Welcome to the Tokyo Revengers, a comprehensive guide to all of the characters and their skills in the city of Tokyo. This guide is designed to help you get started in your new career as a superhero in Japan, and to provide you with all the information you need to become a successful vigilante. First and foremost, it is important that you have a strong understanding of Japanese culture. This guide will not only teach you how to act like a hero in Japan, but also how to interact with the people of Tokyo. In addition, be sure to have some knowledge about crime and justice in Japan before starting your patrols. Now that we know what you need, let’s get started!

Every new Takemichi character that is introduced will attract a new audience who are interested in the characters’ stories of how they got to where they are today. The varied characters can be hard for fans to follow due to the number of new faces and names are being introduced at one time. If you’re a fan who wants to refresh the Tokyo Revengers knowledge Here are some important character profiles. important personas to help you be more familiar with the characters.

What Are Ages And Height Of Tokyo Revengers Characters ?

Tokyo Revengers are an exciting show with the most talented lineup of characters. The following list includes every character’s age height and birthday, along with some interesting facts!

Tokyo Revengers Characters Statistics Chart

The many timelines of Tokyo Revengers can be complicated and could leave some fans wondering which versions of the characters that Takemichi is encountering as he travels back and forth between the timelines.

Although Takemichi is currently in middle school, the names of the characters he meets along his route aren’t quite so clear. To aid newcomers and new fans, here’s an exhaustive table of the characters birthday, age and height of Tokyo Revengers.

Takemichi Hanagaki

The protagonist of the story Takemichi has the strange ability of jumping across the time. The viewers first meet Takemichi, who is in a pathetic state. Poor Takemichi finds himself in a bind with a lot of regrets over the way he lived his life as a teenager.

When he realizes the ability to travel back in time (and be able to go back in time) that he discovers it is possible to alter the current situation. Takemichi is a person with many regrets. Even though there are times when he is exhausted or wanting to leave but he is determined his desire to aid others.

Hinata Tachibana

Hinata might be the Takemichi’s love interest in the show However, she’s not the only character throughout the entire series. Hinata is a compassionate person who is always there to reassure Takemichi whenever he’s uncertain of his self-worth. Alongside being the main character’s support for the struggle, Hinata also acts as the primary catalyst for the entire initial storyline that will be the basis for the entire series.

Hinata’s warm and friendly personality and her kindness were the primary reason that Takemichi chose to keep going back into the past, in a risky attempt to protect her from her premature death.

Naoto Tachibana

Naoto is the younger brother of Hinata. Although his younger self isn’t much seen, his current Naoto is Takemichi’s ally on his adventure to transform the past. Naoto is the present-day partner. Naoto is employed by the organized crime agency located in Tokyo and makes use of his knowledge of the field to assist Takemichi to understand the steps he should do to save Hinata.

Although Naoto remains a highly professional person with almost any tolerance for the absurd He seems to be open to bizarre concepts, since he is awed by Takemichi’s capacity to travel time.

Manjiro Sano (Mikey)

Manjiro (more frequently called Mikey) is the founder as well as the leader of Tokyo Manji Gang (Toman). While he’s one of the smaller members of the group, Mikey’s abilities as fighter make him a top contender for ratings. Mikey might be a deadly threat in combat, but still displays a remarkably innocent and playful aspect to him as well.

Mikey is often caught up in hiding any indications of weakness or doubts to himself because Mikey wants to keep his the other Toman members in a positive and confident state, free of any challenges.

Ken Ryuguji (Draken)

Draken is vice-president, and is a founding member of Toman. Draken together with Mikey is frequently considered to be the most authoritative source within Toman. Although Draken may be occasionally rude however, he is full of respect for the people whom he considers friends. He is not a fan of innocent people to be part of any violence related to Toman.

Draken’s soft side is often brought out when he’s left to take care of Mikey. Draken could be an aggressive fighter, but his devotion to the people he loves dearly to him is his top priority.

Keisuke Baji

Baji was the first Division Captain of the First Division of Toman and was also one of the founding members. Baji was a close friend of Draken Mikey and Draken and is extremely loyal to Mikey and Draken. Baji is also extremely in love with his old pal, Kazutora.

Baji is among the most volatile characters of Toman and is known to start fights or kick someone on a decision. But, Baji is also incredibly loyal and doesn’t allow other people think of him as an outlaw in order to aid in helping Toman remain strong.

Takashi Mitsuya

Mitsuya is Second Division Captain of the Second Division of Toman and is also one of the founder Toman’s founding. Mitsuya is a quiet person, and is among the most moderate people of Toman He only engages in physical warfare only when it is absolutely necessary. MItsuya is a nice person, and although he is not one to fight but he’s willing to do so in the name protecting his fellow Toman members.

Mitsuya also shows that he is interested in making clothes, as the director of his school’s sew club.

Haruki Hayashi (Pah-Chin)

Pah-Chin is another original member in Toman and is the former Captain of the Third Division. Although not the most brilliant member of the group, Pah-Chin is aware that loyalty is an essential aspect of being a part of an extended family.

Pah-Chin might be extremely agresiv, however his core is always in the best spot. Pah-Chin might get upset about trivial issues occasionally, however his real aggression is displayed when Pah-Chin feels that he has to defend a acquaintance of his.

Ryohei Hayashi (Peyan)

Peyan is Pah-Chin’s most beloved bud and is also the Vice-Captain for the Third Division of Toman. Similar to his friend, Pah-Chinis Peyan has a temper that is extremely irritable. Similar to the way that Pah-Chin was determined to revenge his pals, Peyan did the same when Peyan believed that Pah-Chin had been wronged..

Peyan’s loyalty to Toman is so strong that it is a fault of his since his desire to get revenge on Pah-Chin prompted him to seek out the assistance of other people, which led him to abandon Toman completely.

Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)

Smiley is the Fourth Division Captain of Toman. Smiley is special in the sense that he loves and relishes the ring with a gleeful smile in his eyes. Smiley is usually observed with a smile on his face , as the name suggests and appears to revel in beating his adversaries to the point of being shredded.

As with many Toman Members, Smiley has a fierce devotion towards Mikey and is willing to fight at any time whenever he feels that someone is disdaining his leader.

