Quanxi Chainsaw Man is a mysterious figure who has been mentioned in various Chinese legends and myths. He is said to be a powerful and skilled swordsman who can kill with just one cut. Some say he is the son of the god of death, and others say he is a spirit from the bottom of the sea. There is no one definitive answer to this question, as there are many different versions of Quanxi Chainsaw Man’s story. However, one thing that is for sure is that he is an enigmatic figure who has left a lasting impression on many people throughout Chinese history.



Quanxi es una dama alta con el pelo blanco recogido en una cola de caballo. Tiene un parche en el ojo izquierdo. Ella también usa la camiseta sin mangas negra, que está metida en pantalones de cintura alta y un cinturón en su búsqueda para rescatar el corazón de Denji. [1]

En combate, Quanxi usa un conjunto de vainas que cuelgan de su espalda, portando hasta tres espadas que recuerdan a Dao.


En su estado alterado, los dientes de Quanxi se afilan alrededor de su cabeza, transformándose en flechas hechas de acero endurecido con cuernos anchos y curvos, que toman la forma de un arco en la parte posterior de su rostro. Las puntas de flecha cuelgan de su cuello, mientras que sus antebrazos tienen guantes hechos con empuñaduras afiladas en forma de arco.


Quanxi permanece tranquila y serena y no tiene reparos en tener una conversación sobre negocios durmiendo con su u de amigas, es apática incluso cuando sus amigas la aman. Ella está increíblemente apegada a sus amigos, haciendo una de sus demandas como recompensa para garantizarles derechos humanos y una educación, y que no los ataquen después de que se hayan convertido en muñecos, a expensas de su propia seguridad. [5]

Quanxi es extremadamente táctica en combate y prefiere exiliar a sus adversarios fuera del campo de batalla para reducir su número y eliminar las distracciones. De manera similar, después de ser arrojada al infierno, inmediatamente solicitó un alto el fuego para evaluar la situación. 

La relación continuó hasta que se resolvió la amenaza, luego de lo cual ella comenzó a atacar nuevamente. Si bien sus ataques son rápidos y brutales, parece estar más preocupada por mantener a aquellos que no son sus objetivos, lo cual fue evidente cuando golpeó a Aki y a Angel Devil hasta dejarlos inconscientes y se ofreció a salvar la vida de Power.

Quanxi parece haber tenido una historia con la oficina, ya que Santa Claus lo conocía en el pasado como el ‘Primer cazador de demonios’. Esto se ve respaldado por su intercambio con Kishibe, quien sugirió una relación anterior entre Kishibe y Quanxi.



Quanxi era el Cazador de Demonios y se hizo conocido como el «Primer Cazador de Demonios». Cuando era una cazadora de demonios, Quanxi conoció a Kishibe cuando era niña. En su primer encuentro, Kishibe le pidió que fuera su esposa. Él la rechazó de inmediato, golpeándolo. El mismo incidente ha ocurrido repetidamente hasta nueve años después de la primera vez que se conocieron y ella anunció que se sentía atraída por las chicas.

Luego, en una época decidió dejar de ser Devil Hunter y se mudó a China. Forjó un harén de amantes en China y siguió trabajando para China.

Asesinos internacionales

La historia cuenta que en China, Quanxi está en compañía de cuatro miembros de su familia cuando un oficial del ejército chino le asigna el trabajo de viajar a Japón y derrotar a The Chainsaw Devil. El general dice que aceptará cualquier recompensa que se le ofrezca por su esfuerzo debido a los riesgos que implica la tarea. Quanxi les pregunta a sus amigos qué les gustaría recibir y ellos responden ofreciéndoles donas, sangre e incluso Halloween. Quanxi le informa al hombre que le gustaría que sus hijos tuvieran derechos humanos y una educación básica, y el hombre le asegura que investigarán el asunto si tiene éxito. [9]

En Japón, Makima habla con Kishibe sobre las numerosas amenazas que emanan del extranjero, incluida la especulación de que Quanxi se dirige hacia ella. Kishibe afirma que no está ansioso por enfrentarse a ella y que ella será una oponente espinosa, sin embargo, no tiene sentido tomar precauciones contra ella. 

Quanxi está en Japón y come en el restaurante de sushi junto con sus acompañantes. Quanxi anuncia que se quedó sin energía, por lo que volverá a su misión de derrotar a Denji en los próximos días. 

Ella tiene una aventura con sus compañeros durante toda la noche, lo que los deja exhaustos a la mañana siguiente y luego, cuando se enteran de que Papá Noel también está en la zona, deciden esperar hasta el día siguiente.

