In the world of video games, there are few characters as iconic as Sonic the Hedgehog. The blue hedgehog has been a mainstay in gaming for over two decades, and his popularity only continues to grow. So what makes Sonic so special? Sonic is known for his fast-paced gameplay and his trademark speed shoes. He’s also known for being a hero who always stands up for justice, no matter what the cost. Sonic has starred in several video games over the years, but his most recent release is Sonic Forces, which was released in November 2017. Sonic Forces is an action-packed game that features new characters and environments. It’s set in a world where Eggman has taken control of all of the planets, and it’s up to Sonic and his friends to stop him. In order to do this, they’ll need to use their skills and abilities to defeat Eggman’s forces. If you’re a fan of video games or just want to learn more about one of the most iconic characters in gaming history, be sure to check out Sonic Forces! ..


Гласс — молодая леди с длинными черными волосами, стилизованная как традиционная японская принцесса (Джи Хисэ) ?). Струйное черное кимоно носит Гласс с серебряной вышивкой, очень похожей на погребальные халаты. Из-за ее расовых характеристик Личности Духа, ее кожа бледная и полупрозрачная.

Во время своего третьего визита Наофуми заметила, что она была одета в одежду европейского стиля. Это, по словам Л’Арк, а также Наофуми ей не подходило.


Glass is serious, serious, and stern. Glass is a strong loyalist when it comes her world and Kizuna. She also takes pride being a Vassal Wielder/Hero and has high expectations for other heroes, friends and foes from her world.

She was loyal to her world and would even sacrifice her life to save it.

She takes her mission seriously and doesn’t like to be criticized by her friends. Later on in the series, her serious expression changes to become more friendly and joyous when she’s around Kizuna. Naofumi thought it strange that someone with a calm, cool expression would have such an expression.

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Raphtalia : Everything You Need To Know


Glass is a descendant of a race called Spirit People. In the ceremony to determine who would be the Vassal Fan holder, the disciple of the famed martial art school was present. The selected person must fight the Demon Dragon Emperor who has ravaged her country’s people.

Glass was initially denied entry to the ceremony due to her birth. However, after all the other disciples were turned down by weapons, she was selected. Glass was chosen over them by the disciples, and they reacted bitterly and asked her to not return. Glass was likely to die during the task, so the disciples hoped they would be the next ones to use the vassal weapon. They fought each other.

Kizuna was summoned to her world as one of the legend heroes in her country. She also aided Glass during her adventure. They fought the Demon Dragon Emperor together. They became close friends later and Glass moved to the country that summoned Kizuna.

After many events, Kizuna became trapped in an unavoidable labyrinth. Glass’ world was at risk of destruction due to the inability of one of the cardinal heroes and the ignorance of other cardinal heroes.

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Itsuki Kawasumi : Everything You Need To Know

She didn’t know how to save her world so she researched L’Arc’s ancient text. It depicts waves as a phenomenon of merging of multiple worlds. L’Arc’s text also states that the vassal weapons wielders must kill cardinal heroes of the world on the other side. This will ensure their destruction and extend the existence of this world. Glass and her companions set out to find Naofumi’s summoned planet to kill its legendary heroes.

Also Read:Ren Amaki Rising Of The Shield Hero : Everything You Need To Know


The Cardinal Heroes were summoned to a specific purpose. What do Shield Hero’s otherworldly fighters with this world want?

The Rising of the Shield Hero has been called one of the most interesting isekai anime. It might be tempted to fall prey to the standard trappings of an isekai every so often, but the idea of a story where the summoned hero are not treated with reverence or respect, but instead with disdainful and disgust is an intriguing one.

This is not the only way shield Hero gets away from the standard isekai. Naofumi and other Cardinal Heroes weren’t summoned to this planet for a specific purpose. Other heroes are also present — but they aren’t out to save the world; rather, they are there for their own good.

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Melty Q Melromarc : Everything You Need To Know


Glass, L’arc Berg and Therese Alexanderite hail from a different world. Although they are heroes in their own country, they are also antagonists to Shield Hero’s unnamed world and are determined to prevent Naofumi from achieving his goal. This may seem an awful thing to do in a world that is already at the edge of destruction, but these otherworldly beings have a good reason to stop Naofumi.

Glass’ world was created by several battles with the Waves of Calamity. This is the same phenomenon that threatens Naofumi’s world. The Light Novel series shows that when two worlds try to fuse, the Waves summon monsters until the calamity is over. The worlds that are weaker than the other are destroyed and left a barren desert, unable to support life.

It turns out that Naofumi and Glass are trying to merge, with the latter quickly becoming weaker. Although it is possible to repel both the Waves and save both worlds from destruction, it is unlikely. Glass and the other members consider this a waste of time. They believe that their only choice is to stop Naofumi fighting the waves, so his world can be weakened and their world can survive fusion.

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Melty Q Melromarc : Everything You Need To Know


The Vassal Heroes, as they are known in their homeworld, come from a different world than ours. They work in a different way to the Cardinal Heroes. The Vassal Heroes are a unique group that uses new techniques and new weapons, as well as races not normally seen. They have very little in common with Cardinal Heroes who are only chosen for their weapons.

Glass appears to be a normal, powerful woman but she is actually part of a group of spirit people. Spirit Power is what she uses to increase her attacks and stats. Her Attack and Defense will rise with more Spirit Power. She can use the Vassal or the Fan’s pair of hand fans to make powerful attacks when she has enough. However, this comes with a drawback: she can use Spirit Power to lower her stats in return for powerful attacks.

