Ryan Butcher is a professional wrestler and actor who has worked for WWE, NXT, and Ring of Honor. He is also the current NXT Champion. Butcher was born in the town of Westville, New York, on December 12th, 1984. He started wrestling at the age of 10 and made his professional debut in 2001. Butcher has won several championships including the WWE Cruiserweight Championship and the NXT Championship. Butcher is married to actress Emma Roberts and they have two children together.

Is Homelander the One Who Killed His Son? Here’s what happened to Ryan Butcher

We will be discussing Ryan Butcher’s story and the wider Boys story, at least as far as the series is concerned. This article will answer the question that has been bothering fans ever since Ryan was introduced. It will also give some facts about the character. Warning: There will be spoilers.

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What happened to Ryan Butcher, The Boys.

Ryan is the victim of a rape by Homelander against Becca Butcher. He was born in 2012 and raised in the Vought International compound. Ryan met his father Homelander for the first time when he took Billy Butcher to Vought International to prove that Becca Butcher was still alive.

Ryan doesn’t know his abilities and Ryan’s father tries to encourage Ryan to use them. His mother takes him to the math table. Ryan reluctantly returns to his house. His father visits Ryan in his bedroom and offers him a phone so he can call him. John tells him that he didn’t have many friends and that he doesn’t have any relatives.

He says that gods should not feel pain and should be able do all things. Ryan is suspicious of his father. He doesn’t answer him on the pretext that he wants to sleep. Homelander assures Ryan that he loves Ryan and asks him to tell him. Ryan answers without thinking a thing. He has breakfast with his father and mother in a very stressful atmosphere.

As usual, he speaks Spanish with Becca. His mother gives permission for him to play with John and he manages to avoid a shouting match. The super takes Ryan to the roof to learn how to fly while his mother is at work. Ryan refuses to jump and is skeptical of his father’s abilities. Ryan is then pushed off the roof by Homelander and he crashes to the ground.

After being unconscious for a while, he wakes up completely panicked in the arms of his mother. His mother assists him and he sees an argument between his parents. His father threatens his mother. He intervenes in an act of anger and pushes Homelander down to the ground. Inadvertently, he activates his laser vision and fires it. His father is fed up with him trying to make him a mini Homelander.

He tells him to leave them alone, and then he leaves. He is still playing LEGO with his mom a few days later when Stormfront, his father, arrives. Ryan accepts John’s apology for his last behavior. Stormfront informs Ryan immediately about his powers. Ryan snuggles up to his mom as he talks to the Supers.

He shows Stormfront shortly after his stop motions, which inform him about Homelander movies and internet culture. Ryan is amused and asks Becca to take them. Stormfront informs him that he has an amusement park. His mother promises to bring it up again. Ryan asks his mother immediately for permission and she says that they will continue to talk about it.

Stormfront stays with him for a while, while his parents talk. His father shows him the outside world and he becomes angry with his mother. He then leaves with the Supers. His father is “working”, but he still remains under Ashley Barrett’s supervision. Ryan looks over his statements while he’s away and asks for his father to be available to call his mother. Stormfront offers Ryan a date and tries to console him.

Ryan panics when Vought’s restaurant is packed with fans. He asks his father if he is okay, and the boy then asks for his mom. John takes the boy in his arms, and he leaves with him. He takes him to a remote chalet and then leaves him there at his own request. Ryan recite his declarations when his father visits him.

Ryan apologizes to his father and says that Ryan panicked. His father told him that Ryan was afraid when he did his first walkabout. He also said that his son fled 80km further, and that his son ended up crying. John says to her that they might fly together. Ryan informs Ryan that he doesn’t want him to be exactly like him, but that they are very different.

John tells Ryan that he was unable to use his powers by himself, but that he will be helping him. John tells Ryan he loves him, and Ryan gives John his first hug. John tries to teach Ryan how to control his powers, but Ryan is unable to. Stormfront intervenes and informs Ryan that they need him to fight “white genocide”.

Ryan and John are watching television after Stormfront leaves. Then John hears ultrasounds and John’s father leaves. Becca arrives, puts on noise-canceling headphones, and introduces herself to Billy, her husband. They make their escape by car, but stop at an intersection where his mother abandons him for a while.

They depart with Cream, but Stormfront arrives to overturn the car and cause an accident. They retrieve the car from Becca and Billy, and they flee into the woods. Stormfront captures them and tells Ryan to go with him. Becca and Billy protect him, but the Super grabs his mother at the neck and strangles it.

Ryan shouts at her to stop and then accidentally uses her powers. His mother is severely injured when he neutralizes Super. Ryan feels guilty and cries out to his mother, apologizing for everything. Homelander arrives to ask Ryan if he is the one who hurt Stormfront. He says he didn’t do it intentionally. He refuses to follow his father’s lead and runs for cover behind Billy, who starts to protect him just as he promised Becca.

Reine Maeve arrives, and stops the confrontation with her video. Before leaving, Ryan is hugged by Reine Maeve. He promised him that he would not become a cunt. He gives him a St. Christopher Medal that Becca gave him and promises him protection from St. Christopher as well as his mother. He entrusts his safety to Grace Mallory. Ryan confirms that he has kept his word. Ryan and Ryan shake hands before getting in the car.

Is Homelander responsible for the death of his son?

You can see that Homelander didn’t kill his son in The Boys TV Series. Although the situation was very (in)tense, people were uncertain. However, we have now told you what happened with Ryan and we know that Ryan will be appearing in the third season.