The Witch Episode 12 Review and Finale Explained: What Just Happened? The Witch Season 2 Episode 12 aired on October 20th, and it was a wild ride. The finale left many questions unanswered, but we’ve got all the answers in this review. So what happened in The Witch Episode 12? First and foremost, we finally learned the identity of the witch. It was none other than Margaret, the daughter of William and Katherine. We saw her transform into a witch for the first time in Season 1, but she’s been planning her revenge against Roger all along. She used her powers to manipulate everyone in town, including Roger’s wife Maud and his son Thomas. In the end, Margaret was finally caught by Roger and his men. She was hanged for her crimes, fulfilling her mother’s prophecy that she would bewitch Roger one day. There were also some big developments with Thomas. He revealed that he is actually a wizard after being possessed by an evil spirit for much of the season. He used his magic to help Roger track down Margaret and defeat her once and for all. Finally free from his possession, Thomas is now looking forward to starting over with Maud again. The finale also included some exciting new characters who will be appearing in Season 3 of The Witch: John Robinson (played by Rufus Sewell), a Puritan minister who arrives in town; Alice (played by Sophie Skelton), a young girl who has been living with the Indians; and Giles Corey (played by Mark Gatiss), an old man who is believed to be haunted by witches. These characters will add an extra layer of mystery to Season 3 as they try to figure out what is happening in Salem Village. ..


Al menos Mercenary se ha disculpado desde entonces. Bueno, más o menos. Captura desde la transmisión de Crunchyroll.

Fue un momento muy tenso. La bestia poseída por demonios había tomado a Lily. La bestia poseída por demonios y sus secuaces no podían decidir si querían comerse a Lily o usarla como rehén. Shinpu interplicó sus conversaciones y cortó el brazo del demonio poseído con su espada maldita. La maldición estaba destinada a evitar que el demonio poseído regenerara su brazo.

Esto fue antes de que el brazo se rompiera. También podría regenerar todo el brazo.

Shinpu y Lily estaban en una situación desesperada hasta que escucharon un fuerte estruendo. Shinpu estaba muy cerca de Mercenary. El enorme luchador se abrió paso a través de sus oponentes.

Unfortunately, Mercenary was quite energetic in his slashing. He sprayed quite a bit of blood all over. Shinpu and Lily included.

He said, “My fault,” and he was sincere ( 05/02). “I got some for you.”

It was great to see that Mercenary wasn’t too busy to be polite.


It is cool that she was able to fulfill her teacher role so well. It’s just that I wish she had a better solution! Captured from Crunchyroll.


My interest is in the interaction between power and people. It’s all about how they acquire it, how they use and how they misuse it. Given current events in America, it’s been on my mind a lot. It’s a fascinating equation that power and humans make up. There is a paradox in power and power: the more one has, the more temptation there is to misuse it. We would need power to stop someone misusing power. This means that we would be tempted. It seems like a vicious circle.

The US was founded as an experiment in power management. It almost worked, the idea of obtaining power through the consent of the governed. We might be able to offset the power-hungry with millions of citizens each with their own little piece of power. Perhaps the combined mass of all those citizens (voters), would serve as a good control?

Then, various circumstances occurred, and now, the grand experiment is on the brink of collapse. Let’s hope we can find a way to save our collective bacon from the flames.

What happens when a person like Cervil with an almost infinite amount of magical power decides to take away others’ freedoms? Taken from the Crunchyroll stream.

My favorite episode from this episode is the one that ties in with the notion of power. The show has been attempting to address this idea, despite Cervil’s seemingly endless magic reserves. This episode brought it into sharp focus. It was both interesting and frustrating to me.

Soon it became apparent that even Mercenary was not strong enough to defeat the demon-possessed. Zero asked Holt to distract the demon-possessed while Zero prepared her incantation. Coudeau, Holt and Cervil watched in horror as Zero’s incantation produced a huge green, spinning cloud. It was thrown to the ground by Emerald lightning. She instructed Mercenary not to touch the demon-possessed. To give her a little more time, Mercenary cut the demon-possessed in half and then jumped away.

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Hundreds, then dozens of undead erupted from the ground. Zero called out ( 11:01), “Forbidden Chapter,” final page! … Arisen dead, it’s mealtime!”

When a tsunami of the dead swept through, the demon-possessed had just managed to pull itself together. It was torn apart by the voracious undead using their claws and teeth.

Holt screamed, “Is this magic?”

This was the part that I enjoyed most (and, to be honest, the entire battle was enjoyable! ): Zero is now in teaching mode and said ( 11.57), “If an exceptional mage takes the wrong path, they can easily bring down the world. Don’t wander off course.

El momento fue bueno. Abordó directamente un tema en el que estoy involucrado. La premisa del programa requería que abordara un tema si quería mantener su integridad temática. ¡Bravo por ser interesante y fiel a tus raíces!

El hechizo de Zero hizo que reaccionaran, lo que demostró que todavía eran inocentes del poder. Eso es algo bueno. Captura desde la transmisión de Crunchyroll.

Me decepcionó un poco. La respuesta de Zero a la frustración del poder fue más poder. Esta es una respuesta que ya conocía, pero es una que siento que falta. Para ser honesto, puede ser mi tonto optimismo en la realidad de hechos contradictorios lo que me hace creer que una respuesta es posible. La ficción es donde puedo experimentar y no poner a la gente en peligro, así que seguiré buscando. Esto fue divertido de ver, por lo menos.

¿Qué piensas sobre la voluntad de las brujas de proteger a la raza humana? ¿Cuáles fueron tus momentos favoritos de este episodio? ¡Déjame saber tus momentos favoritos en este episodio dejando un comentario!