Suguru Gheto JIU-JITSU is a martial art that has been around for centuries. It is a very versatile form of self-defense that can be used in a variety of situations. If you are looking for an effective way to improve your fitness and self-defense skills, Suguru Gheto JIU-JITSU is the perfect option for you. Suguru Gheto JIU-JITSU is a very physically demanding form of martial arts. It requires a lot of strength, flexibility, and stamina. If you are new to the sport, it is important to start slowly and build up your endurance gradually. One of the most important things to remember when practicing Suguru Gheto JIU-JITSU is to always be aware of your surroundings. This form of self-defense can be used in both indoor and outdoor environments. If you are interested in learning more about Suguru Gheto JIU-JITSU or want to try it out for yourself, contact a local gym or dojo today! ..

Он был колдуном джиу-джитсу. У него начала развиваться глубокая ненависть к не-колдунам. Он планировал построить мир, состоящий исключительно из колдунов джиу-джитсу / игроков проклятия. Он организовал Ночной парад ста демонов в джиу-джитсу против таких городов, как Киото, а также Синдзюку.

Актером озвучивания был Такахиро Сакураи. Актером озвучивания был такахиро японский в дополнение к Лексу Лангу на английском языке.


Geto is a tall man , with small eyes of black and long black hair that is partially pulled back. He is also known to wear large black studs. When he was a student of Tokyo Jujutsu High, he had a standard jujutsu technical uniform with only one golden swirl button as well as large pants. The hair was also shaved back, despite being shorter. 

After his departure the hair was allowed to grow and he dressed as an Buddhist priest, wearing a multicolored dress over huge black gowns. His design for the curse user can be seen as a satire of the Buddha because of how he behaved throughout the tale and how he’s walking around in his outfit to show good intentions and executing a scheme of deceit.

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As a Jujutsu high school student, Geto displayed kindness and admirable qualities. He was often a standout when paired alongside Satoru Gojo as being the most competent of both. But, Gojo and Geto always were highly regarded by each other and thought of to be best friends. Due to the way they were in their skills they were considered to be the strongest’. 

But, Geto started to experience changes in himself and his beliefs following his star-plasma vessel Riko Amanai was shot dead right in front of him. He began distancing himself from Gojo and embarked on more riskier missions on his own and was pondering as to whether his status as a Jujutsu Sorcerer was actually worth it. Geto began to see any non-sorcerers “monkeys” and regretted protecting them at school. After having a conversation with Yuki Tsukumo Yu Haibara being killed in action and killing 112 people in a village to save two teenage girls Geto took the choice to be the cursed user. He was kicked out of the school right away and was thought to be the worst of curse users.

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Toge Inumaki Jujutsu Kaisen : Everything You Need To Know

When he became an Buddhist Priest Geto had a fake identity in which he appeared to assist vulnerable people by granting curses but in reality, he was using them to gather curses and cash. He would allow them to die or even kill them when they didn’t contribute any of these two aspects. Despite being averse to non-sorcerers, Geto was friendly to jujutsu sorcerers as well as curse users. 

After failing to persuade Yuta Okkotsu to join him and granting Rika an opportunity to fight, the two battle. The two cry tears of joy over the idea of jujutsu sorcerers fighting one another and describing that this was the kind of world he fought for. After losing the battle with Okkotsu, Geto spends his last moments talking about Gojo and saying he would never be content in a place like this. Strong is Suguru Geto ? Cursed Spirit Manipulation By DefinitelyAzyn


Suguru Geto said he was an villain in the JJK series as well as Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Jujutsu High (Prequel to the series). He was an undergraduate in Tokyo Jujutsu High and had the experience of magic that rivaled the one of Gojo. After a couple of heart-breaking experiences in his life Geto was able to get on the dark side and embarked on an attack that killed over a hundred civilians in one night. The incident caused him to be exiled out of Jujutsu High and going on to be branded the most vile cursed users.

