As the first season of Outer Range came to a close, many questions remained unanswered. What happened to the characters and what happened to the story? In an effort to answer these questions and more, we spoke with showrunners and creators about what went into making season one of Outer Range. Creators: Matt Reeves (The Batman), David S. Goyer (DC’s Justice League) Showrunners: Matt Reeves (The Batman), David S. Goyer (DC’s Justice League) Executive Producer: Shawn Levy (The Office) Executive Producer: Shawn Levy (The Office) Director: Adam Wingard (Hannibal) Season One was shot over a period of six months in Vancouver, British Columbia. What made this location choice so important? “It was important because it was a really cool place to shoot in terms of its natural environment and its location within Vancouver itself,” said Reeves. “We were able to use all of the different elements that make up Vancouver – from the mountains to the water – and create a really unique world.”

Outer rangepremiered in Prime Video’s April 15th. It aired its seven and eight episodes on May 6th. This marks the end of the series’ dramatic and unpredictable first season. What did Outside Range end? What’s the story of this series? Is there a second season? Continue reading to find the answers to your burning questions!


Outer Rangereveals Royal Abbott (Josh Brolin), who is a rancher who finds himself embroiled in a mind-bending mystery at Wabang in Wyoming. In the first season, Royal is trying to defend his land and his family amid the disappearance of his daughter-in law (Kristen Connolly). Royal’s life becomes more complicated when Autumn (Imogen Potts), a strange, wandering woman, arrives to help him. He also experiences the mysterious black void appearing in his pasture.

The first episode features murder, prophetic visions and high tension between the Abbott and Tillerson families. This is enough to make the season exciting and full of compelling action.


Royal has been a mystery throughout the first season. After falling in love with Cecilia Taylor (Lily Taylor), he doesn’t seem able to recall his childhood. He was then taken in by the Abbott family, who would be his future in-laws. In the final episode, Royal tells Perry (Tom Pelphrey), that he is not from this time and was just 9 years old in 1886 when he accidentally shot his father while hunting. Young Royal was overcome by despair and longed to disappear. That’s when the void appeared to his face, prompting him jump in. This brought him to the Abbott ranch 80-years later. There, he meets Wayne Tillerson (Will Patton), who is the patriarch of Tillerson’s family. He was Royal’s age at the time and has been haunted ever since by visions of Royal in darkness as he emerged through the portal.

Royal’s story inspires Perry, who jumps into the void to search for Rebecca. But, after he does so, the void closes down, leaving Royal without a way to find him. The patriarch is in trouble when his other son Rhett (Lewis Pullman) seems ready to abandon the family ranch. He was crowned bull riding champion and plans to run away from his lover Maria (Isabel Arraiza).

Royal begins to hunt down Autumn, who has been manipulating others and causing problems since she arrived at the Abbott Ranch. Royal is determined to eliminate Autumn. He tried to kill her previously, but after Autumn’s (Noah Reid’s) car overturns and crashes (killing Billy), Royal discovers that Autumn has a familiar scar on her forehead. It is identical to the one Amy Abbott (Olive Abercrombie), Perry’s 9-year-old daughter, has. The music and dramatic gasps are now in full swing.

It’s true, Autumn is Amy in the future. Royal realises that he is about to kill his granddaughter and decides to let her go. This decision could make it more likely that Luke Tillerson (Shaun Sipos), a cultish future, will take over the Abbott land and destroy it. As 9-year-old Amy reunites with her mother, Rebecca (who is still alive), things continue to be confusing. Perhaps Perry is looking for Perry or perhaps they are trying to return to where Rebecca was hiding. She was missing for a long time.

We hope there will soon be another season.

What is Royal’s relationship with the Void

The Abbott land’s mysterious, massive hole is the center of Western weirdness. Whether intentional or accidental, the void (Josh Brolin), and Royal Abbott (Josh Brolin), share a bond. Royal seemed to be able to sense the importance of the void throughout the first season. But that was not the only mystery surrounding the Abbott family patriarch. Royal didn’t remember much about his childhood. He was reportedly taken in by his in-laws as a surrogate child. He fell in love with Cecilia (Lily Taylor) and took over the ranch.

