Tomodachi Life is a quirky and charming game that has been around for years. Recently, the game released an update that added a new feature: the ability to marry characters from other games. Unfortunately, this new feature was not well received by many players. In the final episode of Tomodachi Life, players are asked to choose between two characters - one who they have been dating for a while and one they just met. If players choose the character they have been dating for a while, the two end up getting married. If players choose the character they just met, their relationship ends in disaster. Many players were upset with this ending because it didn’t seem fair - especially since it was not explained how relationships worked in this game until after you made your choice. Some people even went so far as to call it “cheating.” It’s unclear what Nintendo plans to do with Tomodachi Life now that its latest update has caused so much controversy. The company may decide to remove the marriage feature altogether or make some changes to how it works so that relationships are more fair for all players. ..


Tomodachi game season 1 includes the story of Shiho Sawaragi, Tenji Mikasa, Yûichi Katagiri, Makoto Shibe and Yutori Kokorogi. Five young people who are best friends but one day they were kidnapped by a group of people. Afterwards, they learned that they had been enrolled in a game called “Tomodachi game” (the game of friendship\friends). Because one of them had contracted a debt of 2 million Yen and had registered them for the game. Also, they had the means to reduce or increase their initial debt. It’s a well-written and catchy manga that plays with the psychology of viewers and fans of both the manga and the anime series.

From the beginning, the story leaves a veil of mystery. Indeed, no one knows, apart from the organizer of the game. The latter is the indebted who will have to do everything to prevent the others from winning the events and reduce the debt. For to the extent that they fail, only the traitor’s debt will be reduced.

Very quickly, the scenario reveals the identity of the traitor to us. Which is a bit disappointing at first. But we quickly realize that the real truth hidden behind their friendship is much darker and only the Tomodachi game will allow them to discover everything and get to know each other better. Clearly, it is a very psychological manga that anyone will surely love and fans of mysteries in particular. It’s a manga with an anime to match that will surely appeal to the general public for a few more years.

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After the victory of group C in the 3rd game of the Tomodachi game, the winners had the privilege of spending some time outside before the start of the 4th game. But with the ban on talking about the Tomodachi game. Sergeant Manabu was the organizer of the friendship hide-and-seek (3rd tomodachi game). This is how Yûichi Katagiri and Tenji Mikasa found the outside world again.

Arrived at school, these fell on Yutori Kokorogi who erased insults on Makoto Shibe’s table.She told them that after their return at the end of the 2nd game (Gossip Game), Makoto Shibe and Shiho Sawaragi had been accused of having embezzled the 2 million from the school trip. A few days later, Shibe’s father was charged for all his crimes and Shibe and Sawaragi disappeared into the wild.Then in the evening, Tenji and Yûichi received a rather strange call concerning the kidnapping of Kokorogi and the start of the “special edition of the Tomodachi game”.


In episode 12, Yûichi decided to rescue Kokorogi during this edition called “the law of the weakest”. Kuroki is the one who presented this edition in which the weakest and the strongest were tortured psychologically and physically. For this purpose, they resisted the 3 tests they won the test and were free to leave. These ordeals involved fighting, nail pulling and stabbing. But it turned out that this was all a charade by Kuroki.

Elsewhere, Yūichi set up a game to destroy Kuroki’s personal relationships with his subordinates. This is how Kuroki lost “the finger cut chifumi”. After that, Yūichi passed out because he had started losing too much blood. For his part, Tenji was momentarily alone for the 4th game. But having regained courage and confidence, Kokorogi decided to support and accompany him for the 4th game. And this, in order to save Shibe who had contracted all the debts of his father after his father’s death. That’s 500 million yen even if that meant their debt would also increase.

This is how Tenji Mikasa and Yutori Kokorogi embarked on the 4th game: “the court of friendship”.


This was the most difficult episode of the season.

