Yū Ishigami is a Japanese musician and songwriter. He is best known for his work with the band Love Is War, which was formed in 2002. The band has released five albums and two EPs. Ishigami also has a solo career, which began in 2009. Ishigami was born in Tokyo, Japan, on December 12th, 1984. He started playing the piano at the age of six and started writing songs at the age of 10. After high school, he moved to Los Angeles to study music composition at UCLA. While there, he met Love Is War’s drummer, Hiroki Matsubara, and they became friends. Love Is War’s first album was released in 2002 and it sold over 100,000 copies. The album was followed by their second album in 2004 and their third album in 2006. Their fourth album was released in 2009 and it sold over 100,000 copies. They have also toured throughout Europe and North America numerous times since then. Ishigami has won several awards including two Grammy Awards (in 2006 for Best New Artist and Best Rock Vocal Album), three Japan Music Awards (Best Male Artist/Group/Songwriter/Producer), four Japan Record Awards (Best New Artist/Artist of the Year), four J-Pop Award (Best New Artist/Artist of the Year), two MTV Europe Music Award (Best Group/Artist of the Year), one Japanese Academy Award (Outstanding Achievement in Music Direction/Music Composition) and one Golden Globe Award (Best Musical Performance – Actor or Actress In a Play).

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Исигами основан на Исоноками Но Маро (Ши Шан Ма Лу), пятом женихе в «Сказке о бамбуковом резчике». Тот факт, что его коллега попытался вытащить раковину каури из ласточкиного гнезда, но потерпел неудачу, а затем упал насмерть с птичьими фекалиями в руке, является тем, что придает ему его депрессивную личность.


Ishigami, a slim, but good-looking teenager boy, is quite gloomy. His black hair is a chin-length and covers his left side. He usually wears a dull expression, which is amplified by the black eyes.

Ishigami used to call himself a jock in the past. His athletic build and short hair resembled Tsubasa. He lost his muscle after years of inactivity.


Исигами — тихий и несколько депрессивный студент. Он не появлялся на заседаниях студенческого совета. Вместо этого он предпочитает работать из дома. Из-за инцидента в его прошлом он проводит время в одиночестве, играя в видеоигры.

Исигами невероятно удручает и цинично относится к жизни. Он часто разглагольствует о молодежи и других студентах, которых он называет «нормистами». Он, кажется, ревнует тех парней, у которых есть девушка и которые счастливы. Исигами иногда может быть неуклюжим и делать заявления, которые другие считают жуткими. Он немного язвителен и часто делает саркастические комментарии о ситуациях, в которых он оказался.

Исигами, несмотря на свое негативное отношение, добрый, благонамеренный ученик. Он страдает от неполноценности и готов помогать другим, даже если это означает потерю гордости. Он даже посоветовал Кагуя Чиномия не общаться с ним, потому что это может понизить ее репутацию.

Исигами любит играть в видеоигры и читать мангу. Он также хорошо разбирается в культуре отаку. Это включает в себя производство мангаки и аниме, а также манга-тропы. Он скрывает свою любовь к аниме, но боится, что его назовут «отаку». Миюки — единственный человек, который когда-либо говорил с ним об этом. Он слушает музыку аниме.


Kaguya Sama’s Ishigami Yu, who is distant and brooding, is often called rude or creepy. However, he’s actually kind and caring.

. Ishigami, despite his cynical exterior, is actually kind and caring. Ishigami is devoted to the happiness and success of his first group of friends, the Shuchi’in Academy student council.

Ishigami revealed his true nature in the third movement of Season 1 Episode 10, “Shirogane miyuki Wants To Go Somewhere.” Ishigami, uncharacteristically, weighed in on the discussion between student council members about whether they should host a summertime activity. He noted that most students will soon be in their third year of highschool and are therefore likely to be focusing on college entrance exams. This summer might be the last chance for them to get together as friends.

It’s a small moment, but it’s the first time Ishigami has ever opened himself up to other Kaguya–sama. He’s also doing it with the student council, an organization he tried to quit earlier in his story. And he considers the entire group to be his friends.

Ishigami is also kinder when it comes Iino Miko. It would seem that the characters don’t get along well at first glance. Iino, who has been a classmate with Ishigami since middle-school, is familiar with the circumstances leading to his suspension. Her perception of him has continued into high school, as she considers him a dissident who is often resentful.

Both Ishigami as well as Iino value justice and honesty. Iino (and Ishigami) share similar values and care for each other, even though neither wants recognition from the others — a subtle dynamic that is in line with the series’ main conceit. The Student Council Presidential elections in Season 2 is one example.

In the beginning, presidential elections consisted of speeches by each candidate: Osaragi Kobachi, Shirogane Miko and Iino Miko. At Ishigami’s request, however, the format was changed into a debate-style forum. Ishigami had known Iino since childhood and was familiar with her crippling stage fear. He also shared it with the rest of the student council. The student council agreed to change the format of the election from a seated vote to one that was structured.

