Sinpei Adziro is a young artist from Summer Time Rendering. He has been painting and drawing since he was a child, and his work has been exhibited in Japan and abroad. His latest work, “Summertime Rendering,” is a series of paintings that explore the beauty of summertime landscapes.


Шинпэй, молодой человек со средней длиной волос и голубыми глазами, является пожилым мужчиной. Большую часть времени он носит шорты и синюю рубашку.



Shinpei returns to Hitogashima after two years’ absence for Ushio’s funeral. He dreams of her asking him if he can help Mio. Mio welcomes him on the island and they have a conversation about various topics. Sou, his friend, tells him that Ushio saved Shiori’s life by saving her from drowning. But she drowned.

Sou contacts Shinpei that evening. He explained that while the rumour about his father performing an autopsy on Ushio was false, they did find strangler markings. Because there was no one around to suspect her death, they referred it as an incident.

Shinpei was a helper at Kofune’s dinner the following day. Shinpei is asked by Nakamura, an intoxicated man, if he has found a woman wearing the glasses he was looking for. Shinpei believes that he mistook Shinpei to be another person. Tetsu’s police officer arrives to inform him that the entire Kobayakawa clan has disappeared. Shinpei is with Mio as she runs. Mio finally meets her and tells her that Shiori had just seen a girl like her about a week before. Ginjiro Neo is an old hunter who tells them that there’s a shadow.

Shadow sickness patients see their shadows, and then are killed by them. Shadow sickness is a form of victim, where the shadow kills all family members. It was a common disease that affected many people. Many went to Hito shrine to cleanse their bodies. Mio claims she saw Ushio’s shadow three days prior to Ushio’s death. Shinpei visits the shrine to learn more about shadows. Mio spots Shiori among the forest, even though the shrine is closed.

They chase after Shiori. They are unable to find Shiori, but they hear a gunshot. The pair then spot a woman wearing glasses that have been broken. Mio then runs to Shinpei and the woman tries to tell Shinpei some information. She is then shot in the head. Shinpei takes Mio hostage and sees her with a gun. Shinpei and Mio then are shot by the other Mio. Shinpei awakens at the boat where he first saw the woman in the glasses.

Shinpei sees that Mio has a damaged wire on his bike and decides to rehash the day. Shinpei takes a walk after preparing dinner. He wonders if anyone tried killing Mio. He then meets Tetsu who sees Mio standing in front of him. Mio uses a kitchen knife to kill him, creating a shadow that transforms into Tetsu. Shinpei realizes that she is also an Shadow.

She then takes Tetsu’s gun and explains to him that she couldn’t kill Mio. Shinpei calls Sou and reveals Mio to him. Shinpei is killed before she understands why she cannot make a copy. Shinpei is found traveling and wakes up on Hitogashima, July 22nd.

Shinpei tries to stop Mio from falling into the water, but Mio falls in and jumps in. He relives the same incident and calls Tetsu, reporting a fake fight in an effort to keep Shadow Mio from getting hurt. He placed his phone in front the house and began recording. He shows Mio the footage the next morning. He explained that she can see the Shadow in the video. This Shadow is supposed to kill Mio. Shinpei claims he saw Ushio’s Shadow. Mio speculates that Ushio might have been killed by Shadow.

Mio claims Shiori saw her Shadow, and Shinpei decides that he will travel alone to Kobayakawa. As he closes off the Koba Mart, he meets Shiomi. Shiomi decides that he will visit the Kobayakawa family. They arrive at the Kobayakawa family’s home to find the TV turned on and the table unaltered. Shinpei spots black strains, while Shiomi searches for Shiori. These are the marks of Shadow, he realizes.

He climbs up to Shiori’s second floor. But he can see Shiori behind him and creates another shadow. He realizes that Shiori was a Shadow and is suffering from shadow sickness. Shiori flees when Shiomi arrives. Shinpei sets out to find the woman with glasses, but fails.

