Lust is a powerful emotion that can be felt in many different ways. In the manga and anime series, Fullmetal Alchemist, lust is often associated with sexual desire. However, lust can also refer to a general feeling of excitement or arousal. In the Fullmetal Alchemist manga and anime series, lust is often associated with sexual desire. Lust can also refer to a general feeling of excitement or arousal. This is because the characters in these stories are constantly surrounded by sex and nudity. Lust can be a very powerful emotion. It can make people feel excited and aroused. This is why it’s important for people to be aware of how lust affects them. If someone feels too much lust, they may become sexually promiscuous or engage in other risky behaviors. ..


Lust is a tall, beautiful, pale-skinned woman. Her wavy, lower-back black hair is parted at the middle of her face, while her curving left side shows her left eye. She has narrow mave eyes. Her Ouroboros mark, located just above her large breasts, is on her sternum.

The black, form-fitting black gown she is wearing with no straps and a low back is what you will see her in. Black high-heel boots are also a favorite. Elegant black gloves with red lines and circles running along the length of the gloves are also worn by her.


Lust was more sadistic than her siblings and took pleasure in torturing and making others suffer, as she did with Jean Havoc and Roy Mustang in Research Laboratory 3.[1]. Lust also separated herself from her brethren by not displaying any personality traits that were based on her father. Greed is greedy and Luttony is gluttonous.

However, Lust was not shown to be particularly lascivious or serving other people’s needs. She did however talk seductively to other people and was aware of her charm. This allowed her to manipulate people and get information from them. It may also have to do with her bloodlust for those who are below her level of suffering.

She was intelligent and patient and was probably quite smart, as she demonstrated when she reprimanded Envy for causing Maria Ross. They stirred Roy Mustang up instead of calm him. She was calm and confident but could become unhinged if she was pushed to the corner. She was loyal to Father and acted motherly toward Gluttony.

Lust was also a terrible judge of humans. She considered them foolish, fragile, predictable and generally stupid. Lust was also fond of pointing out the absurdity of human nature. She would also often comment on the absurdity of human nature.

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Immortality – Lust doesn’t age beyond her youth. Contaminant Immunity – Lust is immune against all poisons and venoms. Self-Sufficient: You don’t have to eat, drink or breathe in order to be alive. Enhanced Biology: Lust has strength, speed and reflexes. It also has stamina, endurance, senses, agility. coordination, willpower, intelligence, as well as instincts that are superior to those of any other human, chimera or animal.

Lust’s regeneration ability.

Rapid Regeneration: Because Lust is a Homunculus, all injuries she sustains instantly heal. Even if she’s decapitated, disintegrated or blown up, she’ll still be able to return to her normal life. This ability enabled her to quickly regenerate from small bullet wounds and to fully recover from an explosion caused by Roy Mustang. Perhaps her greatest feat was her ability to regenerate completely from her Philosopher’s stone alone. As long as the stone was intact, she was able come back to life. Her body will become dust if her Philosopher Stone is removed. Her body will crumble into dust if her Philosopher’s Stone is pulled out.

Lust’s Ultimate Spear

Ultimate Spear – Lust’s unique ability to extend her fingers into thin, flexible claws that can cut through almost any material with ease earned her the nickname “Ultimate Spear” from her Homunculus friends. Lust’s blades are also infinitely long and seem to have an inexhaustible range. This allows her to easily kill her opponents from a distance. Lust’s unpredictability and seemingly infinite range of these blades makes them deadly. Enhanced Beauty Lust has a level above most women’s. She uses her attractive looks to play the role of a manipulator in the Homunculi ranks. She moves covertly throughout the country to lure weak-willed individuals (usually vain people who also associate with the State Alchemists). They then fall for their own lust and are disposed of when they are no longer needed.


Roy Mustang may have been referring to Dante Alighieri’s epic poem ” The Divine Comedy”, where the lustful are tossed about in fiery winds while in Hell, and purified by passing through walls filled with intense flame while on Purgatory’s seventh terrace. Coincidentally Laura Bailey is the voice actress for Lust and Travis Willingham is the voice actor for Mustang. Travis killed Lust in the 2009 anime. Lust appears to have an erotic talent for crushing walnuts using her large cleavage in a four-panel chapter of the manga. Lust is the only female antagonist of the Fullmetal Alchemist story, except for the 2003 anime series. Lust’s death was a sign that Lust had accurately predicted Mustang’s blindness after viewing the Gate of Truth at the end of the series. Lust said, “I look forward the day when those eyes are wide with agony. ”In Volume 22, Hiromu Arakawa shows that, while she was holding an FMA volume without visible number, she realized that Lust (or Maes Hopkins) wasn’t available to her. This means that Arakawa had planned to place her somewhere on one the back spine volumes, but didn’t have time or the opportunity to do so. Lust and the original Greed are the only Homunculi not included in this shot. In a fan poll, Lust was ranked 23rd in most popular characters. This spot is shared with Black Hayate. She is now the fourth most popular Homunculus. One of the omakes mocking Pride eating Gluttony, Lust is instead merged with Gluttony, giving her Gluttony’s face. Bryan Konietzko, The Legend of Korra ‘s creator, stated that he was happy to say that Asami Sato’s (a character in The Legend of Korra), was inspired by Lust. He said that “Lust” is such an amazing design. ” [4] However, he did say that he used Lust’s lipstick color to create Asami.

