In Shokei Shoujo Bi Virgin Road Episode 12, the girls were having a fight and one of them got hurt. In the end, the girl who got hurt was revealed to be the one who was in love with the other girl’s brother.

This world summons the ” Lost ones ( Persons of Otherworld).” It is so common that it is now taboo. Part of the cities are very similar to japan. This world also has three classes: Commonpeoples of 90% Ranking 3rd; Noblesseis people of King Ranking 2nd; and FaustChurch ranking 1st.

Shortly, ” Menou“, our main protagonist, is trained by the infamous FLARE. Flare is also a master at Menou and works for FaustChurch. She is an Executioner who continues to kill the lost after they discover the Isekai universe. If you enjoy Isekai, then you will probably love this show. This show has no male protagonist ” Shoujo no Virgin Road“.

Why should you watch ” Shoujo no Virgin Road?”

This is what we have discussed in our article ” Top 5 Supernatural and Fantasy Anime 2022“.

This show is all about Menou

Yes, for most of the part. However, we believe there is another protagonist. We believe it is ” Akari“. King Grisarika summons Akari (Lost Ones). from Japan. Both ” Menou” and Akari share a vivid, similar dream. There may be other characters who will play an important part, such as ” Momo“, the sidekick to ” Menou“.

Is it worthwhile to watch?

Let’s get to the bottom of it together, and check out the complete review below.

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We are grateful for your patience. Let’s get back to the main topic.

Episode 1 – The Executioner

“Menoumight have been one of the lost ones. That’s what we believe, but we could be wrong. We don’t know her back story. Why do we not see Flare make “Menou” her slave, if Executioner has the job of killing lost ones? Do you think she is forgetting anything about her past? Or that there’s more?

Episode 1 – The Executioner doesn’t show much about her past. We will learn more about her as we watch this series. We also learn that invoking is a form of enchantment. The ” Pure Concept” refers to what people call the ” Lost one” abilities.

Episode 2 – The Lost One

” Menou” pretends to be Maid and convinces ” Akari“, that she is with her. She tells a lie, claiming that Noblesse is trying to kill her. Akari falls for this lie. Menou takes Akari from the castle. To kill her later. Unfortunately, this is impossible because the ” Akari Pure Concept” has the ability to distort and alter time. This makes it impossible to kill her physically.

We feel that “Akari”, as well as “Menou”, is hiding something. We sometimes see her distracted from something. We don’t know what it is, but we may find out in the next episodes.

We also find that Archbishop Orwell, Faust is hiding something from Menou. When she tells Menou that there’s a way to get her killed by some sort of ceremony, it is the time. We are just speculating and could be wrong. However, we believe there is more to it that what we see in this Episode 2, (The Lost One),.

This episode is made more interesting by the appearance of ” Princess Ashuna“. We might love her most. We love the character’s overall design. She is the most coolest female character in 2022.

Episode 3 (Taboo in Red)

This episode is unique. We thought this episode would be filled with fillers at first. We were wrong! Despite the fact that they introduce mobs in the episode, it proves to be much more entertaining than we thought.

” Princess Ashuna” and ” MoMo” are the two sides. But what really surprises us is the glitch they experience while fighting. We didn’t expect them to die once without Akaripower. Funny thing is, we thought the train was going to blow due to the glowing red mob. They combine, and they become hollower creatures.

Instead of a cool boss, we get a humorous low-level minion. Menoushould be able to defeat it quickly, but we don’t know why she took so long. Akari is hiding something, and Menou slightly notices it.

Episode 4 – The Ancient Capital Garm

This episode was a good episode. This episode is nothing new. This scene has been seen many times before. However, this time it was a little more interesting. We learned more about the relationship between and Flare.

It is sad that Flaredies. So far, we don’t know the cause of her death. We hope to be able to find out the reason behind her death. We haven’t seen any other executioners than Menou and MoMo so far. Is it because Menourequested Flare not to try other executioners? This episode is lacking in explanation.

