Number Five from Umbrella Academy is one of the most powerful members of the team. Here are five reasons why she’s so powerful:

  1. She has a vast knowledge of numbers and mathematics.
  2. She has a strong strategic mind, able to come up with plans on the fly and carry them out flawlessly.
  3. She’s an expert in martial arts and weapons, able to take on anyone single-handedly.
  4. She has a deep connection with her siblings, which gives her strength when it comes to fighting together as a team.
  5. Finally, Number Five is also incredibly resilient – she’s been through a lot in her life, and yet she still manages to keep going strong. ..

Five is transported to Dallas November 25, 1963 in the middle of another apocalypse after he fails to prevent the apocalypse. He soon learns that the apocalypse was caused by him and his family manipulating the time. To mitigate the threat to humanity, he forces the Umbrella Academy to be reassembled.

Space-time manipulation is his ability. He can travel through time and space, and teleport objects to other locations without physically touching them.

Five discovered, after landing on the Sparrow Academy timeline that at least one future version was the Founder the Temps Commission.


Number Five, aged 13, was trapped in an apocalyptic world for over 40 years. His body returned to the 13-year-old state it was when he found a way out, but his mind did not change. He now has the personality and temperament of a 60-year old, but is still frustrated by being stuck in the body of an infant. He has a brilliant intellect and often dismisses his family as being stupid or inferior.

He is also sarcastic and pragmatic and extremely proud. His prideful nature also causes him to be impulsive. This is evident when he uses his time-traveling abilities as a boy, despite Reginald Hargreeves warnings that he wasn’t fully prepared.

Number Five has also been shown to be a brutal and highly efficient killer. He doesn’t enjoy killing but he is not afraid to kill. His success in killing countless people on missions was what made him famous as an agent for the Temps Commission. This was part of his contract to return to the present. Number Five has proven to be willing to kill anyone who gets in his way of his goals.

He is a good person, even though he has an antisocial personality. However, he cares deeply about his family and shows compassion. He is the most dedicated member of his family and works tirelessly in the future and the past to stop the apocalypse. Out of fear that his family would die, he refuses to include them most of the times. He demands that his family is also saved when he “renegotiates” his contract with the Temps Commission.


Time travel done wrong

Five is having lunch one day when he suddenly thinks of time traveling. He approaches his father, revealing that he wants to travel in time. Reginald is stunned by Five’s sudden exaggeration. He explains that Five still hasn’t mastered his own abilities. Five reacts to Reginald’s comments and is furious. He leaves his home. Five was able to travel through time and space, but his abilities are still not perfected. Five was transported to a future where the world was destroyed. Five tries to return to the present, but is unable to.

Surviving the Apocalypse


Five discovers the Hargreeves manor has been turned into rubble with all his siblings, save Viktor. Five is able to acquire a prosthetic eyeball from Luther’s corpse. He accepts his fate and tries to live in the Apocalypse for as long as possible. He buys a newspaper that contains the date of the Apocalypse. Five is looking through the wreckage at a local convenience shop, which was destroyed in the wake of the apocalypse. He notices a worn-out mannequin. The means by which the lower body was removed are still unknown. Five is alone, and longing for company.

He drags the mannequin with him, naming it “Dolores.” They venture together across the wrecked and ruined land. Five has been alone in the wrecked place for over 40 years and longs for companionship that isn’t plastic or inanimate. Five continues to investigate the causes of the apocalypse and carries the prosthetic eyeball as well as Dolores. Soon, he is met by “The Handler”, a strange woman. Five grabs his shotgun from the handler and points it at her, asking why she would behave so rudely in entering his territory.

He is assured by the Handler that she does not intend to hinder him or his time. However, she has an offer or Ultimatum. She tells him she is a member the Temps Commissioner. This organization was created to preserve the flow of time and eliminate threats that threaten the timeline. He will have a safe place to call home, far from the Five and without having to leave.

Five’s new job

Five transforms into a master hitman and works for the Temps Commission. This is how he secretly investigates the causes of the apocalypse. While he is investigating, he plans how he can travel back in time and return to where he came from. The Handler soon hires Five as a marksman for J.F.K’s funeral. Five is positioned behind a desk and uses this opportunity to travel backwards in time. Five forms a wormhole and escapes from it, allowing him to be transferred back into his teenage body.

Back in the Umbrella Academy

Five is able to travel back in time and explain the events to Viktor, but he doesn’t believe him. Viktor cites that time travel has affected his mind, as their father warned. [2] Five struggles to convince his siblings about the events, but eventually is able to convince them, when Cha-Cha and Hazel confront them. [3]

Five, along with his siblings, is forced to tell his siblings about his future death. Five, along with his siblings, is forced to reveal the future to his siblings. After five years of service, he is allowed to retire at any time he chooses.

