Roy Mustang is a character in the anime and manga series Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. He is a motorcycle racer who becomes a super-hero after saving the life of Jotaro Kujo. Born in the small town of Motomine, Japan, Roy Mustang started racing motorcycles at the age of 10. After winning several races, he decided to become a professional racer. In 1975, he won the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans race on his own motorcycle. In 1978, Roy Mustang met Jotaro Kujo and together they saved Jotaro’s mother from being killed by a group of thugs. The two became friends and began working together as super-heroes known as Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Roy Mustang is voiced by Japanese actor Ryosuke Kaji in English language versions and by American actor Tom Hiddleston in all other versions.Искусство анимации


Рой — молодой, чисто выбритый человек с темными глазами. У Роя темные волосы, которые небрежно неопрятны и падают на глаза. В формальных ситуациях Рой, как известно, держит его аккуратно слизнутым.

Мустанг является большим поклонником элегантного наряда. Он редко носит униформу и иногда надевает другие аксессуары, такие как длинное темное пальто или белые перчатки. Однако, когда он одет в гражданскую одежду, он предпочитает костюм-тройку с черным галстуком. Это может сочетаться с классическими шарфами и начищенной обувью, а также вышеупомянутыми перчатками и пальто. Интересно отметить, что Рой предпочитает темные или нейтральные цвета, такие как черный, коричневый и темно-синий. Это закаляется с минимальным количеством белого.

После событий борьбы Роя с Похотью (Глава 39, Осложнения в Центральном / Эпизод 19, Смерть Неумирающего), у Роя есть небольшой шрам на правой руке, который несет Круг Трансмутации Алхимии Пламени. Большой ожог на левом боку, нижней части живота и живота также от того же события.


Рой кажется поверхностным, погруженным в себя и неисправимым женственником. Он хорошо известен среди своих подчиненных и коллег за эгоистичную, нарциссическую атмосферу, которую он излучает. Столь же высокомерный и гордый, как и его протеже Эдвард, полковник Мустанг действует экстравагантно. Он, кажется, больше озабочен личными интересами, чем филантропией.

Рой рассматривается большинством как дерзкий, ленивый негодяй, который делегирует большинство своих задач подчиненным. Он сидит сложа руки за столом, забавно улыбается и медлит. Но он быстро действует, когда есть военная слава и слава. Рой является мастером-манипулятором и имеет тенденцию думать раньше других. Это дает ему замечательную способность заставлять своих подчиненных делать то, что он хочет, даже если он, кажется, не принимал никаких решений. Все черты, которые являются предметом публичных сплетен.

Roy is also known for being a reckless flirt. It’s been reported that Roy spends most of his time in public with women, cavorting around town, and seducing many servicewomen with the charm, charisma, and good looks of his charming personality. His unpopularity is further exacerbated by the fact that many enlisted men fear being cheated on and having their sweethearts or crushes taken away from them. However, he has never been seen with any women in manga or anime 2009, and any flirtatious encounters he had with them seemed to be nothing but a cover to discreetly share information.

These traits have their place in his personality. However, a lot of his exterior persona could be considered an intentional façade designed to make people unfamiliar with him underestimate his intelligence and abilities. Mustang is an exceptional tactician, well-versed in various strains of combat theory and particularly talented in the realms of surreptitious information-gathering, covert operations and enemy ensnarement.

He is a dedicated commander who is at his core a highly dedicated leader whose primary concern and personal duty is to his subordinates and friends. Mustang, despite his self-importance and cynicism, is a man who cares deeply for those he trusts and supports. He will go to great lengths to ensure their safety, well-being and security, even if it means sacrificing his own. Mustang, a man of considerable power, considers himself to be a protector for those who are not his closest friends and has earned the loyalty of many of them.

His self-imposed protector status has led him to exhibit stubbornness and a fiery temper. Both of these traits have been shown to affect his judgement in certain situations.

Also Read:Who is Riza Hawkeye ? : Everything You Need To Know 



His relationship with Lt. His connection with Lt. Hawkeye is unlike any other. Riza is the daughter of Berthold H Hawkeye who was the one who taught Roy alchemy. Riza has been with Roy since his youth and military careers and has an intimate stake in his decisions. Roy has given Hawkeye the authority to shoot him in his back if he does not follow the righteous path.