Shinpei goes back to Kofune’s Diner in order to meet Tetsu. But Shinpei behaves differently and realizes that Tetsu is not his shadow. Shinpei is given Shinpei’s cellphone by Tetsu, who tells Shinpei to give it Shinpei in case anything happens. Shinpei meets Sou, and they decide to share everything. They decide to visit Hiruko shrine tomorrow because it is safer. Shinpei spots Ushio and runs after her. Shinpei follows Ushio to the beach, and he sees her standing in the water.

At first, he believes she is a ghost. But her talking style and behavior make him think she may have returned from the dead. Ushio then attends the festival. Shinpei tells Ushio to hide, because everyone thinks she’s dead. He then tells her she can’t meet her friends and sends him to the shrine to find them. Shadow Mio appears in front of him as he walks to the shrine. She wonders why he thought she was there.

Shinpei is captured and flashed by Shadow Shinpei who makes Shinpei realize they will have his last memories. Shadow Shinpei informs Shadow Mio Shinpei that Shinpei is able to loop, but cannot do so willingly. He asks Shadow Mio not to kill him. Shadow Shinpei goes with Shinpei’s friends and leaves Shinpei. Shinepi tries to stop him, but Mio breaks Shinepi’s arm. Mio says it’s futile to fight, as Mother will soon wake. Hizuru appears and blows Mio’s skull using a shotgun. Then, she shoots her shadow to the death.

Hizuru introduces herself to Ryunosuke Nakumo and tells Shinpei she is there for them. Hizuru spots a shadow approaching Shinpei and pulls her towards her. Hizuru spots Ushio running uphill. Hizuru explained that shadows were the flat shadows on the ground. They hate being stepped upon. Shadows eat human data, but must consume the human to taste it. Shinpei and Hizuru see a flashing light going uphill. Shinpei goes up to find a massacre in which many people have been killed by shadows.

Shinpei witnesses Tokiko being killed by a shadow and shadow Sou killing Sou, who attempted to protect Mio. Shinpei is captured by a large shadow that recognizes Shinpei’s right eye as one that their Mother lost many years ago. He can control the time by doing this. Shinpei is then told by the shadow that the Demon King must shut off the electricity in order to win. Shinpei can restart his life from a saved point, but not like video games. The shadow then instructs Shinpei to observe him as he turns off the electricity.

Shinpei tries to reach Mio, but the shadow eats Shinpei along with other human beings. The Mother appears in the sky and offers food. Hizuru apologizes for not believing the message earlier. Shinpei, however, says it’s not too late and asks her to shoot Shinpei in the head. He will be returning to July 22nd. Ushio stops the shadow trying to eat them. Hizuru then shoots Shinpei. Shinpei starts floating and Mother notices. He returns in time, and Ushio tells him that his power will be limited and that everyone will perish at the festival.

Shinpei awakens on the 22nd. Shinpei is already on the island and, after meeting Mio he was pulled from the water by her. He sees the extent of what he can do and how his return points keep moving forward. He knows he can’t keep failing as Mio and the other survivors will eventually die. Shinpei decides to do everything the same way, and he goes to the funeral. He and Shiori have the same conversations. He tells Shiori that he had a conversation with a Shadow and that if it happens again, he will run. Asako, Shiori’s mother, questions Shinpei about shadow.

Shinpei however notices that they are already Shadows and explains it to Mio’s grandmother. Shinpei claims that Shadow Mio was born with white panties, but Mio has blue and stripped panties. He questions her about whether she was yesterday with white-colored panties. He confirms it and he realizes that she was copied yesterday. Shinpei continues the funeral and, after the crematorium, Shinpei asks people if they know anything about shadow sickness or Hizuru.