Yasuhiro Muto (Mucho)

Mucho was the Fifth Division Captain of Toman. Mucho is a very serene person and isn’t particularly expressive. Mucho does not seem to change from his stoic posture even in the the midst of a deadly fight.

In addition, Mucho is very quiet and doesn’t talk about his thoughts often. Much as many Toman members, besides Toman Members, Mucho is adamant in his belief in the loyalty of Mikey, the leader. Mikey.

Masataka Kiyomizu (Kiyomasa)

Kiyomasa is a minor antagonist , and was a former member of Toman. Kiyomasa is a savage person who is fond of beating the savage, humiliating and torturing people he believes are as weaker or less than his level. Kiyomasa is also an confident person who enjoys the status and position of authority to heights which are greater than what they ought to go.

Kiyomasa is one of the characters who is also unable to let their pride be damaged as the character is very violent throughout the show also.

Atsushi Sendo (Akkun)

Akkun was the one of Takemichi’s childhood buddies. Akkun is, despite being the head of Takeimichi’s group of delinquents friends He is a gentle and compassionate person. He has proven on many occasions that he is willing to risk his wellbeing to protect those he loves.

Although he is aware that Akkun is not able to take on an adversary, Akkun does not hesitate when he jumps in and helps when it is necessary to save the life of a friend.

Takuya Yamamoto

Takuya has been One of his middle school pals. Although he is still close to Takemichi as well as their rebellious friends He is frequently viewed to be one of the most cautious ones, always unsure of a strategy that involves fighting.

Takuya is frequently deemed by some to be the weakest fighter in the group . He is in need of being saved from time to moment. But, Takuya is still a highly loyal friend who will always be willing to fight in the interest of helping someone else.

Makoto Suzuki

Makoto is another friend that is seen in Takemichi’s past as a troublemaker at the middle of school. Like other members of Takemichi’s friendship team, Makoto is not a extremely skilled fighter, however, he is willing to help for the sake of his buddy when things are getting tough.

Makoto is extremely trustworthy and compassionate in his relationship with Takemichi in particular as he’s often seen showing his concern whenever there is an injury from an incident.

Kazushi Yamagishi

Kazushi is another of Takemichi’s friends from middle school who were once an infraction. Although he is often mocked by his peers for being dumb , and wearing glasses “just for the sake of it” to appear more intelligent than he actually is, Kazushi is actually quite knowledgeable about the subjects he has an into consideration.

Despite the teasing and playful behavior of his peers, Kazushi’s intelligence and experience have assisted the group in numerous instances and have proven to be more than “just to show off”.

Emma Sano

Emma Sano is Mikey’s half-sister. While Emma is trying to get older faster and appear older than she actually is she’s still very playful at times. Her playful side is often brought out when she is around her old-time crush and friend of Mikey’s Draken.

Hinata has claimed she believes that Emma is an compassionate and pure-hearted girl who cares about those in her life. She also flirts with other girls around Draken in an effort to make the boy who is oblivious jealous.

Nobutaka Osanai

Osanai was the previous Eighth Moebius president and also is an antagonist minor. In his early years, Osanai was a very violent and aggressive person. Osanai is extremely comfortable in combat because he often takes an stance of boxing when engaged fighting.

But, the present-day Osanai is almost the exact opposite of his high school self. He grew to become a calm, confident and calm adult, he was forced to apologize for each mishap.

Tetta Kisaki

Kisaki will be the principal antagonist in the entire series. Kisaki is the person responsible for all of the events that led to Hinata Tachibana’s murder today. With a lot of effort He eventually slipped into Toman and became the highest ranking to become the top leader with the aim of becoming the most powerful criminal of Tokyo.

Kisaki is a ruthless person who strives for the highest honor and glory and won’t let any person or thing to get in the way of his ambitions.

Shuji Hanma

Hanma is the second antagonist in the entire series. Hanma describes herself as an adrenaline addict looking for a rush when engaged in any type of fight or sources of violence to feel truly alive. Hanma has been involved in various gangs, and has found connections to Toman, Moebius, and Valhalla.

Hanma is also a skilled and experienced fighter. to everyone’s delight the fact that he could take one of Mikey’s powerful kicks easily. Hanma was also able to hold his own against Draken and was able to absorb all of his punches.

Chifuyu Matsuno

Chifuyu is vice-captain of Chifuyu, the vice-captain of First Division of Toman and a close Baji’s friend. Chifuyu together with Mitsuya is among the most calm and composed people in Toman. Chifuyu is an strong dedication to his family, nearly to the point of being indecent in that he will sacrifice his health for the sake of helping someone else.

Chifuyu is also considered to be one of the more rational and rational members of Toman since Chifuyu is one of the few trusted friends Takemichi has in the past who was smart enough to know suspicions regarding Kisaki prior to anyone else.

Kazutora Hanemiya

Kazutora is among the original members of Toman however, he serves as an antagonist in the battle of Toman with Valhalla. Due to the rather tragic and dark events in his background, Kazutora is often referred as an unstable person. Kazutora is extremely sadistic and exhibits extremely violent tendencies.

He is often seen reveling on violence, and, while the majority of activities of gangs revolve around hand-to-hand fighting, Kazutora seems to have no issue killing people in cold blood.

Characters from Tokyo Revengers: Everybody from youngsters to adults is an anime fan. One of the most popular anime series is Tokyo revengers. Tokyo revengers swept across the world by its fan-powered appeal. I believe there are fans for every character of the Tokyo revengers. I will present a few of the characters on the list I think is the most effective in this group of Tokyo revengers.

1) Sano Manjiro

Manjiro Sano or simply Mikey is among the most powerful characters from Tokyo revengers and also my personal favorite. The previous leader was a triumphant man that everyone fears. He has the ability to take on any character on Tokyo Revengers. He was purchased by his grandfather , and later learned martial art from his grandfather.

His presence will enhance the entire group, increasing all the members’ strengths and making him a powerful and dangerous opponent for enemies. When he was just in the toddler stage the kid could beat other elite players with just a single punch. The strength of his body is powerful that he can even lift bikes with such effortless.