They show a genuine concern for each other and a devotion to one another as equals. Roy claims that Riza is “truly sweet” and “truly kind”, but he can often be seen complaining about Hawkeye’s demands and being too strict with him. He loves to tease her, especially when she expresses her affections. Riza can also be tempted to act on impulse when he is in danger.

Although they have not explicitly shown signs of traditional amatory, many scenes show a strong hint at a romantic relationship.


Maes Hughes, Mustang’s best friend since their days at the military academy. He is Roy’s close friend both inside and outside the military. Maes Hughes’ positive personality is a deterrent to Colonel Mustang’s sometimes gloomy disposition. Maes is also a strong secret supporter for Roy’s bid to be Fuhrer. He often gives him inside information from the investigation office at Central Command and even offers him tips on how to realize his dream.

Although Roy treats Hughes with suspicion and anger, Roy becomes obsessed with finding the killer of his friend when Maes is mysteriously killed. In the 2003 anime, Mustang targets the corruption and institution that caused Hughes’ death.


Although Mustang is Edward’s superior officer in the official sense, their relationship is not typical of a professional one. They share a kind of amicable animosity. Roy enjoys teasing Fullmetal, and watching him follow his orders. Ed, on the other hand, takes great pleasure in showing Mustang up when he can. Although their encounters are fraught with an awful lot of mutual dislike, Flame is a good friend and co-conspirator in the secret war against the Homunculi.

Roy first met the boy to help him with the State Alchemist program. He was also a good friend and mentor to Edward. Edward subtly supports Mustang in his secret bid to become the Fuhrer of the country. However, he was concerned about Roy’s hatred and obsession while fighting Envy. Both are very similar in their personalities. They both love to boast about their abilities and will do whatever it takes to protect their loved ones.


After Roy’s parents lost their young children, Roy was raised by Madame Christmas, his paternal aunt and foster mother. Madame Christmas treats Roy with a casual, gruff manner, and a slight ironic tease. She calls him “Roy” even though he is only 30 years old. Madame Christmas seems to trust Mustang a lot. She lets him know about his plans within the military and shares dangerous secrets with her. She is his information source. She promotes fake dates with Mustang’s employees.

Although their conversations allow for a kind of old and comfortable intimacy, they tend to treat one another with sarcasm. His relationship with Madame Mustang is like any other intimate relationship Mustang has with other characters. There’s a lot of mocking and teasing.


Colonel Mustang is an alchemist who can perform standard physical transmutation, experimental theories, and biological alchemy. He ranks among the top State Alchemists. His remarkable fire-based combat style is what has earned him his state licence, national fame, and the title of “hero” during Ishval civil war. His custom-made gloves are what enable Mustang to use his unique style of combatalchemy. These gloves are made of “pyrotex/ignition fabric” and create a spark as Roy rubs his fingertips together.

They have unique flame alchemy transmutation circles embroidery that allows him to manipulate the oxygen concentration in the air. Mustang increases the oxygen density around his target until it becomes volatile. He then creates narrow pathways of oxygen between him and his target, through which he can direct any flash fire that results from his gloves.

He can effectively exterminate any number of enemies while avoiding his closest allies. The instantaneous reaction of the sparks and gases, which are highly concentrated, causes the’snap sound’ at the beginning of these transmutations. (Not Mustang’s fingers actually “snapping” as common belief).

Roy can also delegate each hand to different flame effects, possibly because of a difference in his hand dexterity. The left hand seems to be able to launch large explosions, while the right allows for small, precise pinpoint flame attacks.

Although Mustang’s Flame Alchemy can not be used in rainy weather because of the humidity, it is clear that water does not render the Colonel as useless as his subordinates believe. Roy can use the transmutation rings on his gloves to separate hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms within water molecules. This allows him to create a highly combustible fuel or a powerfully volatile oxidizer. This method is only possible when there is a lot of water in closed space. (Not in rain, where it would be dangerous to separate hydrogen from oxygen). However, Roy can create powerful local explosions with an external source of ignition, such as a lighter or match.

Flame Alchemy was created by Berthold H. Hawkeye who spent many years perfecting the technique before his death in 1905 from complications. It was the most powerful and effective form of alchemy available, Hawkeye believed it and refused to share the knowledge with Roy, his apprentice at that time. Instead, he entrusted the secrets he had discovered to his daughter Riza, tattooing the array onto her back to prove its existence. The entire array appears to be a circle that holds an inverted hexagon made up of an air triangle and large earth triangle. These triangles split into identical pairs when they intersect.

