As the final season of Stranger Things began airing, many fans were left wondering what happened to Murray’s death. After all, he was one of the show’s main characters and was killed in a mysterious way in the first few episodes of the season. Now that Season 4 has come to a close, it seems that there is more information about Murray’s death than we initially thought. In fact, there may be more to this story than we originally thought. According to some reports, Murray may have died from a heart attack after being involved in a car accident. This is not only strange considering his health history, but also suggests that something else was going on with him during Season 4. If true, this would be a huge twist for fans who lovedMurray as a character. However, it is also possible that this story is just another mystery that will be solved in Season 5 of Stranger Things. We will just have to wait and see!

Murray sobrevivió a los eventos de la temporada 4 de Stranger Things. De hecho, fue fundamental en la victoria general de los niños cuando atacaron a Vecna / Henry / One en el Upside Down. Para afectar el cerebro de la colmena en el Upside Down, fue responsable de incendiar a los Demogorgons y Demodogs en la prisión rusa.

La capacidad de Murray para sobrevivir contra viento y marea es una prueba de que todavía tiene un gran papel que desempeñar en la quinta temporada. Sin su teórico de la conspiración, Stranger Things no sería tan bueno como lo es hoy. Veamos ahora la temporada 4 de Stranger Things y cómo sobrevivió Murray.


Debido a que Murray Bauman tuvo más tiempo en pantalla esta temporada, fue uno de los personajes más intrigantes de Stranger Things. Era un personaje regular en Stranger Things, pero rara vez aparecía en episodios. Fue su relación con Alexei lo que le permitió ser más prominente en la temporada 4.

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Su papel en la temporada 4 fue el compañero de Joyce. Ella fue capaz de aprender sobre la supervivencia de Hopper a través de los eventos de la temporada 3. Su papel podría incluso considerarse más importante que el de Joyce, ya que era él quien podía hablar ruso y se disfrazaba de Yuri para permitirles entrar en la prisión donde Hopper estaba detenido.

They were still trapped in prison, with the Demogorgon threat still looming. They were able escape from the prison via an exhaust opening that took them outside. After they managed to rescue Hopper from the prison, the next challenge was to escape Russia.

Murray and the other passengers were able convince Yuri that they could fly out of Russia. Yuri drove them to a hangar, where he hid a helicopter he named Katinka. Nobody thought that Katinka would be able fly them all the ways to America. They then called America to see if their government friends could help them.

From their contacts with the government, they learned that Vecna/Henry/One was on his way to destroy Hawkins. Joyce and Hopper couldn’t reach their children in time so they returned to prison to distract the Upside Down for a while to give the kids time to kill Vecna/Henry/One. Murray was unable to agree but couldn’t resist the plan.

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They discovered that all the Russians had been killed in the prison. Murray translated the last words of a Russian soldier as they discovered that the Demodogs and particles had been accidentally released from their containment. This meant that they could only affect the hive mind at the Upside Down by killing the Demogorgon or the Demodogs.

Hopper devised a plan to trap all the monsters that were in the arena, where he had been trapped before. He also turned the electric fence on to keep them there. Murray was also given his flamethrower by Hopper so that he could kill them in the arena. Hopper was to take on the role of the bait.

Hopper nearly died, but Joyce’s quick save saved them. They were able to draw all the monsters into their arena. Murray saved them all by setting fire to their bodies and weakening the Demogorgon so that it could survive the flamethrower attack. Hopper, who had been left behind by one of the prisoners at the arena, finished off the Demogorgon with a sword.


Murray had used the flamethrower in order to set fire to the beasts, and Hopper completed the task by executing the Demogorgon’s death with a sword. The problem of returning to America was not solved. Yuri was able to fly Katinka with his help. We weren’t able to see their adventure home to America.

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We did, however, see Joyce and Hopper reunited with their children in Hawkins just two days after the Vecna/Henry/One tragedy. Murray was not there, but we can conclude that he was able survive because Joyce and Hopper were also able to make it home to America.

Murray is not from Illinois, which is why we didn’t see him in Hawkins with Joyce and Hopper. He is actually originally from Illinois, but he found himself in the Upside Down because of his experience as a conspiracy theorist.

Murray’s survival of the fourth season is a sign that the creators may have something bigger in store for him. This is especially after giving him a larger role in season 4. Because Stranger Things is ending, it is likely that Murray will be back in season 5.


