The Sarashina Hand is a unique and highly sought-after knife that has been in the hands of knife enthusiasts for centuries. The hand-held blade is made from high-quality stainless steel and is designed to provide a sharp, efficient cutting experience. The Sarashina Hand was originally created by the samurai class as a personal weapon. It was used as a primary means of defense and was often used to kill enemies or defend oneself. The Sarashina Hand is still in use today and can be found in many different shapes and sizes. There are many different ways to use the Sarashina Hand, depending on the person’s preferences. Some people prefer to use it as a main weapon, while others prefer to use it as a backup tool. The Sarashina Hand is perfect for anyone who wants an efficient and effective knife that will make them feel like the best swordsman in the world.


Рука известна своими прямыми, вьющимися волосами, которые она завязала лентами. Обычно это голубая лента. Лента представляет собой длинный, толстый и объемный стиль для ее волос. Она носит синюю юбку на пуговицах, завышенную талию и синий блейзер в школу. Она обычно носит свитер с водолазкой во время аренды, а также разнообразные юбки с коротким узором. Сарафаны – ее любимые для повседневных мероприятий.

Тем не менее, она также может носить более длинные рукава или леггинсы для более формальных случаев. Рука сильна, несмотря на молодость. Хотя ее тело может быть не таким полным, как у Тидзуру, Рука говорит, что у нее все еще большой размер груди и тонкие ноги. Мужские персонажи часто сравнивают ее с Тидзуру. Она очень популярна в глазах общественности.


Ruka is described as a happy, determined, and passionate little girl by her. Ruka is open and honest about her feelings. She can be viewed as possessive and pushy. After being diagnosed with a condition that left her feeling isolated from her peers, her personality changed. She believed that a faster heartbeat would make her feel better so she set out to find a boyfriend. 

Ruka’s bravado can cause conflict with Kazuya, and more specifically Chizuru. Because of her stubbornness and determination, she can be stubborn. She can be impulsive and make poor decisions. If she fails to achieve her goals, she can become frustrated. Ruka is able to be realistic in difficult situations and will work hard to overcome her mistakes. Ruka is an excellent listener and will work with people she doesn’t like. Kazuya believes Ruka’s weaknesses could make her appealing to someone who wants to learn from her.


Ruka was born with an irregular heartbeat. Ruka can fall if she is hard working. Ruka rented her girlfriend to increase her heartbeat. She wasn’t impressed with the people she met after a while. She met Kazuya Kinshita at an event. She was genuine and sincere. 

Kazuya fell in love with him because she was sincere, and eventually quit her job as a renter-girlfriend. Kazuya is blackmailed by her to become her “trial boyfriend”, under the condition that she doesn’t reveal Chizuru’s job or relationship to Kazuya. This is putting Kazuya in serious trouble. Kazuya’s problems are made worse by her work at the same job.

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When they first met, Ruka was very friendly to Chizuru. Ruka asked Chizuru bluntly if she was a tenant girlfriend. This shock shocked Chizuru, who initially viewed her as an enemy to Kazuya’s fake life. Kazuya’s sincereness and efforts to Ruka regarding his feelings for Chizuru led her to fall in love. He is the only one who can make her heart beat quicker than her irregular values. 

Chizuru also found herself in trouble when she revealed that Kazuya was actually her trial lover. Ruka became more open to Kazuya and became a fierce love rival. This is a sign that Chizuru really loves Kazuya slowly.


Kazuya and Ruka met for the first time at Kazuya’s grandmother’s party. Ruka stated bluntly that Ruka was Kazuya’s girlfriend. Kazuya rebutted this claim by claiming that she is a compulsive lieur. Unfortunately for Kazuya or fortunately, Nagomi accepted Chizuru as her friend at the party. Another lie from Chizuru. Nagomi openly lied about her, even though she intended to hate Kazuya in her first lie.


Мами помогла Мами с расследованием частной жизни Кадзуи. Рука познакомился с Мами. Рука сказала Мами, что Кадзуя принадлежит ей, а Мами — бывшей. Это был другой подход к подходу Тидзуру к Мами. Он попросил ее не вмешиваться в его личную жизнь. Мами считал ее врагом взамен, но не главной угрозой.


Соперничество Яэмори с Кадзуей поначалу расстроило Руку. Рука понял, что Яэмори был последователем образа жизни Кадзуи и смог успокоиться.


Рука — это «лазурит» (или «лето»)Фамилия Рука Сарашина означает «смена» или «отдел».


Рука любит синий. У Руки брадикардия или что-то подобное в ее состоянии сердца. Эпизод 07 — аниме-адаптация о текущем и прошлом здоровье Руки. Рука создает видео в социальных сетях, которые получают много хитов. Кадзуя считает, что Рука является причиной популярности ее видео.