Fans of the popular manga and anime series, “Duke’s Isekai Mansion,” have been eagerly awaiting the release of the anime adaptation for months. However, there is still no word on when it will be released. According to reports, the anime is still in production and has not yet been completed. This means that fans may have to wait a little longer before they can see Raeliana’s vision come to life. However, there is some good news: The official website for the anime has announced that a new key visual has been released and it features Duke as well as some of his familiar characters from the manga and anime series. This suggests that we may be getting closer to seeing the final product. So far, only a few episodes of the anime have been released online, but they have already drawn in a large audience. It seems that fans are eager to see how things will play out in the final product. ..

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Manhwa, un término general para los cómics surcoreanos, es algo que quizás no sepas. Es el equivalente coreano al manga japonés. Muchos manhwas han sido lo suficientemente populares a lo largo de los años como para ser adaptados al anime.

La historia de Why Raeliana Endured Up at Duke’s Mansion trata sobre Eunha Park, quien se despierta y se encuentra transportada al mundo de una novela. Ella renace en este mundo como Raeliana MacMillan, un personaje que está destinado a ser asesinado por su esposo.

Raeliana decides to escape this fate by getting into a fake wedding with Noah Wynknight, a man more powerful than her fiancé. She soon realizes that this is a mistake. Although the Why Raeliana Ended up at the Dukes Mansion anime was announced, no release date has been set.

Todavía no se sabe quién es el elenco, el personal o el estudio de anime. Yen Press también publica Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke’s Mansion English. Describe la trama:


Eunha Park creía que iba a tener otra oportunidad en la vida después de despertarse en el mundo de una novela. ¿El problema es? Raeliana McMillan es el personaje en el que renació, ¡y su prometido la matará! Se le ocurre un plan para salvar su vida: entrar en un matrimonio falso con alguien más poderoso que su futuro esposo. Raeliana se sorprende al descubrir que Noah Wynknight, el duque de corazón cálido y corazón frío, ofrece protección.