Scar is a character in the manga and anime series FMA. He is a black-clad vigilante who helps the police and other law enforcement officers in their fight against crime. Scar was created by Tetsuya Nomura, who also designed the characters Ichigo Kurosaki and Jūhei Hasegawa. What is Scar’s backstory? Scar was born to a family of criminals. As a child, he was always trying to find ways to get away with his crimes, even if it meant getting into trouble with the law. One day, he met an officer who needed help catching criminals. Scar offered his services, and soon he was helping the officer do his job better than ever before. What are some of Scar’s abilities? Scar has many abilities that make him an effective vigilante. He can use his quick reflexes to dodge bullets, and he can also use his strength and speed to take down enemies quickly. He also has a sharp tongue which can get him into trouble sometimes, but it always seems to help him out in the end.


Scar is a native Ishvalan and he has the distinctive dark skin tone and red iris of his people. His height is medium and his build is muscular. He has a silver-colored crown and has shaved his hair close to the sides and back. The manga and the 2009 anime storyline show the crown sticking up slightly, while the 2003 anime series shows it being more flattened and spread out. Scar’s right arm has a thin scar that runs from the bicep to the shoulder. It is almost covered by a complicated tattoo.

Scare’s upper face is disfigured by a large X-shaped mark that runs across his forehead, down to his cheekbones and over his eyes. In the manga, Scar is described as being in his mid- to late thirties. The 2003 anime portrays him as approximately ten years younger. Scar is seen wearing sunglasses to conceal his red eyes. He also wears a distinctive jacket of gold color with a cross at the sleeves and back. He also wears a pair black slacks that have a white cross on his left leg and a white stripe down the right.

Also Read:Who Is Edward Elric?


Scar is an angry, cruel, and brooding man who hates the people who have destroyed his homeland. He knows full well that his actions are against many of his religious teachings, but he continues to claim himself an agent for God’s divine punishment and takes out his fury upon State alchemists. As a result, he gives up his birth name, which Ishvalans consider gifts of God. This leads to a monomaniac hatred for State Alchemists that he targets Edward Elric, who is not a part of the war but is a champion for the people.

But, remnants of his past life’s gentle nature can still seep into his present. Scar, even in the midst of his bloody revenge, is still able to show compassion to others. He honors last wishes and offers a chance for people to pray before they die. Although he is a competent rhetorician and reasonably intelligent, his misguided thirst to vengeance clouded his judgment and led him to argue in circles. Scar, who has had his family and people stolen from him and his people, sympathizes and takes care of those who have lost their place within the world. Scar is also very protective of his kinsmen surviving and listens to their encouragement and chastisement.


Scar, a former warrior-monk from Ishval is an expert at hand-to–hand combat. He has remarkable strength, stamina and agility, as well as deceptive speed and can be seen dodging bullets. Although he is shown as a young combatant in wartime, the 2003 anime depicts him fighting alongside armed soldiers using melee tactics. Scar’s murder spree in Amestris is an example of his abilities.

He manages to kill ten Alchemists (including Basque Grand who was hailed as a combat specialist) while also being able to defeat combat-based alchemists such as Alex Armstrong and the Elric brothers. Scar is also capable of defeating inhuman beasts like chimeras, and homunculi. He was able to win a pyrrhic victory against a severely wounded Wrath through luck and skill.

Scar is intelligent and can comprehend complex and advanced concepts and texts in alchemical text and literature, even though he has never studied the craft. He is also a competent tactician and can immediately identify and assess his enemies’ weaknesses during combat.


Scar’s right arm is tattooed with a transmutation array.

Scar’s intimidating physique and physical strength are frightening enough, but his most dangerous element is his right hand, which can destroy any object it touches using the Transmutation array tattooed thereon. Scar is a fundamentalist opponent to alchemy. However, the unique strain of alchemy his arm allows him to create is powerful and advanced. Scar’s method, as demonstrated by those who saw it in action and survived the experience, follows the cyclical flow transmutation but does not account for the first two steps, comprehension and deconstruction. He “stops at the second step” and the physical structure of the target is destroyed, not reshaped. This effectively reduces it to trash.

