Angelica Redgrave is a character from the Dating Sim Trap, a game that has been gaining popularity on the internet. The game is set in a high school and follows the story of two students who are in love. Angelica is one of the characters in the game and she is known for her beautiful looks and her strong personality. Angelica is known for being independent and she doesn’t like to rely on others. She is also known for being outspoken and for having a lot of opinions. Her personality can be difficult to deal with at times, but her beauty makes up for it. Angelica Redgrave is definitely one of the most interesting characters in the Dating Sim Trap and she deserves to be more well-known. ..


Красивая блондинка с ослепительно рыжими глазами и белыми волосами.


Angelica was originally thought to be very hot-headed, which would lead to her downfall. Marie helps us to see her true self. Angelica felt like a failure when Julius fell in love with Marie, causing her break the vase in her bedroom and to cry at her rejection from the prince. She has been far more humble and kind since her duel with the Prince. However, she still displays a fiery temper when it comes to Leon getting close to a girl. Olivia is the exception.

Angelica, who was a fiancee to Leon, admitted to Angelica that Leon could have more girls but not Marie. Angelica is not happy if Leon gets in touch with other girls, despite Angelica’s claim. Angelica told Leon not to cheat on her when he went to Alzer Republic. She also ordered Luxion be connected to Claire. Luxion happily accepted.

See also

Marie Fou Lafan Trapped In A Dating Sim : Everything You Need To Know


Original Game Story: Otome GamesAngelica was the original antagonist in the Otome game. She was jealous of Olivia’s closeness and challenged her to a duel. The prince and his group represented Olivia, while Angelica was left out. She lost the duel, and was humiliated. She was humiliated and forced to marry an older man to move to the country.


Julius and Jilk walked in the courtyard of the academy’s academy with their followers. The female students were also there. Julius asked them when he would hold the tea ceremony. Angelica, along with her followers, approached Julius about Julius’ tea ceremony and asked if they would be able to attend it together. Julius reproached Angelica for trying to force her way into the conversation at the academy. Angelica responded that it was quite loud because of the noise in the surrounding conversations. Julius noticed Marie and asked her to come to his house as he had some things to share with her. Angelica was startled to see this and one of her friends whispered something about Marie. Julius said that the other boys would also be arranging tea ceremonies, so he didn’t want one to be flashy and that he was only going to invite friends so Marie can attend his tea ceremony. Angelica objected to the idea because Julius was the crown Prince, so a proper tea ceremony should be held. However, Julius didn’t listen to Angelica’s objections. Julius tells Angelica that even though she was his fiancee, they were at school and he was a student so she shouldn’t interfere in his affairs. Angelica, hearing this, excuses her for her rude behavior and looks at Marie before she leaves with her followers.

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Who is Leon Fou Bartfort ? : Everything You Need To Know

With the help Leon, Olivia sends Angelica a gift and requests a meeting. Angelica agrees to her request and calls Angelica after a few days. She praises Angelica’s greeting as a good manner when dealing with a superior. Angelica asks Olivia timidly if she will let her stay at the academy. Angelica said that she just nodded and then went to her room to drink her tea. Olivia, however, continued asking more questions. After she said that she doesn’t want to drive Olivia out of the academy, she continued. Angelica asks Olivia about the greetings she received and then questions her. She wonders who helped her when most people were not around to help her. Olivia then tells her that Leon was the one who helped her. She was not surprised to hear it was Leon. Leon was an eccentric person. Olivia was surprised to learn that Angelica knew more about Leon. Angelica explained that Leon was a knight who had high hopes for the future because of his accomplishments as an adventurer.

Angelica recommends Leon several weeks later and is sent to the dungeon with Angelica and Olivia as part of a lesson. Angelica opposes Marie being in the same group with Julius when groups were being formed to explore the dungeon. A dispute ensues between them. Leon and Olivia were the vanguards. Angelica and the prince’s groups are in the middle with the former ahead. Six giant ant monsters were encountered by the prince’s group. They had come from a side street so they were not visible to the groups at the front. Angelica shouted to the two groups at the front and back to defend them. Greg shouted at them to move back, while one was killed, and the four other were taken care of by Chris, Brad, and Jilk. Angelica shouted to save Julius, while the last one went towards Julius. Jilk then reproached Angelica, telling her that Julius was not weak. Marie asked Julius if he was OK after he defeated the ant. Angelica approached Julius and pushed Marie away. She then offered Julius a towel. Julius refused to take it, and instead took Marie’s hand as he moved forward in the dungeon.Angelica crying

See also

Marie Fou Lafan Trapped In A Dating Sim : Everything You Need To Know

Julius calls Angelica after a few days. He tells her that Julius has spoken to the girls bullying Marie and that all of them said they were under her orders. Angelica claims that these girls were not her followers, but Julius denies her and tells her to keep away from Marie and the others. He also tells her to watch out for their engagement. Julius advises her to not interfere in their affairs while they’re at school. Angelica’s friends are back in her academy room complaining about Marie’s proximity to the prince’s entourage. They also complain about Julius’ purchase of a servant for Marie. Angelica asks them to stop, and then she tells them to leave Marie alone. Angelica grabs a nearby object to throw away after the girls have left. She was frustrated at Julius’s belief in Marie more than Angelica. She sat down at the table, muttering a little.