Royal tells Perry (Tom Pelphrey), his son, that he arose from the void in 1960s. This is similar to what viewers witnessed as a recurring nightmare by Wayne Tillerson (Will Patton) in episode 7. Tillerson recalled his youth, when a boy the same age as him emerged out of the darkness of the Void and clawed at his leg in an attempt to escape. It turned out that the boy covered in the darkness of time travel was Royal. Royal tells his son about accidentally shooting his father during a hunting accident in late 1800’s. As he ran, he discovered the void and leapt into it to escape his guilt. He emerged almost 80 years later.

What will Perry do?

The elder son of the Abbotts has been through a lot. Rebecca, his wife, has been missing for a while. Perry is trying to be the best father he can to Amy (Olive Ambercrombie), but he seems to have lost all hope. Trevor (Matt Lauria), a Tillerson boy, starts to talk about Rebecca and Perry beats him to death. The Abbott family tried to cover up his crime for the rest of the season. Finally, Perry confesses. We knew nothing about Perry’s crime until the last episodes. Perry confesses to the Abbott family and posts bail. He then has a conversation with Deputy Sheriff Joy (Tamara Podemski).

Even if you haven’t seen the show yet, you know that it wasn’t the end. Perry has a brief chat with Autumn (Imogen Potts), who, in her usual way, convinces Perry of a grand plan. Although audiences are not privy to the details of the conversation we know that Perry learns something from her about Royal. This is enough to make Perry confront his father about Rebecca’s disappearance. Although it isn’t clear if Royal is directly responsible for Rebecca’s disappearance, the implication is that Royal suspects that the void was the cause.

Royal is an expert in these manners and Perry can see that his father is hiding something. Royal confesses to Perry about his father’s origins. Perry isn’t completely surprised that his father has traveled through time. Perry seems to be expecting the cosmic event taking place just inches from his feet.Perry appears to have had a moment of clarity after the reveal and seems to be able to see what the void is looking for. He knows that his father, who jumped in during the 1880’s to save Royal, brought him to a better place. Perry jumps into the void without hesitation. Although Perry’s leap into the void does not mean that he is going to die, many of his audience members just wanted to see what Perry did. Stranger still, Perry’s entry into the void causes a huge hole to close, leaving a screaming Royal without a way to pursue his son.

Autumn: Who are you?

This was the most surprising twist in the season. It may seem like it was a random twist, but what makes that any different from a huge hole that opens through time and appears in the middle Wyoming ranch? Since episode 1, the question has been, “Who is this mysterious stranger?” How did she find the ranch? What is her connection to it and its mysteries? And how can she manipulate the people around that mystery so easily? Answer: Amy Abbott’s granddaughter Autumn, which is evidently from the future.Royal and Autumn have been waging a heated and violent rivalry throughout the season. This is despite how manipulative and manipulative Autumn can sometimes be. It is possible to see why Autumn has the strange ability to enter the heads of Tillerson and Abbott. Perry, her father, was convinced by her that Royal was dangerous or that something is up. Her knowledge of the future enabled her to seduce Billy (Noah Reid), and make him part of her cult.

The escalating confrontation between Grandfather, Granddaughter eventually turns deadly. Royal chases Autumn and Billy down quiet country roads, filling the silence and with gunshots and screeching tires, eventually leading to Billy’s untimely death. The truck carrying Autumn and Billy also crashes off the road. Royal decides to kill Autumn and finish the job, but instead he holds his hand. He notices that Autumn has a scar on the forehead. This is the same scar Amy received in the last episode. Royal sensed the connection to the mysterious “stranger” and knew instantly that it was Amy.

All of Autumn’s story makes sense now that she has all the pre-existing knowledge about her family and the land. Outer Range has been telling the story of the Greek myth of Chronos since its very first episode (read Den of Geek’s explanation of the mythology right here). But Autumn starts to reflect another important aspect of the mythology when she visits the ranch and begins talking to her younger self. Amy and Autumn’s story becomes a never-ending loop, much like the Ouroboros. It is the snake that eats its tail.

Where is Rebecca, the daughter-in-law of the Abbotts?