He applies this method to his victims and destroys their internal organs (generally the brain in the manga version, but also the brain in the 2003 anime). This avoids Human Transmutation as well as the Ishvalan stigma that comes with giving new life to God’s creations. He is able destroy Chimeras using a bomb and bloody splatters. Despite Scar’s anti-alchemical rhetoric, Scar can still destroy an object whose structure he doesn’t understand. This suggests that Scar has some alchemical knowledge.

Although the origins of Scar’s arm markings differ between the manga story-lines and the 2003 anime story-lines, both stories reveal that it was the right arm of Scar, his older brother. It was transferred from one sibling during an emergency procedure during Ishval Civil War.

Manga and 2009 anime

Scar’s arm array is the second half of a complementary two-piece set that his older brother designed. Scar’s older brother, Amestrian alchemy, was able to identify similarities and create an array that combined their strengths. The right arm is marked with “TERRA” and “AER”, the Latin words for “Earth” and “AER” respectively. It contains an array that includes twin snakes in a Caduceus design, surrounded by reptilian scals, which could be the ” Dragon’s Pulse” from alkahestric origin, and a series tribal arrows running down to the wrist. This represents an outward flow.

This arm is for deconstruction. The left arm is designated for reconstruction. It has the same arrangement turned upside down to signify an inward flow. Also, the Dragon’s Pulse is inked in white ink instead of the black ink on the right arm. Its inward flow completes full transmutation. The mark is made with “IGNIS”, the Latin word meaning “Fire”, and “AQUA”, the Latin word meaning “Water” to complete the elemental tetrad.

In exchange for Scar’s life, his older brother used Alkahestric properties and transferred his right arm to his brother. Although Scar cannot transmute beyond the deconstruction stage using this arm, the Alkahestric nature the array renders his transmutations inimical to Father’s alchemy-sealing abilities.

In Chapter103 Scar says that he had at one point in the past several months deciphered and accurately recreated the reconstruction array on his brother’s left limb. With the same array on his left arm, Scar is now able create and destroy, as well as perform complete transmutations thanks to the extensive research of his brother. Although Scar is new to the craft and had not attempted it before The Promised Day, he proves that he can create large spikes out of the ground, similar to the Elric brothers Alex Louis Armstrong. Scar’s spikes are not conical but instead take the shape of hexagonal pyramids.

2003 anime

Scar has an array on his arm that is part of the Grand Arcanum. This array was tattooed by his older brother after he had explored old alchemic methods and failed human transmutations. The Grand Arcanum was an ancient, forbidden form of alchemy that is unique to Ishvalan culture. It had a method to create a Philosopher’s Stone through reacting with lost souls or other incomplete Stones and then absorbing them into it.

His younger brother, who had lost his right arm in an attack by State Alchemist Solf Java Kimblee, was able to regain his senses and transfer it to his younger sibling. Scar’s right arm, which is an incomplete Philosopher Stone, retains enough of his brother’s full-body Grand Arcanum Tattoo to react the same. In keeping with its nature, it emits a scarlet glow when used and absorbs Red Stones as well as the souls of Scar’s victims to make itself complete.

Although the markings on this arm look similar to the ones in the manga, they are less precise and lack the Dragon’s Pulse symbology. It also has a different meaning due to its origins. Scar’s religious beliefs prevent Scar from allowing Scar to rebuild his arm.


Scar’s brother

They loved one another dearly. Although Scar and his brother were close friends, Scar didn’t understand his brother’s alchemy or alkahestry studies. He loved Scar dearly. Scar’s brother protects Scar when Kimblee attacks him. Later, he even cut off his arm and transfers it onto Scar in an attempt to save his life. Scar was shocked to learn that his brother had died and he began a rampage that ended in the death of Winry’s parents. Scar would save his brother’s research notes, which would prove to be very useful later in saving Amestris. His hatred for Kimblee stemmed mainly from his death, along with those of his fellow Ishvalans.

