The This Is Us finale left many fans on the edge of their seats. After a season of suspense and heartache, what happened in the end? In a way, it was a success. The show ended on a high note with some great revelations and some emotional moments. However, there were also some things that left many viewers feeling unsatisfied. Here are five reasons why the This Is Us finale didn’t quite work for many:

  1. The ending felt rushed and unfinished. There was no time to explore all of the characters or to develop any plotlines. The final episode felt like it was rushed to meet a deadline.
  2. There were too many unanswered questions. Some fans were left feeling frustrated because they didn’t know what happened in the end. Others found themselves confused because there wasn’t enough development in the story line overall.
  3. The ending felt like it was written by someone who wasn’t very familiar with TV series endings. Some scenes felt awkwardly placed and out of place, as if they had been added without much thought or planning. This made the ending feel unfinished and unfulfilling for some viewers.
  4. There were also several continuity errors that left fans wondering how everything related to one another throughout the course of the season finale. For example, when Randall (Milo Ventimiglia) revealed his true identity to his family, they didn’t believe him until he said it again later in the episode! This caused confusion and frustration among fans who had invested so much time into watching this series!

The last episode follows the tried-and true “This Is Us” formula and weaves together the past and the present. The future will see Rebecca’s funeral, and the Big Three — Randall Kate and Kevin — say goodbye to Rebecca, the family’s nearly mythical matriarch who has been fighting Alzheimer’s for many years. The tears are not borne in torrential floods. This farewell is reflective. Randall, the show’s chief crier, wrestles with the meaning of life.

Randall says to Deja, his oldest daughter, “It just all feels so pointless.”

Jack had an explanation for his son in the past. It’s the 1990s, and the Pearsons enjoy a rare lazy Saturday. The Big Three preteen Big Three approach each day with different levels of excitement. Kate wants to just be together and watch old home videos; Randall, Kevin and Kevin are more restless.

Jack informs them that this is what they are doing. He says, “That’s all we’re doing. Just collecting these little moments.” We don’t see them when they’re there because we’re too focused on the future. Then, we spend the rest our lives trying to recall them, trying to get back in them.

Intaking in all of our experiences. This is the sweet spot of “This Is Us”, and it’s what makes the show both comforting and cathartic.

“It forces us to think about why our world is the way it is,” said Codie Elaine Oliver. “Black Love” was an OWN series that featured Sterling K. Brown, the actor from “This Is Us”.

This is ultimately a show about love and how we show our support for each other. And, most importantly, the ripple effect from major decisions. It would be almost impossible to list all the experiences of the Pearsons. Here’s how their stories started in the 2016 pilot episode and ended on Tuesday night.

What Is This Is Us End

The series finale of “Us” actually begins in the past at the same time as the “Big 3”. Jack and Rebecca awaken next to each other in a similar situation to the one at the end the last episode. Rebecca stated in an earlier episode that she doesn’t want to remember the days when her family did nothing except watch home moves and play Pin The Tail On The Donkey. This Saturday’s open is due to the cancellation of Randall’s Mathlete competition (Lonnie Chavis),

Scenes from the Pearsons’ wide-open Saturday — in an conference call Fogelman stated that most of these scenes were shot around four years ago — are interspersed by the adult Big 3 along with their families on the day Rebecca’s funeral. Randall is having trouble coming up with the perfect eulogy. He plays “Worst Case Scenario” one more time with Beth (Susan Kelechi Watson), during which she speculates that he will be so devastated that they’ll drive an RV to each of his parents’ graves.

Toby, her ex-husband (Chris Sullivan), tells Kate that Rebecca is proud of her and that he is also. Toby (Chris Sullivan) expresses his love for Kate in a “we’re family” way and never regrets the day they met in that weight loss support group. Kevin, who is looking over the family at the funeral, is told by Nicky (Griffin Dunne), that Nicky “f-ed up his life” by pulling his trailer out of his home — and his depression — all those many years ago.

We don’t see the speeches, but we do see the funeral. Randall, distraught, sits on the steps at the cabin and tells his daughters how meaningless it all seems considering that Rebecca will be there. His daughter Deja (La Trice Harper) gives him hope when she informs him that Malik (Des Epps), is having a boy.