A fire triangle is at the center, pointed upward towards a flame. Below the hexagram, is an image showing a salamander. The circle contains a pair of entwined Basilisks, as well as the “Libera Me” responsory text. This has been repeated many times. Roy earns Riza’s trust, and he takes the Flame Alchemy information for himself. He modifies the symbol for his gloves by removing the text and basilisks and replacing them with a simplified circle. Riza insists that he use his new knowledge to leave parts of the image on her back. This erases the most important aspects and relieves her of the burden of carrying it.

Roy is forced to perform human transformation and see the Truth. He then gains the ability to transmute with no need for a circle. Roy claps his hands to make up for the sigils that were shredded on his gloves. Although he initially is nervous about this type of alchemy, he soon realizes that he doesn’t need to use transmutation circles. He can transmute without a circle to perform flame-based alchemy on a battlefield. This is evident when Roy transmutes a stone wall to defend himself, Riza and Major Alex Louis Armstrong against Father attacks.

Roy tells us in the Book, Figure Red strip that he uses alchemy to get a date. His “Oxygen De Gentleman Strategy” uses his gloves to increase the oxygen density of a woman until she feels dizzy. To prevent her from falling, he rushes to her aid and asks her if everything is okay. He also offers tea and sweet words.


Like almost all military personnel in the Fullmetal Alchemist Series Mustang’s name, his is a military origin. In this case, he was born in the North American P-51 Mustang . This aircraft, which was also the most well-known and best American fighter plane, is the North American P-51 Mustang . Travis Willingham, Roy’s English voice actor also voices Yu Kanda in D. Gray Man. Kanda, Mustang and Edward are well-known for their teasing of the pipsqueaks of their respective organizations, Allen and Edward. Travis Willingham, Mustang’s English voice actor plays Portgas D. Ace in Funimation’s One Piece. He is the Flame-Flame Fruit user and Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, in “Marvel Super Hero Squad”. Travis Willingham is Roy’s English voice actor and is currently married to Laura Bailey, the voice behind Lust. Ironically, Travis killed Laura’s character in Episode 19 on Brotherhood. An omake reveals that Roy’s motivation for becoming Fuhrer was to have all female officers wear miniskirts. Travis Willingham’s fan group is called “The Mini-Skirt Army” because of this. Roy codes his research notes using the names of women to comply with his womanizing fame, or perhaps exploit it. This makes them appear like a record of his romantic adventures. His alchemy coding abilities are unknown. Riza is in a strong implied relationship with Roy. Fans refer to the relationship as “Royai”. The first part “Royai”, Roy’s name, is the last “ai”, and the “eye” in the “Hawk eye” makes the word a portmanteau. In Japanese, “ai” can also mean “love”. Roi stands for Old French for “king”. Roy Mustang has a facial resemblance with other Arakawa characters, namely Ryuukou from Hero Tales, Juushin Embu, and Kondo from Silver Spoon, Gin no Saji. Lucky Star, Roy and Ed. Roy, Ed and Al are mentioned in the animated Lucky Star, along with Apollo Justice, Klavier Gavin, and Klavier Gavin, from the Ace Attorney Series. Roy’s last name is Mustang. This is a military slang term that refers to a soldier who has earned a battlefield or (later definition), a soldier with continuity of military service, from an enlisted man, to an officer, without any breaks. They can also be described as soldiers who have earned the Good Conduct Medal or completed four years of enlisted duty before they are eligible for their commission. The Mustang horse is a wild, but more accurately feral animal. It can revert to its original ways unintentionally after being saddle-broken. Roy Mustang is considered a Mustang in military terms because they are smarter and have better survival instincts than other thoroughbreds. Mustang asserts that dogs make great soldiers because of their loyalty and insistence on getting paid. Lust’s observation about Roy’s eyes that “clear, focused eyes would become clouded from suffering” was partially realized when Roy had to open the Gate. His eyesight was then taken. Tim Marcoh used a Philosopher’s Stone to return it. Travis Willingham, Roy’s English Dub Actor has voiced many other characters from different Video Game franchises, including Knuckles of the Sonic The Hedgehog Franchising and Guile in the Street Fighter series. Roy stands 173 cm. Despite his antagonism towards the Elric brothers (especially Ed), it has been shown that they are close friends. He also symbolically holds Roy accountable by refusing to repay the money he borrowed him earlier. Roy can be seen as a surrogate father to them and making an effort to ensure their safety. He devised a scheme to make it seem that Ross had killed Maria Ross. However, Ross was being snuck out of the country by a fake cadaver. Ross was being held for the murder of Maes Hughes and was due to be executed. Mustang saved Ross’s life and made it seem to the higher-ups that he was seeking revenge. Ross’s family and friends continue to believe she’s dead, which makes Mustang a bloodthirsty killer in their eyes until they discover the truth.


