The ending of the novelTrigger Point is a cliffhanger that leaves readers on the edge of their seats. The novel follows the story of a young woman, named Sarah, who is in a coma after being hit by a car. When Sarah wakes up, she finds out that she has been dreaming the entire time and her dream was actually a simulation created by her doctor to test her mental health. Sarah is not sure if she wants to believe it or not, but she decides to take the test and find out for herself. In the end, Sarah learns that she is not in control of her own life and must rely on others to help her get back on track.

Trigger Point review

There will be a time, I think, when all police departments are discovered by broadcasters’ drama groups and mined until exhaustion. We will likely struggle to get interest in the workings and activities of Polzeath’s Anti-Jaywalking Squad. (Who is this mysterious stranger who crosses against the lights? Claire Goose, DCI Crumblebum, must capture the culprit in the Snettisham Window Box Protection Unit. There are still areas that need to be plumbed, but drama can still be had.

Trigger Point is a new ITV series created by Daniel Brierley and produced by the company Line of Duty’s Jed Mercurio. It was built around Vicky McClure , who was sadly underused in that series. She plays the role of an “expo”, a member in the Metropolitan Police bomb disposal team called – wildly unconvincingly but maybe that’s just my – Lana Washington. Joel “Nut”, her bomb disposal partner, is played by Adrian Lester. She served with him in Afghanistan.

The bantering couple are responding to a call from a bomb factory located in London Tower Block; saving bound children and women from their divan beds; finding IEDs behind pressure plates and toilets; secondary devices behind boilers; demanding that the crowds be moved back further as the explosive potential increases. There’s also all the gibberish they speak into their walkie-talkies (they say, “We’re going need to prepare the pollysquash”, no matter how many rewindings you do).

You can have great fun if you keep your absurdity levels high. You’ll have a lot of fun if you think CSI: Peckham, Line of Bomb Duty, or Bomby McBombface. Lana has to be very still until the secondary device is activated. Phew! It was not like there was any danger that the lead would be eaten within the first 20 minutes. Still… Around this time, an air of Lisa Faulkners begins to gather.

Bomb the third is found under a car. They deploy the robot thing they used in Mercurio’s (equally absurd and enjoyable) Bodyguard to attempt to defuse Richard Madden. But it fails.

Andy Phelan is the missing husband of the divanned mother and her child. As everyone begins to be chin-strokingly suspicious of his disappearance, he appears from the car boot. A suicide vest is strapped to him – bomb the fourth! This is high quality stuff. You are truly spoiling us with all these IEDs, Mrs Brierley & Mercurio!

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Trigger Point Ending

Sonya’s Mug was the key

If you are keen-eyed, you will have noticed that Sonya (Kerry Godliman) drinks the brew she makes from a mug with the Periodic Table of Elements. It’s a cute detail, but it also gives you a hint! Sonya, probably due to the mug, broke Karl’s code. She realised that 6611 42 (the numbers that Wash received from John’s phone, along with the redacted Portland Down file), were the respective atomic numbers of Dysprosium, Sodium, and Molybdenum. This spells Dynamo, which is the codename of the classified operation in the which Karl and his seven colleagues died. The Ministry of Defence covered it up, which led to Karl’s terrorist bombing campaign.

Wash realized that the numbers 19 and 12 – which were found scratched on the wall at The Whitehaven Estate, and then inserted into one The Crusaders’ device – were the atomic number of Potassium and Magnesium (Mg), thus making them the signature Karl McGuire, Wash’s new squeeze and also the mastermind behind all the bomb attacks.

Operation Dynamo

Dynamo was the codename for a classified mission that took part in Kandahar Province in Afghanistan in July 2009. Eight allied soldiers were on their way to supply a Special Forces operation base with explosive HMX-319. They were stopped by an IED on the roadside and ambushed. A RPG struck the explosives that they were carrying and destroyed a school nearby. In retaliation, local villagers attacked Karl and his seven co-workers. Karl fled, but he was killed in combat. To maintain public faith in the overseas mission’s mission, the MoD covered it up and reported the deaths as noncombat and as a road traffic accident.

