Sasaki Shuumei is a Japanese journalist and author who has written extensively on the history of Japan. She is the founder and director of the Japan Studies Center at New York University’s Institute for Advanced Study in Japan. Shuumei’s latest book, “Japan’s Unfinished Revolution: The Origins and Development of Modern Japanese Politics,” offers a unique perspective on the origins of modern Japanese politics. In her book, Shuumei argues that the Meiji Restoration in 1868 was not a sudden event, but rather a gradual process that began with the creation of the Imperial Diet in 1853 and continued through to World War II. Shuumei’s book provides an important insight into how Japan developed its modern political system and how it differed from other countries at this time. It is also an important work in understanding how Japan became one of the most powerful countries in East Asia during its early years as a nation.

He is average height and build. His hair, which has been lightly bleached, rarely returns to its original shade. When he smiles wide, he has a snaggletooth on his left side. He has three helix and one lobe puncturing in his left ear, and two in his right ear. He appears to be a bad boy to his fellow students. Lucч Ӈєαrtღ

Sasaki usually wears his uniform without buttons and with a shirt in the inside. In the winter months, a sweater or cardigan is worn.


Sasaki is initially presented as a cheerful and bright upperclassman, but this is not always the case. Sasaki can act or speak without considering the consequences and people around him. Sasaki is a loner, despite having some friends. Flashbacks show him as gloomy, quiet and annoyed, whether he is with his family or alone.

His personality changes a lot depending on whom he is with. With his family and friends, he tends be more direct, while Miyano is more gentle and soft-spoken.

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Sasaki Shuumei puts his hand on Miyano Yashikazu and declares that he will go to stop the fighting taking place in the area. Three months later, Sasaki tells Miyano that his face is as cute as ever. Sasaki reminds him not to call Miyano that. He replies that Miyano is adorable on the inside. Sasaki greets him by hugging him and then finds Miyano in class to inquire about his manga-related terminology.

Sasaki is unsure of the meanings of the words seme’ and uke, but he asks Miyano if he has any suggestions for manga. Sasaki mentions how he enjoyed the shoji manga he borrowed from his sister and is given a Miyano book to read.

Sasaki discovers that Miyano has read the book and begins to talk about the two men going to the hotel for love at the end. Miyano takes Sasaki to a private location to discuss the book privately. Sasaki, who had never seen anything like it before, says that it was shocking but a good story.

Sasaki recalls how he first read the book at home. He explains how it struck him how seeing the protagonist struggle with so many things yet manage to handle it in a calm and cool manner really struck him. Sasaki is awed by Miyano’s enthusiasm for sharing what he likes. Sasaki asks Miyano to lend him another book. [1]

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It’s not surprising that Sasaki’s relationship to Miyano Yashikazu is at the heart of the series. Sasaki meets Miyano when he stops Miyano saving Kuresawa by stepping in, and Sasaki immediately falls for Miyano. He learns his class from Hirano, often stopping by. Sasaki asks Miyano if he can lend him a manga and Miyano agrees to lend him his BL manga. Sasaki takes an interest in the manga, and they begin to speak more frequently. He enjoys Miyano’s happiness and discusses what he likes.

Sasaki is a clear fan of Miyano right from the beginning. He often thinks that Miyano looks cute and wants to touch him. As they get closer, Sasaki discovers more and more things to love about Miyano and their feelings grow.

Listening to music by Sasaki and Miyano


He is one of Sasaki’s classmates. He and Hirano Tiga often see each other at school. However, neither claims to be close to the other, and they rarely hang out outside school. Despite their distance, Hirano is very close to Sasaki, with Hirano helping Sasaki study before his tests and letting Sasaki copy his notes. Hirano initially is suspicious of Sasaki’s intentions with Miyano but soon becomes more open to the possibility that they will become close friends.

