Lupin Season 2 ended with a bang, as the final episode aired and revealed some major secrets about the series’s plot. However, many fans were left wondering what happened at the end of the season. Some believe that Lupin may have been killed in the finale, while others believe that he may have been taken prisoner by the bad guys. Either way, it was a cliffhanger that many fans were eager to see resolved. In this article, we will take a look at what happened in Lupin Season 2 and answer any questions that you may have about the finale. We will also provide a recap of all of the episodes so that you can get a better understanding of what happened. What Happened at the End of Lupin Season 2? In Episode 9, “The Return of Sherlock Holmes,” Sherlock and John return to London after spending several months in Italy. They are both exhausted from their travels and are looking forward to resting before starting their next case. However, they soon realize that something is wrong when they hear strange noises coming from an old building nearby. They go inside to find an old man who has been turned into a rat by an unknown assailant. The old man tells them about a group of criminals who have taken over his building and are planning to rob everyone inside. John decides to help out and goes into action against the criminals while Sherlock stays behind to monitor them from afar. Lupin Returns in Episode 10 After watching John fight off the criminals and saving his friend, Lupin decides it is time for him to come back into action as well. He goes back into hiding with John and starts tracking down his attackers. He eventually finds them living in luxury on an island off Japan where they are using their rat form to control people’s minds! He confronts them and defeats them once and for all, ending their reign of terror!

Si bien Assane Diop estaba seguro de salvar a su hijo, el resto de los episodios mantuvieron a los espectadores nerviosos mientras esperaban que Assane demostrara ser el único en acabar con el clan Pellegrini. Movies Vibes


La parte 1 de la serie francesa de suspenso y atraco Lupin fue un gran éxito en Netflix. La parte 2 se lanzó en Netflix el 11 de junio.

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Omar Sy interpreta a Assane Diop (Fargass Assande) en la serie. Es un hombre que busca venganza por el asesinato de su padre en 1995. Babakar fue incriminado por su antiguo empleador, Hubert Pellegrini (HervePierre), por robar un colgante de diamantes y lo ejecutó en prisión.

The series and Diop, as characters, draw inspiration from the adventures Arsene Lupin (a Sherlock Holmes-type master of disguise) in which Maurice Leblanc created it in the early 1900s.

Part 2 of “Lupin” takes place in the present. As Part 2 progresses, our gentle robber is forced on the run after he is framed for murder. The police discover his true identity. 

Diop continues to escape capture, while committing a series of heists that culminates in Juliette (Clotilde Hesme), Hubert Pellegrini’s daughter. He makes his final stand and exposes Hubert for his crimes. This is the complete explanation of Part 2 of “Lupin”.


Philippe Courbet (Stefan Crepon) is another secret fan of the Arsene Lupin Anthology. Courbet is first introduced as Hubert Pellegrini’s unscrupulous money manager who assists in embezzling funds for the charity Juliette founded. However, “Lupin” enjoys flashbacks to reveal its plot twists. These flashbacks show how the protagonist had a plan all along.

The final episode of “Lupin Part 2” reveals that Diop recruited Courbet to work at the library, where the most valuable editions of Arsene Lupin’s books are kept. (It seems you’re not a true lover if you decide read it on a Kindle). According to the series’ philosophy, any genuine fan can be trusted and considered a potential ally. Diop’s mastery in disguise transforms Courbet’s punk emo aesthetic into the more serious, bespectacled financier that we know.

Pellegrini is a wealthy man, but his motivational drive is always to have more money. He loves and worships money, even toasting to “the source of the universe,” which he says is money. Our charismatic swindler Diop, through Courbet is able manipulate Pellegrini’s greed and use that against him. This tactic shows that Pellegrini’s greatest assets, his wealth, and his connections, are also his biggest liabilities. He’s made the mistaken information about Courbet’s identity through his connections. After meeting with Courbet, the money-grubbing tycoon becomes addicted to his profession of making people richer.


