Sakura and Hinata are two of the most powerful people in their school. They are both the leaders of their classes and have a lot to say. They are also two of the most popular people in their school. Sakura is always trying to be the best she can be and Hinata is always trying to be close to her friend Sakura. They both have a lot of power and they use it wisely.

In a fight, Sakura could defeat Hinata. Although they are very similar in many ways, Sakura is more experienced and a better fighter overall than Hinata. Hinata has the Byakugan, and her Chakra may be more powerful than Sakura. However, if it came down to a fight, Sakura’s fighting experience would prove invaluable and she would win.

This article will expand on the above-mentioned answer. We’ll compare Sakura Haruno to Hinata Hyuga more in detail. You will see which one is stronger and why we believe our answer is true.


Sakura Haruno, a Leaf Village kunoichi, is promoted to Genin. After being promoted to Genin, Sakura Haruno is assigned to Team Kakashi with Naruto Uzumaki (and Sasuke Uchiha). She will soon realize, however, that she is not prepared for the life of an ninja and all the risks it brings. In fact, Sakura ended up hiding behind Naruto and Sasuke during fights.

Sakura attempts to stop Sasuke from leaving the village by confessing her love to him, but the boy thanked her and hit her, putting Sasuke to sleep. Sakura has always wanted to bring Sasuke home.

Hinata Hyuga, the eldest daughter and heir to Clan Hyuga’s main house, is Hiashi Hyuga’s oldest daughter. Hinata Hyuga is a Leaf Village ninja. She is part Team 8, which is led by Kurenai Yohi. Shino Aburame and Kiba Inuzuka are her teammates. She is a Clan Hyuga member and heir and the daughter of Hiashi Hyuga (sister to Hanabi Hyuga, niece to Hizashi Hyuga, and cousin to Neji Hyuga). Later, she becomes Naruto’s wife.

Hinata is less important in terms of overall plot and story importance than Sakura. Hinata plays a vital role in the story, particularly through her connection with Naruto. But Sakura is definitely the more important of both.

Points: Sakura 1, Hinata 0

Physical and Chakra Powers

Sakura observes her exceptional Chakra control during the Land of Waves mission and practices with her team. As such, she can use her jutsus to save Chakra. Sakura didn’t use this well, but it was a great help in the second section. She experienced great growth as Kunoichi thanks to this.

She quickly learned Medical Ninjutsu, Tsunade’s legendary Sannin, and thanks her chakra control, she was assigned the task to seal the Sanbi. She learned how to mix her chakra with other weapons to increase her strength.

Hinata grew stronger after the Chunin Examinations. She used her exceptional chakra control to train to sharpen her Gentle Fist. This formation was demonstrated during the anime Bikochu Saga. He displayed a protection jutsu which allowed him to defend against any attack. It is called Protection: Eight Trigrams Sixty-four Palms.

This causes Hinata to emit streams of Chakra from the palm of his hand to make extremely sharp blades that can hit any target within his field of vision. 

Hinata is able to use this technique to attack or defend himself due to the speed with which the blades move and the control he has over them. weather. Hinata had even better Chakra control in the second part than her classmates.

Both have great control over their Chakras and both are quick learners. However, Hinata’s overall ability in this category is more powerful and practical than Sakura’s. This is why she won this point.

Points: Sakura 1, Hinata 1


Sakura also has great Ninjutsu skills. She started Ninja Academy as a Ninjutsu student. During the chunin exams Sakura used the Jutsu Body Replacement on Zaku to surprise him.

Ino Yamanaka was also defeated by Sakura. Sakura used the Replica Jutsu to send Chakra to Ino’s feet to speed up and hit her. This prevented her from deciphering which Sakura is real and which are the Clone Sakuras. her. Sakura was also able to use Recovering Palm, the Medical Ninjutsu in the second section.

Hinata can control the Chakra and channel it correctly using the ability of her eyes and the ability to heal and treat the wounds of her friends. Hinata was known to have used a healing oil to heal some of her wounds and give them to her companions throughout the series. However, it isn’t clear if this was her creation.

She was shown in the anime as able to assist the villager who were injured by the Kyubi clone created by Kabuto using the Mystic Palm. However, it is not stated in the manga if she is either a medical Ninja, or has healing abilities.

Both Sakura, Hinata are excellent Ninjutsu practitioners. It was very difficult to distinguish between the two. This is why we split the points.

Points: Sakura 2, Hinata 2


Sakura defends her intelligence first. This can be seen in her high grades at Ninja Academy. Sakura is a skilled observer and analyst, which she uses to deceive most people. Sakura was also able to quickly answer all questions on the written exam in the first phase.

If an enemy attempted to attack Sakura, Sakura could set traps. Sakura’s physical performance made it difficult for her to focus on her academy studies. She was unable to fight well and lack of stamina made it difficult for her to be useful during battles in the first part.

Hinata, although not often seen in the series, is shown to be intelligent. She was able to answer most questions on the written portion Chunin Exams. She was confident enough in her answers that Naruto wanted to copy them. She also showed her intelligence and analysis of enemy in the second part.

After her fight against Nurari, she gave Shino advice about Nurari’s weaknesses and abilities. Shino was then able to defeat Nurari. In her fight against Guren she also showed quick reasoning, creating a thin layer Chakra on her body and limiting the Guren technique.

This point must be given to Sakura simply because her brilliant brain is significantly more than average which gives her an edge over Hinata.

Points – Sakura 3, Hinata 2,

Sakura Haruno Vs Hinata Hyuga : Who Wins?

As you may have noticed, this was a hard comparison. Sakura and Hinata have a lot in common and are on the same level as each other when it comes to their powers. Although Sakura is the main girl in Naruto, Hinata has proved to be equally important and powerful.

In the end, we had no choice but to choose Sakura, although it was close. Sakura is the more important as she has more battle experience and is better at tactics, while Hinata is a stronger Chakra user. We think they have similar Ninjutsu skills and, although Hinata does have the Byakugan, Sakura can still master her in battle.

Although this doesn’t tell much about the development of the two, it does say that when it comes down to fighting, Sakura would win over Hinata.