May Chang

Scar was a child, and not a state alchemist. He healed her wound and she was allowed to travel with him. She was one of few who didn’t view Scar as a monster, and he tried to protect her. In turn, she grew to love him and became a brother to him, healing many of his wounds and staying close to him.

Dr. Marcoh: Scar was digging underground tunnels to discover the homunculi, and learned why they started the Ishvalan War. Marcoh was found by Scar in his prison cell above Marcoh, and Marcoh revealed that he was the alchemist who orchestrated the Ishvalan massacre. Scar begs Scar not to kill him, but Scar gives him time to study and disfigures his face so that no one will recognize him.


He killed his parents accidentally due to extreme pain from his wounds, and trauma from watching his brother and other countrymen being killed by Kimblee. He tells her that he shot them and then she will become his enemy. Although he didn’t hesitate in attacking her, Ed saved her from harm. This reminded him of his brother who protected him against Kimblee. He asks her forgiveness when they meet in North, and Winry offers to help him. She replies that she doesn’t know, but her parents would love her to help him. They traveled together, and even though they didn’t get to interact often, Scar seemed to regret her parents saving his life.


He hated Mustang just as much as the state alchemists who had killed his countrymen. On a few occasions, he even tried to kill him. Mustang saw him as a threat, but they worked together to stop Amestris from making a giant Philosopher’s Stone.


Scar pursued Ed to kill him simply because he was a state alchemist. Ed tried to use Scar to lure out the Homunculi, as he knew Scar would kill him. The homunculi wouldn’t allow Scar to kill Scar. Ed hated Scar because of what he did Nina. And when he found out Scar was the one who murdered Winry’s parents, Scar made him even more bitter. Although he hated working with Scar, he was forced to join forces for the betterment of the country.

:Scar is very close to Alphonse. Both suffered from deep traumas and had to have a brother sacrifice his arm in order to save them. Alphonse has Ed, but Scar lost his brother. This is one of the major differences. Scar dedicated his life to revenge and Alphonse was unable to bear the consequences. They end up bonding with one Shadow Archetype, which is unusual for them. This is why Scar sacrifices his arm again in the 2003 anime to save Alphonse from Kimblee’s bomb-making.


Yoki tried to turn Scar in for a reward and get reinstated in the military after they first met. After that failed, Yoki quickly accepted Scar as his servant. Scar was not opposed to this. He pretends to be Scar’s master but Scar will call him master whenever he is within earshot. Scar, for the most part, seems to allow him to travel with and see him as a nuisance. However, he uses him to keep an eye on him and help him find transportation. Although he didn’t mind Envy getting attached to him, he could have been acting in the same way.


Kimblee was responsible for the deaths of many Scar’s relatives, including his brother. He is also the state alchemist that he loathes most. Kimblee saw Scar both as a survivor, and a taint on his reputation. The two of them fought against one another. It ended in a draw, but it was not resolved as Pride ultimately ate Kimblee. However, Scar was shown as the one who killed Kimblee in the battle in Reole after sacrificing the left arm.


In a joke that is not canon Theater 4-Koma , Scar claimed his real name was Jugemu-jugemu Gokonosurikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Kunerutokoroni-sumutokoro Yaburakojino-burakoji Paipopaipo-paiponoshuringan Shuringanno-gurindai Gurindaino-ponpokopino-ponpokonano Chokyumeino-chosuke, which was coincidentally the same as King Bradley The real name of’s. Percival Ramgene Gregory Nicolai Jacques Scozer Leonardo Gabriel Socrates Ming Victor Nostradamus Alistair Predisha Vladimir Stiegler Rasputin Bomir Walla Walla Shadiga Alex Oliver Abalard Arnesto Zppy Zippy Angel Eyes. In the English version of the anime, Scar’s voice actors portray Scar in a very different way. Scar appears calmer in the first series and is more youthful in demeanor. Scar is gruffer and more angry in the second series.