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Spoiler Alert: The following details are from both the anime and manga that comprise Jujutsu Kaisen. If you’ve never been reading the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, then you’re in for a lot of spoilers. Be sure to enjoy the manga.


Suguru Geto felt a deep hatred against people who couldn’t utilize magic. While we haven’t seen Suguru Geto destroying normal humans in any other manner the way he did, he often referred to them as Monkeys. His entire premise was that Sorcerers were better than human beings and an integral part of the next phase of evolution.

The extent to which he resented humans was evident by the way he applied sprays himself to remove his “monkey stench”. His belief system confirmed that monkeys are of two kinds, and can work for him. One type is those that give him money, and the other which bring curses to him. If they’re not of any benefit to Geto, Geto would likely allow curses to kill them with no worry.


Although he was not a fan of humankind, Geto always was considerate and devoted to the cursed users. He also admitted that he considered them as family, for an example of calling his group of curses his family. In his time as a student at Jujutsu High, he was respected by many due to his tireless efforts to take the curse users around him to a higher level. Although he was incredibly friendly to all Jujutsu sorcerers, his act of generosity was always regarded as a sign of a fake.

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While in Jujustu High, Geto was believed to be one of the best athletes at Jujustu High, besides Gojou Satoru. His strength was so strong that he was capable of taking down any opponent without having to work. His strength was so high that in the manga the story, it was revealed that Geto was able to keep 2000 cursed units within his. Another reason for him to be regarded to be the most powerful is the fact that he was able to defeat a whole village of more than 100 individuals in a single night by himself. This honestly isn’t a piece of cake.


The Suguru’s Goto’s Curse Manipulation Technique is one of the most original and powerful techniques found in the JJK universe. This is one of the reasons that as an adversary, he became hated by many. The method allowed him to absorb viruses and turn them into his own. 

Another intriguing technique is available to him is known as Maximum Uzumaki. This technique allows him to gather all the energy he has cursed is in his possession and transform them into a single attack. This kind of attack can take out anyone in one strike.

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There were many things which could have changed his views on what his methods are now, during the arc that Gojo was in we could discover more about the reasons why he altered his approach. The demise of the Plasma Star Vessel Riko Amanai and the fact the vessel was highly praised from Star Religious Group. Star Religious Group. These traits made it obvious to Geto and he realized that there was no future for Humanity. Suguru began to develop a fierce hatred for non-sorcerers. The hatred grew into hatred when Suguru began to question the methods used by the Jujutsu corporation to exorcise curses in order to save humankind.

The chapter in chapter 77, the Manga In chapter 77, we witness Suguru at his breaking point when he comes across two women who were being mistreated by non-sorcerers. The two women were none other that Mimiko as well as Nanako. Geto was so upset that he killed all the 112 residents of the village. At this point that he came his decision that sorcerers were superior to those who did not and that killing them would be the sole way of progress. The reason behind this was to prevent the sorcerers from having to risk their lives to defend weak human beings.

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Nanami Jujutsu Kaisen : Everything You Need To Know

Humans are the main source of cursed energy, however only the Sorcerers and Curses take control of the cursed energy but non-sorcerers cannot. The idea was to treat the root of the problem by taking out all non-sorcerers. The ideas of Geto’s on evolution appear to align with Kenshuku’s goal of the moment and may have drew his attention prior to Suguru’s demise.


Suguru has a thin, tall man sporting long black hair, which is partially pulled back behind his head, while the rest hangs over his back. While an undergraduate in Jujutsu High, Suguru donned the traditional uniform of Jujutsu High School. Then, after leaving the school and having committed a number of wrongs to mankind, Geto still believed himself to be a Buddhist priest and wore the appropriate dress. 

He paired the outfit with the gold-colored kasaya dress over black yukata and robes. His monk outfit also includes tabi socks in white and Zori sandals. It’s a bit odd coming from someone who is known for killing numerous people and compares himself to monks and then comparing himself to a monk, well this is Geto the perfect choice for.