Similar to Therese Alexanderite, Therese is part of the “Jewels” race. A jewel is a person who was born with a gem embedded in their bodies (Therese has it on her forehead). Jewels have the ability to harness power from different gemstones and cast powerful spells. A Jewel’s ability to cast magic depends on the type of gemstone they have.

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Itsuki Kawasumi : Everything You Need To Know


The Vassal Heroes, despite being presented as antagonists after their goals are stated, aren’t out to destroy Naofumi’s world just for the sake. They wouldn’t attack another world if they had the option. They have been forced to choose between Naofumi or their world because of circumstances beyond their control. They feel terrible about attacking a world trying to survive. But their world is doing the exact same thing. If they can help their world buy another day of survival they will.

Shield Hero’s second season will air in October 2021. It’s expected to bring more conflict between the Cardinal Heroes, Naofumi and Vassal Heroes as they fight for their worlds.




Glass was first seen on the third Wave. She was mistakenly identified as the boss by the Four Legendary Heroes. Later, she disregards The Spear Hero and Sword Hero as fools and common adventures and not heroes. Due to Naofumi’s single-handed defeat of the Soul Eater, she accepts Naofumi only as the true hero. She beat three Heroes without breaking a sweat.

See also

Raphtalia : Everything You Need To Know

Glass forces Naofumi into a duel. Naofumi is easily defeated by her, who takes his strongest curse series attack with no visible damage. Glass was forced to flee when Naofumi managed to escape.


Glass again appears during the Cal Mira Archipelago Wave to support L’Arc, Therese and their fight against Naofumi. Glass and her allies had to withdraw due to running out of time. Glass recognized Naofumi as a greater threat this time, and he became much more powerful in a very short time.


Glass and her companions were forced to flee Naofumi’s second encounter. Glass and her companions then travel to Melromarc to train and level up. They meet Kyo, who holds the Vassal Book against her will while they’re there. The Vassal Book exposes Kyo’s plans to corrupt and control the Guardian Beast, the Spirit Tortoise. But Kyo then teleports away, before they can stop her.

Even though they want to destroy Raphtalia’s World and kill all Legendary Heroes, Glass, L’Arc, and Therese still believe that Kyo’s actions were evil. If his plans succeed, they will have corrupted the Guardian Beast sacred to him and committed mass murder to further his experiments. They decide to go to the Spirit Tortoise in an attempt to stop Kyo. They eventually meet Naofumi, despite Kyo’s best efforts. This temporary truce allows them to defeat Kyo. They defeat the Spirit Tortoise, but Kyo escapes to their world using the Spirit Tortoise energy. They decide to travel to the portal to Glass’ World with Naofumi and their party.

See also

Itsuki Kawasumi : Everything You Need To Know


They are transported successfully to their world by Kyo, who had placed a trap in the portal. Glass, L’Arc and Therese are then sent to a special prison for high-level adventurers. Raphtalia uses magic to let them all escape. They run through enemy territory until they reach Rishia and Naofumi, who had rescued Kizuna, Glass’ closest friend.

Kizuna scolded her for trying to kill Naofumi, the legendary Heroes, after she had reunited with her friend and long-lost comrade. Glass and her fellow heroes beg for forgiveness, and heroes from both sides agree to work together.


They are eventually able to stop Kyo for good as the Heroes from both sides of the world work together. This brings about temporary peace in their world.


The peace they had made in their world wouldn’t last long. During peace talks, several Vanguards of the Waves betrayed Glass as well as Kizuna. Glass’s dear friend Kizuna was abducted to another location as the enemy attacked the Heroes’ base. Ethnobalt was capable of bringing Naofumi in reinforcements, and Glass was able start her search for Kizuna. She is eventually found by Miyaji, the Vassal Music Instrument’s wielder. They are able to save Kizuna after a hard battle. However, she was petrified as a stone, which would take some time to heal.

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Melty Q Melromarc : Everything You Need To Know


Становится очень болезненно очевидным, что Кизуна также страдает от эффектов оружия серии проклятий. Она может даже умереть, если будет полностью поглощена оружием. Гласс и другие герои отчаянно ищут частичное исцеление в Библиотеке Древнего Лабиринта. Чтобы разрушить проклятие, они используют одержимость Кизуны рыбалкой.

ТОМ 19

Гласс берет Наофуми и других Героев на родину и в додзё, чтобы найти способ победить магическое обнуление врага. Гласс спрашивает своего хозяина, могут ли они научить ее древним техникам, чтобы отразить любую магию обнуления. Ее мастер, однако, признает, что эти техники были утрачены много лет назад. Они входят в святой Грот Святых Инструментов с помощью Шилдины, где они обнаруживают несколько видов оружия, которые могут быть полезны против магии обнуления.

Шилдина, находясь в Гроте Святых Инструментов, экспериментирует со своими способностями оракула, чтобы слиться со Стеклом. Их объединенная форма может воспроизводить давно утраченные методы, и тест оказывается успешным. Герои узнают, что Гласс является потомком давно умерших Пустышек]], очень похожих на Рафталию. Ее родословная настолько слаба, что она не может в полной мере использовать силы пустышки. Но, когда они сливаются, Шилдина может помочь и получить всю силу и авторитет Пустышки.

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Гласс — единственный персонаж, названный из ее мира, который появился в оригинальном веб-романе.