Although scar design is consistent across the two animes and manga, there are some differences. He appears younger in the 2003 series than his manga/2009 counterparts, with a more pronounced face and less prominent facial features. His right arm tattoo in the 2009 series is slightly different to his manga/2003 counterpart. In the 2003 series, the light from Scar’s energy discharge is red. However, this is due to Scar’s change in backstory. Lust asked for his real identity. He stated that he had once known one but that “that person died years back from a life filled with sin, malice, and retribution. ”Much like the manga, his name is not revealed. He believes that he has renounced all of his identity by using alchemy. He fights by grasping someone’s head, activating the alchemical circle within to deconstruct everything in its area of effect and causing most of the skull to be blown away. Scar never gives his name, even though he is about to die. Lust asks Scar his name. He replies that his body had one once, but “that person died long ago. ” Lust, who had previously called him “scarred men” until this point, finally uses Scar’s name as he passes away: “Goodbye… Scar. ”Scar was part of a sect that was made up of warrior monks. It’s clear that Scar was a skilled fighter long before he gained his arm of destruction. He was just an ordinary Ishbalan citizen in the 2003 anime. His brother grafted his abilities onto him to save his life. This version has nothing but his empowered arm. However, that makes him very dangerous.

Fullmetal Alchemist’s Scar Does Not Stand a Chance Against His Brotherhood Companion

Fullmetal Alchemist’s 2003 anime adaptation is dramatically and significantly different to the faithful 2009 manga adaptation, Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood. These differences are due to the manga’s continuing status at the time, which resulted in an anime-original storyline that covers the second half of the plot.

The anti-hero Scar is a key difference, and how he develops throughout each series. It’s evident that Scar has grown into a man who is better than his former self by the end of FMAB. Here’s how.

In Fullmetal Alchemist2003 Scar’s brother tried to bring back his dead love by using the forbidden art human transmutation. The act was unsuccessful and led to the creation of the homunculus known simply as Lust, which would be the catalyst for the brother’s exile. Later, during Ishvalan Civil War, he sought out the Grand Arcanum. This ancient forbidden alchemy was taught to Scar’s younger brother by the Ishvalan exile. They can use the lives of the living or deceased to create a Philosopher’s Stone by drawing a series transmutation circles around their bodies.

Scar, unlike other alchemists, uses only the first two steps to transform objects. The three stages of alchemy include 1) understanding the molecular structure, 2) destruction and 3) reconstruction of the material. The third process is opposed by the Ishvalans, who believe it is heretical that god’s creations should be better than they are.

Scar and his brother attempt to escape war but State Alchemist Kimblee intercepts them and gives Scar the eponymous injury. He also blows off his right arm. His brother attached his arm tattooed in the Grand Arcanum to Scar before he died and told him to keep living. Scar survived and was given his most dangerous weapon, an arm capable of performing the first two stages of alchemic transformation. This new power of destruction was what Scar used to begin a campaign of “wrath” against Amestrian soldiers. He destroyed their organs using his right hand.

Scar manipulates Liore’s people into helping him to create a huge transmutation circle in their city. Alphonse and Scar are defeated in a final battle at the end 2003’s Fullmetal Alchemist. Kimblee uses his last strength to transform Alphonse into an explosive living bomb, while Scar is killed by an Amestrian soldier. Scar, realizing his imminent death, uses all of his strength to complete the city-wide Transmutation Circle he drew to create a Philosopher’s Stone in Alphonse. This circle ended up killing thousands of Amestrian soldiers, alchemists, as well as Scar.

Scar was almost exactly the same way as in Fullmetal Alchemist, Brotherhood. Kimblee, the State Alchemist, ambushed a group Ishvalans with explosive alchemy and destroyed them. Scar suffered severe shock after sustaining severe injuries in the blast. His brother then attached his arm to Scar. He was able to touch the alchemical process and access the second stage. Ed later points out that Scar is an alchemist who is highly skilled and intelligent enough to be able recognize the materials he transforms at a glance.