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Suguru’s technique for removing curses “Curse Manipulation” is the most powerful, the biggest weapon available to the character’s arsenal. The fact that Geto can take a curse and manipulate it to make it his the man can create the army of his very own. If you consider it that way, Geto does not need to recruit new members to his group, so his team is always only a few people. When we talk about the amount of curses that he can unleash, according to the manga Suguru Geto is able to carry more than 2000 curses in his own body, which is an impressive number.


Suguru Geto was among the few who had Satoru Gojo, a close friend. Geto was an opponent to Gojo and they agreed to go to the top of the Jujutsu scene. Both pushed one another to be the most powerful however Gojo proved to be superior once he was able to unlock his six eyes. Although the two battled together and claimed many accolades, their philosophies differed greatly. While Gojo determined to save humans and dispel their curses Geto was determined to make use of the curses to slay the human race. This is why, at the close of Gojo’s story, we see them on in their own ways.

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Toji Fushiguro Jujutsu Kaisen : Everything You Need To Know


Это не в Джиу-джитсу Кайсэн, а в Джиу-джитсу Кайсэн Зеро, в котором Сугуру Гэто суждено умереть. Чтобы получить возможность сразиться с Сатору Годзё, Гето решил сдержать противника, отправив волну из 2000 проклятых духов через Киото и направился к Юте, которая была одержима Рикой, чего было достаточно, чтобы победить Годзё. Тем не менее, во время боя Гето в конечном итоге получает половину своего тела, и его роит Годзё, который наносит последний удар. Сообщалось, что Гето скончался со счастливой улыбкой.


В манге JJK В манге JJK была обнаружена вероятность того, что Сугуру Гэто до тех, кто был колдунами, на самом деле был мертвым телом, которым управлял Кэнсюку. О Кэнсюку мало что можно говорить, но в главе 145 Мастер Тэнгэн заявил, что Кэнсюку был экспертом в Барьерных Техниках. Это, по крайней мере, второе место после самого мастера Тенгена.

Тэнгэн далее объясняет, что его целью было создание второго «Золотого века джиу-джитсу». Основываясь на этих деталях, мы можем подтвердить, что Кэнсюку прожил более 1000 лет, согласно его обетам, данным Сукуне в главе 136 манги. В главе описывалось, как Кэнсюку дал клятвы Сукуне относительно возвращения «Золотого века джиу-джитсу» из той эпохи Хэйан.

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Below are a few of the most important and prominent items spoken by Geto Suguru. These quotes were selected from the shows randomly. A brief explanation as well as the relationship to the quotes are given under each one. There are many more things said by him throughout the entire series that are of greater importance. However, none of them can have a place in this. These quotes are in accordance with the author’s view.


The very first quote we have on our list is a reference to the plotting and planning that Getou always engages in. The idea was in order to bring them back Itadori Yuuji whom is now serving as vessel for Sukuna. But, the statement did not appear in the real-time. It was a thought in the head of Jugo who was involved in an argument against Gojou Sataro. The previous time Gojou had defeated Jugou quite badly and been to Itadori to watch the fight. Jougo realized that he actually was alive and followed the plan Geto had devised to defeat Gojou first before going to Itadori.

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This quote is a reference to one that we have seen. Actually, they are stated at the exact at the same time. The meaning of these quotes is exactly the identical. Similar to the quote above in the time that Jougo was in a fight with Gujo Sataro the phrases from Getou played through his mind. These words outlined the strategy that to bring Itadori, and more importantly, Ryoumen Sukuna at their side. They wanted to take down or disable him to fight first, and then take on Itadori or Sukuna to put them on their side. However, once Jougo confronts Goujou in a one-on-1 battle He realizes that the strategy of Getou was much more difficult to execute considering how formidable Gojo is.