Although Ishigami Yu was mainly on the margins of Kaguya–sama‘s anime translation, his kindnesses and consideration have put him in the running to be the anime’s Best Boy. Season 3 will premiere in April 2022. This means that the somber outcast will get a chance to shine and have his own happy ending.

Also Read:Kei Shirogane Love Is War : Everything You Need To Know


Ishigami, the second son of the president a small toy business, was able to get into Shuchi’in through the hard work of his father. He is also the only one to have a high school diploma. He is not academically motivated and only puts his efforts into those things that are of interest to him. He is a skilled observer. He is able to see the things other people are most anxious about. Landmines people don’t want to be touched on deeply. These insecurities, which are hidden by others, are as obvious as the clothes they wear.

He avoids the obvious taboos that any ordinary person would be hesitant to touch. However, he does make observations that aren’t always obvious as landmines. These landmines are often set off and disturbed by him because he can’t tell that they are untouchable. As a matter of habit, he used to skip school. But Miyuki Shirogane saw him as a treasurer and forced him to attend high school.

Ogino was the president of the drama club. He had beat up Ogino for failing to stop his cheating acts on Kyoko Ootomo in middle school. Ogino, in desperate need, framed Ishigami as beating him up for being jealous of Kyoko’s girlfriend. This has caused widespread hatred and flooding hate, as well as a lengthy suspension that didn’t end until he apologized. 

His self-confidence and self-esteem were destroyed by the hatred and suspension. He couldn’t write an apology letter, and he never did. Miyuki had done extensive research and discovered the truth about his pain. He was the only one who understood and believed that he wasn’t at fault. His data analysis and processing skills were quickly recognized by the student council.

Ishigami, as mentioned in the anime was the fastest track club member.

Ishigami, who is under pressure to take part in school club activities, joins the Cheer Club, which is led by Kazeno, his senior. Tsubame Koyasu is a cheerful third-year student who is kind and caring to all. He considered her to be the most beautiful girl in school alongside Kaguya Shinomiya. Ishigami has a crush upon Tsubame and accidentally confesses to his feelings at the school’s cultural fest. Ishigami doesn’t realize that his actions were interpreted as a confession by the rest student body. He is therefore unaware of the implications of giving Tsubame a heartshaped gift (considered similar to a confession according to Shuchiin tradition). 

Kaguya convinces Tsubame to consider Ishigami’s confession. Her original intention was to let him down as gently and as quickly as possible. Ishigami only realizes that his actions have an unintended purpose after he watches Tsubame perform the traditional play that gave birth to the aforementioned traditions. Ishigami was unable to see the full meaning of his actions because of his thickheaded nature. He had to confess.


Yu is a name that means “excellence and superiority, gentleness” (You). Yu’s surname Ishigami is “stone” (Shi) ( -ishi), and “above top, higher” (Shang) ( kami/ gaming).

https://www.youtube.com/embed/bflMzQIoU9s?feature=oembedIshigami Yu Best Moments By anime funny moments


Длинные удары Исигами являются физическим барьером, который он использует, чтобы не видеть вещей, которые он не хочет, и проявлением его страха перед другими людьми.  [2]Его челка затрудняет видение левого глаза. Исигами — решатель проблем с острым глазом. Он несколько раз разгадывал тайну безумия Нагисы Касиваги в Цубаса Тануме. Исигами был в ужасе от Кагуя Чиномия и боялся, что однажды она убьет его. Исигами однажды сказал, что он был шутником в средней школе. [5] Символ ЛИНИИ Исигами — персонаж аниме. Исигами когда-то была женщиной с короткими рукавами, но она стала боксером после того, как была унижена Чикой Фудзиварой. Хотя Исигами преуспевает в обработке и анализе данных, он испытывает трудности на экзаменах. Это потому, что Ко Огино заставил его написать ему письмо. Он отказался и оставался дома, пока не закончил среднюю школу. На его учебу все еще влияло его решение остаться дома.  [7][8] Мать Исигами была флористом. Речевые пузыри Исигами грубы в первых 72 главах. Это похоже на остальных мужских персонажей в этом сериале. Его речевые пузырьки описываются как коробки с закругленными углами, начиная с главы 73. Вероятно, это связано с тем, что автор выбрал Исигами, чтобы иметь более мягкий, более мужественный голос. Исигами играет в Crypto в Apex Legends Это часть бриллиантового уровня рейтинговых лиг.  [9]Отряд Ревенанта, Крипто и Призрака, созданный Исигами, был очень популярен в 5 сезоне Apex Legends. По совпадению, 6 сезон Apex Legends был выпущен одновременно с главой и напрямую повлиял на любую синергию между Crypto и Revenant. Он не очень хороший затворник. Тем не менее, у него есть некоторый интеллект. Фудзивара и Исигами разделяют свой день рождения. Исигами сделал отсылку в эпизоде 32 к «Побегу из Шоушенка»