Scar, like his 2003 counterpart, went on a quest for revenge to kill State Alchemists as well as Amestrian soldiers. However, he isn’t trapping their souls in FMAB. His more compassionate portrayal also signals a change of character. Scar continues his quest and begins to kill high-ranking military officers. Ed and Al confront Scar over this. Winry meets the three of them and discovers that Scar is the one who killed her parents. She demands to be held hostage by Scar. Ed leaps above Scar to protect her. Scar was reminded of his brother’s bravery in protecting him during Kimblee’s attack, and began to reconsider his mission.

Later, Scar continues his adventure with Yoki and Marcoh. This section of Scar’s character arc in FMAB is notable because of his relaxed demeanor, decreased violence against random Amestrian soldier. Scar is captured and wounded after fighting Al and Ed in the North City. Winry stitches Scar and introduces him to Major Miles. Miles is an Ishvalan fellow who wants to change the military’s perception of Ishvalans. Scar becomes visibly moved by Miles’ words and begins to examine his actions to see if they are for the greater good.

Scar’s character development would pay off in his final fight against King Bradley. The King attempts to end Scar’s life by thrusting his sword in Scar, who is unarmed and lying on his back. This would have been Fullmetal Alchemist 2003’s Scar. But Brotherhood’s version was able to change the tides, surprising Bradley and the audience. Scar had his left arm tattooed with symbols from all three alchemical processes in the interim that led up to the Promised Day.

Scar was able to transform the ground beneath him into a jagged rock mass that pierced Bradley’s right arm, throwing him off his feet. Scar activates an alkahestry circle that reverses the process of transmutation to enable alchemists to tap into tectonics instead of relying upon the underground network of Philosopher’s Stones — which they had not known was happening since Amestria’s inception.

Brotherhood‘s version would win the fight using a deadly combination of his destructive alchemy and constructive alchemy. The emotional growth Scar experiences in FMAB would make it seem like he is pitying the man was in 2003.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood’s Scrat would use the wisdom and patience he gained as an Ishvalan monk to incapacitate his older self. He may also try to reason with him. He still has the ability to use his left hand to transform the environment around him, incapacitating the opponent and his arm, and then using his right arm to finish the job.

Fullmetal Alchemist’s Scar Does Not Stand a Chance Against His Brotherhood Companion

Fullmetal Alchemist’s 2003 anime adaptation is dramatically and significantly different to the faithful 2009 manga adaptation, Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood. These differences are due to the manga’s continuing status at the time, which resulted in an anime-original storyline that covers the second half of the plot.

The anti-hero Scar is a key difference, and how he develops throughout each series. It’s evident that Scar has grown into a man who is better than his former self by the end of FMAB. Here’s how.

In Fullmetal Alchemist2003 Scar’s brother tried to bring back his dead love by using the forbidden art human transmutation. The act was unsuccessful and led to the creation of the homunculus known simply as Lust, which would be the catalyst for the brother’s exile. Later, during Ishvalan Civil War, he sought out the Grand Arcanum. This ancient forbidden alchemy was taught to Scar’s younger brother by the Ishvalan exile. They can use the lives of the living or deceased to create a Philosopher’s Stone by drawing a series transmutation circles around their bodies.

Scar, unlike other alchemists who use three different processes to transform objects, chooses to only use two of the processes. 1) Understanding of the molecular structure, 2) Destruction of the material, and 3) Reconstruction into a new form are the three stages of alchemy. The third process is opposed by the Ishvalans, who believe it is heretical that god’s creations should be better than they are.

Scar and his brother attempt to escape war but State Alchemist Kimblee intercepts them and gives Scar the eponymous injury. He also blows off his right arm. His brother attached his arm tattooed in the Grand Arcanum to Scar before he died and told him to keep living. Scar survived and was given his most dangerous weapon, an arm capable of performing the first two stages of alchemic transformation. This newfound power of destruction was used by Scar to kill Amestrian soldiers, State Alchemists and their organs using his right hand.