Kevin and Kate are joined by him, and they talk about Rebecca’s advice to them: Live your lives and take big swings. Kate wants to open music schools all around the globe for the visually impaired. Kevin decided to keep his non-profit, which employs veterans as contractors. He likes Sophie (Alexandra Breckinridge), and this will enable him to do so. Randall has been invited to attend the Iowa State Fair by the DNC, where he is being hailed as a potential presidential candidate.

Randall (Parker Bates), and Kevin (Kevin) are bored. But Kate (Mackenzie Hancsicsak), just loves being around everyone. Jack shows the boys how to shave and gives them a speech about his appreciation for every moment. The boys then play Pin The Tail On The Donkey. The game is why they all have it. Rebecca noticed the children on the box resembling their own children when she flashed back to when they were babies.

Rebecca is also seen on the train, where she was last seen in the previous episode. Jack is lying next to her and she tells him that there are many things she wants to do with them. He assures her that he will. Although it’s difficult to explain, you will do all these things with them. They’ll be there.” This is their final conversation with one another.

This is Us Ending – Relationships

Rebecca and Jack

Milo Ventimiglia and Mandy Moore play Jack and Rebecca — with child versions of Kevin (Kaz Womack), Kate (Isabella Rose Landau) and Randall (Ca’Ron Jaden Coleman in “This Is Us.” (Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

These two are the show’s opening and closing characters. Rebecca (Mandy Moore), who is pregnant with triplets, has her water breaks and Jack (Milo Ventimiglia’s) 36th birthday. Jack, the godlike doctor Dr. K, tells Rebecca that she is going to walk out of the hospital with three healthy children and one wife while she is in the throes a difficult labor. But it’s not the way they had planned. The Pearsons are forced to bring home a third baby after one of the triplets dies. Randall was left behind at a fire station the day before.

The show’s beating heart is Jack and Rebecca’s love story, even after Jack died suddenly in Season 2. They endure Jack’s alcoholism and Rebecca’s brief stint in the lounge singing business. Together, they also raise a Black boy, a disaffected girl, and a self-absorbed jock. Rebecca falls in love with Miguel, Jack’s best friend, after he dies in her early 50s. They spend their golden years together and, as Jack slowly falls away, Miguel becomes Rebecca’s caregiver until his death. Although Rebecca does see Miguel as she passes to the afterlife’s afterlife, Jack is there for her at the end.

As they embark on their next adventure together, he informs her, “Hey, baby, we did well.” “You did so well.”

Randall and Beth

Susan Kelechi Watson and Sterling K. Brown play Beth and Randall. (Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

They are already an institution when we meet Randall Brown (Brown), and Beth(Susan Kelechi Watson). They are similar to Jack and Rebecca, a couple with easy intimacy. It is a power-couple archetype that’s in line with the Obamas and the Cosbys. Randall is a hotshot corporate suit with a glass office, and a luxury car. Beth is the better half, who doesn’t take crap. Randall tells Beth, “Oh my god, baby, you are cracking up,” after he invites William Jones (Ron Cephas Jones), their biological father, to their suburban dream house in the pilot.

William, a recovering addict, is now dying. Beth, Randall, and their daughters, Tess, and Annie, live out his last months together. Randall and Beth buy the abandoned building William used to live in, and they adopt Deja, a teenage girl who shares a special bond with Randall.

It seems that Randall and Beth, who met in college together, can do almost anything together. Their relationship hits a crossroads when their careers take a new turn, with Beth returning to the dance school and Randall running for public office . Randall tells Beth in Season 3 that if she had made the decision to return to dancing at any point in their marriage, she would have supported her.

Flash forward 20 years, and the pair is poised to be next Obamas. Randall, a U.S. senator, is contemplating eating “deep-fried Oreos” at his mother’s funeral. This means that he’s weighing whether he should go to the Iowa State Fair in order to attract potential voters. Beth, always the one who is willing to take a risk, is also on board. Their family’s love story is complete with Deja, their oldest daughter, who is due to have her first child with Malik. This is the boy she fell for in high school. Their son is William.

“Your grandson will be named after a man that I have never met but whom I know because of you. Deja comments, “It’s not futile.”

