In Stranger Things Season 4, we learned that the Upside Down has returned and is now attacking Hawkins. Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) and her friends must find a way to stop the evil being before it destroys everything. In the end, Eleven’s friends help her in order to defeat the Upside Down and save Hawkins. What happened in Stranger Things Season 4’s ending? We don’t know for sure, but it seems like Eleven’s friends may have been able to stop the Upside Down before it destroyed everything. In the end, Eleven was able to defeat the evil being and saved Hawkins.

The characters are preparing for the greatest fight of their lives in the last two episodes. It would be spoilery to say more. After you have watched Stranger Things Season 4, Volume 2, then continue reading to find out the answers to your most pressing questions. We also look forward to Stranger Things Season 5. Be aware, there are big Stranger Things season 4 spoilers!

Season 4 of Stranger Things, Vol. 2 Ending explained: Is Vecna defeated at the end of Season 4?

Netflix released the final two episodes of Stranger Things season 4, and they are amazing! These are the best episodes of Stranger Things season 4, and they’re amazing! Netflix and the Duffer Brothers really gave everything they had, creatively and financially, to create this spectacular season. It’s something that doesn’t happen very often on TV. These two episodes are exceptional in every way, and provide four hours of entertainment.

Our characters are at their lowest point after the end of season 4. Our heroes have won against formidable foes time and again, but this time their enemy was too much. The last section of this amazing season opens up the possibility for a fifth and final season. The Duffer Brothers, actors, composers, cinematographers and even the VFX crew are all at the top of the game.

These paragraphs contain spoilers for Stranger Things season 4, volume 2. You are responsible for your actions.

Is Hopper able to flee Russia at the end of Season 4?

The story of these episodes is split, just like the last volume. Eleven reunites with Mike early on. Next, Nancy, Steve and Dustin are on a mission against Vecna to destroy the world. Hopper’s storyline is the last. He tries to escape Russia. Although the storylines are somewhat separate throughout the season, at least two manage to merge in a satisfying manner.

Jonathan, Mike, Will and Mike are still on their way to Eleven. Eleven is still in the facility where Brenner receives her training to be strong enough to face Vecna. Brenner and Eleven are in a conflict. Breener prevents Eleven from leaving the facility to help her friend. He thinks Eleven isn’t ready to face Vecna and suggests she remain at the facility to continue training. She cannot watch their friends suffer and so she decides to leave.

Breener’s men, however, detain Dr. Owens who supported Eleven’s decision and also attempt to detain Eleven. When the military arrives at Eleven’s facility, the plan to stop him fails. Brenner decides to save Eleven, no matter what the cost. He is also killed. Eleven’s powers grow and she is able to fly a helicopter with her mind. Mike and Will arrive immediately and Eleven is able to flee. Eleven warns Nancy and the other children that they are in danger. They must reach Hawkins as quickly as possible.

Nancy, Steve and the other characters plan to kill Vecna while using Max as bait. They plan to infiltrate the Upside Down again and kill Vecna while Max is distracted. Although it is dangerous, they agree to carry out the plan. The group purchases guns and other supplies and prepares for their final attack. Max and Lucas will remain at the murderhouse, while the rest of the group will be taken to the Upside Down. The basketball team intervenes and interrupts the plan. Max is left alone with Vecna. Eleven arrives in mental time to save her.

Hopper is able to escape from the prison but they are unable to escape Russia because of Yuri. Soon, the military will find him and execute him. They decide to call Owens back in America. Joyce and Hopper take advantage of the chance to finally kiss. They decide to return to prison to kill the Upside-Down creatures as they are unable to leave the country. They can’t exist in this world.

Is Vecna Defeated at the End of Season 4?

Vecna, Eleven and Mike keep fighting, but Eleven is just too strong for the fight. Mike’s encouragement almost makes Eleven give up. But Eleven’s rush for power seems to be too late. Vecna leaves Max blind and breaks three of her limbs. Max, fearful, begs Lucas not to let Max die.

Nancy, Steve, and Robin find Vecna in the Upside Down. However, Vecna escapes after many shotsgun shots and molotovs. He is injured but not defeated. Dustin and Eddie, who were distracting the creatures from Nancy’s attention, join forces to take one final stand against the Upside Down. Unfortunately, Eddie doesn’t run and is killed by the creatures.

