The Monogatari Series is a series of light novels written by Naoki Urasawa. The first novel, Monogatari, was published in 2009. The second novel, Naku Koro ni, was published in 2012. The third and fourth novels, A Silent Voice and Blood Blockade Battlefront, were published in 2014 and 2016 respectively. The fifth and sixth novels, Eromanga-sensei and A Silent Voice: Second Season, were published in 2018 and 2019 respectively. The order of the Monogatari Series is as follows:

  1. Monogatari (2009)
  2. Naku Koro ni (2012)
  3. A Silent Voice (2014)
  4. Blood Blockade Battlefront (2016)
  5. Eromanga-sensei (2018)
  6. A Silent Voice: Second Season (2019).

It’ll leave you thinking about the issues one might face in defining their position with the world.

The original light novel written by Nisio Itsin. The adaptation for anime doesn’t adhere to the traditional storytelling conventions we’re familiar with in anime.

It rather propels the plot forward with the captivating conversations between the characters, like we were in a book.

This is a fantastic example of the wacky stories that anime can tell.

Monogatari’s light novel comes with five season.

From these five seasons three were adaptations of anime.

Monogatari imagines a world which is totally independent of our own. It explores the idea of the inner demons and the peculiar circumstances of people.

The show has plenty of intriguing stories, myths, and even drama. Once you begin watching it, you’ll be hooked each when you watch the episode.

This is the reason we written this article to assist you in the process and ensure you receive the right order. Let’s look at the order for watch right now to learn more about this complicated and addictive show.

How to Watch “Monogatari” Series in Order

Are you aching to see Monogatari but aren’t sure where to start? This Monogatari anime series is a huge favorite among anime enthusiasts. It is the manga based upon Nisio Isin’s Japanese novellas. He is among my top authors. A lot of fans might not desire to spend a lot of time reading the 24 novels. This shouldn’t be an issue because the adaptations to anime of the books are excellent when you’re aware of the right Mongatari watching sequence.

Monogatari has gained popularity since SHAFT converted lighter novels to anime. It’s an anime that is distinctive in numerous ways. Due to the variety of characters having distinct stories It’s distinct in numerous ways. Even though there’s a shared concept, each story is told in the context of a completely different universe. This can lead to the enjoyment and thrills.

It’s likely that you’ve been a fan of the anime adaptations since the very beginning. Each of the series was released by SHAFT in proper order. Anyone interested in learning Monogatari can learn it. It’s important to know that the series is viewed in a variety of different ways. This guide will assist you to find the most suitable Monogatari sequence according to where you are at in the plot.

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Monogatari series Release Order

As we mentioned it’s a great idea to view the series in the order that they were first released. That’s only the right method of choice for people who have been watching the series since the year 2009. It’s remarkable that it worked even after the brand new series came out.

This is the ideal way to get started with with Monogatari for new viewers. It’s simple to recommend it because you’ll never be left out throughout the show. While some might suggest that you should begin with the first story Kizumonogatari to newbies but they could get confused. The subject will be covered in greater detail in the future. This is the release schedule.

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“Monogatari Series Chronological Order

It is a fact that the Monogatari series is full of replay value. This is something only a handful of anime compete with. You may be eager to go back and watch the entire show once more if you’ve completed the entire series the first time. It is possible to switch the story this time around to improve the flow of the story.

It is the ideal method to watch the Monogatari for those who have a basic understanding of the characters and story. This can make up any gaps and give viewers the best viewing experience.

KizumonogatariNekomonogatari: KuroBakemonogatariNisemonogatariMonogatari Series Mayoi JiangshiMonogatari Series Shinobu TimeOwarimonogatari – Shinobu MailMonogatari Series – Tsubasa TigerOwarimonogatari – Ougi Formula. Sodachi Riddle. Sodachi LostMonogatari Series- Nadeko Medusa, Hitagi EndTsukimonogatariOwarimonogatari – Second SeasonZoku OwarimonogatariHanamonogatariKoyomimonogatari

Enjoy Monogatari to the highest quality


Koyomi who is a third year High School student has become human. He has been cured of his vampirism and tries to assist other supernaturals in their problems. Koyomi is attracted to their lives and discovers hidden details about the individuals he was once acquainted with. The two-season, 15-episode show is the beginning of everything. It’s also the perfect start point for you for those who want their lives to be well-organized.


It’s up for debate, with various locations being considered for it. We have chosen the most popular choice available and putting it on the second spot of the list. We believe that it is the most well.


As you move through the series it’s your third time seeing “A vampire student finds himself in a mix with all sorts of apparitions”. It’s not necessary to invest long time watching the film since it’s only a brief.

Nekomongatari: Kuro

The show is also shorter. Nekomongatari Kuro is only four episodes that is able to be watched in one session.

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Second Season of Monogatari Series

The disc isn’t easy to locate It’s definitely worthwhile. To create this show five sequels were produced.


Hanamonogatari was originally planned to be part of the Monogatari Series: Second Season. It was, however, released as an individual entity. According to the synopsis that is official, “Suruga Kanbaru” is an aspiring high school student with an arm that is cursed. Suruga finds out that the devil can grant wishes and she set out to discover this devil seeking healing for her hand. Suruga realizes that to build an improved future, she needs to face her previous.