Fans have been speculating about various theories since the Season 4 release of Netflix’s hit series Stranger Things. They were not only concerned about the characters’ deaths but also their sexuality. There have been speculations about other characters being members of the LGBTQ+ community after confirmation of Robin’s sexuality. We now have Eddie Munson, our beloved character. He was only introduced in Season 4.

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However, he quickly replaced Steve and became a fan favorite. Only a few episodes later, he was brutally removed from the show. While Dustin held Eddie, Eddie told him that he loved him during his final minutes in Vol 2. Recent speculations have been fuelled by his last words. Is Eddie Munson gay? Is he in love with Dustin Henderson?

The term gay is used most often to refer to homosexual males and lesbian women on the sexuality spectrum. The term refers to one’s attraction to another gender. We cannot determine if Eddie is gay because of the complexity and resistance to classification of sexual identities and orientations. We don’t know if Eddie is gay, bi or fully straight. His sexuality has not been confirmed. He seemed to be developing feelings for Chrissy in the previous episodes. He was a younger brother to Dustin so it is unlikely that he was in love.

You’re here because you want to learn more about Eddie Munson and Dustin. Continue reading to discover if Eddie Munson is gay and if he really loves Dustin.


Eddie Munson, played by Joseph Quinn is a new character in Stranger Things. He was introduced in Season 4 and quickly became a fan favorite. This scary-looking goof turned out to be a total sweetheart. He was an integral part of the entire series in a very short time. The rest of Hawkins won’t be able to appreciate how pure he truly was due to his premature death in Volume 2 Some people consider him a hero. Others saw him as a serial killer. But who was he?

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Eddie was the Dungeons and Dragons Hellfire leader and was a close friend to the famous trio Mike, Dustin and Lucas. They met in high school and have been friends ever since. Although he was intelligent, his eccentric personality meant that he struggled at school. Eddie is a major part of the story, and fans have always feared his death.

He was an outspoken non-conformist who was therefore never fully understood by Hawkins residents. However, his charm seems too good to be true. He was a charmer, after all. He was a strange man, but he was incredibly kind-hearted and pure. Many felt he was a fictional character they could relate to. The worst outcome was not what we expected. He died in Dustin’s arms in the final episode of season 4, after fighting demobats in Upside Down World.

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The fans have been investigating the sexual orientations of characters since the very beginning ( , which began in July 2016!). Fans have become more wary of other characters since Robin revealed her sexual orientation to Steve. Will’s closed-off personality and lack of interest for girls have been a source of controversy for years. Many speculations have been made about other characters being a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Fans believe Eddie might be gay. Why would they believe that?

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Eddie decided to stay put in the face of danger. He stood up for his friends and bought them more time to fight Vecna. The Duffer brothers made the decision to send Eddie away, despite fans’ protests. The Duffer brothers decided that Eddie had to go, and Eddie said Dustin that he loved him. This made fans scream. Eddie in Dustin’s arms during his final minutes.

Era evidente que Eddie tenía sentimientos por Chrissy Cunningham, su compañera de clase de la escuela secundaria. Desafortunadamente, Chrissy fue una de las primeras víctimas de Vecna en la temporada 4. La historia de amor entre ellos no se desarrolló completamente. Los fanáticos se equivocarían al concluir que no está interesado en los hombres.

Había teorías de que Eddie estaba tratando de señalar que era gay por su elección de ropa. Sin embargo, los fanáticos creen que Eddie le dijo a Dustin que lo amaba durante sus últimos momentos. Dustin sostuvo a Eddie en sus brazos mientras Eddie caía en el sueño eterno. ¿Significa eso que Eddie es gay?

En absoluto. Es poco probable que Eddie sea gay. De hecho, podría estar enamorado de Dustin. Muchos hombres tienen miedo de la masculinidad tóxica que les dificulta mostrar su amor y aprecio el uno por el otro. Aunque Eddie puede ser gay o pertenecer a otro grupo LGBTQ +, decirle a su amigo que lo ama mientras se está muriendo no lo hace gay.

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Eddie, como ya he dicho, no era conformista. Fue honesto consigo mismo incluso en los minutos finales. No debería sorprender que Eddie decidiera decirle a su amigo que se preocupa por él después de darse cuenta de que no sobreviviría.