Max passes away, but Eleven uses her powers to bring her back. Max is still in a coma but Eleven uses her powers to bring her back. Vecna says she will return, because this is just the beginning. Mike, Eleven and Will return to Hawkins after it was almost destroyed by the interdimensional portal that nearly opened when Max died. They hugged each other, and Hopper returned home to her daughter.

Happy moments are fleeting. Will, who is still connected with the Upside Down can sense that something is wrong. They look up at the sky and see ashes falling from it. Vecna is close to finishing his work, and the Upside Down has begun to take shape. The storm is approaching, and our heroes are standing by.

Also Read:When Will Stranger Things Season 5 Release Date ?

Stranger things season 4 Vol 2: Who died?

The fourth episode of season 4 opened with the promise that Joyce and Hopper would have some fun. This was a bold and rare move by Stranger Things. Unfortunately, a call from Hawkins revealed that things aren’t looking so great right now.

Given that we have been following the children for so long, it is a rather pointless reveal. It only serves to highlight the absurdity of the Russian storyline in general. Because of this, Hopper’s storyline will be very rare from now on. Sorry, Daddy Harbs.

The gang is all set to execute their plan. Eleven fears that they will all die without her. A random billboard reminds Eleven that she can project her thoughts across the country, and protect Max from Vecna by telepathically entering her brain.

Enjoy some hilarious pineapple pizza shenanigans, and heartfelt exchanges among Steve/Nancy (Stancy) and Will/Jonathan(Wollathon). Yes, Nancy is a major part of Steve’s future dreams. Jonathan also knows Will, and this is making us afraid for their lives during the coming battle.

Max attempts to seduce Veccie’s brain into openness for a brain feast, while the other men sneak up on Veccie to kill him in real life. Max shares her thoughts about Billy’s death and what she wanted to happen. This is done via a heart-wrenching monologue by Sadie Sink.

We get applause from our collective couches and an Emmy vote from back home. Let’s face facts: Sadie is the best part about this show.

Max’s big moment causes Lucas to freak out – but it’s not him. This is Number One, Max’s imagination taking on the boy’s shape. Or Ms Vecna, if you’re nasty.

Eddie decides to throw an outdoor rock concert to distract the demobats. Things change when the Riverdale jocks appear to chase Erica down and confront Lucas in his attic.

Speaking of Riverdale AKA the best CW program, Max retreats to happy high school memories, like the prom, in order escape Vecna’s darkness. The balloons explode and spill blood everywhere, so Eleven is forced to watch from afar.

It’s not looking good for everyone. As Robin’s band get choked out by tentacles, Lucas stares down at the barrel of a gun pointed directly at him. Eddie’s rock concert also fails, falling flat than Will’s bowl cut. So Lucas bikes off to try and draw Dustin away from the tentacles.

Oh, and Russia stuff too.

After playing with Max for a while, Vecna decides that he will continue his limb-popping routine, but Eleven manages to get him back just in time. Cue Millie Bobby Brown’s most memorable line: “I piggybacked out of a pizza dough freeze.”

Emmy voters, take notice. Again.

There’s no time for celebrations, as Vecna quickly takes the lead by throwing Eleven into his sparsely-decorated world. Henry says, “Before you kill you, I want to you to watch,” because he is so evil. El has a plan.

Eleven shouts, “Papa is dead.” I know what he did. He hurt you because you were different from me. He made you do this. Henry is the monster. You are not. You are not the monster, Henry.

Cute, right? Vecna’s humanity was lost long before his skin. “He didn’t make me into this,” said The Man Formerly Known as Henry. “You did.”

Vecna then explains why Eleven banishing him from the Upside Down worked out for him.

“I became an explorer. I explored a land that was unexplored by man. I saw so many amazing things. One day I discovered the most amazing thing. It would completely change my life. I saw a way to realize my potential, to transcend human form, and to become the predator I was born to be.

Yes, Vecna was behind all the monster attacks in Hawkins before, and, if Eleven is to be believed it’s Eleven’s fault. It is true, but you have to ignore Dr Brennan’s constant abuse and manipulation. Even though he did everything right, we wouldn’t want to wish death on anyone. But, also, he had it coming.