Scar manipulates Liore’s people into supporting him in creating a massive transmutation circle that runs through their entire city. Alphonse and Scar are defeated in a final battle at the end 2003’s Fullmetal Alchemist. Kimblee uses his last strength to transform Alphonse into an explosive living bomb, while Scar is killed by an Amestrian soldier. Scar, realizing his imminent death, uses all of his strength to complete the city-wide Transmutation Circle he drew to create a Philosopher’s Stone in Alphonse. This circle would end up killing thousands of Amestrian soldiers, alchemists, as well as Scar himself.

Scar was almost exactly the same way as in Fullmetal Alchemist, Brotherhood. Kimblee, the State Alchemist, ambushed a group Ishvalans with explosive alchemy and destroyed them. Scar suffered severe shock after sustaining severe injuries in the blast. His brother then attached his arm to Scar. He was able to touch the alchemical process and access the second stage. Ed later points out that Scar is an alchemist who is highly skilled and intelligent enough to recognize the materials he transforms at a glance.

Scar, like his 2003 counterpart, went on a quest for revenge to kill State Alchemists as well as Amestrian soldiers. However, he isn’t trapping their souls in FMAB. His more compassionate portrayal also signals a change of character. Scar continues his quest and begins to kill high-ranking military officers. Ed and Al confront Scar over this. Winry meets the three of them and discovers that Scar is the one who killed her parents. She demands to be held hostage by Scar. Ed leaps above Scar to protect her. Scar was reminded of his brother’s bravery in protecting him during Kimblee’s attack, and began to reconsider his mission.

Later, Scar continues his adventure with Yoki and Marcoh. This section of Scar’s character arc in FMAB is notable because of his relaxed demeanor, decreased violence against random Amestrian soldier. Scar is captured and wounded after fighting Al and Ed in the North City. Winry stitches Scar and introduces him to Major Miles. Miles is an Ishvalan fellow who wants to change the military’s perception of Ishvalans. Scar becomes visibly moved by Miles’ words and begins to examine his actions to see if they are for the greater good.

Scar’s character development would pay off in his final fight against King Bradley. The King attempts to end Scar’s life by thrusting his sword in Scar, who is unarmed and lying on his back. This would have been Fullmetal Alchemist 2003’s Scar. But Brotherhood’s version was able to change the tides, surprising Bradley and the audience. Scar had his left arm tattooed with symbols from all three alchemical processes in the interim that led up to the Promised Day.

Scar was able to transform the ground beneath him into a jagged rock mass that pierced Bradley’s right arm, throwing him off his feet. Scar activates an alkahestry circle that reverses the process of transmutation to enable alchemists to tap into tectonics instead of relying upon the underground network of Philosopher’s Stones — which they had not known was happening since Amestria’s inception.

Brotherhood‘s version would win the fight using a deadly combination of his destructive alchemy and constructive alchemy. The emotional growth Scar experiences in FMAB would make it seem like he is pitying the man was in 2003.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood’s Scrat would use the wisdom and patience he gained as an Ishvalan monk to incapacitate his older self. He may also try to reason with him. He still has the ability to use his left hand to transform the environment around him, incapacitating the opponent and his arm, then using his right arm to finish the job.

Fullmetal Alchemist’s Scar Does Not Stand a Chance Against His Brotherhood Companion

Fullmetal Alchemist’s 2003 anime adaptation is dramatically and significantly different to the faithful 2009 manga adaptation, Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood. These differences are due to the manga’s continuing status at the time, which resulted in an anime-original storyline that covers the second half of the plot.

The anti-hero Scar is a key difference, and how he develops throughout each series. It’s evident that Scar has grown into a man who is better than his former self by the end of FMAB. Here’s how.

Scar’s brother tried to bring back his dead love by using the forbidden art human transmutation. The act was unsuccessful and led to the creation of the homunculus known simply as Lust, which would be the catalyst for the brother’s exile. Later, during Ishvalan Civil War, he sought out the Grand Arcanum. This ancient forbidden alchemy was taught to Scar’s younger brother by the Ishvalan exile. They can use the lives of the living or deceased to create a Philosopher’s Stone by drawing a series transmutation circles around their bodies.