Yotsugi Doll is the story. A short episode is told the story. It’s only four episodes. The show can also be seen as a film with a duration of around 90 minutes. “Koyomi’s college entrance exams are near however, he has something more urgent to address. When he realizes that he does not have reflection, he discovers that he’s becoming vampire. To get assistance, he visits Yotsugi Ononoki. She is the shikigami doll.

Owarimonogatari Series One

Naoetsu’s High School Private is blessed with a brand new student named Ougi Oshino. Ougi is soon able to make acquaintance and becomes friends with Koyomi Aaragi, a student. They come across a mysterious sighting, which causes Araragi’s discovery of a lost memory that could change the entire world. The second season once you’ve completed the first.


Another one that’s difficult to locate. Koyomimonogatari that is quite different from the others it is a collection of twelve stories that are focused specifically on Koyomi as well as his attempts to aid girls from his group in a variety of ways.

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Owarimonogatari Season 2

Keep watching the remaining 7 shows of Owarimonogatari!

Zoku Owarimonogatari

The final episode isn’t always easy to find. We’d like to see you discover it, but in the event that you don’t it isn’t, we’re sure you’ll discover it. Once you’ve found it you’ll be able to keep on with the massive, sprawling story.

Nisio Isin recommends “Monogatari Watch Order”

Nisio Isin is a wonderful acquaintance of mine. I have friends who are fans of light novels. his work. The light novels he writes are fascinating interesting, entertaining, and enjoyable to read. If you’ve got the time I highly recommend all of the light novels.

NisioIsin has also shared his suggestions for the most effective method to experience this Monogatari series. The following is the official release date of the lighter novels. This means it’s the order that the author wanted to create. It was a book that I enjoyed, so I decided to give it a go. This book might not be the best for all people, particularly those who are who are just beginning to explore Monogatari. Here’s how you can do it.

First Season:

  1. Bakemonogatari (2006)

  2. Kizumonogatari (2008)

  3. Nisemonogatari 2008-2009

  4. Nekomonogatari Dark (2010)

Second Season:

  1. Nekomonogatari Black (2010)

  2. Kabukimonogatari (2010)

  3. Hanamonogatari (2011

  4. Otorimonogatari (2011)

  5. Onimonogatari (2011)

  6. Koimonogatari (2011)

The final season

  1. Tsukimonogatari (2012)

  2. Koyomimonogatari (2013)

  3. Owarimonogatari (2013-2014)

  4. Zoku Owarimonogatari (2014)

Season off

  1. Orokamonogatari (2015)

  2. Wazamonogatari (2016)

  3. Nademonogatari (2016)

  4. Musubimonogatari (2017)

Monster Season

  1. Shinobumonogatari 2017

  2. Yoimonogatari (2018)

  3. Amarimonogatari (TBA)

  4. Ougimonogatari (TBA)

  5. Shinomonogatari – (TBA).

What is the ideal moment to watch Kizumonogatari at its finest?

It’s not easy to decide the right time to watch Kizumonogatari is the best moment to watch it regardless of whether you’re only beginning to follow the Monogatari series. You’ve probably heard that it’s a prequel , so it’s logical to begin watching it in the beginning. You must consider the specific circumstances of your life when deciding which time to start watching it. Here’s a quick guide.

Between Bakemonogatari & Nisemonogatari

This is the suggestion of Nisio and it’s logical. It’s beneficial because Bakemonogatari illustrates how to navigate the the Monogatari universe, and Kizumonogatari offers clues for the stories to unfold.

Before Bakemonogatari

Kizumonogatari is the first series to look at if you prefer a chronological order. Do you think it’s worth the effort? It’s not suggested. Although it’s an early prequel, it will not offer a solid base for the entire series. It’s also very different from the other series. It could be a shock to some viewers and might cause them to turn off.

Between Owarimonogatari & Koyomimonogatari

This arrangement will give you the best experience when watching. Since the story arcs haven’t been dissected it isn’t difficult to follow and will be able to comprehend the plot easily.

Three Tips for First-Time Viewers Monogatari

  1. There are all 15 episodes in the Bakemonogatari series however only the final 3 episodes can be found on Blu-ray.

  2. The text displayed on screen is one of the reasons why some viewers leave the show after a couple of episodes. It’s perfectly acceptable to take a minute to go through the text, however it’s not essential. It is possible to take pleasure in the story without having to read it. So don’t fret about it. Instead, concentrate on the movie you’re watching.

  3. The arcs are best viewed in a shuffled fashion. A lot of people get confused when they first start watching the Monogatari series. It is possible to make it easier to comprehend the plot and enjoy this monogatari show by not ignoring the suggested order of watching, particularly for those who are new to the series.


TitleDate of Release
1. Bakemonogatari(2009)
2. Nisemonogatari(2012)
4. Nekomonogatari Kuro(2012)
5. Second Season of Monogatari Series(2013)
6. Hanamonogatari(2014)
7. Tsukimonogatari(2014)
8. Owarimonogatari(2015)
9. Koyomimonogatari(2016)
10. Owarimnonogatari Part 2(2017)
11. Zoku Owarimonogatari(2018)