Shikadai Nara is a ninja prodigy who has been able to use his skills for years without anyone knowing. He is known as the “Ninja Master” and has been able to defeat many enemies with his quick reflexes and agility. Nara was born in Japan in 1984, and he started learning the art of ninjutsu at the age of 10. He has since become one of the most accomplished ninja in the world, and he has even been featured on TV shows and movies. Nara’s skills are not just limited to ninjutsu; he also knows how to use firearms and other weapons. He has even been able to take down enemies with just a few shots from his gun. Nara is an incredible ninja, and he is sure that he will continue to be one of the most successful ninja in history.



Boruto and Shikadai consume the chili burgers that were limited editions they took. While eating they discuss the village’s modernization and Shikadai is sad to be forced to go to the Academy and displays an annoyed expression.Shino begins to teach shurikenjutsu to his students Shino begins teaching shurikenjutsu to his class, as well. Inojin and Shikadai who have been taught by their parents, achieve great success.

After yet another mishap caused in the name of Boruto, Shino decides to assign Boruto, Shikadai, Inojin and Sumire Metal as well as Iwabee on the repairs team trying to repair Naruto’s visage in Kage Mountain. In the course of each day Shikadai warns Metal that he makes a lot of mistakes when he’s nervous and can cause problems for the other characters.Shikadai is disciplined by mother Temari for putting him in detention. On the next day, when Shikadai attempts in to express his apology for his actions to Lee, Boruto notices through his right eye that the child is in the grip of similar darkness as been a spectre for Denki just a few days earlier. In reality, Metal starts attacking Shikadai. Boruto and Inojin help him and Metal begins attacking them too, and then chases the three throughout the Academy.

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Shikadai comes up with a plan. Metal is then freed from the shadow’s grip, so the next day Boruto, Shikadai, and Inojin invite Metal to play games on video to aid in his recovery to a degree.

Shino announces a ninjutsu competition between girls and boys who have to be able to grab the red flag that is guarded by the tower of the Academy. Both girls and boys manage to reach the roof simultaneously which is why Boruto is the one who stole an summoning book from the Academy employs to use the Recall Technique using the goal of summoning a giant toad similar to Konohamaru’s, and then scaring the girls.

However, a mysterious and scary creature appears and knocks Chocho out of the sky using it’s snake-like tail. Boruto, Shikadai and Inojin have the ability to capture it on time, while Konohamaru when he arrives at the scene, fights off the beast with the help of a Rasengan.Shino introduces Mitsuki as the first student of Shino’s Sound Village, to the class and hosts a welcoming celebration for the new student. The next morning, at dawn, Boruto, Shikadai and Mitsuki are taken by Master Aburame a remote area in the forest surrounding the Leaf in the dark, unsure and unsure of what’s about to unfold.

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Torune Aburame : Everything You Need To Know

When Shino arrives they immediately realize that something is off in his appearance and, without waiting any moment, Master Aburame starts out his “last lesson”. The master begins attacking them and the boys throughout the forest, using his insects. Through cooperation, the three brothers get rid of Shino from the grasp of the shadow. Then, Shino apologizes for attacking them , and the boys apologize for their ridicule and recognizing his power.

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Shikadai informs Boruto Uzumaki determined to carry out in a prank, of the forthcoming meeting between the five Kage. When he arrives at home, he casually greets the family members of his uncle Gaara, immediately being dissuaded by his mother. But, he shrugs off his shoulders and requests an uncle Kankuro.


When he hears received from Master Shino Aburame that the academy’s graduation test will take place next week Shikadai is not interested in. He later meets with his father who is looking for Boruto’s hideout, determined to hide from an unofficial copy that is Hokage. Hokage.

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Shikadai is successful in passing the first written portion of the test. The candidates who pass the test in theory are joined by the Master teachers Anko, Shino and Konohamaru at a particular point in the forest which is located near is known as the Leaf Village. They explain that the rules for the test are simple. The students are given the white bandana They point out that if the bandana is removed from them in the course of the exam and they are disqualified, they will be ejected.

Additionally the three masters will be wearing targets. If students fail to destroy it then they’ll be able to oblige the teacher to stop the test. The Sixth Hokage Kakashi will also make an appearance telling everyone that the purpose of the test is to remove the bell that he wears tied on his waist.

The woman has actually utilized a genjutsu to force Denki, Iwabee, Shikadai, Inojin, Chocho, Enko, Hoki, Doshu and other students to move around the same spot however, they were unable to observe each other. Master Anko’s skill in using snakes during combat puts members of the formation Ino-Shika-Cho in danger, but Denki can dismantle her genjutsu within the time.