Five and his siblings are divided over how to deal with the news that Viktor is responsible in part for the destruction of the Academy. They decide to not abandon Viktor. Viktor, Five and Umbrella Academy members get into a fight. It seems like all hope is lost. Five tells us that he has a plan. He will take his entire family along with him throughout time to prevent the apocalypse. Five, despite not being certain of his abilities, is able to travel through time with his family. [5]

Second Apocalypse

Five hears from Hazel about the second apocalypse.

Five is transported to Dallas on November 25, 1963 by his siblings, following his efforts to avoid the apocalypse. As his siblings, and the Umbrella Academy fight against the Russians, he witnesses the end of the world. Hazel appears just moments before the end of the world and asks him to join him. Five agrees, and Hazel takes Five back in time to the past, explaining that he brought his siblings back in the timeline. Hazel urges him to save the planet one more time, but he’s unable to do so before being assassinated by the Swedes.

Five attempts to convince his siblings to join him in his second attempt to save the world, but they are immediately rebuked both by Luther, who has made a living for himself, and Diego, who are trying to stop the assassination JFK. Five eventually convinces Diego to save the world.

The two then try to talk to the 1963 version of their father to learn more about his involvement in JFK’s assassination. Five convinces Viktor to join his side after he gives insight into their past. Viktor is delighted to have this information due to their amnesia.

Also Read:When Will Umbrella Academy Season 4 Release Date ?

Umbrella Academy: Why Five Is So Bad At His Powers

Five is able to travel through time and space, which makes him one of The Umbrella Academy’s most powerful powers. However, he has limited control over the power.

Five is one the most powerful members Of The Umbrella Academy . However, he frequently misses the mark in time travel. Although it’s easy to forget, Five’s ineptness and lack of control is a key feature of season 1. So, why is Five so terrible at using his abilities.

The Um brella Academy is filled with the unpredictable results of Five’s use of time travel. This often kicks off conflicts that are the driving force behind the series. Five attempted a major time jump but he failed to achieve it and was trapped in a post-apocalyptic world before he made his way home. Five managed to get back to his “present”, but accidentally deaged himself , becoming a 58 year-old man and a 13-year old boy. In season 2, Five attempted to travel back in time with his six siblings.

Five failed again in his attempt to travel in time, this time with more stress, more jumps and more people to transport. This is why The Umbrella Academy was dispersed throughout the 1960s.

Five starts to take control of his powers towards the end of season 2. He succeeds in a shorter time jump than if he failed in a leap of days, weeks, or years. Five’s improved control is partly due to his increased practice. Five has had decades to study time travel with the Commission and have practiced dozens of time jumps under different circumstances since his first failed time jump in season 1.

Five’s new control was also triggered by a tip by Reginald Hargreeves. This proves that Five’s problems were caused partly due to a lack in support and coaching from Hargreeves, who forbade him practicing time travel in the original timeline.

Five is rebellious from the beginning of Umbrella Academy. This may explain why he’s fifth among his siblings, despite his immense abilities. Five is a powerful man, but he refuses to blindly follow Hargreeves like Luther. Like Diego, Five is difficult to control or manipulate. When it comes to training, Five is at the bottom of Hargreeves’ list. Five and Hargreeves both know Five can do more.

However, Hargreeves is unwilling to share any theories or knowledge with Five, thereby limiting Five’s ability control over his power. Five becomes infinitely more skilled when Hargreeves gives a glimpse of the deeper nature Five’s power to the boy in season 2.

Five’s arrogance in season 1 may explain why he has so little control over the ability to time travel. Five is confident that he can do anything and doesn’t want to admit that he has areas where he needs to improve. Five’s mistakes in traveling to a postapocalyptic future in season 1 and his additional errors when returning home make him humbler, which makes him more open to thinking about how to fix the problem.

Five improves his power in season 1 and safely transports his siblings back in the right time. After much thought and practice, Five finally uses his power to save his siblings.

Five’s success with time travel is a similar feat to his speed through space. This bodes well to the other members of The Umbrella Academy as they face new threats from super-powered individuals. Season 2’s finale focuses on the unexpected consequences and successes of time travel. Instead of looking at the disastrous effects of failed time travel, it focuses on the positive outcomes of successful time travel. Five manages to transport himself and his siblings to 2019 only to find that Reginald Hargreeves, the Sparrow Academy’s founder, has been created in an alternate timeline.


Five may be a mix of Nightcrawler and The Flash from DC comics, according to some fans. These are the similarities between Five Nightcrawler and Five Both have teleportation abilities. Both are skilled at using their abilities in battle. What are the differences between Five Nightcrawler and Nightcrawler? Nightcrawler is blue in skin and feet, with prehensile hands/feet and a tail. Five can teleport through time and travel with Nightcrawler, but only Nightcrawler can. The similarities between Five & The Flash They are both known for their ability to travel through time and change the world. The differences between Five & The Flash Flash made history; Five did the same thing, but Five was able to save the planet.