Fullmetal Alchemist: 10 Cool Things You Didn’t Know About Lust

Hiromu Arakawa’s manga/anime hit (and live action film), homunculi play the role of the villains. Father, an old homunculus, wants to be a god and rule the whole world. He purified himself of seven deadly sins and each one took on a humanoid form.

Gluttony and Lust are the first three to make an appearance. They all prove to be formidable opponents. Lust is the most prominent villain in the story. It took a lot more firepower to defeat her. It is important to understand a lot about Lust, the man-slayer. Her appearance and behavior are symbolic. Let’s review.

10 She’s a Leader

Here’s a screen shot from the live-action Fullmetal Alchemistfilm. Lust and Gluttony are side by side. Envy and Envy are portrayed as a team, with Lust being the one who decides where and how the team will go.

Although Lust is not a tactical expert like Roy Mustang and Olivier Armstrong, he has the skills to lead an elite group and execute Father’s will. This is crucial since Father doesn’t want to be left wandering around, directing his Homunculi. Lust is a great lieutenant.

9 Spear Fingers

Each of the six homunculi have a unique battle ability. Pride, in fact, can use all the abilities of his six brothers. What is Lust’s special battle ability? The Ultimate Spear is her ability to elongate and harden fingers into deadly spears that can be used to puncture or slice any object.

This weapon is very fine and may be a reference to lust. This weapon might also be perverted to Cupid’s Arrow, which can penetrate a person’s heart and make them feel loved. However, lust will make someone feel like they are dead.

8 She’s a Sadist

Homunculi have a much greater power than normal humans. Envy shouts loudly about this fact, while Wrath is quite cold about it. Lust, however, is just plain cruel about it. She will torment and abuse anyone she can.

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Lust, a manga character, threatened the life of a child to manipulate Tim Marcoh. She had a lot of fun injuring Roy Havoc and Jean Havoc during their fight in Laboratory Three. She can injure anyone but keep them alive and even draw out battles with those impaling fingertips.

7 Her Ominous Words

Lust was strong and powerful but couldn’t withstand Roy Mustang’s constant fireblasts. Roy finally beat her to the Philosopher’s stone, and Lust was glad that she died.

She also had some chilling words. Lust was inspired by Roy’s vision, determination and vision. She hoped that Roy’s eyes would one day be filled with horror and despair. Roy lost his vision when he was forced to open the gate of Truth during The Promised Day.

6 She uses disguises

This is part of Lust’s love for playing with people and being superior to them. Lust can’t change her form like Envy, but she isn’t afraid to wear ordinary clothes and pretend to be human.

She actually began “dating” Jean Havoc, and tried to persuade him into giving her vital details. This was a remarkable feat of patience for a homunculus. Jean was fooled by her name Solaris and she eventually fought for her life. Jean couldn’t resist Lust’s attractive looks.

5 She Inspires Lust

The majority of the homunculi behave like their symbolic sins. Wrath’s brutal combat skills, Greed and Greed’s large army of minions, as well as Sloth’s inability to do more than is necessary are just a few examples. Lust loves to compliment Jean and Roy but her symbology is largely the opposite.

Beauty can be subjective. However, Lust’s appearance is a perfect match for what men want to see. This gives her an insidious, manipulative charisma. It worked well on Jean Havoc and Lust would not have any trouble seducing military officers.

4 Her Fiery Death’s Symbolism

Lust was the first homunculus that died, and she was killed by Roy Mustang. She was unable to handle the fire and hadn’t done enough to shut down Roy’s powers.

Lust, like the other homunculi experienced a death that matches Dante’s The Divine Comedy. Purgatory is where the lustful are whipped by hot winds and then sent through flames to purify their bodies.

Asami Sato: 3 She Inspires

This is not a fan theory. It is confirmed by Nickelodeon’s The Legend of Korra. Asami Sato is the most prominent female character, other than Korra. She may be familiar to Fullmetal Alchemists: Brotherhoodfans.

Lust inspired Asami’s hairstyle and lipstick color, as well as her cool and tough personality. Asami isn’t as sadistic as Lust, and uses her business acumen to good ends. Lust would make her scream.

2 Married Voice Actors

Lust and Roy share a bonus connection that isn’t found in any manga or anime of Fullmetal Alchemist. It’s a meta-thing. Their English dub voice actors have been married in real life.

Lust’s voice actress Laura Bailey is married to Roy Willingham, who is a voice actor. They must have found it quite funny to go into the studio and say all these vicious lines for their characters.

1 She didn’t appear on Spine Art

When manga series are printed in paperback volumes called tanksoban they often have major characters drawn on their spines. This is how many Fullmetal Alchemistcharacters were drawn, including Roy, Wrath, and Ed.

It is clear that Hiromu Arakawa intended to draw Lust and Hughes on spines. However, he never did. The original Greed, the one who appeared in Dublith, did not


It’s easy to see why you loved her. You’re a sucker for big boobs.
Roy Mustang
You should first buy a girl dinner, before you put your hand in her mouth.
–Lust about her Philosopher’s Stone