Angelica and Julius get into a dispute at the End-ofTerm Party about Marie. Marie challenges Julius to a duel, and the prince and his entourage agree to be Marie’s representatives. However, no one was willing to be Angelica’s representative. Leon came up and declared that he would act as Angelica’s representative. She then mocked the group. Leon asks Angelica what her intention was in starting the duel. He asks Angelica if she wants Marie to stop pursuing Julius. Marie says that she wants the fighting stopped and the conditions to be set. Jilk says that there will be five one-on-1 matches. Leon agrees, before teasing the prince directly.

See also

Who is Leon Fou Bartfort ? : Everything You Need To Know

Angelica asks the teachers to prepare a space for her to talk to Leon alone. He refuses to leave the duel and she asks him to stop. She explained that her bedroom was also vandalized, and that her family wasn’t helping her. He has nothing to lose. Leon tells her that it wasn’t his intention to hurt her family and that he only wanted to beat them up. Leon answers her question about the impact on his family. He explains that he is an independent knight and his family is not involved in any way. Leon continues to tell her that he is confident he will win, especially considering that they aren’t as strong as they claim.

Finally, the Day of the Duel is here. Angelica rushes to Leon as he enters the arena and asks him where his armor is. Leon replies that it will soon arrive. Arroganz is seen landing in the middle of the arena right after. Angelica asks Arroganz if he is going to fight with the armor, as Angelica believes that it’s not suitable for this duel. Leon said she would understand Arroganz’s reaction when the duel begins and got on her. Leon was the first opponent. When Leon used a shovel to defeat him, Brad became angry. Before the teacher could officially start the duel, Brad ran forward with his spear imbued with magic. However, Leon moved Arroganz lightly to the side and immediately grabbed his arm. He told him to calm down because they must take the oath before the fight. Olivia, seeing all this excitement, told Angelica that Leon was the winner of this duel. Angelica was shocked by Arroganz’s light movements. She couldn’t believe such a heavy armor could move so quickly. After seeing Arroganz move, the students began to get restless and each one told how much they had placed on Leon. Angelica, hearing this, began to laugh and tell Leon that he was cruel. Olivia replied that he is kind and not cruel.

See also

Who is Leon Fou Bartfort ? : Everything You Need To Know

Brad was easily knocked out by one swing of the shovel from Arroganz. Leon then stomped on Brad’s armor to stop him moving. Brad had to accept defeat, or he would have been crushed under Arroganz.

Leon defeated Greg easily when he fought him. Leon was furious that Greg is too proud to use the proper equipment and ridicules his weakness. Olivia was furious at Leon’s actions during the fight, and asked Leon to apologize later to Greg. Angelica, upon hearing this, said that Leon’s apology would only hurt Greg’s pride.

Olivia was happy that Leon beat Chris his next opponent, but was too upset by the cruel fight. Angelica warns Olivia after hearing that Leon must be vigilant to avoid losing.

There was a short break after the fight against Chris. Leon meets Angelica and Olivia during the break. They tell him that Jenna asked them to check on him. Leon fights Jilk, with Jilk falling unconscious after being defeated by Leon. He then asks Julius about Olivia before Leon takes on Julius. However, the prince gives him a rather bland answer.

Even though Julius was forced to back down, Julius refused to quit, saying that Marie was his only love and Angelica was not his love. Olivia suddenly shouts out that Julius loves Marie and Angelica loves Julius. Olivia shouts that Angelica wouldn’t be watching this fight if she didn’t love Julius. Angelica tried to stop Olivia, but she continued telling Julius why Angelica was not feeling the same feelings. She also shouted that even though two people may not have mutual feelings, it doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t in love. Julius counters that forcing someone’s emotions on another person is not love. Julius declares the match a deathmatch using his authority as a crown Prince. Julius mocks Leon for using his title as a shield, despite having complained about it before. Leon says that he could not kill the crown prince, so Julius was likely hoping that Leon would forfeit. Leon uses Impact to knock the prince unconscious and destroy his armor. Leon is declared the winner of this match. Leon leaves Arroganz and has a brief conversation with Olivia before Angelica heads for Julius.