Finally, we see Menou staying behind and passing her job as requested by Archbishop Orwell. Akari was unhappy that Menouwould do a job rather than showing her the town, as she had promised. We see that Menou might fall in love with Akari. Menou has never said no to Akari even once. This is where we can see the future.

Episode 5 (Goodbye, )

From the beginning, we knew something was wrong in this world. However, the shadiness goes beyond that. Saint ain’t no saint, and what we have witnessed so far is nothing more than what we have seen. This story is not the same as what we have seen so far. Finally, Archbishop Orwell finally shows her true colors and bears fangs to Menouand Akari.

MoMo and Princess Ashuna will hopefully be on the side Menouand Akari. We hope they discover the truth behind this nonsense saying that the otherworld is a ticking bomb. If that’s the case Menoupurpose, then Executioner might be done. The fact that Menou was also killing another Isekai traveler is not something she should have known. She might also feel guilt, as she was murdering innocent people.

We don’t think that “Archbishop Orwell” is a boss character. We believe there is more to it that we have seen.

We are hoping that the next episode will have some great fight scenes and plots. We are eagerly awaiting this episode. We hope the show doesn’t disappoint us.

Episode 6: Regression: Memories Soul Spirit Spirit

This episode did not deliver the results we expected. We would have quit this show if it wasn’t for the character design. This episode and the show itself made no sense. This episode is so boring because of its slow pace and bizarre scenes that we just fast-forward it. It doesn’t matter if you know the truth, but Menoumotive Akarihasn’t changed. This is why the story is so bizarre. There has been no change.

2 characters MoMo, Akarireally require a Psychiatrist. They are all over Menou. We don’t get it. One wants to be killed by Menou and the other wants protection. Menou’shighly powerful talk and her sudden realization of her past made no sense. This episode is confusing because it has no explanation. Even Akari’spower can be confusing.

Last but not least, Princess Ashuna is our favorite. We don’t know what her true purpose is. Is it coincidence that she meets with MOMo every time? The episode that we saw made us realize the “Shoujo no Virgin Road” show is not for everyone. This is especially true for those who watched AOT and Demon Slayer as their first anime.

Episode 7 – Port City of Libelle

Although it explained the mystery part at first, the timing it used is terrible. We think it did a fantastic job, even though it was late. We hope this anime continues to move in the right direction and not sideways. Although it seems like things are going well at the beginning, every episode of ” Shoujo no Virgin Road” has a slow start that makes us want to give up. This episode brought us a new character, the Manon Libel. We hope that this episode will show some fights and have a clear plot.

This episode is so disappointing that the first half has nothing to offer other than Akari and MoMo going all over Menou. The sworn enemy to Flare was ” Fourth” as well as her leader ” Manon Libelle“. Although her character design is very cool, we were wrong. We thought she was a simple girl at first. But, it seems that she’s also one of those characters who needs a psychiatrist. God was not Akari and MoMo enough. We are hoping to see ” Princess Ashuna much more.

This episode is only a handful of good parts. This episode has nothing to be exciting. Despite this, there is still something to be excited about. We are looking forward to the clash between ” Fourth“, its Leader Manon Libel“, and ” Menou and Akari. We are looking forward to a thrilling plot and exciting fights in the next episode.

Episode 8 – Monstrine

This episode is also nothing new. It is a complete letdown. You should not be thinking that you should watch this anime. We strongly recommend that you do not watch this anime. This anime is like a bullet flying off the course. MoMo and Akari’srole are to shout Menou names and act like children in front of her.

This episode was another great example of the show’s ability to do it again. It’s the same as usual. It starts slowly with some insignificant action. MoMo does the recon, Akari shows her stubbornness, Menou looks after Akari, but there are not many episodes where MoMo hasn’t met Princess Ashuna. This anime is boring because it repeats the same thing over and over again.