2) Kawaragi Senju

Senju is in the second spot of the most powerful character of Tokyo revengers. The strongest persona in Tokyo revengers, Senju is brand new to the show. He grew into an imposing Shinobi in the battle.Senju may not be as intimidating as Terano However, his speed and athleticism is evident. Senju has a similar kick style to Mikey because it was his ability to hit a devastating blow to Terano’s neck.

3) Terano South

Terano South was the most current update to the plot. He is the second most powerful character of Tokyo Revengers. In Japan, he is one of the Three Deities. He is the head in the Rokuhara Tendai group and is a particularly tall and terrifying character. When compared to him Draken was a bit smaller.On one hand he is able to throw and hold Inui while controlling his motorcycle using the other. The punches he throws are strong enough to knock even the toughest Draken reeling. While he’s not the best, but he compensates by sheer force.

4) Izana Kurokawa

Izana Kurokawa, the former leader of the Tenjiku Gang, is the second most powerful persona of Tokyo Revengers. Mikey’s unique attack was only able to be stopped by a handful of characters and he was one the group. Mikey was a formidable presence over his gang members and was a close friend of Mikey by his step-sister.He wasn’t an imposing character, but his abilities were astonishing. to know his opponent’s actions. Therefore, his opponents were unable to strike him. Being able to be a competitor with Mikey on a level playing field enhances his power.

5) Ken Ryuguji

Ken Ryuguji, the previous second player in the Manji Gang and the closest to Mikey was listed as one of the people who was the strongest character within the Tokyo revengers. He is the king of Draken and has a powerful presence. He’s taller than majority of other characters, and therefore, naturally, he is superior to others due to his height.

Even though he was hit with massive blows to his head from rods, he has extraordinary resilience, as demonstrated by his capability to defeat 20 enemies. He also survived the knife attack that completely ripped through his stomach , and was able to stand without losing consciousness for an extended period of time.

6) Ran Haitani

Ran Haitani was the oldest one of the Haitani brothers. He is an extremely formidable of Tokyo Revengers characters. Ran is 2nd on the list of which characters are the most powerful of Tokyo Revengers. Being Rokuhara Tendai’s second-ranked character isn’t an easy feat and it proves the extent to which Terano South is convinced of the abilities of Ran. Ran and Rindo have always worked as a group to terrorize the world. They are able to take down one or two gangs all by themselves when they are paired with Rindo.

7) Rindo Haitani

Rindo Haitani is among the most formidable characters from Tokyo Revengers. He is part of the renowned Haitani family. In the fight against Valhalla the Haitani clan were first presented. They were appointed judges to choose the winner of the battle because they had such influence. Tenjiku then hired them and they’re currently members of the Rokuhara Tendai members. Rindo The youngest brother of the group, is an ostensibly sadist. He has already proven his power against previous Toman members. Toman.

Rindo is a master at grappling. He prefers to send his adversaries to the ground and then finish the fight. It’s possible to compare him with UFC’s Khabib Nurmagomedov who is an absolute beast in the arena. Rindo’s most-loved move during fights is to cut his opponent’s joints and he’s very good at it.

8) Taiju Shiba

Taiju Shiba Taiju Shiba, the series’ second most powerful character, was one of the series ‘ main villains. He is a part of the Tokyo Revengers, a group of powerful characters. He was the leader of the 10th generation of Black Dragons, and the mere mention of his name made the entire world shake their heads. He was a formidable opponent to anyone due to his terrifying power. He is a colossally terrifying and violent character. He doesn’t have a soft spot for anyone, not even his own siblings. To eliminate him it will require an enormous amount of hard work and the ability to fight.

9) Keisuke Baji

Keisuke Baji was among the original members of the Tokyo Manji Gang and without doubt, one of the most powerful members. He was at the second spot among those the most powerful character among Tokyo revengers. In the order of Mikey as well as Draken in the hierarchy of power He was the third most powerful member. He has the ability to make use of his head and his muscles. He was ready to investigate Kiseki’s sinister plot and act as a double agent to take the man down.

10) Takashi Mitsuya

Takashi Mitsuya is another Toman playing card. He’s last in the list the most powerful of Tokyo revengers. He’s not only among the most well-known Tokyo Revengers characters, but is also among the most well-known characters of the entire series. He, along with Nahoya was also attacked by Tenjiku members in order to prove his importance to Toman. Mitsuya could be a caring person who will never relent from any task, even if it’s beyond his expertise level. He’s also the most responsible participant and has raised his children at a very young age.

If I’ve missed any important point on this subject, leave a leave a comment so to let everyone know. We’ll be delighted to share this information by leaving a comment. Write your thoughts down in the comments below.

Most Badass Female Characters In Tokyo Revengers

Emma Sano

Who hasn’t heard of her? Manjiro and Shinichiro’s half-sisters, and Izana Kurokawa’s adopted sister, Emma Sano. Emma is a fun person to be around. Her playful nature is around Ken is a huge hit by people who love her. Nobody ever imagined that we’d be losing Emma in a matter of seconds, but one day.

However, whether it’s an honor or because she’s deserved it, Emma is one of the most powerful female characters on the list. The fact that she wants to experience “that” in Takemichi in part because she would like to become a teenager for Draken the fan, shocked many people. Fans could have said “No girl. Save the innocent Takemichi, who is reserved to Hina,” or “Yes. A girl who is as daring as you is all that we need!” thought. Although (un)fortunately it didn’t happen, Emma is actually child-like and very sweet, as well as brave.

Hinata Tachibana

The most important reason that took Takemichi’s decision to leap time in the first initial place is Hina. The ex-girlfriend of his was murdered by the band Tokyo Manji Gang, Hina is a strong-willed woman and an avid supporter of Takemichi. Not only that, Hina is also known to have defended Takemichi a number of times. Her open and confident character is the reason why Takemichi has the ability to accomplish what he’s done.

She is among the most powerful female characters due to her method of saving and protecting others as well as the way she slaps Mikey has earned fame.Hinata Tachibana (her previous self who was a bit angry at Takemichi after being victimized by Emma)

Yuzuha Shiba

As a part of the 10th and as the head of the 11th generation of Black Dragon, fans are already familiar with Hakkai Shiba. Be aware of his younger sister too. While Yuzuha appears slim and thin-looking, she’s capable of doing great things.