See also

Marie Fou Lafan Trapped In A Dating Sim : Everything You Need To Know

Angelica informs Julius in the medical room that she is happy that he was not hurt. Julius asks Angelica to stop acting like that was her representative. Angelica questions her about what she did wrong, as she had been working so hard for him. Julius tells Angelica that she only wanted the crown prince’s fiance, which she denies. Julius then replies that he doesn’t think so and asks Angelica to tell him his favorite dish. Angelica responds, but Julius tells her that he is wrong. He likes to eat skewer food which he had once eaten when he was out incognito. He couldn’t tell her, as it was commoner food. She would also try to stop him from eating it. Angelica, hearing this, tries to tell him that she wouldn’t have stopped him. Julius, however, continued to speak that Marie understood him well and invited him to a cart for food. Julius says then that Marie is the only person he can love. Julius replies to Angelica that he can’t love her, and Angelica responds that she is fine so long as she stays by his side. Angelica, hearing this, tells Julius she will be rooting for him happiness and leaves the room. The engagement between Angelica and Julius ends.

See also

Marie Fou Lafan Trapped In A Dating Sim : Everything You Need To Know

Leon and Olivia accompany Angelica to Leon’s house during their summer vacation on Leon’s ship Partner. Angelica and Olivia were in a guestroom on the Partner. Angelica told Olivia that her feelings couldn’t reach Julius and that she was completely lost to Marie. Angelica was told by Olivia that Olivia had done nothing wrong, and Angelica had gotten both of them involved due to their selfishness. Olivia told Angelica that Leon had decided to leave the academy. Angelica reprimanded her for going to Julius after the duel, even though she didn’t thank Leon for his actions.

Leon discovered a floating island that Angelica and Olivia toured with Leon. Olivia was amazed at the beauty of the land, despite not having any people there. Angelica asked Olivia if it was in the opposite direction. Olivia responded that land cannot be managed without people and was stunned that robots could do this. Angelica said something was strange about the island, and Leon led them to an outdoor bath. Angelica and Olivia took a small bath, having a brief conversation. Angelica suddenly stated that she envied Olivia because she believed Leon and Olivia were lovers. They were always together, and would likely get married. Olivia says that they are not that different because of the vast differences in their social standings. Olivia said that Leon likes Angelica because he wouldn’t have gone as far without her. Angelica immediately responded that it wasn’t possible because she was a horrible person who was abandoned by Julius, the crown prince.

See also

Who is Leon Fou Bartfort ? : Everything You Need To Know

Zola confronts Angelica when she visits Leon’s house. She asks her who she is and treats her very rudely. When Angelica was revealed to be the daughter of the duke, Zola took a different approach and began to treat Angelica with respect. Angelica asked Zola about Rutart’s absence from the residence and why Rutart was not helping with household chores. Zola tried to avoid the question by asking Angelica why she was there. Angelica replied that she came to see Leon and would stay at Leon’s house until her household contacts them. After telling Zola to relax, she explained that she would be covering her lodging costs to the barony in return for her permission to stay here. Zola, who was very upset after hearing this, returned to the Royal Capital with her children the next day. Leon praised Angelica for being able to get Zola back home so quickly.

Angelica and Olivia took a bath on Leon’s floating island during their entire vacation. After they had finished their baths, Olivia told Angelica and Leon to call her Livia because she was known as Livia at her house. Angelica told them to call her Angie because only her closest friends called her that. Angelica started to criticize Angelica, but Olivia continued to tell Angelica that she sometimes thought about taking revenge. Olivia was concerned when Leon told her that this was okay. Leon asked Angelica if she wanted to take revenge on them. He then gave the best method. Olivia tried to stop Angelica and Leon, but Angelica was hesitantly asking if it was okay to take revenge. Leon replied that it was fine and that the best way to exact revenge is to make her happy. Angelica was surprised to hear this. Leon explained that they would all be punished for their actions and that if Angelica shows happiness when they are there, it will bring about revenge. Olivia was shocked to hear that Angelica was seeking revenge. They helped Angelica with field work and Olivia taught her how to do it.

See also

Marie Fou Lafan Trapped In A Dating Sim : Everything You Need To Know

Angelica and Olivia were aboard the Redgraves’ airship. Angelica explained how nobles were ranked, and how they could be promoted to the next rank. After Angelica’s explanation Olivia realized that Leon had gained much recognition and was promoted to the sixth rank. Olivia said that Leon was going be demoted from the baron rank. She then explained to Angelica that Leon had spent all of the money he earned from betting. Angelica, hearing this, wonders if it was Leon’s gambling that caused the problem. Angelica wasn’t able to reach a satisfactory conclusion and the conversation ended there. Angelica informed Olivia that Leon would soon be promoted so she asked Olivia if Olivia could attend. Olivia replied that she had never been to such events before and that she didn’t have the right outfit. Angelica said that Olivia could come in her uniform so it was not a problem. Angelica was present at Leon’s promotion as baron sixth noble rank. Angelica was fed up by her followers’ attempts to win back her trust after the new term began. Angelica and Olivia sat opposite Leon while Leon was sitting on the school’s courtyard bench, lost in thought and thinking about something. They took Leon to a crepe stand, which was well-known for its delicious crepes.