Scar, unlike other alchemists, uses only the first two steps to transform objects. The three stages of alchemy include 1) understanding the molecular structure, 2) destruction and 3) reconstruction of the material. The third process is opposed by the Ishvalans, who believe it is heretical that god’s creations should be better than they are.

Scar and his brother attempt to escape war but State Alchemist Kimblee intercepts them and gives Scar the eponymous injury. He also blows off his right arm. His brother attached his arm tattooed in the Grand Arcanum to Scar before he died and told him to keep living. Scar survived and was given his most dangerous weapon, an arm capable of performing the first two stages of alchemic transformation. This newfound power of destruction was used by Scar to kill Amestrian soldiers, State Alchemists and their organs using his right hand.

Scar manipulates Liore’s people into helping him to create a huge transmutation circle in their city. Alphonse and Scar are defeated in a final battle at the end 2003’s Fullmetal Alchemist. Kimblee uses his last strength to transform Alphonse into an explosive living bomb, while Scar is killed by an Amestrian soldier. Scar, realizing his imminent death, uses all of his strength to complete the city-wide Transmutation Circle he drew to create a Philosopher’s Stone in Alphonse. This circle resulted in killing hundreds if not thousands Amestrian soldiers, alchemists and alchemists. It would also serve to horrify Scar, who became a member of Brotherhood.

Scar was almost exactly the same way as in Fullmetal Alchemist, Brotherhood. Kimblee, the State Alchemist, ambushed a group Ishvalans with explosive alchemy and destroyed them. Scar suffered severe shock after sustaining blood loss from the blast. His brother then attached his arm to Scar. He was able to touch the alchemical process and access the second stage. Ed later points out that Scar is an alchemist who is highly skilled and intelligent enough to recognize the materials he transforms at a glance.

Scar, like his 2003 counterpart, went on a quest for revenge to kill State Alchemists as well as Amestrian soldiers. However, he isn’t trapping their souls in FMAB. His more compassionate portrayal also signals a change of character. Scar continues his quest and begins to kill high-ranking military officers. Ed and Al confront Scar over this. Winry meets the three of them and discovers that Scar is the one who killed her parents. She demands to be held hostage by Scar. Ed leaps above Scar to protect her. Scar was reminded of his brother’s bravery in protecting him during Kimblee’s attack, and began to reconsider his mission.

Later, Scar continues his adventure with Yoki and Marcoh. This section of Scar’s character arc in FMAB is notable because of his relaxed demeanor, decreased violence against random Amestrian soldier. Scar is captured and wounded after fighting Al and Ed in the North City. Winry stitches Scar and introduces him to Major Miles. Miles is an Ishvalan fellow who wants to change the military’s perception of Ishvalans. Scar becomes visibly moved by Miles’ words and begins to examine his actions to see if they are for the greater good.

Scar’s character development would pay off in his final fight against King Bradley. The King attempts to end Scar’s life by thrusting his sword in Scar, who is unarmed and lying on his back. This would have been Fullmetal Alchemist 2003’s Scar. But Brotherhood’s version was able to change the tides, surprising Bradley and the audience. Scar had his left arm tattooed with symbols from all three alchemical processes in the interim that led up to the Promised Day.

Scar was able to transform the ground beneath him into a jagged rock mass that pierced Bradley’s right arm, throwing him off his feet. Scar activates an alkahestry circle that reverses the process of transmutation to enable alchemists to tap into tectonics instead of relying upon the underground network of Philosopher’s Stones — which they had not known was happening since Amestria’s inception.

Brotherhood‘s version would win the fight using a deadly combination of his destructive alchemy and constructive alchemy. The emotional growth Scar experiences in FMAB would make it seem like he is pitying the man was in 2003.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood’s Scrat would use the wisdom and patience he gained as an Ishvalan monk to incapacitate his older self. He may also try to reason with him. He still has the ability to use his left hand to transform the environment around him, incapacitating the opponent and his arm, and then using his right arm to finish the job.