So far, we’ve realized that Jougo is nothing but Getou’s cursed soul mate and also his accomplice to Itadori Yuuji. Getou isn’t the only person who is kind or concerned about his friend. He made this statement to bring Jougo conscious that he may be killed. He is fighting Gojou as well as the other students of Jujutsu High. He will never underestimate student or teachers. Getou allowed Jugou be in a position that nearly saw him murdered in the hands of Gojou Sataro. This is one thing that fans love about Getou and he is extremely cruel and evil.

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Toji Fushiguro Jujutsu Kaisen : Everything You Need To Know


These quotes seem similar to one another since they seem to be creating a episode or scene from the show. Also, this time, Getou let out these words which are related to the fight in the first episode between Gojou with Jougo. We all know , Jougo was a bit too cautious with Gojou and was seriously beaten. Getou and Hanami were seen watching the entire thing. Hanami was thoughtful of his fellow friend who was suffering a very severe beating. He told Hanami that he would not let anyone in the school look at his face. should Hanami will be willing to save Jougo and save Jougo, he is free to proceed with the rescue.


If I’m not able to determine the exact date, I can inform that this was the exact statement said by Getou in the initial episodes of the show Jujutsu Kaisen. His words was quite shocking as they revealed the brutal and dangerous man could be. After the battle that took place between Gojou and Jougo and Getou, as Getou went back to their hideout, Hanami was able to save Jougo. After departing, Hanami said that he could save him since it was true that they were real human beings. The conversation was a bit amusing Getou greatly because the statements are from a spirit cursed who considers himself to be an actual human.

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It is also the most concise line that has ever been quoted by Getou Suguru on the entire list. It is clear that Getou is calling out to Mahito the teammate he loves dearly. He called Mahito’s name during the soccer match that they were playing at the beach. You’re right, that was the moment they were both playing football using Jougo’s head as ball. Getou shouted Mahito to signal that he’s giving him the ball and he was able to get a gaol if he had an opening. It sounds like a dream and funny when you think of two spirits cursed to possess supernatural powers while playing football on a bright day on the beach.


This line of speech can be extremely stinging to for a lot of people due to the fact that it is a phrase that can be said from someone grieving or trying to make fun of someone who is an awful person because they don’t show emotion. But in the situation the case of Getou Suguru, the man could be described as a mocking machine , without saying anything offensive out from his mouth. He is aware of how powerful his presence is, and he always has that creepy smile which can cause anyone to misunderstand his character. The quote was made in reference to explaining why another cursed spirit could be unable to feel emotions, but not knowing that he’s the cursed spirit himself. Another statement is made by Getou at the time of Goujo and Jougo’s fight.

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The quote is a reference to the tranquil and luxurious location that Getou and his gang considers”a hideout. It’s a real beach with the proper arrangement of locations and the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a sunbath. This is the meaning of what Getou is referring to when he says “sure is peaceful here,” and he then approaches Mahito to discuss further. This is the scene where they play soccer with Jougo’s head and Hanami is the goalkeeper. This isn’t surprising as it is the kind of thing we expect from a spirit cursed like the ones of Getou who can be dangerous and sloppy simultaneously. They can also massacre people and enjoy an iced tea with you. This is the reason we are extremely dangerous in real-life people, as well as those who are utterly unprepared.


Although this isn’t an extremely important quote it can be a reference with one of the most hilarious scenes from the show. This quote was made by Geto as he walked into their underground den, which is the beach. They both Mahito and Geto chose to go out and play soccer. They said this during their warm-up. They were both acting as if they were kids getting up for PT class. The most entertaining part about this was that each were playing football while wearing Jougou’s head. You can’t have missed this show where Geto was hilariously funny.

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Toge Inumaki Jujutsu Kaisen : Everything You Need To Know


The last quotation on the list was said by Geto Suguru while explaining the way pacts work. He explained the two brothers Jougo and Mahito the process by which agreements are made while everyone was in an hot water source. He explained that pacts are made solely by oneself. Making pacts with other people is a challenge. The repercussions of others can make it a daunting task. After hearing the discussion, Mahito said to Jougo that, after touching Sukuna He realized that they had to follow the plan of Getou. The idea was to collect all fingers that are cursed objects and give Sukuna a hand and convince Sukuna to cooperate with them.


In Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Gojo Satoru murders Geto Suguru following an attack on at the Tokyo Jujutsu Tech school. However, Gojo asks Shoko Iori to keep the body of Geto Suguru, which allows the brain’s suspicious side to assume control.

What happened to cause the situation to be so depressing?

Осуществить свою мечту убить всех, кроме колдунов джиу-джитсу. Гето Сугуру нуждался в проклятом духе определенного класса на своей стороне. Проклятым духом является Рика Оримото.

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Чтобы схватить ее девушку, он планировал убить Оккоцу Юуту. Убив хозяина, можно было проглотить Рику, чтобы контролировать ее так, как она хотела.

После смелого акта объявления войны Оккоцу, удалось изолировать Оккоцу. Несмотря на то, что ему пришлось столкнуться с несколькими «незначительными неудачами» в виде Панды, Инумаки и Маки, сражающихся против него, он быстро победил их.

Постоянные атаки делали их неэффективными. Столкнувшись с тяжелым положением своих товарищей, Оккоцу вызвал Рику в полном составе, чтобы противостоять Гето.

Гэто Сугуру был абсолютно уверен, что убьет Оккоцу. Тем не менее, он сильно недооценил силу и развитие Оккоцу во время своего пребывания в школе.

Он смог сражаться с помощью Рики с ее проклятой силой.

Гето способен избежать этой битвы, едва держась за свою жизнь. Но Годзё в конечном итоге находит его в переулке. Несмотря на его кажущиеся колебания и общее прошлое с Гето Сугуру Годзё, он уводит его в могилу.

Если бы Шоко уничтожил тело Гето в соответствии с протоколом, и мозг контролировал бы его, он не смог бы захватить Гето. Похоже, что какой-то фактор (вероятно, его связь с Гето) заставил Годзё поверить, что он не был правильным человеком.

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Вот и вы! !

Тогда почему же тогда Годзё появился поздно? И где он был все это время? Почему Гето объявил «войну»?


He announces that at sundown on the 24th of December will perform his Parade of a Hundred Demons. Thousand cursed spirits will be released in two places: Shinjuku and Kyoto.

He will give them orders to slay everything and anything they come across.

But, this declaration does leave Gojo and the other perplexed. There could be more than 2000 curses with his army however all of them are with a grades 2 or lower. This could mean an unwinnable war. Geto could not win.

His main objective was to deceive Gojo and other jujutsu officials in the process of executing his strategy of isolation of Okkotsu. In order to accomplish this, he took advantage to exploit the Shamans’ most significant flaw: their responsibility to defend the human race.

Of course, everything was an omen. Geto knew that the chance of winning the war was about 30 percent at the most. There was only one way to shoot up the odds to 99 percent by killing Okkotsu and then ingesting Rika.

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While the other were getting ready for conflict with curses, Geto was preparing for a different type of battle.

The only battle at the actual site was with a handful of followers of Geto purchasing time. After Ijichi and Gojo recognize that something different is happening, Gojo sends Panda and Inumaki to aid Yuuta.

The “help” was actually a competition to Okkotsu disguised. Gojo knew that Panda and Inumaki were not able to defeat Geto but it was a way to reveal Okkotsu’s strengths.

Gojo is able to handle the situation before hurrying to kill Geto.


В заключительной главе сюжетной линии приквела Гето умирает от Годжо. Тело его останков не снимается, несмотря на тайну, которая заставляет Мозг становиться новым Годзё.

Настоящий Гето был мертв задолго до событий Дзюдзюцу Кайсэн. Мозг или подделка Только использовал таланты и знания Гето, чтобы реализовать свои собственные видения идеального общества.

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