Alain tells him Hizuru is an old friend and gives him a note containing her contact information. Shinpei looks at the note and sees that it is Ryunosuke’s Adrift code. He solves the problem and calls Ginjiro for the number. Ginjiro requests Shinpei to visit the funeral chapel. Shinpei is told to stop and shoot at Shinpei’s shadow. He then attempts to determine if the shadow is human or shadow. Ginjiro confirms that Shinpei is human and invites him to the fourth battery.

Ginjiro then explained that Hizuru must be identified in order to crack the code. But, Hizuru could have copied Ryunosuke. This knowledge is quite remarkable. Shinpei asks Hizuru to sign his autograph and claims that he is Shinpei. Hizuru signs the autograph for Shinpei and asks her to correct any erroneous statements.

Hizuru points out that he didn’t know her name and that asking would be the only way to discover it. Hizuru notes that July 22nd wasn’t his first time with it, and has been repeated many more times. This would suggest that he is a time traveler. Shinpei starts to cry, and then confirms.

Shinpei shares with the shadows his thoughts on the events. Hizuru agrees and explains that her family was killed by a shadow fourteen years ago. Ginjiro claims that shadows seek out all family members. Shinpei starts to worry about Alain when Shinpei realizes why they are after Mio, and him. Hizuru says she killed Alain’s shadow. Ginjiro said that shadows can copy a person and gain immunity. For him, this is true as well. Shinpei asks Hizuru for his assistance in dealing with shadow Mio. Shinpei believes it’s the Kobayakawas.

Shinpei, however, explains that Shiori was at Shiori’s festival. Shinpei believes that Shiori must have escaped Hizuru. She asks them for their help. They then go to the Kobayakawas, where Hizuru tells Shinpei & Ginjiro that they should wait outside. Shinpei is fascinated by the events. Shinpei is told by Ginjiro that Ryunosuke doesn’t have Hizuru’s memories. Shinpei believes Hizuru has a dual personality. Ginjiro confirms it. He said that her brother had died 14 years earlier. The bite marks were merely a distraction from his strangle marks. It was not a crime, she said.

Ryunosuke sent them a text saying that he had killed Asako & Tetsuo. Shiori managed to climb up to the third floor. Shinpei is right and they move on to Plan B. Soon Ryunosuke sent them a text advising that Shiori would escape through the window. Ginjiro starts shooting at Shiori using a nail gun. She was able to overcome him. Shinpei jumps up to tackle Shinori who is waiting around the corner.

Shinpei attempts to escape but Ginjiro pokes at her three times more. Shinpei tells Shinpei to let Shinpei go, because once a shadow is pierced three times, it can’t move. Shinpei questions her about Ushio’s death. Ryunosuke questioned Shiori again and Shiori confirmed her answer.

Shinpei is furious at their actions and asks what they are trying to accomplish. Shiori claims that the end is near, and that she was trying to escape with her family. Shiori claims that she has been reborn Shiori and is now the true Shiori. Shinpei should be a shadow and join her as her big brother. Ryunosuke then kills Shiori. He says that shadows can be fooled if they are spoken to too often.

Ryunosuke introduces herself as Hizuru’s younger brother and explains that he is there for Hizuru when she has to do things she does not like such as interviews. Ryunosuke says Shinpei loves Hizuru’s books. Hizuru takes control and he punches himself. Shinpei calls Hizuru to exchange phones. He tells Shinpei to do the same thing every day, and that he will observe them as shadow Mio arrives.

Shinpei and Hizuru visit the Kofune’s house. Shinpei notices Mio with a bloody knife. But, Mio was actually cooking and had accidentally cut her own onions while she was cutting them. He walks on Mio’s shadow to verify that she isn’t a shadow and tells her to wash her face while he makes curry. He hears Mio’s stomach growl, and assumes she is hungry. He turns and Ushio appears. She confirms that Mio is hungry.