Kokorogi was kidnapped by a gang who claimed he worked for the game Tomodachi. The boss is a moron who thinks he’s running a parallel version. It’s less subtle and much more violent, so it’s free. The case is actually quite simple. He gets beaten up or his friend gets naked and groped by the gang. It’s very disturbing and totally against the spirit of Tomodachi Game. It’s bloody and unbearable. Regular blows, tearing of nails. Enough to make a miserable quarter of an hour for both the protagonists and the most sensitive viewers.This episode is hard to watch. This twist is for everyone.

The blood flowing freely is an absolute delight for those who enjoy extreme sensations. This will only have strengthened their friendship in anime. He challenges the former, especially since he is not afraid of the latter, for a completely atrocious chifoumi with the key 100,000 yen. He wants to prove to the gang that their leader, while being stupid, is also a coward.

Tenji warned that the Tomodachi Game’s real organization would arrive and stop the bloody masquerade. Yuichi spotted a wolf early on and his friend was assigned to warn the officials. The young man isn’t done hunting his prey. Our friend’s fatigue is what saved the idiot.


Everyone is free to think what they want from this episode. Whether for good or for bad. But given that not everyone can have the same vision of things, it seems better to appreciate the positive side of each of this ending. And also prepare for the rest given the announced break. Specifically, tomodachi game season 2.

title: “What Happened At The End Of Tomodachi Game Episode 12?” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-13” author: “Joanne Kujawski”

Tomodachi Life is a quirky and charming game that has been around for years. Recently, the game released an update that added a new feature: the ability to marry characters from other games. Unfortunately, this new feature was not well received by many players. In the final episode of Tomodachi Life, players are asked to choose between two characters - one who they have been dating for a while and one they just met. If players choose the dateable character, they are then asked to choose between two marriage proposals - one from their regular partner and one from their new partner. Players are then given the option to accept either proposal. Many players felt that it was unfair that they had to choose between two characters they cared about. They also felt that it was strange how quickly the dateable character changed their mind about marrying them after meeting their new partner. Some players even went so far as to say that the ending of Tomodachi Life was “cheap” because it forced them to replay the entire game just to get a different ending. ..


La saison 1 du jeu Tomodachi comprend l’histoire de Shiho Sawaragi, Tenji Mikasa, Yûichi Katagiri, Makoto Shibe et Yutori Kokorogi. Cinq jeunes qui sont les meilleurs amis mais un jour ils ont été kidnappés par un groupe de personnes. Par la suite, ils ont appris qu’ils avaient été inscrits à un jeu appelé « Tomodachi game » (le jeu de l’amitié\des amis). Parce que l’un d’eux avait contracté une dette de 2 millions de yens et les avait inscrits au jeu. De plus, ils avaient les moyens de réduire ou d’augmenter leur dette initiale. C’est un manga bien écrit et accrocheur qui joue avec la psychologie des téléspectateurs et des fans du manga et de la série animée.

Dès le début, l’histoire laisse un voile de mystère. En effet, personne ne le sait, à part l’organisateur du jeu. Ce dernier est le redevable qui devra tout faire pour empêcher les autres de remporter les épreuves et réduire la dette. Car dans la mesure où ils échouent, seule la dette du traître sera réduite.

Très vite, le scénario nous dévoile l’identité du traître. Ce qui est un peu décevant au début. Mais on se rend vite compte que la vraie vérité cachée derrière leur amitié est bien plus sombre et seul le jeu Tomodachi leur permettra de tout découvrir et de mieux se connaître. Clairement, c’est un manga très psychologique que tout le monde aimera sûrement et les fans de mystères en particulier. C’est un manga avec un anime assorti qui plaira sûrement au grand public pendant encore quelques années.

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Après la victoire du groupe C lors du 3e match du match Tomodachi, les vainqueurs ont eu le privilège de passer un peu de temps dehors avant le début du 4e match. Mais avec l’interdiction de parler du jeu Tomodachi. Le sergent Manabu était l’organisateur du cache-cache de l’amitié (3ème partie de tomodachi). C’est ainsi que Yûichi Katagiri et Tenji Mikasa ont retrouvé le monde extérieur.