Through ‘great things’ Yuzuha is capable of even killing her sister, Taiju Shiba (note: capable of killing but not actually killing!). Yuzuha is among the most sexy female characters since she took the entire blame herself, rescuing his younger brother Taiju. While not even complaining to Taiju she merely allowed until it became inexplicably painful.

Senju Kawaragi

The president of the delinquent gang, Brahman, Senju is actually a girl. This is a message for manga readerswho believed she was a boy! It’s true that nobody ever believed that a girl could be the president of a group that was full of boys. This thought was never conceived since the entire series did not have a plot that dealt with something like this , until recently.  In Chapter 212 of the manga series, Senju has taken a interest in Takemichi. She invites him to join the gang and fight alongside them. She is loyal, and one who doesn’t consider the risk she would be putting herself in when her family members face danger. Senju did not even think twice about jumping into action to protect Takemichi from Rokuhara Tandai’s gang. “A person who is in need of help, is indeed a good friend certainly.”

Tokyo Revengers Characters My AnimeList Popularity Ranking

MyAnimeList remains an excellent method of gauging the opinions of anime enthusiasts and also certain Tokyo Revengers character rankings are both surprising and expected.

Tokyo Revengers became an instant hit following its debut during the summer of 2021. The series is based on Takemichi Hanagaki, a freelance writer whose life is at a low point. Then, things get worse when he discovers about his school friend was murdered. Then, he travels back in time to join with the Tokyo Manji Gang to prevent the sequence of events that led to her death.

The series features a diverse range of characters, with some of them more well-known than others. The characters are fascinating in their own ways. On MyAnimeList users have voted on their favourite characters.

10. Nahoya Kawata Earned 311 Favorites

Nahoya Kawata, also called “Smiley,” earned 311 favorite characters on MyAnimeList. Although he’s not had a huge involvement in the series at the moment, Nahoya is sure to be a hit with anime people, just like the manga fans.

Nahoya is the Fourth Division Captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang. He is extremely protective of his twin brother Souya and is also known as “Angry.” Nahoya is a lover from a great fight, and is never afraid to take on an opportunity to prove himself. While he’s loyal and loyal to the group, Nahoya’s loyalty is to his twin.

9. Shuji Hanma Earned 418 Favorites

Shuji has been involved in a variety of bands across Tokyo Revengers. Prior to being a part of in the Kanto Manji Gang, he was the one Tetta Kisaki’s most trusted allies. In his role as Tetta’s confidant Shuji orchestrated numerous attacks against members of the Tokyo Manji Gang, ultimately looking to topple the current leadership.

Surprisingly, he was awarded 418 top ratings on MyAnimeList. Despite the negative aspects, Shuji is another character who is a lover of excitement. There is nothing that can satisfy his craving for excitement quite as fighting. Shuji was a violent man in the streets to combat the utter boredom that he felt to have something of excitement his life.

8. Hinata Tachibana Earned 542 Favorites

Hinata Tachibana’s murder is the catalyst that spawned the entire series. If she wasn’t killed, Takemichi wouldn’t’ve required time travel and we wouldn’t have had such a great story.

Hinata is among the most innocent characters in anime. As Takemichi’s high-school girlfriend she’s cheerful and sweet however she’s never one to back when she’s in the middle of a battle. Takemichi lauds her for her ability to discern exactly what to say in dire situations. Even though she’s a teenager her determination and willpower is higher than many of the show’s most stubborn criminals.

7. Kazutora Hanemiya Earned 1,025 Favorites

Kazutora rapidly became among the show’s most loved characters following his debut in the series. His charismatic, bubbly smile conceals his personal turmoil and that’s exactly the reason why Kazutora fascinating.

He was the founder in the Tokyo Manji Gang, but the group was betrayed by him after accidentally killing Mikey’s brother. After being sentenced to prison but released, he was able to join Valhalla. He was the leader of the resistance against the Tokyo Manji Gang, ultimately leading to an incident known as the Bloody Halloween incident that resulted in his second arrest. Since the time, Kazutora has seemingly atoned for his sins and is now a much more stable and stable person.

6. Takashi Mitsuya Earned 1,693 Favorites

Takashi has been one of original Tokyo Manji Gang members. The fans love Takashi for his cool, calm personality and charming relationship with his brothers, Luna and Mana. At present, Takashi has a career in fashion design.

With an eye for beauty and an unwavering optimism, there’s not difficult to see that Takashi is among Tokyo Revenger’s most loved characters. Although he has an extremely difficult childhood, Takashi is still a calm and gentle person who gets up every day with the smile of his life.

5. Takemichi Hanagaki Earned 1,984 Favorites

It’s surprising that Takemichi isn’t exactly the most well-known character in the show, despite being the main character. He’s been a bit controversial and a frequent complainant is that his emotions affect the entire story. However, Takemichi’s emotion is his strongest asset and, without them it wouldn’t be a part of the show.”crybaby hero. “Crybaby hero.”

Takemichi was lost in life. When the world saw him as an independent writer who had reached a low point. But, following his time-travel to avoid Hinata’s demise, Takemichi is significantly more confident. He regains his previous confidence, and remains an example for the other cast members.

4. Keisuke Baji Earned 2,952 Favorites

Baji was among the original members of the Tokyo Manji Gang. He’s known as a daredevil and a fiercely loyal friend. To safeguard the gang, Baji posed to be a member of Valhalla. In essence, acting like a double agent Baji attempted to defend his group by posing as a villain.

In the end, he’s trying to prevent Kazutora in doing anything that isn’t appropriate. Also, he wanted to make sure that Toman was not a victim to Kisaki. Baji would put his life at risk to save his friends. is deserving of every bit of respect he receives from his fans.

3. Draken Earned 4,629 Favorites

Ken Ryuguji, more commonly known as “Draken,” instantly stole the hearts of his fans. As one of the original Tokyo Manji Gang members and vice-presidents, Draken is a wildcard as the other members. Always looking forward to an upcoming fight Draken isn’t willing to give up on an opportunity.

