Tomodachi Life is a quirky and charming game that has been around for a few years now. It’s a life simulator where you control the lives of virtual characters in an effort to make their lives more fulfilling. Recently, the game released an episodic expansion called Tomodachi Life: The Final Chapter. The Final Chapter is an ambitious project that aims to wrap up the story of Tomodachi Life and give players a satisfying conclusion to their adventures. It features new areas, characters, and challenges that are sure to keep players engaged for hours on end. The Final Chapter also introduces some major changes to the game world. For example, you can now marry other characters in the game and have children with them. This adds an extra layer of complexity and fun to your interactions with other characters. Overall, The Final Chapter is a great addition to Tomodachi Life and provides players with a satisfying conclusion to their adventures. If you’re looking for a quirky and charming life simulator that’s sure to keep you entertained for hours on end, then Tomodachi Life: The Final Chapter is definitely worth checking out! ..


La temporada 1 del juego Tomodachi incluye la historia de Shiho Sawaragi, Tenji Mikasa, Yûichi Katagiri, Makoto Shibe y Yutori Kokorogi. Cinco jóvenes que son mejores amigos pero que un día fueron secuestrados por un grupo de personas. Después, se enteraron de que habían sido inscritos en un juego llamado «Tomodachi game» (el juego de la amistad \ amigos). Porque uno de ellos había contraído una deuda de 2 millones de yenes y los había registrado para el juego. Además, tenían los medios para reducir o aumentar su deuda inicial. Es un manga bien escrito y pegadizo que juega con la psicología de los espectadores y fanáticos tanto del manga como de la serie de anime.

Desde el principio, la historia deja un velo de misterio. De hecho, nadie lo sabe, aparte del organizador del juego. Este último es el endeudado que tendrá que hacer todo lo posible para evitar que los demás ganen los eventos y reducir la deuda. Porque en la medida en que fracasen, sólo se reducirá la deuda del traidor.

Muy rápidamente, el escenario nos revela la identidad del traidor. Lo cual es un poco decepcionante al principio. Pero rápidamente nos damos cuenta de que la verdadera verdad que se esconde detrás de su amistad es mucho más oscura y solo el juego de Tomodachi les permitirá descubrirlo todo y conocerse mejor. Claramente, es un manga muy psicológico que a cualquiera seguramente le encantará y fanático de los misterios en particular. Es un manga con un anime a juego que seguramente atraerá al público en general durante unos años más.

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After the victory of group C in the 3rd game of the Tomodachi game, the winners had the privilege of spending some time outside before the start of the 4th game. But with the ban on talking about the Tomodachi game. Sergeant Manabu was the organizer of the friendship hide-and-seek (3rd tomodachi game). This is how Yûichi Katagiri and Tenji Mikasa found the outside world again.

Arrived at school, these fell on Yutori Kokorogi who erased insults on Makoto Shibe’s table.She told them that after their return at the end of the 2nd game (Gossip Game), Makoto Shibe and Shiho Sawaragi had been accused of having embezzled the 2 million from the school trip. A few days later, Shibe’s father was charged for all his crimes and Shibe and Sawaragi disappeared into the wild.Then in the evening, Tenji and Yûichi received a rather strange call concerning the kidnapping of Kokorogi and the start of the “special edition of the Tomodachi game”.


In episode 12, Yûichi decided to rescue Kokorogi during this edition called “the law of the weakest”. Kuroki is the one who presented this edition in which the weakest and the strongest were tortured psychologically and physically. For this purpose, they resisted the 3 tests they won the test and were free to leave. These ordeals involved fighting, nail pulling and stabbing. But it turned out that this was all a charade by Kuroki.

Elsewhere, Yūichi set up a game to destroy Kuroki’s personal relationships with his subordinates. This is how Kuroki lost “the finger cut chifumi”. After that, Yūichi passed out because he had started losing too much blood. For his part, Tenji was momentarily alone for the 4th game. But having regained courage and confidence, Kokorogi decided to support and accompany him for the 4th game. And this, in order to save Shibe who had contracted all the debts of his father after his father’s death. That’s 500 million yen even if that meant their debt would also increase.

This is how Tenji Mikasa and Yutori Kokorogi embarked on the 4th game: “the court of friendship”.


This was the most difficult episode of the season.

Kokorogi was kidnapped by a gang who claimed he worked for the game Tomodachi. The boss is a moron who thinks he’s running a parallel version. It’s less subtle and much more violent, so it’s free. The case is actually quite simple. He gets beaten up or his friend gets naked and groped by the gang. It’s very disturbing and totally against the spirit of Tomodachi Game. It’s bloody and unbearable. Regular blows, tearing of nails. Enough to make a miserable quarter of an hour for both the protagonists and the most sensitive viewers.This episode is hard to watch. This twist is for everyone.

La sangre que fluye libremente es una delicia absoluta para aquellos que disfrutan de sensaciones extremas. Esto solo habrá fortalecido su amistad en el anime. Desafía al primero, especialmente porque no le teme al segundo, por un chifoumi completamente atroz con la clave de 100,000 yenes. Quiere demostrarle a la pandilla que su líder, aunque es estúpido, también es un cobarde.

Tenji advirtió que la verdadera organización del Juego Tomodachi llegaría y detendría la sangrienta mascarada. Yuichi vio un lobo desde el principio y su amigo fue asignado para advertir a los funcionarios. El joven no ha terminado de cazar a su presa. La fatiga de nuestro amigo es lo que salvó al idiota.


Cada uno es libre de pensar lo que quiera de este episodio. Ya sea para bien o para mal. Pero dado que no todos pueden tener la misma visión de las cosas, parece mejor apreciar el lado positivo de cada uno de estos finales. Y también prepararse para el resto dado el descanso anunciado. En concreto, tomodachi juego temporada 2.