Quanxi y sus compañeros son vistos en un callejón trasero, cerca de los grandes almacenes, donde Denji, junto con sus guardias de seguridad, están siendo atacados por Santa Claus. Se acerca a un grupo de cazadores de demonios, que intentan apoyar al grupo de Denji. Quanxi les ofrece un mensaje en chino para informar a su pandilla que deben encargarse del desorden que dejan. Suelta su espada y, después de agacharse, comienza una carrera que la lleva a través de cazadores de demonios y el ejército de muñecos, capturándolos o desmembrandolos a todos con rapidez. 2. Aki puede ver el ataque de Quanxi con sus ojos y grita una orden a Angel Devil y Nakamura. Se las arregla para poner su espada entre Quanxi junto con Nakamura y Angel Devil, salvando la vida de Angel Devil, pero Nakamura muere, y tanto Aki como su Angel Devil quedan inconscientes.

When her blade breaks, Quanxi is thrown into the middle of the crowd and strikes Denji in the air, causing him to collapse. She quickly dodges attacks coming from Tamaoki as well as Kusakabe and kicks both in the jaws and knocks them both out. Hirofumi Yoshida calls in the Octopus Devil and block one of Quanxi’s punches. The Octopus Devil puts up an ink-smoke floating in the air, and lets Hirofumi move closer to Quanxi however she punches him and takes his knife. [14]

Before she can even stab him she is stopped by Kishibe who appears while holding two of her gang members hostage. 15 Quanxi is seated at a table in the vicinity, and Kishibe gives the hostages in the direction of Denji as well as Power. They are having a chat and Kishibe subtilly conveys a message to her through using a bit paper. Kishibe informs Quanxi of the fact that Makima is listening to the conversation and that plan is to kill Makima If Quanxi aids him, she’ll be able to tell him everything and ensure her security. However, instead of accepting his offer Quanxi shares a story with him about a journalist she was in love with and then changed her mind on. 

When she is done recounting her story, accompanied by the suggestion to ignore the truth and Kishibe is a dog that is good in Public Safety and keep his collar in place, Aldo appears and tries to shoot Denji. Kishibe knocks Denji away from the path of the gunfire, and Quanxi makes use of it as an opportunity to strike Kishibe directly in the eye.

Quanxi is next to attack with a knee to the head, stopping the counterattack when she catches his blade in her fingers. Kishibe is trying to punch her but she manages to catch his leg before throwing him out of the window. [66 Aldo fires at Quanxi’s foe that is backing Denji down, but before he is able to launch the attack, he is taken by Quanxi and tossed out the window, landing on Kobeni’s car.

Quanxi is politely asking Power she let the captive go, and claims she doesn’t want for her to confront her. Beam is seen emerging from the ground , and knocks the fender off of Denji and Denji, allowing them to escape. Before Quanxi is able to follow them, Hirofumi stands back up and demands a second match. They engage in a fight with Quanxi initially winning, however, Hirofumi can land an explosive kick to her face, which damages her.

After a few more fights, Quanxi grabs Hirofumi and knocks him out of a window, however he stops his self from falling on the floor with the help of his Octopus Devil. The girl looks back at Aki as well as Kusakabe, Angel Devil, Tamaoki and Kusakabe who have all gotten themselves back and asks them if they’d like to fight in the next. When she says “8,” everything goes dark and a huge hand is pushed out from the sky, taking all the people in this mall straight to Hell.

Then, in Hell, Quanxi observes that Denji cannot completely change after Aki pulled his chainsaw and concludes that it may be due to a lack of blood. She declares a truce for a short period after seeing there’s something wrong with the group of flies. Quanxi is able to ask her friends Long and Pingtsi whether there’s any solution to escape, but they’re too anxious. Pingtsi tells her they’re watched by a powerful devil, One of those demons who are the embodiment of primal fears and never die. Pingtsi asks consent to kill herself, but Quanxi assures her that she’ll help them escape.

Pingtsi shouts that it’s too to be late, and the Darkness Devil is upon them. A door opens up in the sky, and an ominous mass descends. Quanxi is preparing to fight together with others demon hunters, but they’re completely destroyed at the pace of Darkness Devil which moves through their bodies and snatches all their arms. [20]

Quanxi is attempting to fight Tamaoki and the Darkness Devil alongside Tamaoki after the Darkness Devil begins slaughtering them and Tamaoki, but before she can hit her target, she is stopped by the Darkness Devil scythes out with its arms cutting Quanxi Tamaoki, Quanxi, Long Pingtsi, Long Pingtsi into pieces before dispersing their body parts throughout the vicinity.