Arrivés à l’école, ceux-ci tombèrent sur Yutori Kokorogi qui effaça les insultes sur la table de Makoto Shibe.Elle leur a dit qu’après leur retour à la fin du 2e match (Gossip Game), Makoto Shibe et Shiho Sawaragi avaient été accusés d’avoir détourné les 2 millions du voyage scolaire. Quelques jours plus tard, le père de Shibe a été inculpé pour tous ses crimes et Shibe et Sawaragi ont disparu dans la nature.Puis dans la soirée, Tenji et Yûichi ont reçu un appel assez étrange concernant l’enlèvement de Kokorogi et le début de « l’édition spéciale du jeu Tomodachi ».


Dans l’épisode 12, Yûichi décide de secourir Kokorogi lors de cette édition intitulée « la loi du plus faible ». Kuroki est celui qui a présenté cette édition dans laquelle les plus faibles et les plus forts ont été torturés psychologiquement et physiquement. Pour cela, ils ont résisté aux 3 épreuves qu’ils ont remportées à l’épreuve et étaient libres de partir. Ces épreuves impliquaient des combats, des arrachements de clous et des coups de couteau. Mais il s’est avéré que tout cela n’était qu’une mascarade de Kuroki.

Ailleurs, Yūichi a mis en place un jeu pour détruire les relations personnelles de Kuroki avec ses subordonnés. C’est ainsi que Kuroki a perdu « le chifumi coupé au doigt ». Après cela, Yūichi s’est évanoui parce qu’il avait commencé à perdre trop de sang. De son côté, Tenji était momentanément seul pour le 4ème match. Mais ayant retrouvé courage et confiance, Kokorogi a décidé de le soutenir et de l’accompagner pour le 4ème match. Et ce, afin de sauver Shibe qui avait contracté toutes les dettes de son père après la mort de son père. C’est 500 millions de yens même si cela signifiait que leur dette augmenterait également.

C’est ainsi que Tenji Mikasa et Yutori Kokorogi se sont lancés dans le 4ème jeu : « la cour de l’amitié ».


C’est l’épisode le plus difficile de la saison.

Kokorogi a été kidnappé par un gang qui a affirmé qu’il travaillait pour le jeu Tomodachi. Le patron est un crétin qui pense qu’il gère une version parallèle. C’est moins subtil et beaucoup plus violent, donc c’est gratuit. L’affaire est en fait assez simple. Il se fait tabasser ou son ami se met nu et peloté par le gang. C’est très dérangeant et totalement contre l’esprit de Tomodachi Game. C’est sanglant et insupportable. Coups réguliers, arrachement de clous. De quoi faire un misérable quart d’heure tant pour les protagonistes que pour les téléspectateurs les plus sensibles.Cet épisode est difficile à regarder. Cette tournure est pour tout le monde.

Le sang qui coule librement est un délice absolu pour ceux qui aiment les sensations extrêmes. Cela n’aura fait que renforcer leur amitié dans l’anime. Il défie le premier, d’autant qu’il n’a pas peur du second, pour un chifoumi complètement atroce avec à la clé 100 000 yens. Il veut prouver au gang que leur chef, tout en étant stupide, est aussi un lâche.

Tenji a averti que la véritable organisation du jeu Tomodachi arriverait et arrêterait la mascarade sanglante. Yuichi a repéré un loup très tôt et son ami a été chargé d’avertir les fonctionnaires. Le jeune homme n’a pas fini de chasser sa proie. C’est la fatigue de notre ami qui a sauvé l’idiot.


Chacun est libre de penser ce qu’il veut de cet épisode. Que ce soit pour le bien ou pour le mal. Mais étant donné que tout le monde ne peut pas avoir la même vision des choses, il semble préférable d’apprécier le côté positif de chacune de ces fins. Et aussi préparer la suite compte tenu de la pause annoncée. Plus précisément, le jeu tomodachi saison 2.