But, Draken is more responsible and mature than the rest of the gang. He is aware of how important it is to take responsibility for the actions of the group. Draken is a man with a conviction about justice and inspires others to act in the right way despite his criminal past.

2. Chifuyu Matsuno Earned 5,148 Favorites

Chifuyu is the very first division vice-captain of Tokyo Manji Gang. He is praised for his intelligence and unwavering loyalty, Chifuyu quickly became a popular fan after appearing on the on television screens during his debut in anime.

When he was in middle school, Chifuyu remained steadfastly against authority. He would seize every opportunity to disrespect his superiors, particularly those who misused their authority. When he joined in the Tokyo Manji Gang, he was aware of that friendship is important, and became adamant about protecting his fellow gang members. He quickly took the young Takemichi in his arms and teach him the ropes and pitfalls of being an gang member.

1. Mikey Earned 9,316 Favorites

Manjiro Sano, also known as “Mikey,” is the head in Manjiro Sano, also known as “Mikey,” is the leader of Tokyo Manji Gang. He portrays himself as a confident and outgoing young man who lives in a relaxed lifestyle. However, he’s a brutal commander who’ll do everything feasible to lead the group to victory. It’s a fact that Mikey is the best fighter of the series. In spite of his jolly personality there is a deep mental stress. As he succumbs to his dark desires, Mikey becomes one of the most intriguing characters to study throughout the series.

On one other hand, he’s a brutal combatant who’s fully engaged in an era of bloodshed. However, Mikey felt extreme guilt over his actions and tried to keep himself in a safe place so that no one else was injured. In the show you can easily forget the Gangsters are all teens. Due to his experience on street life, Mikey was forced to get older faster than he could ever.

Tokyo Revengers: Each Main Character, Ranked By Strength

Tokyo Revengers’ characters have distinctive strengths, but when it comes to raw physical strength, that’s where the anime’s characters are.

The truth is that strength might not be all that matters in the world, however in the world in the world of the Tokyo Revengers the raw strength could be the key to determining the fate of a character. For people who are part from Toman as well as Moebius working on their skills in fighting and fighting is a full-time occupation. It’s in Takemichi’s interest to exercise on some times as fights are a common occurrence for those associated with groups.

Although each character is powerful in their own individual ways but when it comes to physical strength each character may not be equally matched. This is the main characters from Tokyo Revengers, ordered by their strength.

Disclaimer Light Story spoilers!

12. Emma Sano

Emma is Mikey’s half-sister. She might be a key character in the show, however she’s not much of an opponent. In the present the show is establishing her as a crucial connection for the two of them, Draken as well as Mikey as the Mikey’s family, and Draken’s long-time best friend (and potential love interest).

In addition to her role as a dear friend to Mikey and Draken (Hinata and also after they have cleared any confusions over the Takemichi), Emma isn’t exactly popular for her strength however, she is known for her heart.

11. Naoto Tachibana

Naoto Tachibana is Hinata’s younger brother , and Naoto isn’t exactly well-known for his physical strength. There’s a reason Naoto allows Takemichi to do most all the lifting (both literally and metaphorically) during their investigations and efforts to save Hinata’s life , but Naoto does his part using other methods beyond physical force.

Naoto’s main source of strength lies in his abilities to deduce and his intelligence. Without Naoto’s assistance, Takemichi wouldn’t not have any leads to create a good game strategy.

10. Hinata Tachibana

Hinata is the central driving force behind the events of the entire story, as she is protagonist’s Takemichi’s main objective to defend her. But, Hinata isn’t just Takemichi’s gorgeous face and sweetheart. Hinata has demonstrated her determination (and her courage) on multiple occasions throughout the show.

She might appear to be an innocent and cute girl, but she’s not afraid to stand for herself or the people she loves, as she did when she stood up against Mikey who she thought had a problem. Few people have had the courage to slap the invincible Mikey and survived to tell about it.

9. Takemichy (Takemichi Hanagaki)

Takemichi isn’t the most perfect character He’s got his own share of fears and flaws. However, it’s his weaknesses that make him an intriguing character to follow through his Tokyo Revengers story. Takemichi has a tendency to be down on himself, criticizing himself for being weak or too an egoist Although he does struggle however, it’s apparent how hard he’s working to overcome them.

Takemichi’s biggest strength lies in his tenacity; he might not be as tough as Mikey and his teammates however his invincible will is certainly valuable. It’s a bold (and possibly silly) pledge made, yet we hope that someday, Takemichi can keep his word and be the head of Toman someday.

8. Akkun (Atsushi Sendo)

Akkun has been the brave leader of his circle of friends. Akkun is able to handle his fair share of fights . even though he is aware that the fight will end in defeat but he stands his ground and does to protect his fellow friends.

Akkun’s primary source of strength is his devotion to his family and the determination to safeguard his beloved family members. When Akkun and his crew rushed into the rescue of Draken and Takemichi, it was evident to the public that Akkun’s heart was a major factor in his physical power.

7. Kazutora Hanemiya

Kazutora hasn’t had many chances to display his skills, but it’s evident that, as one of the first founders of Toman He is a plethora of undiscovered characteristics. Kazutora is able to take his own care in an argument, but he also is aware of when to call to get some help ( or even resort to playing dirty).

He’s a danger to be reckoned with , and his impulsiveness only makes him more dangerous.

6. Chifuyu Matsuno

Chifuyu is Takemichi’s right-handman and the First Division Vice-Captain of Toman. Chifuyu might be a gentle person with a huge heart however that shouldn’t deter Chifuyu from using his fists into use whenever needed. Chifuyu tends to be a peaceful person however, he is able to manage himself, with no issue.

This Vice-Captain could be among the least violent members in Toman however, he’s proven the strength of his character at times. Takemichi ought to be thankful that he has an reliable and skilled partner to protect his back.

5. Keisuke Baji

Baji is an ex-member of Toman and a brand new part of Valhalla. He’s displayed his physical strength numerous times during the short amount of time that he’s been during the series. Baji’s closest buddy, Chifuyu, knows firsthand the extent to which Baji is, after allowing him to beat him up to gain entry into Valhalla and show his loyalty.

Baji is also acknowledged for his ability to handle whole groups of criminals by himself previously, so there’s obvious that Baji is deserving of a top spot.