The Flame Alchemy emblem, transmutation circle and salamander contain a salamander . The elemental fire-loving salamander was a part of ancient Greek mythology. The mythological salamander lived in the fire and was fireproof.

The 2009 anime’s epilogue showed him growing a mustache. This is contrary to what the manga portrays. This could be a joke by the omakes. In the first scene, Roy is upset about turning thirty and “starting to get old”. Later, he is shown to be upset that he has “arrived at a mature age” and that he is not being respected by others. It is speculated that his “baby-like” features may have led to him deciding that “facial locks” would make him more respectable. There are many jokes about this facial hair, including Lt. Hawkeye drawing an adorable kitten mustache on his forehead. Mustang’s record of playing chess against Grumman includes 1 win, 97 loses and 15 draws. Mustang, a manga character, is the first human to kill a host of Homunculus. He can even do it alone. He is also able to bring another Homunculus down to death, which is more or less by himself. However, Riza Hawkeye was there to assist him both times. All of the original manga art and anime depict Roy Mustang with black eyes. However, some manga pages later in the series show Roy with gray eyes. This is presumably to portray Roy better during times of emotional or physical duress, particularly when he is blind. In the manga and 2009 series, there are many implied jokes and comments about the nature of Mustang’s relationship with Hawkeye. These include:Lt. General Grumman asked Mustang to “marry” his granddaughter (said granddaughter is Riza), in order to become “the future First Lady for Amestris”. Roy will kill Barry, the Chopper, when he discovers he has a crush upon HawkeyeHawkeye teasing Envy by suggesting that she and the Colonel were romantically involvedRoy’s grief at “Elizabeth having been taken by an other man” when King Bradley took her hostage. Edward’s comment that Riza was “the perfect hostage” on the same occasion. Rebecca implied that Riza may have done unmoral things in order to maintain such high-ranking military positions. Madame Christmas asked Roy to “Go play With Elizabeth”,King Bradley said that he could “Get Mustang through ‘her (Hawkeye),” among other things. In a series of interviews, Hiromu Akawa revealed many facts about Roy:

She stated that Roy’s car in the series was actually his and that he lives in Central in a small rental house. He also has a couch in his living area. Roy is not yet Fuhrer, but she says he will eventually be the leader of Amestris. She also stated that she would make an extra chapter on FMA about this event if she had to. She stated that Roy is still too young to be Fuhrer. Arakawa answered fan questions about why Mustang didn’t marry Hawkeye in Manga Artbook 3. They could not be a superior officer or subordinate if they were married.

Mustang is used to refer to all of his subordinates , as chess pieces. It has connotations of battle ability, usefulness, and personal connections they might have. Fuery is the “Pawn”, Falman the “Bishop”, Havoc the “Knight”, Breda the “Rook”, and Hawkeye the “Queen”, making Roy the “King”. Fans have compared Roy’s eyes with those of Xingese immigrant workers, but there is no evidence that Roy is of Xingese ancestry. However, his nationality is unquestionably Amestrian. According to the most recent fan poll, Roy is second in popularity. This angers him enough to want to kill Edward for being the most beloved. Roy is the only character to have to open the Gate. Roy’s Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood CD has one theme song. It is performed by Shinichirou Miki. The song is called “Inochi MEI” and it means “mortal life” (inochi), and “destiny”. His decision to become the Fuhrer is depicted in manga and anime. It was during his youth in Ishval Civil War. He is strengthened by his realization of war and the fact that he saved many soldiers from being killed in Ishval. He realized that he needed to be at the top of the military to protect all people and to also redeem himself from the consequences for his naivite. Roy, just like Ed dislikes being called short and Roy hates when he’s called useless, especially when it comes to fighting on rainy days.


