Fans of the popular anime series Kamisama Kiss are eagerly awaiting the release of the third season. However, with no set release date yet, it’s difficult to say when we can expect to see it. The first two seasons of Kamisama Kiss were released in Japan in 2013 and 2014, respectively. However, due to licensing issues, the third season has not been released in North America or Europe yet. There is a good chance that the third season will be released this year, as production on it has already begun. But until we know for sure, fans will just have to keep waiting! ..

В настоящее время она живет в бывшем доме своего бойфренда. Арендная плата не выплачивается, и она не может найти работу. Поэтому она собирает все и идет в парк вниз по улице. Она встречает незнакомца, которого терроризирует и издевается собака.

Он не заставит себя долго ждать, чтобы сказать ей, что она не выполнит свою задачу. Во время их разговора Нанами доверяет ему свои проблемы. Он дает Нанами дом и отвозит его в святилище в знак благодарности. Исследование Нанами показало, что таинственная фигура на самом деле была божеством Земли.

Nanami decides to try and finds Tomoe, an original Earth god’s familiar, at the temple. It turns out that, despite their rough beginnings, Nanami and Tomoe have been bonded by a series circumstances that brought them to this point.


Nanami Momozono’s abilities are not extraordinary. Our heroine is not exceptional. She is considered to have poor sports skills and to be too average in academics. After he fled from debt collectors, his gambling habits led to her being evicted. Nanami, who is now sitting on a bench contemplating her terrible fate, meets a young man fearful of the dogs. 

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The man thanks Nanami for saving his life and offers to let her live in his home. He then kisses her forehead and leaves. Nanami soon discovers that his house is actually a rundown shrine. Two shrine spirits, Onikiri, and Kotetsu, explained that the young man was linkage. He unceremoniously gave his powers to Nanami. Nanami, a woman with a heart of gold accepts responsibility for the displeasure and discomfort of Tomoe, a fox spirit, Mikage’s familiar who can’t fathom the idea that a human could be a master.

Tomoe leaves the shrine to the World Over Yonder and is quickly followed by Nanami, the two spirits who wish to talk with him, and Nanami. Nanami becomes angry at Tomoe’s actions when they find him, and she decides to run the shrine herself. 

In the face of danger, Nanami takes the form of a demon and is ready to eat Tomoe. Tomoe and Nanami then -grudgingly – kiss to seal the contract that turns the fox into the young woman’s familiar. With the two of them often arguing, Tomoe begins to teach his new mistress all the rules and responsibilities of the supernatural world. 

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Although initially disgusted at Nanami’s weak disposition and insufficient power as a human, Tomoe gradually comes to love her and begins to like her. The Goddess, who was recently appointed, will support Tomoe and fight to prove herself. Their romance and her reign as a deity will not be without trouble: between other entities trying to steal Nanami’s power, unrequited suitors and her normal-high-school-girl-life to manage, our heroine has much to be worried about.


Kamisama kiss aired two seasons. Season 1 aired from October 1-December 24, 2012 and Season 2 aired between January 5-March 30, 2015. The series aired 25 episodes in total. It was directed by Akitaro Dichi and written by Toshio Masuda.

KamiKiss, in its essence is shoujo 101. The series did manage to borrow some codes from Rumiko Takahashi’s InuYasha, however. The anime doesn’t just focus on romance, but also includes action, lore and interesting characters. The anime has a great balance of comedy and romance. Kamikiss is able to balance romance and comedy. This reduces the cringe factor many shoujo pieces have and improves the pacing between Tomoe, Nanami. KamiKiss is lighthearted, cute and relaxing. It’s also engaging for viewers.

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It is simple to follow and understand, and even includes some Japanese folklore. The sequence of events is logical, and leads the viewers along the same path as the heroine. This strengthens the connection between the characters and the world in which they live.

Nanami is a mixture of the typical shoujo heroine (a little bit of a klutz and a bit for nothing because she is too normal) as well as the classic Mary Sue (her unending kindness melts every heart, without exception). It doesn’t mean she is annoying. We see her learn and try to use the new knowledge she has. Although she struggles with this, the viewer cheers her on. She is nice and makes friends/allies.