4. Shuji Hanma

Hanma has proven himself repeatedly The most notable of the fights that he was involved in was the one in which the two of them fought Mikey and managed to accomplish the impossible feat by securing one of Mikey’s kicks that were unstoppable.

It wasn’t just that Hanma capable of standing himself against the leader of Toman however, he was in a position to take on Draken also. Despite Draken’s amazing power, Hanma’s resilience triumphed and enabled him to take every blow.

3. Tetta Kisaki

Although Kisaki doesn’t have many chances to showcase the highest extent of his physical strength, the fact that he will eventually becomes the head for Toman in certain timeframes is proof that he’s an imposing individual. This means that it is impossible to rise to this level of power without the ability of great things by themselves.

Kisaki’s real extents of power and determination lie in his uncompromising determination and determination to accomplish his goals regardless of what obstacles hinder his progress.

2. Draken (Ken Ryuguji)

Draken is vice-president of the company and a founding Toman’s founding member. Toman. Draken has been Mikey’s right-hand person and the best friend. Takemichi refers to Draken as the heart of Mikey. But this doesn’t mean he won’t have the ability for a great fight.

Draken did not simply get his vice-president’s title through Mikey’s support; he worked to rise to the top of the heap and was rewarded with due respect. Draken’s traumatic upbringing in his early years made him develop at a young age. Draken was a child without anyone to depend on So he was taught to improve his body and strength so that he could maintain his health.

1. Mikey (Manjiro Sano)

It’s not a surprise that the captain of Toman is given the distinction of being called the most powerful in his series. There’s a reason that Mikey is often called “unstoppable”. Toman as the whole is an extremely strong force, so it’s appropriate that their leader be the most terrifyingly powerful person he is.

Mikey has displayed his amazing power on numerous occasions. He’s beaten youngsters who are older than him, even at a young age, stood up to a horde of foes and even has taken Hanma out with just a single punch. Mikey is a formidable fighter however it’s his vulnerability to feelings (namely anger) which makes him able to bring out his mighty strength.

Which Tokyo Revengers Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

12. Baji Is Wild & Impulsive Like An Aries

Baji is one of Tokyo Manji Gang’s founders who served as the First Division Captain for the group. He is a lover of adrenaline and often does things solely for the joy of it, for example, striking a stranger in the street without any rhyme or reason. Baji always smiles when he is in an argument and is never slow to back down.

Like an average Aries, Baji is strong and determined. He can appear obstinate but he’s loyal his companions and is a bit of an individual. Baji is also a dependable combatant, and hates insincerity and cheating to win victory.

11. Hinata Is Determined & Loyal, Just Like A Taurus

Similar to similar to Taurean bull Hinata like the Taurean bull, Hinata is strong-willed and steadfastly loyal to the people she is passionate about. Even when people are sad and frustrated around her, Hinata will always support them and shield her friends. Sometimes, her stoicism stems from reckless behavior like when she hit Mikey when she saw him on behalf of Takemichi’s Hanagaki.

Tauruses are known to provide comfort to people close to them. Hinata certainly is. Without even realizing her presence, Hinata’s presence positively influences people due to how grounded she appears.

10. Mikey Is Dualistic & Complex, Like A Gemini

Although Geminis are often portrayed as being fun-loving, energetic people who are social but people don’t think about the dual nature that comes with the Gemini sign. Mikey is a good example of this. Although some might say that he is more dark than the Scorpio Mikey’s dual nature matches pretty well with stereotypes of Gemini. Gemini.

From the outside he appears like a typical, reckless teenager who is always laughing about. However, as Toman’s commanding officer the man is brutal and violent. Mikey is dealing with the burden of his past and is unable to determine which is the right and the right thing. After being manipulated into the dark side, his darkness shone through.

9. Takemichi Is Emotional & Sentimental, Like A Cancer

Cancer is a cardinal water symbol and has two characteristics which, in general, don’t correspond. It’s more passive however, the cardinal signification suggests that it’s more aggressive. But, this isn’t a bad thing for Takemichi’s Hanagaki. Takemichi was initially a slender figure. In the end, he was dubbed “Crybaby Hero” from the people around him Takemichi was known for his crying, sag under pressure and letting his fears to rule his life.

In reality, Takemichi’s confident and protective of the people in his vicinity. He’s also compassionate and knows what for saying to bring people down. Like Cancers, he’s also able to feel the emotions of those in the room with ease. Also, Cancers tend to be emotional and homey. If Mikey and Draken were fighting and destroyed Takemichi’s possessions that was a symbol of his memory.

8. Akkun Is Confident & Has Memorable Hair, Like A Leo

Although it might seem odd to connect a symbol with hairstyles of someone else, it makes an enormous amount of sense. Leo is symbolized by lions, which are animals recognized for their magnificent hairstyles. Also known in the form of Akkun, Atsushi Sendo falls into a variety of stereotypes that are associated with Leos.

Not just are Akkun an eminent leader and confident however, he’s also extremely determined and is never apathetic. Although his combat skills aren’t the best, his confidence and self-assurance is evident and convinces his adversaries that they are not. Akkun also wore a number of memorable hairstyles during his stint in the show. Although the distinctive style of the redhead is a stunning pompadour, Akkun was also known for his big hair on an additional time period.

7. Naoto Is Pragmatic & Meticulous, Like A Virgo

Virgos are known to be very serious and thorough in their search for facts. As a detective Naoto is adamant to find a solution to the question he’s researching. Naoto has exceptional deductive thinking abilities. Similar to the Virgo, Naoto has an incredibly low tolerance for playing around and doesn’t possess much in the way of a sense.

Yet even with his pragmatic approach, Naoto is surprisingly open-minded even willing to think about theories that others might consider crazy. Naoto is thorough and considers every theory that he has to offer.

6. Mitsuya Is Level-Headed & Aesthetic-Oriented, Like A Libra

Libras are often associated with aesthetics, fashion, and all things artistic. They’re also dependable and calm. Libras try to keep the peace as often as they can. While he was in the gang Toman, Toman, Mitsuya was one of the most optimistic and positive influences to the gang.

