The first season of young royals was a success, with viewers tuning in to see what would happen next. However, after just one season, it seems that there are some questions that need to be answered. First and foremost, what happened to the monarchy? Did the king and queen die in a car accident or something more sinister? Secondly, who is behind all of this? And lastly, what will happen to the young royals themselves when their time is up? All of these questions will need to be answered in order for the second season of young royals to be as successful as the first.

Although initially opposed to the transfer Wilhelm soon becomes more comfortable in his new surroundings and starts a secret relationship. The affair is revealed after Erik’s tragic passing makes Wilhelm the future King of Sweden. Wilhelm finds himself caught between his duties to Sweden, his love and his country. He must make a difficult choice which will bring him great pain regardless of his final decision.

The Series’ Plot

Young Royals’ plot begins with a fight at a club. Prince Wilhelm is sent to boarding school “Hillerska” after his reckless behavior. His brother, Prince Erik, also attended the school. Prince Wilhelm also enjoys his school life and makes friends in secret societies. Soon, however, things change and Prince Wilhelm will have a completely new life.

Wilhelm is the first in-line for the throne after Crown Prince Erik passes away in a car accident. He continues to study at Hillerska. Simon and Wilhelm go home one night alone. August secretly films them. August first looks at the situation thoughtfully, but then he makes it public. After the video leaks, there is an international scandal. Then, Prince Wilhelm is forced to deny that he was in the video by Queen Kristina. Wilhelm does not want to deny his role in the video, he just wants to express his love for Simon. Simon believed Wilhelm was accepting their love. But Eventually, Wilhelm denies it. The Statement causes the two of them to split.

Wilhelm loves Simon’s voice and wishes to hear him on stage. This is the last scene of their school Christmas ceremony. Wilhelm hugged him after the ceremony was over and admitted that he loved him. Simon wishes him a Merry Christmas.

Simon and Wilhelm are both trapped in a world that they didn’t choose

While Prince Wilhelm may have a life that many would love, his actions show that he is in a gold-plated cage. His mother, Queen Kristina (Pernilla Aug), reminds him many times that being a prince “is a privilege, and not a punishment.” For a young man struggling with his identity, the constraints and pressures of his royal life can be overwhelming and it is impossible for him to be himself. Wilhelm’s wealthy classmates agreed that tax evasion was acceptable and that those who receive public assistance are “welfare fraudmers” during a class discussion on tax evasion. Simon is the only one to question this logic. Simon later questions Wilhelm’s point of view. However, Wilhelm later tells Simon he admires his viewpoint. Simon then asks Wilhelm why he didn’t speak up. He must keep his opinions to himself and be the character he is expected.

Simon feels trapped despite their vastly different circumstances. Simon, who lives in a small town near Hillerska, is often ridiculed and ostracized by his classmates. Simon is determined to overcome these humiliations and eventually build a better future for himself. To his friends, he admits that he likes Bjarstad but doesn’t want to stay there forever. He hopes to make choices that will help him get past his circumstances.

Although Simon and Wilhelm feel trapped in their lives, it is fair to say that Wilhelm (who enjoys every advantage) feels much less free to choose what he wants.

The pressures of status and appearance

This series makes clear that social standing, wealth and status are more important than anything else.

Felice attempts to establish a relationship with Wilhelm when he arrives at school. Madison, her roommate, asks Felice why she isn’t interested in August. Madison, a young woman who has expressed a keen interest, replies that August isn’t part the Royal Family the same as Wilhelm. Madison doesn’t get the distinction, so Felice clarifies that August’s children will not become princesses or princes. Felice is from a wealthy family, but she still feels insecure and plans to marry Wilhelm to improve her social standing. Sara also learns from Felice that she’s tired of her naturally curly hair and feels she must do it to fulfill societal expectations.