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Naruto Hokage List : Everything You Need To Know

After removing her illusionary art, they are able to join forces to beat her. But, they were among those that are enslaved and held to the masters. The students are freed by the efforts of Sumire, Wasabi Metal, and Metal and Namida beats Anko. In the meantime, Boruto, Iwabee, Sarada, Denki and Mitsuki beat Konohamaru. When the sun rises, Boruto attacks Kakashi with his shadow replicas.

But, Kakashi takes them down one by one, and realizes that they’re actually his fellow students who have adopted his appearance. By combining their sealing techniques to create a massive fuinjutsu attack, the students are able to get hold of Kakashi but he is able to take them down with his lightning of purple. The students believe they’ve failed, but Kakashi declares that they have all been promoted.

Kakashi says that it was because they worked in tandem to accomplish the goal to be promoted that led them there. Shino is pleased and unveils the transformation technique that was that was applied to their bandanas showing the front cover of Konoah’s book. They have now all been elevated up to Genin.Shino is a teacher who gathers his students for a final class after which, he’ll assign each Genin to a team of three members. Boruto is hoping to be placed in that same group as his most beloved friend Shikadai. But according to Sarada herself says the masters will determine the assignment.

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Shino states that a three-member team identifies the kind of people who can be trusted with their lives. this is because , in coming missions, teamwork could be all the difference in the world between death and life. Chocho Akimichi Shikadai Nara and Inojin Yamanaka will form the new group of the legendary Ino-Shika Cho team under the name of Team 10, just like their parents.


Moegi says to his genins that Moegi believes that they are prepared to take part in the forthcoming Chunin test for selection. The initial test, which is administered by Sai and consists of taking a true or false answer to an exam. The test is a trap but regardless of the outcome the test subjects are all dipped into a lengthy ink so only people who emerge “clean” will be able be able to pass the following test. Shikadai gets just in time to utilize to use the Shadow Control Technique to grab his fellow students and carry them back to the safety of.

Ino-Shika-Cho moves into the next phase that is a contest between teams to retrieve the flag of their opponent while preserving their own. Inojin thanks to his agility is able to block his opponent from being able to take the flag belonging to his side while Chocho employing Chocho’s Partial Expansion Technique, manages to capture the flag of the enemy.In the opening round of the third Test, Shikadai fights against Yodo beating her. The second round begins and the first players to enter on the stage will be Shikadai and Boruto who have made a vow to fight for each other without a doubt despite having been best buddies since their when they were kids.

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Boruto decides to fight Shikadai due to his body multiplications, however, at the final battle the clones and he are all caught in Shikadai’s shadow strategy. Boruto is then able to cheat and use Shikadai’s power through the Kote and is able to slash Shikadai and force him to lose control of his techniques. When he is surrounded by his clones and with seven daggers pointed towards his neck, Shikadai is forced to withdraw, which gives Boruto victory.

The final battle during the test, pitting Boruto against Shinki the Uzumaki is once more forced to rely on the force that is the Kote to take the victory.Boruto has been declared winner however his father Naruto is suspicious and is forced to expose his son in front of the entire world. Because it’s illegal to use ninja weapons that are scientifically developed, Boruto is eliminated. Iwabee, Sarada and Sumire are all so dissatisfied with his actions, and particularly Shikadai who cannot think of a reason to wonder if his friend was able to use using the force of Kote even in their fight despite their promises. Then, Boruto and Shikadai make peace and return to the good-natured friends they were before.

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As far as physical style, Shikadai also resembles his father. He also has the same black hair, pulled back into the ponytail that is thorny. Through his mother, Temari is a descendent of the eye color and the shape of his eyes.


Shikadai is very like his father Shikamaru because they both find everything boring. Shikadai is not inclined to respect hierarchies which is evident in how he greets the uncle Gaara.


It is not known much about his abilities however it appears that he is capable of using his Shadow Control Technique. As his mother did she can utilize Blades of Wind. Blades of Wind.


Before the birth of Shikadai the Sand Village’s advisors Sand Village posed the problem that should the uncles of his, Gaara as well as Kankuro, died without having heirs Shikadai was one of the descendents to his clan, the Kazekage Clan was likely to become the next Kazekage and, naturally, this could make in the Sand Village in crisis as an ninja of the Leaf Village would rule their village. In light of this logic that Sand Village’s councilors required Gaara to get married.