“It’s over, Eleven. Your friends have lost,” adds Veccie. It sure looks that way at this stage. At this point Lucas is a mere walking bruise, Eddie is basically a buffet for the demobats and Nancy/Steve/Robin continue to be choked to death.

Yes, there are more Russia-related items.

Vecna is doing his floaty thing with Max, bentling her limbs like pretzels. But thanks to Will encouraging Mike, Eleven manages to free herself and push Henry away. We should all thank Will for this. Gays know how to do things, and that’s something we all need to acknowledge.

Vecna warns that even though you and your friends may believe you won, this is just the beginning. “The beginning of what is to come. You are already losing.”

This is a pretty outrageous move considering that the gang are going to kill him to the tune that Kate Bush runs up that sweet, sweet hill. As Steve and Robin throw molotov cocktails at Vecna’s physical form, Eleven takes control of Vecna. Henry isn’t ready to give up, so Nancy, our true queen, takes the initiative with a shotgun, and blasts Henry through the window.

Was Titanic a thought anyone else had when Vecna bounced off that side of the house on his way down

But it’s not over. The kids look down on the lawn in a classic tribute to the original Halloween and see that Ms Vecna is gone.

Dustin, on the other hand, reaches Eddie in his final moments. Yes, although the demobats may not have killed Steve, Eddie is still alive. Dustin tells him that he didn’t run away. “I believe it’s finally mine… I love you man.” Eddie then snuffs it.

Would you like to look at this? It seems like we have some Upside-Down Ash stuff in our eyes.

But, wait! There’s more. Max is not getting the best of things. Our fave is blinded as Lucas shouts for help.

Max screams, “I can’t find anything.” “I’m so scared. I’m so scared. I don’t want death. “I’m not ready.”

We’re not yet ready. The clock rings four times to signal Max’s demise. Even though Vecna may be hiding, his final kill will bring down the last barrier between the two worlds. Tentacles smash through the barrier and rip that annoying jock apart between his fourth & fifth abs.

The tear continues to rip through the town, causing Hawkins to crumble at the foundations. Eleven is focusing on Max at the moment. She says, “You’re never going,” and then the memories she shared with Max flood back into her head. Fade to black…

Two days later, Hawkins finally receives the pizza gang. According to the news, 22 people have died. However, hundreds of others are still in hospital. Many more are still missing after an earthquake measuring 7.4 on Richter Scale. But, it was not an earthquake.

Although touching reunions begin, Nancy isn’t overjoyed to be seeing her boyfriend Jonathan because she still has the hots Shirtless Steve(tm). The group then head to the local hospital, where Max is found alive.

“She died,” explains Lucas. “I mean, clinically. Then she returned. Doctors aren’t sure how. It’s a miracle, they say. We know the way. It seems that Eleven has the power to bring people back into life… even though Max, who is still in a coma, can’t be called “living”.

Robin, Steve and Nancy then head down to help those affected by the disaster. Robin meets Vickie, her crush who happens to no longer be with her boyfriend.

Dustin is then confronted by Eddie’s uncle, who puts up posters to help Dustin find the little rocker.

Dustin reveals, “I was there when the earthquake struck.” He then hands Eddie his necklace. “I wish they could have gotten to know him. They would have loved him.”

All the emotions, from them as well as from us, are appropriate. Dustin reminds us that Eddie died and fought to defend a town that hates Eddie. “He’s not just innocent, Mr Munson. He is a hero.”

As if all that was not enough, the finale continues to be painfully emotional with Nancy’s impending divorce and Will’s warnings about Vecna. Yes, Eleven’s former roommate is still around somewhere in Hawkins.

Will says, “I can feel him and it hurts.” He’s still here, even though he’s in pain. It’s odd to know who he was all along, but I remember his thoughts and he won’t stop until he has taken everything and everyone. We must kill him.”

There is more help available. Look at who just got picked up in a black and fancy government car. Joyce and Hopper are back, closing the nightmarishly boring Russian plot. Eleven’s door was always opened though, three inches wider to be exact. Hopper and Joyce are reminded of this by Eleven as they hold hands while wearing the same “bitching” haircut.

Stranger Things doesn’t slow down in season four, so there must be one more thing before the credits roll.

As Will feels the itch again on his neck, clouds suddenly form in the sky. Vecna is back, baby. His impact is minimal, though, as ash from The Upside Down has started to fall on Hawkins.