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One of Sasaki’s classmates and friends. Ogasawara Jirou has known Sasaki since high school. They are close enough friends that Ogasawara regularly visits Sasaki’s house to receive hand-me-downs from Sasaki’s sister. They share a mutual interest in music. They borrow and return CDs together. Sasaki also knew Ogasawara’s girlfriend.


One of Sasaki’s juniors. Although they aren’t close, Kuresawa still looks up to Sasaki and respects him for his help when he was being beat up. They also maintain a friendly relationship, both as upper- and lowerclassmen.


Kagiura is one Sasaki’s juniors. Kagiura is Hirano’s roommate, and Sasaki also observes that Kagiura likes Hirano. He states this in chapter 3 of “Hirano To Kagiura”. Kagiura also knows that Hirano is Hirano’s classmate. They may have met, even though it wasn’t shown. Although it is not known if they get along, Hirano states in an episode of “Sasaki To Miyano” that Kagiura doesn’t like Sasaki.


Sasaki is the sole son of his four-person extended family. Sasaki is often a helper at the bakery that they own and operate.

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Sasaki’s older sister, who assists him in cooking and setting the table. Satoko is a personality-wise, loudmouthed, and cheerful person. They often fight and bicker, with Satoko constantly telling her brother off and gossiping about him to their mother. They do care about each other, however.


Sasaki was first introduced to the genre boys loves (BL) by Miyano who was already a passionate fan. He is open-minded, even though he has never read the genre before. After reading the first volume Miyano lends to him, he admits that it shocked him a little. However, he ended up enjoying the characters’ struggles, and he wants Miyano continue lending him BL manga.

Although he doesn’t seem as passionate about the genre at first, he read the books mainly to learn about Miyano. However, Sasaki becomes more interested in it, and eventually buys BL manga, BL television series, and invites Miyano along to BL exhibitions. Ogasawara, his classmates, is quick to defend the genre. He loves gag manga, in particular.


Sasaki is more a dog person than a cat person. Sasaki is passionate about baking. Sasaki helps at his family’s bakery in mornings. Sometimes he goes to bed after, and ends up arriving almost late for school. Sasaki eats bread every day for lunch. He gets it from his family’s bakery each morning. Sasaki enjoys sweets but is not a fan of spicy food, carbonated drinks or mint flavors. He gets a shortcake on the 22nd of each month. Sasaki has a problem with alcohol and claims that his entire family is. Sasaki is sensitive to hot drinks and has trouble chewing. Sasaki can’t read and doesn’t take his books home very often, but he excels at math. Sasaki’s shoe measurement is 28 cm. Sasaki’s second year saw him perform Hanako-san, the Toiletista, in a haunted house during the school cultural festival. Sasaki temporarily dyed Sasaki’s hair black during his first year. He was not happy with the color and people around him called him a calico cat. Sasaki enjoys watching television. Sasaki is a ticklish person, and his ears are very sensitive. Miyano says that Sasaki smells sweetly like bread. Although his power level is 52, Sasaki tends to not use it. Sasaki’s favorite image animal is the lion.

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You don’t find a better boy than Sasaki Shuumei when it comes to Boys’ Love anime boyfriends. He is the boy who’s so in love with Miyano Yoshikazu (current anime Sasaki & Miyano) that he can’t see straight.

However, even though Sasaki has admitted his love for Miyano in this anime episode ( Episode6), the younger boy has not yet chosen him as his boyfriend.


He’s actually taking his time to make up his mind.

Miyano, you’re a great man. They would be fools.

Why is Sasaki Shuumei such a great boyfriend?

Really? It’s impossible to see?

Here are a few reasons you won’t find better men than Sasaki and Miyano.


There are many potential boyfriends who don’t feel calm or objective when it comes to Boys Love anime.

Some people are rude, mean, and angry. Others are so scared of falling in love with men ( Misaki Takahashi), that they push them away.

Not Sasaki Shuumei.

