In this episode of RPG FUDOUSAN, the team reviews and finalizes their game plan for the upcoming tournament. They also give a quick explanation of their chosen characters and strategies. Stay tuned for more exciting updates! ..

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Selenia hace lo imposible y hace fa kill Kotone. ¿Es este el final de Kotone? Tal vez no, siempre y cuando alguien encuentre una manera de revivirla. Aunque es desgarrador ver llorar a Furuia,…

It seems that Selenia’s anger towards the kingdom drove her to take it on Kotone, as she manages Fa. Rakira and Rufuria became upset about the loss of their friend. Satona could not save her, since Kotone’s spirit had left her body.

Fa cried when she transformed into her normal body, indicating that someone forced her to do this. Fa doing this is heartbreaking. Fa did nothing wrong. Selenia is smug and does not show sympathy for Fa killing Kotone, as expected. Fa is still angry about what happened to Kotone.

The dragon was actually looking for a new volcano in which to give birth to her baby. Selenia managed to control the dragon until the white one arrived and stopped her. Satona believes that Fa is not to blame for this. Fa is able to see a doll that moves like Kotone and finds hope.

Rufuria and Rakira are also saddened by Kotone’s passing. This was a Manga Time Kiara title and is not normally this dark. Lilly saves, as she finds Kotone’s soul, places it in a doll, and takes it to the place where Kotone is in his coffin. Because of her, the story is incomplete without her. As expected, Lily saved the day. Rufuria and Rakira are thrilled to see Kotone back in action. Kotone’s older sister is also concerned about her fate.

She can bring back Kotone with her magic. Although I knew it would happen, it is clear that Kotone’s friends are thrilled to see him alive again. Kotone’s little sister was also worried about her. It is obvious why Satona chooses Fa in.

Finally, we learn why Satona took in Fa. She finds Fa after defeating the Demon Lord, and decides that she will take her in. Fa is believed to be a valuable asset in rebuilding the kingdom. Fa is able to communicate with non-beings which makes it easier. There is always the possibility that her Demon Lord army will target. Fafnir, or Fa, is the Demon Lord’s child. This makes her an important target for the opposition. This is probably why Fa tried to hide this fact . Kotone and her friends seem to be enjoying their new home.

Satona and the king send the entire RPG Real Estate team to an island as a precaution. After thanking them for saving their day, it was mostly Kotone and Fa. Selenia may target Fa again in future. It’s funny to see Rufuria become anxious about her promotion. Satona assures Rufuria that she will be promoted after she returns from her assignment. Unidentified person peeks through the window.

Apart from the celebration, Kotone was able to fulfill her wish of living in a home with her friends. It was her hard work that brought her to this point. We also see Alice, who is a relator in volume 3, where the show ends at the beginning. Seeing Kotone leave reminds me of when I moved from my first house to my current one.


Rpg Fudousan Episode 12. As you would expect, RPG Fudousan, just like most Manga Time versions, is an exciting fantasy slice. It was a story about cute girls selling real property in a fantasy world. This is something that I don’t think has been covered in any other manga.

All the intrigue and world-building is centered on Fa’s identity. Is she the dragon? We know that she is not the Demon Lord’s child, but she isn’t the dragon. However, I doubt that someone as sweet and innocent as Fa would murder or rampage if she was not controlled.

Some people have mixed feelings about the fanservice. This show is more popular than the Kirara anime. Manga has more fans because Rakira and Fa’s costumes are more open than the anime. Kenmotsu Chiyo (mangaka), a female who works on Shounen manga. This could explain the fanservice.

It’s unlikely that there will be another installment, as it’s very rare. RPG Fudousan was a delightful slice of life fantasy. It got even better after the first few episodes. It’s great to see Kotone and her friends helping guests find a place. The yuri pairings are also excellent. Rakira and Rufuria, in essence, are husband and wife, Kotone, and Fa is on the right track.


Desafortunadamente, Rufuria y Rakira no pudieron salvar a Kotone. Es demasiado tarde.

Selenia hace lo imposible y mata a Kotone. ¿Es este el final de Kotone? Tal vez no, siempre y cuando alguien encuentre una manera de revivirla. Aunque es desgarrador ver llorar a Furuia,…

Parece que la ira de Selenia hacia el reino la llevó a enfrentarse a Kotone, ya que maneja a Fa. Rakira y Rufuria se molestaron por la pérdida de su amigo. Satona no pudo salvarla, ya que el espíritu de Kotone había abandonado su cuerpo. Fa lloró cuando se transformó en su cuerpo normal, lo que indica que alguien la obligó a hacerlo.

Fa haciendo esto es desgarrador. Fa no hizo nada malo. Selenia es una presumida, pero no muestra ninguna simpatía por Fa matando a Kotone.Fa todavía está enojado por lo que le sucedió a Kotone.

El dragón en realidad estaba buscando un nuevo volcán en el que dar a luz a su bebé. Selenia logró controlar al dragón hasta que llegó el blanco y la detuvo. Satona cree que el Fa no tiene la culpa de esto.

Fa es capaz de ver una muñeca que se mueve como Kotone y encuentra esperanza. Rufuria y Rakira también están tristes por el fallecimiento de Kotone. Este era un título de Manga Time Kirara, por lo que no fue sorprendente que la parte fuera inesperada. Lilly, sin embargo, salva el día. Ella encuentra el alma de Kotone y la pone en una muñeca antes de llevarla al lugar donde Kotone está en su ataúd. Gracias a ella, la historia no puede continuar sin ella.

Como era de esperar, Lily salvó el día. Rufuria y Rakira están encantados de ver a Kotone de nuevo en acción. La hermana mayor de Kotone también está preocupada por su destino. Ella puede traer de vuelta a Kotone con su magia. Aunque sabía que sucedería, está claro que los amigos de Kotone están encantados de verlo vivo de nuevo. La hermana pequeña de Kotone también estaba preocupada por ella.

It is obvious why Satona chooses Fa in.

Finally, we learn why Satona took in Fa. She finds Fa after defeating the Demon Lord, and decides that she will take her in. Fa is believed to be a valuable asset in rebuilding the kingdom. Fa is able to communicate with non-beings which makes it easier. There is always the possibility that her Demon Lord army will target. Fafnir, or Fa, is the Demon Lord’s child. This makes her an important target for the opposition. This is probably why Fa tried to hide this fact.

Kotone and her friends seem to be enjoying their new home.

Satona y el rey envían a todo el equipo de RPG Real Estate a una isla como medida de precaución. Después de agradecerles por salvar su día, fue principalmente Kotone y Fa. Selenia puede apuntar a Fa nuevamente en el futuro. Es gracioso ver a Rufuria ponerse ansiosa por su promoción. Satona le asegura a Rufuria que será promovida después de que regrese de su asignación.

Una persona no identificada se asoma por la ventana.

Aparte de la celebración, Kotone pudo cumplir su deseo de vivir en una casa con sus amigos. Es posible que su arduo trabajo sea lo que la llevó allí. En el tercer volumen también vemos a Alice, que es relatora. Este espectáculo termina al principio. Ver a Kotone irse me recuerda a cuando me mudé de mi primera casa a mi segunda.