We would also like to mention that the anime is average and not great. We are not fans of the anime and will end this review. We would like to post a review of this anime, but it’s not worth the effort. This is the first boring anime we have seen in 2022.

Episode 9 (At The Evening Ball).

This episode was very interesting, as it brought one more thing to the table. We think the anime is lacking many things. We would say this anime is worth the effort if they had given us more than just plot twists and actions. This anime is disappointing.

This episode brought the fight between Menou and Princess Ashuna,. If they had given us this fight from the beginning, we would have loved this anime. Many anime fans will be done with this anime by the time that this fight occurs. We hope that the ending will be good. There are still a few episodes left.

This episode finally did something surprising ” Akari” was doing something other than shouting Menouchan. This episode is the best in the entire arc of Shoujo no Virgin Road. We hope you enjoy the next and final episode.

Episode 10 – The Daughter of a Lost One

This episode, while we hate to admit it, was quite interesting. Every episode has had the same thing repeated over and over. This episode however, offered something different. This episode was enjoyable and I hope the ending is great. This episode cannot replace the episodes we have seen so far. We hope that episodes 11 and 12 will be as interesting and original as the first.

Let’s talk about this episode. Firstly, everything was very unpredictable which made it fascinating to watch. Akari is doing something new, and MOMo is in hospital due to her injury. It is thrilling to see the fight between Menou and Manon Libelle. However, we cannot foresee the death of Manon Libelle. Finally, we get to see the Human Error Pandemonium.

We have seen the interesting plot and fight scenes so far in this episode of Shoujo no Virgin Road. We may also finally see Menou and Princess Ashuna team up. We are looking forward to the next episode.

This episode was funny and a bit better than the previous episodes. This episode was dominated by Pandemonium, who is what made it so special. It’s great to see her voice and how this character plays their roles. We love her character in ” Shoujo no Virgin Road“. She is also one of four major human mistakes in the Otherworld.

” Pandemonium“, is very OP, as she is only a pinky version her full self. What would happen if her entire body had existed? It’s no wonder that Menou and the other executioners are so hostile to human error. ” Pandemonium could bring down this world. She claims that she is the weakest of four Human mistakes. What level do others fall at? This is the end of the world Akari’schildish attitude. She can only get jealous about MoMo, and think about Menou.

Even Pandemonium says Akari doesn’t know she is in a dead end. The way she speaks it is cute and not threatening. Akari only cares about dying at Menouthat’s why we hate this character. However, it is just an hypothesis. In the end, Akari recalls ” Flare“. Is that Flare? Or Akari? This is where things get a little more interesting. We would love to understand the relationship between Akari and Flare. How do they relate?

Episode 12 – The Duo’s Journey

” Pantdemonium“, so far, is the most popular character in this anime series ” Shoujo no Virgin Road“. We love how she acts, and we find it hilarious and funny to hear her voice making threats. She is the most adorable villain in anime 2022. Akari is also one of the most hated characters in anime this year 2022. We can’t get enough of her voice and actions.

We learned that Pandemonium is an older sister to Manon Libel. We were afraid we wouldn’t see ” Pantemonium” anymore, as ” Akari and Menou”defeated them. She is happy, healthy and smiling as usual with her little sister ” Libelle“. We are looking forward to a chaotic movie with her. She wants it to be chaos and she is happy about that. It is very strange that we cheer for ” Pandemonium“, as this doesn’t happen often.

We are happy to report that MoMo is back in action. It’s a bit disappointing to see that Akari is the one who helps ” MOMo” get better. Menou is having second thoughts and MOMO now acts alone to kill Akariinstead. Oh! Oh! Pandemonium is the reason we’re watching this anime. This anime was saved by her, until now.

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Overall, this anime series is not very satisfying. We don’t recommend this anime to anyone. It is not worth your time. If you’re really desperate and have no other options, you might consider giving this anime a try: ” Shoujo No Virgin Road“.

We can see that the anime isn’t very good, despite our lengthy review of each episode. We are happy to end our review now.