The 2003 anime shows Mustang’s pledge to a coup against the Fuhrer and his symbolic loss of left eye. This is similar to the exploits by a World War II German Resistance member Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg who tried to kill Hitler in a Resistance operation called Valkyrie. At an ambush in Tunisia, Colonel Stauffenberg suffered a loss of his left eye. Later, he was shot to death by a firing squad for treason and became a martyr of the German Resistance. The eye Mustang lost to King Bradley/Pride in 2003 anime was his left eye. This eye is coincidentally the one Bradley wore over the one Archer had replaced by ” Automail”, both of whom were enemies Mustang faced in the same episode. The OVA “Kids” features Edward, Alphonse and Winry as young looks alike. They pass a group playing cards on a sidewalk. These children look a lot like Mustang’s men in the series. One of them even looks very much like Mustang as a child. Two theme songs are from the original anime’s soundtrack that Roy uses, each sung by Toru Okawa. The first song is “Tsuki No Uragawa”, which literally means “the other side” of the moon, while the second is “Shounen Yo Sinjiru Nakama yo”. The main difference between the 2003 anime and the manga is the fact that Mustang was given an order by Basque Grand for him to kill the Amestrian doctors Sara Rockbell as well as Urey Rockbell. This labeled them traitors for their treatment of both sides in the Ishval Civil War. This was a turning point in Mustang’s life that led him to his goal to become the Fuhrer to ensure he never had to follow unreasonable orders again. Roy was supposed to have a walker in The Conquerors of Shambala (which can be seen in Episode51), but the final version had it removed.


Fullmetal alchemist: Brotherhood is one of the most loved and respected shonen anime series . This story has a cast of fascinating characters, fascinating philosophical themes, an alchemy-based combat system, and stellar music.

While Fullmetal Alchemist is a great story, there are also many dark aspects to this story. This includes Colonel Roy Mustang who is a famed flame alchemist and can literally roast his enemies with just a few clicks of his fingers. While he’s a popular and cool character, there are no denying his worst qualities.

10 Roy Killed Many Ishval People img alt=”Roy Mustang at Ishval in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.” data-img-url=””/>

The terrible Ishval Civil War was one of Amestris’ most important moments and also one of its bloodiest. The Amestris military sent in several state alchemists after a point to end the civil war.

Roy was only following orders. However, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t use his flame alchemy in order to cook hundreds of Ishvalans alive for the sake of duty. As do other alchemists, like Solf J. Kimblee or Comanche, he has the blood of many people.


Roy killed Ishvalans using his flame alchemy and he didn’t seem to be too bothered about what he was doing. Although he may not have had Kimblee’s bloodlust in the war, he should have been more concerned about what he was doing.

Alex Louis Armstrong, a fellow alchemist, was unable to fight the battle and refused to sacrifice any more innocent people. Roy did his duty well. Maes Hughes is a warmer, cuddlier friend than Roy.


Unlike his Ishval experience, Roy’s other bad traits are minor but still matter and many other Fullmetal Alchemistcharacters have issues with them. Roy, for example, is Maes’ friend but Roy completely lacks Maes enthusiasm for his family, Gracia and Elicia in particular.

Maes used to lovely tell Roy about his beautiful wife and daughter many times, but Roy would get upset and make him stop. While it is true that Maes was using the military’s mobile phones in these scenes, Roy could have been more gentle.


Fire magic users are susceptible to cold and water in most fiction. Colonel Roy Mustang is no exception. His flame alchemy is effective in warm and dry environments. However, when it rains, it won’t work and his fellow officers are well aware of it.

Roy tried to help Scar when he attacked Ed and Al in Fullmetal Alchemist but it wasn’t working. His wet gloves didn’t ignite his alchemy, and Lieutenant Riza H Hawkeye just shoved him to one side to make sure he wouldn’t get in her way during battle.


Roy Mustang’s flame-alchemy is not without its flaws. Rainy weather is just one example. Roy relies on his custom-made white gloves for his alchemy. If his gloves become damaged or lost, it’s almost impossible to continue.