Assane diop must contend with corrupt law enforcement officers and Hubert Pellegrini in his pursuit to bring him to justice. Diop is well aware that the authorities will destroy any evidence he gives to police. We see just how powerful and connected Pellegrini when two detectives question his and he calls his friend the Minister of Interior to the French government to get his release. After detective Youssef Gedira (Soufiane Gurrab) saves Diop’s son, Diop feels that he can trust someone who is on the right side.

Guedira is a huge fan of Arsene Lupin books and this allows him to be closer than anyone else to Diop. Guedira quickly realizes that Diop is a pseudonym for Arsene Lupin, and he cleverly decodes an email message from Diop which leads him to a USB stick. All evidence against Pellegrini, his accomplices and Gabriel Dumont (Vincent Garanger) is contained in the drive. The detective discovers the extent and arrests Gabriel Dumont (Vincent Garanger), the police commissioner at the charity concert.

Diop is incarcerated, but Guedira, just like the audience, is in awe at the thief’s skill and allows him escape. “Lupin,” repeatedly demonstrates that Lupin-loving detectives like Detective Guedira are different from the rest of society and more trustworthy.


Since Assane diop took the same diamond necklace Hubert Pellegrini accused of taking, he has given pieces of it to many accomplices and even unwitting coconspirators. The final episode of “Lupin” Part 2 sees Diop make his last stand at Pellegrini’s family charity concert. After coercing Pellegrini to confess at knifepoint about his father’s murder, and the fabrication of the necklace theft, he takes the stage to call out Pellegrini. Diop escapes from the building disguised, but not before sending Youssef Guidira a recording of Pellegrini’s statement. The team then proceeds to arrest him. The last diamond in the necklace was used by Philippe Courbet to pay him for his involvement in the conspiracy. Now, the necklace is gone.

La deconstrucción personal de Diop durante su búsqueda de justicia se refleja en el desmantelamiento del collar. Ha vivido una vida caótica y fragmentada, que lo deja sin la estabilidad que Claire (Ludivine Sgnier), su interés amoroso, necesita. Incluso puede cambiar su apariencia como el collar. Le permite transformarse de una unidad en una colección irreconocible de piezas. Los paralelismos son aún más obvios cuando Diop se despide de Claire (Etan Simon) y su hijo Raoul (Etan Simon). Luego desaparece en el aire cuando aparece un escuadrón que lo persigue. Diop ha roto todos los lazos y ha desaparecido, al igual que el collar. Había renunciado a las gemas preciosas de su vida: su hijo y la mujer que amaba.

No todo está perdido. George Kay, creador y showrunner de «Lupin», dijo al New York Times que la Parte 3 ya estaba en desarrollo y que «sería una salida hacia nuevas aventuras».


El éxito internacional de Netflix con la serie francesa Lupin es un ejemplo reciente de cómo el gigante del streaming ha conectado al mundo. La compañía internacional de streaming nunca antes había podido acceder a programas de televisión extranjeros. Algunas series británicas, como Doctor Who y Downton Abbey llegaron a Estados Unidos, mientras que los formatos de otros países fueron traducidos a versiones estadounidenses. ¿Hay alguna serie francesa que haya llamado la atención de los espectadores estadounidenses, como Lupin de Netflix?

Netflix afirma que Lupin tuvo 70 millones de espectadores en su primer mes. También aterrizó en la cima en Brasil, Vietnam y Argentina. Lupin, que ha alcanzado el primer lugar en los Estados Unidos, puede ser un momento de referencia en la televisión. La serie francesa, basada en libros franceses de 100 años de antigüedad y centrada en un ladrón caballero a principios del siglo 20, se está incendiando en este momento. Assane Diop es un francés que resulta ser hijo e hija de un inmigrante africano. Esto crea un comentario social real sobre ser un inmigrante o una persona de color. Esta serie, al igual que los libros originales, expone lo feo en la alta sociedad. Esta hazaña es lograda por Omar Sy sin siquiera sudar. Lupin estaría orgulloso.