoleona es impresionante, ya que ella puede incapacitar a Asta mientras él está en su transformación demoníaca parcial.  [26]Gran fuerza: Mereoleona es un luchador fuerte y puede enviar a Asta volando por el aire, estrellándose contra una roca, mientras está en forma demoníaca parcial.  [27]


Grimorio: Mereona tiene un Grimorio, que es del Reino del Trébol y contiene hechizos de Magia de Fuego


Mereoleona ante Acier Silva (varias veces no visto): DerrotasMereoleona contra Ryah: Victoria (pero Asta interviene para evitar que Ryah explote). Mereoleona vs Ryah (elfo), Paulie (elfo), Rubén, (elfo), Lira (derrota) (pero Asta (y Zora) intervienen para repeler su hechizo combinado).