Also, he’s a peace-loving, and is willing to do anything to avoid conflict. In the present, Mitsuya is a successful fashion designer. He can instantly determine what kind of fabric it is made of simply by the fabric.

5. Kazutora Is Chaotic & Passionate, Like A Scorpio

Scorpios can be under-appreciated. Although they’re certainly unstable and untrustworthy at first glance however, they’re extremely committed and loyal once you know more about their characteristics. Kazutora has had a turbulent life, which has led to his broken soul and mind.

He became extremely unstable and was forced to turn to the criminal world to fill in the void. Through the majority of the show, Kazutora was barely clinging to his mental sanity. But, once Kazutora received the assistance the he needed, he showed himself to be a trustworthy, caring friend.

4. Hanma Is Excitable & Adventure-Seeking, Like A Sagittarius

Sagittarians are exuberant and don’t want to be bound to one particular thing. They love adventure and are always looking for the next thrill. They’re also optimistic and could even be philosophic. Hanma Shuji is an archetype that fits very well.

Although he may initially appear like someone who is just looking to get into fights, Hanma likes to be stimulated and is eager to be a part of every aspect possible. He’s an opportunist and doesn’t want to waste time focusing on anything other than the battle that is in front of him.

3. Hajime Kokonoi Is Materialistic & Analytical, Like A Capricorn

Capricorns are thought of as very materialistic and meticulous They’re also reliable leaders who take self-preservation seriously. Hajime Kokonoi is famous for his obsession with money, and is extremely critical of the world surrounding him. Hajime thinks of everything as an mathematical puzzle that is waiting for its solution.

Hajime will be willing to take on whoever is required to accomplish his goals. He is however, committed to the people he is passionate about. Hajime’s obsession with material things actually stems from a tragedy that occurred when Hajime attempted to help a loved one who was injured by any means he could.

2. Draken Is Unpredictable & Individualistic, Like An Aquarius

People who have their Aquarius signs are known as being creative as well as unpredictable and odd. Draken certainly fits into the stereotypes. As vice-president of Toman He is addicted to the excitement of fighting. Although he’s among the most responsible members of the gang, Draken still has his unpredictable moments like when he was tattooed on the back of his head.

In contrast to Mikey However, Draken understands how important it is to accept responsibility for the actions of the gang. He also has a solid conviction that justice is the only way to go and believes individuals should be held accountable for their actions.

1. Chifuyu Is Emotional & Idealistic, Like A Pisces

Pisces are renowned for being enthusiastic daydreamers who don’t be afraid to express their feelings. They’re always ready to lend a hand to their friends regardless of price. Sometimes, they’re uninformed, but they’re generally sympathetic. Chifuyu is certainly a good example of these characteristics.

Chifuyu does not offer help to people he loves. If they are the first to throw a punch, Chifuyu won’t take retaliation. In addition, he is extremely loyal to the principles of Toman and will not hesitate to defend the name of the gang. Although he appears to be naive in his ambitions, Chifuyu is adamant about those who look down on their enemies. Chifuyu is ready to help anyone in need. In addition, Chifuyu is never afraid to share his feelings.

Which Tokyo Revengers Character Are You Based On Your MBTI Type?

Every person in Tokyo Revengers is distinctive in their own ways It’s fun to look into their personalities. Of course this cast of characters is vast that it encompasses all sixteen Myers-Briggs personality (MBTI) types.

10. Chifuyu Matsuno Is An INFP

INFPs are “Mediators.” They are among the most uncommon personality types found on the Myers-Briggs group, and people who belong to this type of personality are quiet but possess a wide range of imaginations. INFPs are extremely compassionate and are able to absorb the feelings of those in their environment. They are imaginative and enthusiastic about anything they decide to pursue even at their own expense.

Chifuyu Matsuno is the vice-captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang’s initial division. Chifuyu is a fiercely loyal person and isn’t afraid to stand up for people who he loves regardless of whether they throw the first blow. Chifuyu doesn’t hesitate to express his emotions and supports people out of the kindness that is in his core. Even though he’s a little naive Chifuyu doesn’t like people who downplay the worthiness of others. He stands up for all.

9. Takashi Mitsuya Is An INFJ

INFJs are “Advocates.” INFJs are highly creative and have vivid imaginations. They’ll put everything into their efforts to assist the people they love giving advice and support throughout the process. They are known to keep their moral codes close to their hearts, and they are able to do anything with complete conviction. While they may be cautious and difficult to get near initially INFJs are most likely to be one of the most likable friends to have.

Takashi Mitsuya is among the founders of the Tokyo Manji Gang. He’s a calm person and adheres to his ideals of peace. He will take every step for peace, however it’s not naive not to defend his self and those whom he loves. Takashi has a responsibility as well and is the one who takes care of his younger sisters when their mother is working.

8. Mikey Is An INTP

INTPs are “Logicians.” They are driven by interest and desire to discover the truth of every aspect of life. Sometimes, they’ll be blunt and honest however, it’s always for the good of the world. But, they can be disconnected from other people because they are so absorbed with their thinking. It is evident that they may be somewhat insensitive to other people as well.

Manjiro Sano, also known as Mikey Mikey, is Mikey is the chief in Mikey, the leader of Tokyo Manji Gang. While he’s friendly and relaxed in public, he’s uncompromising as a commander. He doesn’t reveal his weakness, and Mikey is probably the best combatant in the entire anime. Mikey is concerned about his family and friends and is a source of strength to his fellow members of the Tokyo Manji Gang.

7. Draken And Baji Are ESTPs

ESTPs are “Entrepreneurs.” They are naturally leaders with lots of charisma, which makes it simple for people to draw to them. ESTPs are aspire to go beyond the norm and do not want to waste time discussing any topic. Although they’re pretty intelligent, they don’t waste any time in analyzing the opinions of others.

Draken is well-known for his erratic personality and loves the excitement of engaging in. Draken does not waste time with those who aren’t worthy of his time and is clear that he doesn’t speak too high of the people he doesn’t like. In spite of this, he’s very respectful and encourages others to act in a responsible manner. Baji is, contrary is also extremely wild. He’s another adrenaline addict who enjoys the thrill of combat. Baji is intelligent enough to know between his true friends and foes.