See also

Who is Leon Fou Bartfort ? : Everything You Need To Know



Apart from enrolling in the academy which automatically registers students to become adventurers, Angelica, a daughter of the Duke, also spends a portion of her time learning adventuring skills. Angelica’s quick wit and preparedness can be a valuable asset in dungeons. As you can see, she quickly rushed to Julius ‘s aid. It is one of the few things that can make Angelica, a mature woman, a bit childish.


Angelica, a noblewoman of a duke family, is a competent enough horse rider to be able to teach Olivia.


Angelica, unlike her best friend, who devoted all of her studies to magic, is a flexible duchess and doesn’t have as much knowledge in the mystic arts. Angelica is a descendant of Saintess Anne’s little brother (speculated in the Saintess spirit herself) . However, she does possess a high magic affinity. This would indicate that Angelica’s magic affinity may be as strong as Olivia’s. However, Angelica doesn’t have much practice so unless she is under exceptional circumstances, Angelica won’t be able to tap into her natural magical ability. Incantations she uses magic circles to interface with the world.

Fire Magic

See also

Who is Leon Fou Bartfort ? : Everything You Need To Know

Fire magic is a fundamental element in wizardry. It was demonstrated that it could be used by others such as Brad and Pierre’s followers , but it is safe for us to say that no one has ever performed feats of pyromancy quite like Angelica. Although her Saintess-related blood and fiery personality can sometimes boost her fire manipulation ability to an unparalleled level, this can lead to catastrophic damage.

Angelica is a powerful user of fire magic and can create fire from thin air and manipulate it at will. Angelica is a strong user of fire magic, and can spontaneously ignite fire out of thin air and manipulate them at will.

Whirlwind Of Fire: An inferno would surround Angelica [6] when she was actively engaged in combat. It acts as a barrier to incinerate projectiles, and prevent physical contact HTML4_. The nature of the mystical flame or physical fire are unknown.  Normal firestorms don’t usually burn Angelica’s clothes or the surroundings, but a wildfire tornado summoned from her would incinerate projectiles and prevent physical contactsup>[4]/sup>. The intense heat can also be felt at a distance, and the fire whirl can reach enough heights to make the sky red. Fire Lance/Fireball is Angelica’s primary offensive magic.  To activate the incantation, she would charge up the attack with a magic circle; once ready, several powerful burst of flames would rush out and swarm the enemies, chasing until their respective targets are penetrated/burnt/exploded.  Each lance can be used to summon regular monsters or destroy magic barriers.  The conjuration can be used against the principality’s monsters: [6] Emelia; [7] Gilbert; and Cordelia.

Magical Transfer: Angelica appears to be able to share her magic energy with other spellcasters and to amplify all parties’ magical power during assimilation.  This ability can be invoked by using synchronised gestures/prayers, or keeping physical contact within a magic circle with the involved collaborators via a conduit.  This spell is most commonly used against the Fanoss’ invading force (power-shared by Olivia through Royal Airship Weiss [8]) and against possessed Louise (power shared with Olivia and Noelle via the Sacred Sapling [9]). Mental Shield Angelica can summon a magic circle to protect herself and her allies from psychic attack in the astral dimension.  This incantation was used by Olivia to defend herself from Louise’s mental attacks.

See also

Marie Fou Lafan Trapped In A Dating Sim : Everything You Need To Know


Angelica is a young woman who has demonstrated a lot of skills in multitasking and household management. She also excels at leadership, philosophy, leadership, and politics. She was trained by Queen Mylene at a young age to become Holfort’s future queen. Now, she puts her skills to work to help Leon. She is the future head wife and first fiance of Leon. Even though she was trained by Queen Mylene at a young age to be Holfort’s future queen, she now puts these skills to good use for Leon.


Анжелика, любимая дочь герцога Редгрейва, получает финансирование от своей семьи. Она также имеет доступ к активам, а также дирижаблю флота Редгрейва. Хотя это не ее личная собственность, она может использовать их, когда захочет.

(Красный), талисман «Благословение стихии»: Этот редкий игровой шарм (описанный Леоном «джекпот») увеличивает магическую силу пользователя и скорость обучения / роста магии, а также их близость к элементарной магии. Однако известно, что эти эффекты не имеют какой-либо реальной ценности в современном мире. Леон подарил его Анжелике во время их школьной поездки во втором семестре (первый год). Licorne — дирижабль длиной 200 м, построенный Клиром для Леона и его невест. Хотя корабль официально принадлежит Леону и Луксиону, но Анжелика является исполняющим обязанности капитана.