Roy’s gloves are covered in his transmutation circles. If the circles become damaged, it is impossible to do alchemy. Roy’s gloves also make sparks when Roy snaps his fingers. This is vital for alchemy to ignite the oxygen in the atmosphere. It won’t help to snap his naked fingers.


Roy Mustang isn’t known for his comforting personality or bedside manner. Many of his friends and fellow soldiers are in great pain and need support. Roy couldn’t spare any kind words for Jean Havoc, his friend who was badly hurt by Lust.

Jean was paralysed from the waist down, and had to leave the military earlier than he wanted. Roy tried to console Jean but his words were insufficient and Jean had to search for the silver lining on his own.


Roy Mustang is hardworking, and at times he pushes too hard. He needs to be called out by Edward Elric or Riza Hawkeye. Roy is an ambitious fellow . He doesn’t believe in taking it easy or being content. He knows his limits.

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Roy was a wreck in the Fullmetal Alchemistanime. He looked tired and worn out, a bleary-eyed, unhaven workaholic who was barely hanging on to life. He was at the brink of exhaustion from all the stress he was under.


Roy and Edward Elric share a common negative character trait: Roy’s quick temper. Roy is a calm, dignified officer who can maintain his cool in most situations. However, in many other cases Roy lets his temper get to the point where he gets frustrated or angry about the smallest things.

Roy had a short tantrum when Riza made him stand down in a rainy street fight. Roy also lost his cool when , the homunculus Entervy saw Roy and admitted that he was Maes’ murderer. Roy was entitled to his anger, but he almost lost it when he saw Edward, Scar, and Fullmetal-Alchemist Envy.


During his fight against Envy on The Promised Day, Roy’s white-hot anger overtook. Roy had already beaten Envy to death and he was ready to launch one final attack against his enemy.

It was necessary to destroy envy, but not in this way. Riza and the other members of the group saw the hatred in Roy’s eyes, and they explained to him that such hatred would not make Roy an effective leader for Amestris. Roy would have lost his dreams forever if it wasn’t for his friends.


Roy Mustang’s stubborn and persistent nature can sometimes be a strength. He refused to surrender or even die fighting Lust. Roy’s stubborn nature can also be a problem in other situations, and almost cost him his life in battle.

Roy tried stubbornly to fight Scar in rain. Riza started fussing at Roy and Roy eventually gave up. Roy later tried to fight Gluttony in the rain, but he was getting in his way. Ed, Al and Riza eventually talked Roy down and convinced him that he should retreat from the battlefield.


Fans are thrilled to see Roy Mustang in the Fullmetal Alchemist movie, which will be released May 20th.

What is it that attracts Roy Mustang’s fans? His power set? His collected and collected persona? His dark past that fuelled a fiery drive? Mustang fans love every aspect of it. It’s also hard to deny the fact that he had some great lines throughout the series.


“Keep Moving. Do whatever it takes. Even if the Way Forward Is Through A River Of Mud.”

Mustang was furious when he found out what Edward and Alphonse Elric had done. After realizing that neither of the boys meant any harm, he offered Ed an opportunity in the military and valuable advice. This quote was what pushed Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric into starting their recovery from human transmutation. It’s a quote which perfectly describes Mustang’s outlook on the world.

Even during the most difficult Fullmetal Alchemist moments, such as the Ishval Civil War and Nina Tucker’s deaths, Mustang never stopped moving. He didn’t care how many muddy patches he had to walk through or how dirty his hands were, he just kept moving. He is loved by his fans because of that.


“We choose our path, knowing full well what we’re doing. This is the way it is. Right, Fullmetal?”

Mustang was able to endure the terrible events that happened to Nina. Mustang maintained that he chose to be a military dog and was aware of every detail. The most important aspect of this quote is Ed’s insistence on repeating it.

Even though he was in one of the most painful scenes in Fullmetal Alchemist, Mustang wanted to continue teaching Ed and keep him moving forward. This shows his deep sense of responsibility and the fact that he was unable to protect them from the worst aspects of military life, he still wanted to teach Ed and keep them moving forward.


“I will do everything humanly possible to protect the people I love, and they’ll protect those they love.”

Mustang claimed that he committed horrors during the Ishval Civil War with the intention of protecting his loved ones. Although the cause is appalling, it’s an admirable sentiment. But what’s most important is Hughes’ reaction to Mustangs determination.