6. Takemichi Hanagaki Is An ISFP

ISFPs are “Adventurers.” Although they’re open-minded, they are often afflicted with massive mental stress. They often doubt themselves and the abilities they possess. However, ISFPs are curious about the world around them and are attuned to the feelings of other people. ISFPs are determined to avoid any conflict as much as they can. ISFPs are also extremely self-sufficient individuals.

Takemichi was lost in life, which caused his self-esteem to plummet to the void. He is often crying and apologizing over things which aren’t important in the overall world of. But, he ceased to be an oaf as time went on and even helped others in the group back to the right track. Takemichi is famous for his ability to say what is right to settle a dispute.

5. Hinata Tachibana Is An ESFJ

ESFJs are referred to as the “Consuls.” The people with this type of personality are quite well-known and can bring people together. They are able to bring practicality to challenging situations, and are extremely trustworthy. ESFJs strive for harmony in all circumstances and strive to ensure that every voice is heard.

Hinata Tachibana is warm and has a positive personality. She is always trying the best she can to help make every situation better for those she is concerned about and is a major person of strength for such people. Hinata has determination and is willing to do whatever she can to protect those she is concerned about. Sometimes, she is somewhat brash with her decisions but she’s a decent person.

4. Hajime Kokonoi Is An ESTJ

ESTJs are “Executives.” They have a strong will and are steadfast in their determination to reach their objectives. They do not take shortcuts in achieving these goals also. ESTJs are sincere and prefer to speak with simple language that gets straight to the point, even if they come off as being insensitive. ESTJs are so motivated to live their dreams that they do not care whether their strategies involve taking a step over other people. But, they care for their loved ones with a great deal of affection.

Hajime Kokonoi thinks of the world as an equation. He is cold and calculating and only pursues his own interest. He’s materialistic and plays into those with higher social standing than he does. After they’ve fulfilled the purpose they were intended for, he throws them away. the items. But, his love for money is rooted in a tragic incident in which his girlfriend who suffered severe injuries. Kokonoi wished to help her in any way he could.

3. Tetta Kisaki Is An INTJ

INTJs are “Architects.” They are experts in the rationale skepticism that is tempered by pure cynicism. When they are at their finest, they are committed and independent to attain their goals. They don’t depend on anyone else frequently. But, this can result in depression and loneliness. When they are at their most vulnerable they can be sly manipulative, arrogant, and manipulative. They don’t care about feelings and are very authoritative.

Tetta Kisaki serves as the most powerful adversary for Tokyo Revengers. He will do whatever it takes to attain his goals even if that means tossing others under the bus in order to do it. He is the ruler of his Tokyo Manji Gang with an iron finger. When he was a kid the boy was lonely which resulted in him neglecting how important friendship was. This led him to become cruel and cold.

2. Emma Sano Is An ESFP

ESFPs are “Entertainers.” They are energetic, imaginative and possess excellent social abilities. ESFPs tend to avoid conflict whenever they can and their general happiness is mostly based on their positive relationships with others. They are quite sensitive, however they’re quite pragmatic in their lifestyle.

Emma Sano tends to appear somewhat childish. She intentionally attempts to make Draken jealous in order to attract more attention frequently. But, she’s a very compassionate and caring person in general and is genuinely concerned about the people that are significant to her. However, it’s difficult to cover up her childish personality.

1. Naoto Tachibana Is An ISTJ Among Tokyo Revengers Characters

ISTJs are “Logisticians.” They’re not arousing, but they make their plans for the next move meticulously. They are honest in all they do and are not apathetic to those who try to manipulate people to achieve their goals. They are strong-willed and accountable. They’re not the type to keep promises they make.

Naoto Tachibana Naoto Tachibana very shrewd and open in his quest to reverse the clock and keep his sister from murder. He is a straight-forward person who isn’t interested in playing with his toys. He’s very well-informed and is open to scenarios that many would consider absurd like time travel.

Source : Tokyo Revengers Fandom


Tokyo Revengers CharacterAgeBirthdayHeight
Takemichi Hanagaki (Takemichy)14 (Past)26 (Present)June 25, 19915’5″/165cm
Hinata Tachibana14 (Past)26 (Present)May 21, 19915’0″/153cm
Naoto Tachibana13 (Past)25 (Present)April 12, 19924’10″/148cm (Past)5’9″/175cm (Present)
Manjiro Sano (Mikey)15 (Past)27 (Present)August 20, 19905’3″/162cm
Ken Ryuguji (Draken)15 (Past)27 (Present)May 10, 19906’1″/185cm
Keisuke Baji14 (Past)November 3, 19905’9″/175cm
Takashi Mitsuya15 (Past)27-28 (Present)June 12, 19905’7″/170cm
Haruki Hayashida (Pah-Chin)15 (Past)27-28 (Present)February 24, 19915’5″/164cm
Ryohei Hayashi (Peyan)15 (Past)27 (Present)October 15, 19905’9″/176cm
Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)16 (Past)28 (Present)May 25, 19895’7″/170cm
Yasuhiro Muto (Mucho)18 (Past)30 (Present)April 28, 19876’5″/195cm
Masataka Kiyomizu (Kiyomasa)14 (Past)26 (Present)January 18, 19916’0″/182cm
Atsushi Sendo (Akkun)13 (Past)25 (Present)December 2, 19915’6″/168cm (Past)5’9″/174cm (Present)
Takuya Yamamoto14 (Past)26 (Present)July 15, 19915’5″/166cm
Makoto Suzuki13 (Past)15 (Present)December 28, 19915’8″/172cm
Kazushi Yamagishi13 (Past)25 (Present)February 9. 19925’2″/158cm
Emma Sano13-14November 25, 19914’11″/150cm
Nobutaka Osanai17 (Past)29 (Present)December 5, 19886’0″/182cm (Past)6’1″/185cm (Present)
Tetta Kisaki13 (Past)25 (Alternative timeline; Present)January 20, 19925’4″/164cm
Shuji Hanma16 (Past)28 (Present)October 27. 19896’4″/192cm
Chifuyu Matsuno13 (Past)25 (Present)December 19, 19915’6″/168cm
Kazutora Hanemiya15 (Past)27 (Present)September 16, 19905’9″/174cm