It’s interesting to note that we have heard Autumn speak to her mother over the phone. This could be a MacGuffin trying mislead us into believing she was Amy or foreshadowing a major reveal. The Abbott family is unraveling further, with Perry missing in action, Royal hunting his granddaughter, Rhett Abbott, (Lewis Pullman), on top of the world, after being crowned bullriding champion, and wanting to run with Maria (Isabel Arraiza), and Cecilia, knowing that the ranch will be lost if Perry can’t make his court date. Young Amy walks away from the chaos of her family once more.

Outer Range Season 1 Review

Outer Range is set in Wyoming and focuses on the Abbotts, led by Royal Abbott. They run their family ranch, and are still grieving the loss of Rebecca, their daughter-in law, nine months ago. Outer Range is dedicated to solving more mysteries than this initial mystery. It has been a long adventure. It is easy to see similarities between Dark and the first instance. Outer range follows the same lines as Dark in terms of tone and feel. However, this is where the similarities end.

Outer Range is a fascinating collection of subjects. The sci-fi aspect is kept under wraps for the longest while the mythological undertones take the forefront to hint at the unfolding events. Outer Range has a strong sense of Greek mythology and recurrent motifs of animals throughout. This adds to its creative world-building. The story is a sprawling thriller about faith, purpose, self discovery, grief, survival, and other topics. It’s more focused on the drama of the families and the relationships between the characters than the mystery that surrounds them. O Uter Range effectively lures the viewer to stick with the characters and the strangely disorienting premise. It is difficult to let go of the mystery and potential of time travel that lingers over the dark void. The series fails to keep the viewer hooked as it travels through inconsistencies through “voids”, which are sometimes filled with adrenaline-rushing action.

Outer Range is a show that will amaze you at the right moments. These moments of exceptional craft are made possible by the contributions of a punchy performance by the cast, striking visuals and an inexplicably haunting score. The 8-episode-long mashup between a western family drama and sci-fi mystery leaves a strangely empty feeling. The run-time is filled with this emptiness because Outer Range nearly leads you to the door to mysteries that encapsulate Wyoming’s world. But when it finally comes to judgment, the answers are not provided to make up the long wait.

Well-Written Conversations That Invoke Something Special

Long voids and uneventful gaps can be filled with long conversations between characters, who share their emotions through mostly well-written metaphorically bold lines. These are very important scenes and give the show purposeful meaning. However, episodes drag on without acknowledging what mystery should be most relevant to the viewers. The mythmaking that has been built up throughout the story doesn’t reveal the truth until it’s too late. It’s difficult to understand why the characters ignore the obvious questions in order to continue with the tedious long story telling process the creators chose.

It’s easy to wonder what the writers were trying to accomplish with all this world-building, but not providing answers to the mystery behind the story. Beyond a point the questions become so numerous that one begins to wonder if the writers were clear on their direction. A well-constructed mystery makes sure that all loose ends are tied at the end. Outer range‘s season final clearly provides another season for that but it is highly unlikely that it will be capable of wrapping it up with the level of comprehensiveness that distinguishes a masterpiece from a failed attempt at making one.

Imagen Poots and Josh Brolin, with Tamara Podemski getting a special mention, create a lot of memorable moments and pay off for the excessively long running-time. Imagen Poots’ performance as eccentric, mysterious, and almost-bonkers Autumn Rivers is flawless. Her character is still disconnected from the rest until the makers decide to change gears quickly.

Movie Culture Synopsis

Outer range is marred by inconsistencies that are demotivating enough for one to miss the extraordinary, momentary brilliance it achieves through certain shots, dialogues and scenes.

It is the most disappointing ordeal Outer Rangegives viewers.

Outer Range is a story that deals with faith and belief. You realize that the sun isn’t shining as brightly when you finally reach it and see the open world. You will be glad that you made it to the end with some wonderful moments to remember.

Score: 8/10

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Prime Video has not yet confirmed whether Outer Range has been renewed for a second season. We will let you know when the news comes out, but for now let’s keep our fingers crossed that this is not the last we see of the Abbotts and Tillersons and the mysterious void.