But it doesn’t help her become a better Goddess. While some will say she is “a serious damsel-in-distress”, Tomoe’s constant rescue of her does not diminish the character or the story. Nanami attempts to overcome the hardships that she faces by herself but it is important to remember that she is only human and therefore limited in what she can accomplish.

Tomoe has that Kyo-flavour-of-the-month (Fruits Basket, but less dramatic) going on for him: aloof and rude at the beginning, wounds caused by its past will reveal themselves and slowly heal through his interactions with his love interest and the way she influences the people around him. 

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Tomoe is not a prince charming, that’s for sure. He is not one of those clichés that anime and shoujo manga often use. The guys who believe that the only way to get into a girl’s space is by encroaching on her private space, by using their arms and creating walls and towering over her petite stature, and then saying “But I will be yours” are sexy. 

He is provided with a background and explanations for his behavior. He’s not cold and distant just to make him look cool, badass, and hot to women viewers. It’s nice to have the rest of the cast around. Most characters don’t experience any real growth, except for a few and for very specific reasons. They can be distinguished by their personality and character, but they are mostly used to facilitate Tomoe and Nanami’s relationships.

As is the case with most shoujo anime, animation is very average. The art is beautiful. Even though the landscapes are not unusual, the backgrounds are stunning and well-detailed. The best part of the entire collection is the inspiration for the patterns and motifs used in the Edo era, as well as the traditional attires based on the Shintoist nature and lore.

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TMS Entertainment, a major in the industry, was founded in 1946 and has a North American presence. There are several subsidiaries that it owns, which can make tracking of their projects difficult. They are working on different anime in 2021 and 2022.


This has not been disclosed. After Season 2, the project was not renewed or discussed.


KamiKiss пользуется огромной популярностью!

Это может удивить людей, которые не балуются сёдзё. Он по-прежнему является фаворитом в сообществе сёдзё. Он часто упоминается в Twitter и имеет свой собственный сабреддит. Многие фанаты делятся своим фан-артом и помогают новичкам. Они также демонстрируют свое ремесло. С тех пор, как закончился последний сезон аниме, никто не спрашивает и не говорит о третьем сезоне. Большая часть фэндома также прочитала мангу, и на этом история закончилась. Как IMDB, так и MAL дали шоу выдающиеся оценки.


KamiKiss была первоначально мангой, проиллюстрированной Джульеттой Судзуки и опубликованной в период с 20 февраля 2008 года по 20 мая 2016 года. Он работал в течение 25 томов. С 20 августа 2015 года по 19 августа 2016 года транслировалась 4-серийная OVA под названием «Како-Хен». Эта арка охватывает тома 14-17 и следует за Нанами как ее путешествием назад во времени, чтобы исцелить проклятие Томоэ. 20 декабря 2016 года был выпущен OAD в комплекте с фанбуком поцелуев Kamisama. Этот эпизод был назван Shiawase ni Naru и является последним из-за того, что он изображает Нанами и Томоэ, становящихся людьми.

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Если вы все еще не уверены в популярности KamiKiss в своей нише, графика от Google Trends достаточно, чтобы убедить вас: он едва достигает нуля, но поддерживает стабильные пиковые уровни, которые не слишком высоки. Каждый сезон выпускался Funimation в комбинированном пакете (DVD + Bluray). KamiKiss был гордым покупателем товаров, что является признаком его былой славы. Большинство, если не все предметы были проданы или отсутствуют в наличии.

КОГДА ВЫЙДЕТ KAMISAMA KISS SEASON 3?Камисама Поцелуй Сезон 3 Дата выхода Видео Сделано GameProg

На данный момент даты нет.


Объективно говоря, этого не произойдет. Это связано с 6-летним разрывом и тем, что аниме подошло к своему концу. Он последовал примеру манги и выпустил остальные через OVA и OAD.

Поцелуй Камисамы действительно поделился своими секретами и рассказал нам все.