Boruto, the latest Naruto spin-off anime, is set in a world where the strongest ninja can code. Boruto, the protagonist, is a young ninja who has been training to become the next Hokage since he was young. In this world of code, Boruto must use his skills to protect his friends and defeat his enemies. The strength of code in Boruto lies in its ability to create a unique and engaging world for viewers. The characters are all well-developed and their interactions are interesting. The action sequences are well choreographed and exciting to watch. Overall, Boruto is an excellent example of how code can be used to create an immersive experience for viewers. ..

Code, who has inherited the Otsutsuki power, is the pseudo vessel for Isshiki. Code is compatible with Isshiki’s body, unlike Jigen. This makes him stronger than his predecessor. This makes his strength superior to that of Naruto or Sasuke.

What are the Code’s Powers

You can expect him to be formidable as he is the only survivor from Jigen’s ritual along with Kawaki. Here are the powers of the failed vessel:

Incredible physical strength

When it comes to strength, Code is no less than a monster. Amado, in chapter 56 of Boruto manga stated that the combat strength of the failed vessel is greater than Jigen’s. This is not something you would casually claim, considering the havoc he can cause. Jigen handled Naruto’s Baryon Mode and Sasuke.

They beat Isshiki by a large margin due to Naruto’s Baryon Mode. His modified body further enhances this monstrous power. Code can use parts of his body as weapons by transforming them. We know that Code can transform his hands to make deadly claw-like weapons that can be used against his enemies.

He is also able to create black bands, similar to a belt, which he can use for his enemies to be caught. Code can use these bands to teleport on any object that is covered by the bands. Code can also use only one part of his body as an attack, such as his claws. This ability is both offensive and defensively devastating, but it’s not impossible.

These black bands could allow Code to travel through dimensions. This ability is very similar to Kamui (the Mangekyo Sharingan from Obito Uchiha).


Code appears to be agile and fast. We have only seen Code’s actions and it is clear that he is very efficient at using his abilities. Amado mentioned that Code is more powerful than Jigen so the speed of the former should be comparable.

How strong is code?

Code is a pseudo vessel for Isshiki and has all the power of Otsuki. Jigen was not compatible with Isshiki’s body. Jigen was Jigen’s parasite, and Isshiki was living off Jigen. Jigen is a vessel, so Jigen’s powers pale in comparison with Code. This makes Code more powerful than Jigen, and puts him above Naruto or Sasuke. We all know that Jigen was the only one who managed to manage both our heroes. We will provide a detailed explanation.

Isshiki was left to die after Kaguya had back-stabbed him. Jigen, a novice monk, saved the day. Through Jigen’s ear, the Otsutsuki entered his body and began to absorb nutrients from him. He also gained control over Jigen. Jigen became infected with a Karma mark, but was not compatible with the Otsutsuki seal. Jigen began to search for a new vessel.

This information is vital as it shows that Isshiki could not exercise even half his true strength due to the limitations imposed by Jigen’s frailty. Code, on the other hand, was able to survive a Karma infection, which is far more powerful than the slow process of implanting a Karma seal. Code’s body is compatible with Isshiki, which gives him an advantage when it comes to strength. This brings us to the next question…

Boruto: 10 Things Every Code Fan Must Know

Code is a major villain in the Boruto series. Fans should know a few things about him.

It is not surprising that the Boruto manga and anime have taken divergent paths. While the manga covers the most important parts, the anime fleshes out the story more. After Chapter 15’s defeat of Shojoji in Chapter 15, Boruto manga introduced Code. He was introduced in Episode157 by Jigen, the leader and founder of Kara.

9 He is the Current Leader Of Kara

Kara was once led by Jigen, who wanted to rid the planet of its chakras and gain great power. The collective efforts of Naruto and Sasuke as well as Boruto and Kawaki saw the defeat of Jigen’s possessor, Isshiki Otsuki. Code, an Inner of the group, was granted control over Kara after his death.

Also Read:Boruto vs Kawaki : Who would win?

8 Code was a Test Subject, Just like Kawaki

Code’s history is still unknown to fans, but it was revealed that he was a Karma experiment test subject, much like Kawaki. This makes him one of the 15 children in Kawaki flashbacks. Kawaki was the only child who could be considered a success out of all the others. He was the vessel for Isshiki Oksutsuki who was about to leave Jigen.

7 Code Has The Power Of Karma

Code was different than the rest. Code survived the horror and was able gain the powers Isshiki Obtsuki, but without becoming a vessel.

While Kawaki and Boruto each received regular Karma from Isshiki Otsuki, Momoshiki Otsuki, Code received a White Karma. However, it is not clear why Code’s case is so different.

6 Code’s Strength Exceeds That of Jigen

Code is the main antagonist of the story, and it’s not surprising that he is so strong after the death Isshiki Oksutsuki. Amado claims that Code is stronger than Jigen, Isshiki Olsutsuki’s former host. This makes him a monster that can defeat almost anyone in combat.

5 Code has Limiters All Over His Body

Jigen would normally have disposed Code of as he did all the other threats to him. But Code was an exception. He was extremely dedicated to Jigen, and treated him as his God. Code was allowed to become a part Kara and to serve as an Inner. He made sure he was the strongest member of the group, so Amado had him install several limits on his body in order to limit his powers.

4 Code Is Stronger Than Delta & Boro

Code was allowed to join the Kara and become an Inner after his strength had been reduced. He is a monstrous fighter who can defeat anyone, just like the rest of this group.

Surprisingly, Code still has more power than Delta and Boro, both of whom are monsters in their respective ways. Amado claims that Code may be capable of competing with Koji Kashin (one of the strongest members of this group).

3 Code Has The Power Of Scientific Ninja Tools

Code, like all the others in Kara, has had his body modified using the Microscopic Scientific Ninja Tools. He was able to use his fingers to claw Eida away from Boro’s hands during his escape. Fans have yet to see him with any other superpowers that could be derived from scientific enhancement. He has never engaged in serious combat against anyone.

2 His goal is to become a celestial being

After the death of Isshiki Obatsuki, Code lost his purpose. However, his master asked him to continue his legacy. Code now wants to fulfill the Otsuki Clan’s creed by becoming a Celestial Being, and to consume all genetic material and chakra from other worlds to evolve. Code hopes to become Godhood, and be an unrivalled power.

1 Code Is Stronger Than Naruto Uzumaki

Code is the most powerful character in Naruto. This means that even Naruto Umaki is not able to match Code. Although the Seventh Hokage was able to defeat him with the Nine-tails, it is clear that he will lose to the Kara leader, even with all his limiters. Amado confirmed this, as he has an excellent idea of Code’s strength and has seen Isshiki’s abilities against it.