Shinpei is shocked to see Ushio at festival. Shinpei is shocked to hear Ushio say that Shadow-like monsters attacked and killed the festival. Shinpei realizes that Ushio was also involved in the loop. He goes on as usual, but while Mio, Alain and other are gone, Ushio gets sent to his bedroom where he later gives him curry. He wants to kill her, but he first asks her how she got there. Ushio claims she woke up on Omoto beach. She made sure she was not seen by anyone because she is being called “monster”.

Shinpei touches Shinpei’s shadow, which makes Ushio astonished at how it tickled her. Shinpei tells how Ushio loved him so much that he decided to travel to Tokyo. Ushio asked him to prepare his curry the last day on the island. He said he wouldn’t. Shadow Ushio comments that she is glad she was able to taste his curry once again. Shinpei chose to save her. Shinpei tells her about Mio’s shadow, but she has never entered the home before. Soon Mio appears to help with the dishes, while Ushio hides under the blankets.

Shinpei is shocked to see Ushio returning from Mio’s departure. Shinpei notices however that Mio was wearing her school uniform. Shadow Mio attempts to kill him, but Ushio saves her with her own body. Ushio is wounded when Mio stabs her in the shadow. Shinpei challenges Mio, and she opens the curtains to confront her. Ushio questions Shinpei about Shinpei’s protection, knowing that they will not have the chance. Ushio claims it’s because she loves her. Shinpei attacks Mio, who begins to claim she is dead.

Ginjiro then throws her head out the window. Shinpei then stabs Shinpei into the shadow. Shinpei is then told by Ginjiro that she loves Shinpei. Hizuru arrives and wants to kill Ushio. Shinpei interrupts her and asks her to rescue Ushio, as she has already saved him twice. Hizuru listens to her voice and realizes that it is the same message she received. He then takes her outside and shows her the message. Ushio questions Hizuru about his assistance.

Shinpei Ajiro can only save them. Ushio doesn’t remember it. They are puzzled as to how Mio knew they had killed Shiori. Hizuru advises them to leave, and Ushio warns them that it would be too dangerous to stay with him if they refused. Shinpei informs Hizuru that Mio had murdered Shiori the day before, at 3AM near the shrine. He warns Hizuru to be careful as they may send a replacement.

Shinpei works at the restaurant the next day as usual. With Ushio’s cellphone, he leaves Tetsu’s house. Sou tries telling Ushio about Ushio’s death, but Ushio is too ashamed and tells him that it’s the strangle marks. Sou is shocked and they tell him all. Shinpei then gives Ushio her phone. Ushio notices that the password was changed, but her fingerprint unlocks it. This video was taken on the morning she died.

Also Read:Summer Time Rendering Characters : All Characters Ranked And Personality Explained


Shinpei, a Chinese name, means “prudent, careful” (Shen), ( Shin), as well as “flat, wide and level, even peaceful” (“Ping”) ( Hei/ Peni). Shinpei’s surname Ajiro means “network/net” or “Wang” (an_), and “generation (Dai (Shiro/ Jiro).

Summertime rendering was released along with other spring 2022 animated. The plot was quickly a success and it was voted the best animated of spring 2022. Shinpei Ajiro, the protagonist of the story (the island at Awajishima), was a mystery created by shadows. Shinpei, his friend’s murder victim, arrives on the island to learn more about her death. Shinpei dismisses Mio’s deductions and suggests that Ushio was murdered by her doppelganger.

Shinpei begins to help Nezu’s story. He is then killed, or more accurately by Mio’s Doppelganger or “Shadow.” Surprisingly, Shinpei doesn’t die from the fatal blow. Instead, he travels back in time to start a death-based loop. Summertime rendering Viewers have witnessed Shinpei’s ability manipulate time throughout the series. What is the secret to this ability?


Summertime rendering is full of mystery and unanticipated events. The story will be reminiscent of Subaru’s Return by Death ability and Shinpei’s time loop. Shinpei’s ability is more complicated than the former. The shadow mystery begins when Mio confronts Shinpei. Shinpei explains to Mio that Ushio drowned accidentally.