Following her bodies returned to Earth like everyone else, Tsugihagi recovered her head and activated the trigger for the transformation, before dropping Quanxi’s head into a heap of dolls that were being used against them. Quanxi fully recovered and changed into her hybrid form, killing the dolls using rapid-fire projectiles. She offered a temporary alliance to Denji to be able to take revenge against Santa Claus for the deaths of Long of Pingtsi. Then she vanishes in a flash of fast velocity and then attacks Santa Claus directly with a blast of arrows that shatter her body, but cause no permanent harm due to her recovery in darkness. Santa Claus greets her as the first devil hunter in the world and wonders how she’ll catch an invisibly hunter. [22]

Quanxi helps Denji from being attacked by dolls and instructs Denji to treat them like they’re just impersonating human beings and not reclaiming old memories. Quanxi claims that the opposite is true, which means that even if the advice isn’t accurate, he is still able to destroy them. Santa Claus bursts out of the wall right next to Quanxi and takes her. declaring with joy that she had finally caught her. Quanxi quickly flies away by launching a volley of shooting arrows. [23]

She is aware that the night is approaching which is not a good indication, because Santa Claus grows even more powerful and transforms into the form of a dark figure. Quanxi is again attempting to strike her with an arrow barrow, however it is this is the second time Santa Claus catches them out from the air. She announces that she has taken the time to design two dolls and then reveals Long as well as Pingtsi who have taken one of her gang members as hostages. Quanxi is attacked in her chest by Pingtsi, and Santa Claus wonders if she’ll be able turn Quanxi in a toy but she’s stopped by Denji before she’s able to take the doll out. [24]

After Denji defeated Santa Claus and is gloating over her body’s destruction, Quanxi – back in her human form, steps ahead of Denji and quickly decapitates him before he has time to react as the truce between them has ended. Santa Claus promises that she’ll be adding Quanxi to her doll collection someday however, Quanxi orders her assistant Cosmo to offer Santa Claus an all-out taste of Halloween, which sends her mad. [25]

Kishibe and Hirofumi each approach her and, even though Quanxi is prepared to fight her, she halts when she sees them put on blindfolds, and an armoured Makima approaching the two. Quanxi takes her sword off and gives in to Makima and begs to have her female companions be spared. Makima in a cruel way repeats the words the subordinates earlier stated and both Quanxi and her two remaining foes are immediately killed by splattering her blood all over Kishibe’s cheek. [26]

Control Devil arc

Despite being decapitated by Makima and being summoned to join an army of hybrid weapon soldiers to take on the fully-powered Chainsaw Devil. Under Makima’s supervision she acts in a manner of protection and with great affection for her.

After Makima instructed her agents to fight. Quanxi together with the other hybrids gathered their weapons and transformed into hybrids, and then launching themselves at Denji. 

When they come into contact with Denji, they’re hit due to the power of his flying forward, and crashing into the skyscrapers while cutting across Quanxi as well as The Broadsword Hybrid. When they arrive at an apartment complex Denji kneels on top of Quanxi’s battered body, holding their broken heads.

Quanxi is also in the last battle between Makima and Makima as well as the Chainsaw Man. When Makima and the Chainsaw Man defeated Reze along with the Whip and Spear Hybrid Quanxi is seen from behind Denji shooting at him with her arrows while she moves her left arm upwards to defend, with some of them hitting the chest of Denji and puncturing his. Then, Denji slices her while she tries to block him, with more arrows striking him while he cuts her body, sending her onto the floor.



Incredible Force: Quanxi possesses a degree of strength that was identified by Hirofumi Yoshida to be beyond the capabilities of a human being. With swords, she could destroy dozens of people and dolls at a time without slowing down, and she ended when their weapons had been destroyed through the power of her attacks. [28The block of a strike could be enough to kill both Aki Hayakawa as well as The Angel Devil.

Incredible Speed Even in its human shape, Quanxi possesses superhuman speed. She can escape the eyes of five devil hunters flying past them and cutting through a horde of dolls made by the Doll Devil, before the five devil hunters realised they were already dead. [28]


Transformación híbrida  Cuando sacas una flecha de la cuenca del ojo derecho, Quanxi puede cambiar a un híbrido usando numerosos picos y flechas que emergen de su cabeza y brazos. [29]

Brazos de arco y flecha : Quanxi puede disparar arcos con su antebrazo en forma de arco, e incluso estar en condiciones de usarlo cerca de un tiro de flecha para eliminar rápidamente a un grupo completo de enemigos. [29]

Consumo de sangre  Como híbridos, Quanxi puede tratar heridas con sangre y luego regenerar todo su cuerpo, todo a partir de una cabeza.


Multilingüe : Quanxi ha demostrado la capacidad de comunicarse tanto en japonés como en chino. [31][32]

Lucha cuerpo a cuerpo: Quanxi es una hábil luchadora cuerpo a cuerpo y Kishibe dice que es una de las mejores luchadoras del mundo. Ella es experta en el uso de patadas. En cuestión de segundos, puede acabar con Denji, Tamaoki y Kusakabe con solo patadas. [14]

Habilidades con la espada : Quanxi empuña múltiples espadas durante el combate, cambiando las espadas cuando son destruidas por el poder de sus ataques. Con su velocidad, es capaz de atravesar enormes masas de enemigos a la vez.