Sasaki is able to deal with his feelings calmly and rationally once he realizes that he is in love with Miyano. Admits to them both to himself and others and then… admits to them to Miyano.

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Miyano was shocked to see him in a calm and objective manner. Miyano was not aggressive, insane, or rude and was able to ignore them.

A calm, matter-of-fact guy will give a man more confidence to enter a relationship and keep it.

You can be sure that Sasaki would deal with any problem calmly and rationally if they ever arose.

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Many men don’t know what they feel or suppress them because they don’t want the responsibility.

Not Sasaki.

He quickly realizes that he is attracted to Miyano and, instead of running away from it, embraces it. He begins to seek out ways to spend more quality time with him to get to know him better.

Sasaki is the ideal boyfriend because he can be open about his feelings and deal with them with maturity. This makes for a happy life.


You can’t go wrong when it comes to being with someone in a relationship.

Kindness is a way to show respect for others and avoid hurting them.

Sasaki is this type of guy. He has shown himself to be kind to Miyano since the first time they spoke.

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After reading his Boys’ Love manga, he began to be respectful and courteous about the things he was reading. Listening to Miyano whenever he needs to talk and not making him feel inferior or stupid about his choices.

Even Miyano’s protection from the boys who might accidentally push into him or injure him.

Sasaki is so kind that he even tells Miyano what he feels about him. He then adds, “But take your time considering it before you answer to me”. Because he can see how stunned Miyano really is and doesn’t want him to hurt,


Sasaki, a senior at high school, is approximately 17 years old when Sasaki begins and Miyano ends.

He doesn’t appear to be very young, considering his tall stature and his mature approach to things, it seems he is quite an older man.

It is often smart to be in a relationship that is mature for your age with someone.

People who are emotionally mature tend to make better decisions. This is what Sasaki demonstrates by telling Miyano that he makes smarter choices.

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He also shows his maturity when he wants to kiss Miyano through the mask as he falls asleep, but he refuses to do so because he knows that it would violate Miyano’s trust.


Miyano should choose a man who is responsible and hardworking when it comes to a relationship.

That is Sasaki.

He works in the family bakery, which he does during summer holidays. When he realizes that his grades aren’t as good, he asks Hirano, his friend, to help him improve.

He then shows up at school early every morning to learn with Hirano so that he can graduate with the right grades.


Although he may not seem very intelligent at first, when he struggles with his grades, it becomes evident that Sasaki is extremely intelligent once he speaks.

He then reads Miyano’s Boys’ Love manga and analyzes the characters’ motivations.

He is able to hold his own in conversations and respond back with intelligent points.

Yes, Sasaki is both emotionally and mentally intelligent. Who wouldn’t want a guy like that?


Remember that Sasaki is also incredibly brave and will not stand by while another person is hurt.

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We all remember the moment he ran into action to defend Kuresawa against the boys who were trying to beat him. Even though the situation didn’t directly affect him.

Every woman should have a brave boyfriend, especially Miyano, who is petite and delicate and doesn’t always speak up for himself.

A person who is strong and supports others, whether they are physically or emotionally, is a positive trait. Anyone who desires a happy and fulfilling love life should look for someone like this.


Any guy would be lucky enough to have Sasaki as his boyfriend.

Sasaki is tall and slim with long, straight legs. He has beautiful eyes and a handsome smile.

Even worse, he doesn’t seem to be able to recognize it.

These are only a few of the reasons Sasaki Shuumei makes a great boyfriend.

With just a few episodes remaining in Sasaki, and Miyano to go, let’s all hope that Miyano will soon realize it, too.

Watch Sasaki & Miyano at Funimation and see why I think Sasaki makes the best boyfriend. Also, to watch the anime as it is amazing.

You can also get four volumes of Sasaki or Miyano in English through Yen Press.

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You can also find a recap of the events in the first episode of Sasaki or Miyano on Leo Sigh — Episode 1, Chapter 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, and Episode 6.