Karl McGuire, the only survivor of Dynamo, was sentenced to life imprisonment for leaving his post. The families of the other soldiers petitioned the government for more than 10 years to get the files released. However, the Defence select committee denied the request in a closed-door hearing presided over by…

Ayesha Clark-Khan (aka, the real target)

Karl was determined to target the Progressive Alliance Labour candidate, who was running for a seat against Agatha Jack and her far-right English Flag party. Karl, who was the Defence select committee leader on Operation Dynamo’s cover-up, blamed Agatha Jack and launched the bombing campaign in vengeance.

Karl McGuire was not a far-right activist

Karl was not racist. He was a murderous bastard who caused multiple deaths, including Nut’s. He justification for the bombing campaign is to draw attention the MoD cover up (hence the coded references leading to Dynamo and Expos to him), and to take revenge for the deaths his seven colleagues in 2009.

Karl used the far-right racism of Nick Roberts, Frank Welsh to his advantage. Both he and Frank met in a South London rehabilitation program. He formed The Crusaders together with them to do the legwork while he remained behind-the scenes. Frank and Nick carried out the Whitehaven bombings at Amburiq Mosque, Five Oaks, and Five Oaks, as well as the sniper attack. Karl, presumably, sourced the explosives and was the mastermind of the operation. It was probably Karl, the masked man who set off the gas meter bombs. Welsh was not killed. Roberts was killed while wearing a suicide vest to the Five Oaks attack. Welsh was also shot at the South London University attack. Karl called them “racist, fucking idiots that deserved to die.”

John Hudson was innocent?

He was not a racist Islamophobe, but he did bomb Hass with his bigoted “banter”. Wash suspected John’s annotated London was just homework to show that he should be made Senior Expo following Nut’s passing. It’s possible that Karl marked the Progressive Alliance Headquarters on the A-Z as part of his framing effort. Wash was told by Karl that John had been drinking with Billy following Nut’s funeral. This led her to suspect John of grooming Billy for the far-right terrorist group The Crusaders. Karl also texted John to tell him to call the number on his trigger phone at the university auditorium.

John was used by Karl to leave a series messages for Wash, which would eventually lead to the story of Operation Dynamo. John used his phone to text Wash the 66/11 42 code outside MoD Steepholm, where the EMX-319 which killed Karl’s colleagues was sourced. He knew that the location would need to be triangulated. He then texted “Endgame” from Soldier’s Chapel, where he was holding the memorial service for his deceased colleagues. To keep Wash from his blast, he did this to draw her away from Deptford Assembly Halls. However, was his plan when he made that statement.

Why did Karl try to convince Wash to go out with his if he was going to kill himself?

No idea. He had purchased Wash a beer and started his “I really think we would be good together” routine just hours before he pulled the suicide belt stunt. If he knew he was going insane, why would he do that? Wash might have called it off if his answer was different.

Karl could have been using Wash to obtain information on the investigation, and his speech was only a cover to explain why he was at the Assembly Halls (where the explosive belt was before security was in place), but that would be understandable. But the man seemed really to want a future for Wash. He had set up John’s fake suicide at the chapel to try and distance Wash from the bomb. But what about the other victims? Karl tricked John into activating the auditorium blast, which she barely survived. It’s not the best foundation for a relationship. Karl also cruelly orchestrated the death of Lana’s little brother, Billy.

From where did Karl get the explosives?

It’s not confirmed, as far as we know (either via a connection at Steepholm oder on the dark internet). It is hard to believe that he was able bring the explosive back from Afghanistan to use as a souvenir. It is important to note that his choice for a specific explosive was another signal pointing towards Operation Dynamo. Karl used HMX-319 in all London bombings. This explosive was also in his convoy in 2009.