Toby and Kate

Chris Sullivan as Toby and Chrissy Metz as Kate in the show’s final season. (Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

“I lived the life I dreamed of. An actual career. I would marry a man just like Dad. I would also be a mother like Mom. But, look at me Kev. In the series opener, Kate (ChrissyMetz) admits that she has “ate my dream life away”. They are in her bathroom, where Kate falls after trying to weigh herself. This leads Kate to a support group for overweight persons and a man named Toby. (Chris Sullivan).

(Another annoyingly thin woman appears in the credits as “not really-fat rich girl.”) Kate clearly falls for Toby, despite telling him that she doesn’t want to be with a man her size because she wants focus. Kevin is distraught after he lost his career in a studio taping of “The Manny” and interrupts their first date.

Kate will eventually live the life she dreamed of, just like her brother. After marrying Toby, she falls in love with music teaching and returns to school. They have a son named Jack who is blind. The Pearsons love family names and they adopt Hailey, their daughter. It’s not always easy. Toby loses weight and gets a job as a high-powered tech worker in San Francisco, while Kate remains in Los Angeles to take care of the children. In the final season, tension builds.

“I’m sorry I don’t like wearing a suit to work, Jack Pearson hated it. I am sorry that I don’t have the same fathering style as Jack Pearson. Toby says to Kate, “I’m sorry Jack Pearson died. You ended up having the honor of marrying me.”

“It’s over, Toby. She responds, “It’s time.”

What Kate said to Toby on the day of their divorce is true. Toby and Phillip are married by Kate, her coworker. They become one of those divorcing couples who can’t only be together in a room but also go on vacation together. Toby says to Kate that he loves her at Rebecca’s funeral and that he really means it.

Sophie and Kevin

Justin Hartley and Alexandra Breckenridge as Kevin and Sophie. (Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

Let’s face it, Kevin (Justin Hartley’s) first love was him. We meet him at a Hollywood party as a potential trio. But instead of changing his clothes, he rants about how unhappy he feels in life. Kevin is a master at this. Kevin is searching for something, but doesn’t know exactly what it is.

He has had many big loves over the course of the series: an actress, a playwright, Beth’s cousin Zoe, Cassidy and a woman he met through Alcoholic Anonymous. Madison (Caitlin Thomson), the “not-really fat rich” girl, becomes Kate’s friend and, later, after a one night stand with Kevin, they become twin parents. They make it to their wedding day, but Madison discovers that Kevin is not in love with her.

All roads lead back to Sophie (Alexandra Breckenridge), which was the reason Kevin fell in love in elementary school with Sophie. After Kevin had cheated on her in college, they got married and divorced. They reunited briefly several years later and broke up again. Kevin actually showed up at Sophie’s mom’s funeral, but after learning that she was engaged, he left to sleep with Madison (hello twins).

Kevin is struggling with addiction, his acting career, and his relationship to his family. He is finally free from a long-running battle with maturity. Sophie, a newly divorced, is there again at Kate’s wedding to Phillip.

Rebecca is the one who ties everything together for them. At the wedding, she meets Sophie and offers advice to her in an early stage of Alzheimer’s. He’s not ready for you. It will take some time before he does. He’ll be great when the timing is right.

Kevin turns out to be a great man in the end. He marries Sophie and moves to the cabin to care for Rebecca during her last decade.

What’s the Last Shot on The This is Us Finale

The final shot is simple: Jack and Randall share knowing looks as they laugh with their family while they play Pin The Tail On The Donkey. This is just like how Randall looked at Deja after Rebecca’s funeral. Then we focus on Jack and take in everything.

“I wanted the simplicity of the shot where the child takes in the parent, at a time when the parent is taking on something larger. And knowing that the child will take it forward in their own lives. Fogelman explained that it was less about the two men who were cornerstones of our show, but more about Randall Jack and a child and their parent in that moment.

Why Aren’t There Any Twists in The This Is Us Finale

Fogelman wanted to end the show on a simple note for a show that is known for its twists. We waited over a season to find out what happened to Jack.

Fogelman stated that “In all the talk about twists and turns, death and house fires or appliances that cause them, the show really lived with a family.” “I thought the boldest and most confident way to end the show was to pull out one last magic trick and then let the show go in a big, emotional, sad, and tragic ending in death. The final episode would then be a reflection on family, time, and the people that have influenced it.

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Where can I stream This is Us?

You can find the last episodes of Season 6 at or at Peacock. The entire series can also be found at Hulu.