August bows to the demands of his parents, too. His family is insolvent and he cannot pay tuition anymore. He refuses to liquidate any estate and risks losing his title. Felice is also a reason he pursues Felice. He wants to make use of Felice’s wealth to improve his standing in the community. To ensure he is a top student, a captain on the rowing team and a school prefect, he also uses ADHD medication. He even tries to convince the school psychiatrist to prescribe him the medication. When that fails, he starts buying illegal substances.

Wilhelm’s sexuality adds enormous pressure to an already stressful life

Wilhelm begins to prepare for his new role as de facto crown prince as soon as he is informed of his brother’s death. His parents emphasize that Wilhelm cannot make mistakes anymore and must be an example to others. He will be closely scrutinized throughout his life. His life is more restricted than ever, as he feels now.

He tries to avoid Simon after he returns to school. However, he eventually rebuffs Simon. Simon invites Wilhelm to his bedroom and they fall in love. August sees the action and captures a video. The two boys are thrilled at the new love they have, but they keep their relationship secret. Later, August makes his friends blame Simon for the drug-abuse of a classmate. Wilhelm defends Simon and exposes August’s financial problems to everyone. August releases the video of Simon and Wilhelm in retaliation. And, predictably, it’s all chaos.

Even if Wilhelm was not the crown prince, this would have been a scandalous incident that could have engulfed the world. However, as heir to the throne now, his actions pose a threat to the whole monarchy. He says that it is not just about him, but his entire family, when he attempts to explain the terrible consequences of Simon’s death. Wilhelm is no longer an individual, but a symbol of his family, his country and his legacy. This is a huge burden for any teenager, even a teenager.

Your choices determine who you are

Felice and Wilhelm use Felice’s adventure through the series as a metaphor to remind us that we always have the option to choose whether we want to be ourselves or conform to what others expect.

Felice was initially a social media guru and a status-seeking social climber. She presented a happy life on social media. After she forms a friendship with Sara she starts to question her priorities. Felice met Sara because she has Aspergers and ADHD. She is also very open about her struggles. Felice is open to their friendship and stands up for Sara. She even has the guts to confront her mother about her obstinate attitude. She also works with Simon and Wilhelm to locate the perpetrator so Sara doesn’t have to quit school.

The royal family decides Wilhelm will not deny it was him in video. Although he initially promises Simon he would tell the truth, he finally bows to the pressure from his family. Simon respects Wilhelm’s decision to not reveal his sexuality to the world. However, he also reveals that he does not intend to lie to himself by secretly having a relationship with Wilhelm. Simon was willing and able to endure the scandal with Wilhelm. However, he doesn’t force him to openly admit to his sexuality if it isn’t ready.

The final scene in the series features the boys hugging as Wilhelm apologizes for Simon and says, “I love you” before driving off.

Young Royals Ending Explained

Young Royals Season 1 ends with a video of Simon and Wilhelm going viral. We all know that August has a problem with ADHD-medication and financial issues, but August believes Wilhelm was humiliating him when he exposed his financial problems to the Society. He wanted revenge and leaked a video of Simon and Wilhelm in bed via the school computer.

Sara witnesses the actions of August and confronts him about them. She agrees to keep the secret and they come to an agreement. Sara tells August that she loves him, and they surprise each other by kissing.

Felice also tells Wilhelm that August sex taped her and everyone is stunned. “I trusted you. August hears Wilhelm’s heartbreaking words: “I really trusted you.” The viewers were grateful for Felice’s investigative work. Wilhelm now knows that August was responsible for the release of the tape – and his family’s involvement. Wilhelm informs August that he no longer belongs to the family, and calls the Queen for her explanation. The Queen declares that she is protecting the monarchy and won’t make August suffer.

Conclusion About Young Royals Season 1 Ending Explained

Young Royals Season 1 ends with Wilhelm hugging Simon and telling him that he loves him, before he drives away for the Christmas holidays. This could be Wilhelm’s first step in accepting his sexuality. It is possible that Simon will learn from Wilhelm’s mistakes in the second season, and forgive him. Netflix had already stated that the second season would be coming soon. It’s possible that the next season will be quite interesting. You can stream Young Royals on Netflix if you haven’t yet seen it.