Fans of the popular manga and anime series My Wife is a Demon Queen are eagerly awaiting the release of Chapter 380, which is set to come out on July 10th. However, with no official announcement from the author or publisher, many are beginning to worry. Chapter 380 was originally supposed to come out in March, but was delayed due to an error on the author’s part. With only a few weeks left before the release date, fans are starting to get anxious. Some have even started a petition on urging the publisher to release Chapter 380 as scheduled. So far there has been no response from either the author or publisher, leaving many fans wondering what is going on. While it’s possible that they have decided not to release Chapter 380 after all, it’s also possible that something has gone wrong and they haven’t been able to fix it in time. In any case, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens next! ..
This storyline about Demon Queen will continue to keep up with the war’s action. It is starting to look like the war may be over. All depends on the Prince. It is possible to contain a lot of damage if he calls it quits.
Chapter 380 My Wife is a Demon Queen Chapter 380 Will Xiang sign a Peace Treaty What’s next ?
Xiang Ye will visit the battlefield in the next chapter to assess the situation. He assured his wife that he was responsible for the entire war. The commander was not in the mood to carry on this insane war. The commander goes straight to the prince to start a conversation to make peace. The last chapter is over before he shows the prince his reaction.
My Wife is a Demon Queen Chapter 338 will begin with the words of the human prince to the demon commander. The Demon King will decide if the demon commander’s plea for peace doesn’t work. The real action begins in this story.
Chapter 380: My Wife is a Demon Queen
My Wife is a Demon Queen 380 has been greatly anticipated by fans, and we strongly advise you to support the artists by reading My Wife is a Demon Queen Chapter 380 Manga Chapters from the following manga platforms:
The war between demons and humans has just begun. Fans can expect lots of action at the manhwa. My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 380 will release this week. The final release date for the chapter is July 15, 2022. All chapters of the manhwa will be available to fans only on the official Naver, Webtoon and Kakaopage pages.
Summary of the preceding chapter
The 379th chapter, Demon Queen, began with Xiang assuring Xiang that he would not be held responsible for the destruction caused by the war. The King will be responsible for all damages and losses. The chapter moves on to the battlefield, where the king is attacking the kingdom from all sides. They certainly weren’t as powerful and magical as the demons.
The soldiers were stunned to discover that the Prince of the Human Race was capable of taking blows that no normal human could survive. The prince was causing a lot of destruction throughout the country. A fire soldier approached him and began a conversation. He suggested that they form a treaty rather than causing so much destruction in the world.
Chapter 380 Spoilers & Expectations: My Wife is a Demon Queen Chapter
Xiang Ye will visit the battlefield in the next chapter and assess the situation. His wife was reassured by him telling them that he was responsible for the entire battle. He was not in the mood to continue the battle on the battlefield. Straight to the Prince, he began a speech to bring about peace in the country. The final chapter was over before the prince responded. This means that my wife is a Demonic King. Chapter 380 has a lot of interesting topics. It all starts with the Human Prince’s message to the Demon Commander. If the Demon King is denied peace, he could take matters into his own hands. This is where the action begins.
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Chapter 379: My Wife is a Demon Queen
The 379th chapter, or Demon Queen, began after Xiang promised his wife that he would not hold her responsible for the devastation of the war. All death and destruction will be at the King’s expense. The scene shifts abruptly to the battlefield where the King of all the human races is attacking the Kingdom from the left and center.
Demons had more magic and strength than the others. The Prince of Humanity was able to absorb the blows that no human could in one session, which surprised military commanders. The firefighter saw the damage done to the nation and approached the prince to have a conversation. A debate has taken place: instead of creating havoc on the world, a pact should have been written.