Hughes informed Mustang that he needed to be Fuhrer in order to protect Amestris. Mustang quickly agreed. This was the beginning of a long climb for Mustang that would lead to much trouble. It’s important to remember that his whole tumultuous adventure was meant to protect his family. Mustang tried to hide this side of himself — his heart.


“It’s a Terrible Day for Rain.”

Mustang delivered this line after he lost one of his closest friends, and most trusted allies. Mustang tried his best to avoid tears, or at least admitted that he was crying.

It’s a significant moment for a man who is often deemed useless in the rain. Mustang was subtly acknowledging that he failed to protect his friend. Mustang was subtly acknowledging his failure to protect his friend.


“There’s a side of me that’s desperate to crack the theories of human transmutation right now.”

Mustang still wanted Hughes to come back, even after witnessing the effects of human transmutation on the Elric brothers. Mustang even claimed that he understood why those boys were so driven.

It is a testimony to Mustang’s compassion for the Elrics, that despite not understanding Hughes’ death, he tried to help them along the way. Although his relationship with the Elrics wasn’t always the most meaningful friendship in Fullmetal Alchemist, this moment shows Mustang’s soft side and how it drives his character even through his darkest moments. He also relates the story to Hughes’s mother, which shows how deep his friendship with Hughes is.


“Just over a month ago, a military officer was killed in a telephone booth, in central. Was It You Who Performed It?

Мустанг спокойно столкнулся с серийным убийцей в бронированном теле и допросил его. Затем он задал вопрос без каких-либо подсказок.

Мустанг, который, похоже, собрался на допрос, рассказывает своей команде, что он все еще планирует преследовать убийцу Хьюза. Он также рассказал, что не остановится, пока не найдет убийцу Хьюза. Эта строка расскажет вам все, что вам нужно знать о решимости Mustang.


«Ты сказал мне, что я не могу убить тебя, но я хотел бы доказать, что ты не прав. Давайте посмотрим, сколько раз это займет?

Хотя Мустанг представляет себя спокойным, он быстро погрузился в свой гнев после того, как его подчиненный Хаос был тяжело ранен Похотью. Он закрыл свою рану и выследил Похоть, самый смертоносный Грех в Стальном Алхимике. Он прочитал ей эту строку, а затем сжег ее дотла.

Потребность Мустанга в мести является важным аспектом его личности. Но то, как он обращался с Похотью, было еще более впечатляющим. Он был одним из немногих людей, убивших гомункулуса.


«Ну, это либо врата во славу, либо вход в ад.

Он собирался сказать военным, что фюрер Брэдли был гомункулом. Мустанг посмотрел на командный пункт Централа и сказал Соколиному Глазу следующее.

СВЯЗАННЫЕ С: 20 лучших аниме для начинающих

Мустанг, циничный солдат на протяжении большей части своей взрослой жизни, знал, что всегда есть шанс, что все пойдет не так. Он тоже был прав. Он доверял военным больше, чем это было необходимо, хотя он был реалистом в отношении возможности попасть в ад. Алхимик Пламени был готов признать, что это был его последний момент глупости.


«Fullmetal: Вы можете сохранить изменения на данный момент, но я обязательно получу их обратно».

Одна из самых запоминающихся цитат Эдварда Элрика, Эд сказал Мустангу, что он выплатит свои 520 ценений после того, как Мустанг станет фюрером. Мустанг изначально был шокирован тем, что Эд знал об этих планах. Он быстро принял его и сказал Эду, что однажды вернет деньги.

Это свидетельство амбиций Мустанга, но также и момент, который показывает его веру в Элриков. Мустанг не угрожал Эду, чтобы он никому не говорил, но он оказал некоторое доверие. Мустанг показал определенный уровень веры лишь для нескольких человек, что помогло Эду почувствовать себя более открытым и чутким.


«Я сделал это снова. Я причинил тебе боль. «Насколько глупым может быть один человек?»

Мустанг всегда был человеком, который борется за свою семью. После стольких лет борьбы за месть Хьюза, Мустанг причинил боль Соколиному Глазу. Он оказался рядом со своей любимой женщиной в течение стольких лет, и он снова начал причинять ей боль.

Это осознание того, что он снова становится монстром, вернуло Мустанга с края пропасти. Его желание править и его ненавистна