The Elite Season 5 has come to a close and with it, the death of Samuel. This character was one of the most complex and intriguing that the show has ever had, and his death left many fans wondering what happened. Here is everything you need to know about his death. First and foremost, Samuel’s death was not a simple one. He was killed by a sniper while he was on a mission with his team, which left many viewers feeling frustrated that they didn’t get to see more of him. His death also raised some questions about the show’s timeline as it occurred during Season 5 but before Season 6 began. However, despite all these questions, there is still much that we don’t know about what happened to Samuel in those final moments of his life. One theory suggests that he may have been killed by someone he trusted – perhaps one of his fellow team members – as this would have been the most logical way for him to die given his complicated character and history on the show. However, this theory remains unconfirmed as no evidence has been found to support it so far. Another possibility is that Samuel may have died as a result of something he did or something he knew – perhaps something related to Project Legacy – which would have made for an interesting twist in the show’s narrative. However, again, there is currently no evidence to support this theory either. So what do we know for sure? Well, we can be sure that Samuel’s death was not an easy one for anyone involved and that it left many fans wondering what happened next. The Elite team will no doubt be working hard on Season 6 in order to answer all these questions and more so make sure that fans are satisfied with the resolution of this complex storyline .. keena


Benjamin intentó sobornar a Samu para obtener la tarjeta SIM. Le ofreció a Samu una preaceptación totalmente pagada en Oxford y un trabajo en su compañía. Samu dijo que no podía ser comprado y que no aceptaría nada de lo que Benjamin le ofreciera para obtener la tarjeta. Benjamin le dijo a Samu que esperaba algo a cambio de seguir con él a través de todo, pero Samuel explicó que era porque consideraba a Benjamin una figura paterna y no dinero.

Benjamin trató de robar la mochila de Samu mientras intentaba escapar. Samu cayó y cayó al borde de la piscina, aterrizando sobre su cabeza. Su cuerpo cayó a la piscina, y Benjamin miró aterrorizado hasta que llegó Patrick. Su hijo le pidió que sacara a Samu de allí, pero Benjamin le quitó el teléfono de la mano cuando Patrick intentó llamar a una ambulancia.

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Benjamin attempted to conceal the body, while Patrick stayed with Samu. Ari was then called to tell him to return home. Rebe, who was in Ari’s company with Mencia and Mencia, called Omar to inform him of the events. They ended up all at Benjamin’s home, where they confronted the man.

Samu briefly stood up when they arrived and told Benjamin that he had hurt him. Mencia then revealed that she had called the police. Samu collapsed and fell to his knees. Omar and Rebe waited with Samu as they waited for police to arrive. They also showed their anger at the three siblings by staying with them while they waited.

Before the police arrived, Samu was found dead in Omar and Rebe’s arms.

Also Read:Who Really Killed Amando In The Elite Season 5 ? : Everything You Need To Know


Everything became blurred slowly after the police arrived. Benjamin was arrested and the siblings consoled one another while Ivan went to retrieve Patrick. Rebe and Omar walked out in the rain trying to cope with their loss.

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Aunque parece que Samu ha muerto en los brazos de Omar y Rebe, algunos fanáticos dudan de esto. Su cuerpo no fue encontrado cuando llegó la policía. Parece que pronto descubriremos si realmente está vivo.