This idea is controversial and causes many questions. Finally, Shinpei’s death at the hands of a mysterious entity resembling Mio confirms it. Shinpei witnessed the Shadow killing Mio in front of him. However, luckily, he could rewind and not be conscious of going back to the past.

Shinpei used his knowledge from his first death in order to warn Mio about the Shadow’s real existence and work with him to defeat it. Episode 2 revealed the true capabilities and abilities of Shadows to Shinpei. These “otherworldly” entities murder their victims and then use their shadows to transform into their exact appearance.

They look exactly like the victims they killed, so it is difficult to tell them apart without knowing their existence. Shinpei was unaware of Shadows’ existence and he was again murdered by them after learning their secret.

Shinpei goes back to the past, just as usual. Shinpei trusts So Hishigata this time and shares the whole shadow story. To avoid being infiltrated, they come up with a unique name that will identify them to the Shadows. In episode 5, their pathetic plan falls apart.

Unbeknownst to them the Shadows gain access to the memory of their victim. Shinpei’s shadow infiltrated their group without them being aware. Shadows were evil entities that seemed to have a sinister purpose and were a threat to Awajishima’s inhabitants. Ushio’s shadow casts doubt on this assumption.

Несмотря на то, что они действуют аналогично оригинальному Усио, зрители начинают задаваться вопросом, действительно ли Тень Усио является Усио в теневой форме. Летний рендеринг представил зрителям тень с несколькими руками. Эта тень, скорее всего, является их боссом и участвует в резне на острове Авадзисима. Его разглагольствования указывали на общую цель Матери, существо, с которым они, скорее всего, сотрудничают. Это было раскрыто в эпизоде 5.

Настоящая личность Тени, боссы и неопределенная цель были раскрыты шоу. Возникает вопрос: «Куда они пришли? Они могли быть изготовленными аберрациями или инопланетянами.


Способность Синпэя к деформации времени, кажется, является изюминкой серии. Синпэй кратко поговорил с Усио в эпизоде 1. Тем не менее, способности Синпэя не были полностью раскрыты, пока он не погиб в битве против Тени Мио. Хотя он считался мертвым, он снова появился на борту корабля, направлявшегося в сторону Авадзисимы. Синпэй изначально пытался отвергнуть свои прошлые действия и смерть как сон. Увидев прошлое, Синпэй понимает, что на самом деле умер и возвращается в прошлое.

Вторая смерть Синпэя подтвердила, что Синпэй смог вернуться в прошлое. Хотя это могло быть случайным или неестественным, он совершил путешествие назад во времени. Тени предположили, что эта способность связана с правым глазом Синпэя. Тень, вооруженная четырьмя руками, показала, что Синпэй родился с правым глазом, который принадлежал Матери. Это подтвердило способность Синпэя видеть сверхъестественно и предположило, что Мать может быть сверхъестественным существом, поскольку у них когда-то были искривляющие время глаза.

Синпэй не удивился, когда его тень поглотила воспоминания Синпэя, и обнаружил, что он дважды путешествовал во времени в разное время.

Последним открытием Синпэя было то, что он может путешествовать в прошлое и менять настоящее по своему желанию. Синпэй был на борту корабля в Авадзисиму, когда его способность путешествовать во времени была впервые активирована. В следующий раз он прибыл на береговую линию и вскоре снова отправился в путь.

Это доказывает, что способности Синпэя не делают его непобедимым. Синпэй в конечном итоге догонит раскрытие Тени и не сможет отменить какие-либо действия. Синпэй был предупрежден Усио, призрачным существом, что его временные способности имеют ограничения и что он не должен использовать их слишком часто. Способность времени остановит тень, независимо от ее слабости.

Синпэй может взять под контроль свой «правый глаз» в конце и удалить тени с временной шкалы. Это возможно. Летний рендеринг предложит зрителям больше в предстоящих эпизодах.