The heroes of the story are banished after a disastrous battle with an evil empire. They must find new allies to help them fight the empire and return home.

  1. The protagonist 2. The sidekick 3. The wizard 4. The dwarf 5. The blacksmith 6. The farmer 7. The girl 8. The soldier 9.

Who Are The ALL Banished From The Hero’s Party Characters ?

Red A.K.A. Gideon

So, guys! Gideon, the vice-captain Bahamut Knights, is the older brother to Ruti. His skills and abilities are extraordinary. Red is not magical, but is blessed to have the ” protection ” ability. He is at level 46, which isn’t an ordinary level, as he stated.

“This level is equivalent to a knight who has been fighting for their whole life before retiring.”

Surprise, he views this level of power as his weakness. He believes that he cannot do anything without a protection skills. Ares Srowa is the reason. Red was made to accept that he is useless and is a burden for Ruti.

This is why he called himself Red instead Gideon. Saddening! It is sad! The main lead wants to own a herbal shop, and have an easy life. (Manga Chapter 1.1 and Anime Episode 1)

Red is charming, with a great personality and beautiful looks. He is even more captivating with his dark hair and blue eyes. He will be most often seen wearing a cloak.

Ruti Ragnason

Ruti, the younger sister to the main lead Red aka Gideon. She has hero Level 14. She is an brave girl who is not afraid to face demons no matter what. Her special skill is “Intermediate Martial Arts”. Ruti is a true brave hero. She is a brave hero because she fights bravely against a strong demon at level 28. (Manga Chapter 1)

The blessing of the Hero is considered the strongest among all blessings. Red is her love and she loves to call him “Onii Chan”. Isn’t it cute? Ruti, like his brother, is an innocent little girl. She is a hero and always puts others first.

Let me tell ya, if one is given the role of a hero then they have the powerto save this world.

As we all know, Ruti is pretty famous as a hero; therefore, her attire and appearance depict her honorifics. Like her brother, she also amazes others with her short blue hair. You’ll mostly see her in knight attire. That’s because heroes are always ready!

Greetings from , second Princessof The Principality of Loggervia, well-known for its military. She continues to amaze people, on-screen and off-screen. Surprisingly, her battle for royal power is not typical. Instead, Rit fled from her region to avoid all the trouble.

Surprise, she was actually selected to be the ruler for Loggervia. She met Gideon during her adventure in Zoltan. Rit doesn’t just happen to be a adventurer, but a BRank Adventurer !

Rizlet is her real name. To sneak out of the tournaments, she disguises herself as Rit. She bravely fights the Demons as a soldier. Red and Rit were friends in the past. They were friends in the party formed by Ruti! Both Red and Rit became lovers later! (Manga Chapter 2 and 3).Rit, a beautiful blond girl, is well-known as the adventure heroine. Her long, blond hair makes her look royal.

Loggervia is her princess, and she is associated with it. Later, she moved to Zoltan and joined the Hero’s Party


Gonze can be seen as a side character in Banished From the Heroes Party. He is the uncle to Tanta, and he cares about him more than anything. He will do whatever it takes to ensure his wellbeing. Red was even willing to pay for his treatment. (Manga Chapter 1.13)

Man! Where can we find these pure bonds? Okay! So, by profession, he is the best carpenter of Zoltan . For Gonze, his sister’s family is everything. Gonze and Tanta are both precious friends of Red.

He is quite handsome and adorable, by the way! That’s great!

Gonze is a charming-looking elf of average height. He looks like an elf because of his grey hair and yellow eyes. The elves are not any different. Why? They also learn elf-abet at schools!

Tanta Stow

Meet Tanta! Meet Tanta, a cute half-elf with green eyes! He isn’t a major character and is only a side character in manga and anime. He is the nephew Gonze. Tanta was with white-eye syndrome when Red met him.

Gideon helped in curing his disease with his herbal medicines and shocked everyone with his talents. This is cool, right?

Tanta is a cute boy who has simple goals in his life. When he was very ill from the disease, he met Red. Red and Tanta were good friends and formed a strong bond. His blessing is yet, which is different from other people. (Manga Chapter 1.12)

Tanta, a cute little child who is half-elf, is adorable. He looks even cuter with his beautiful smile and green eyes.

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Ares Srowa

Ares Srowa, a magician has the skills of intermediate magical. He is a level 13 heroic. His looks are a sign of his pride and devilish nature. Gideon’s name change was due to him. Red believed that Ares was a burden to Ruti and good for nothing. He said it:

“You were frankly a burden. NO, you were only a dead weight to Ruti. I can’t use your protection in a fight anymore”. (Manga Chapter 1 and 2) .

His aura is devilish. Red can see his jealousy from his looks. He looks exactly like a mage. His purple hair and blue eyes make him even more mage-like. Ares is a clever guy who looks even sharper when he wears glasses. He is a member of the Hero’s Party.

Theodora Dephilo

Meet Theodora, an elegant and powerful warrior. The Divine Protection of Crusader is her blessing. Her relationship is very good with Red and Ruti. She, Danan, Ruti, and Ares had a grouptogether.

She’s not an normalwoman, but is actually affiliated with Knights. Yes, that’s right! She is a spearman-shipmaster. You’ll see her mostly in her warrior outfit. This indicates that she is always prepared for any dangers.

Other than that, she loves to follow the guidance of the Church . So, that means; she is a great follower of the Church. Like her level-headed personality, she appears the same with her armor. You got that right! This gorgeous girl looks mature and less approachable in her appearance.

She is a knights’ associate. Defile-o, a holy lady affiliated with the church, is also a member.


Yarandrala, greetings! She is a high-elf who has knowledge of the forest. Surprise! She can communicate with the plants . Impressive! She can borrow power from the plants with her divine Protection.

Red is her main lead. She shares a friendlybond with Yarandrala. Yarandrala feels comfortable being in touch and is very close to Red. Lol! Rit is uncomfortable by her behavior. Yarandrala believes that Red is her best friend and the person she can trust with her entire life. She said:

“Gideon is a friend and companion to me”, “It will never be love” (Manga Chapter 13) .

Her long, purple hair makes her a charming elf. Her crystal blue eyes make her even more magical. She is a member of the Kingdom Kiramin.

Tisse Garland

In the manga, not much information is available about her. Tisse, an member of the hero’s side and an assassin, is blessed with assassination protection. Keep your heart strong, she has a very sad story.

Tisse was sold as a child to a slave. She was later bought by the guild of assassins. How can an assassin make a living? So, that’s it! She did the same. Yes, she did kill!

She is a bit foody and loves eating fish sticks . Wondering about her assassin skill? Her assassin skill is; “Sympathy towards Spiders”. With the help of her skill, she can easily handle poisonous spiders. Pretty intriguing!

She wears a cloak and a hoodie, just like other assassins. It is difficult to identify her at first glance. The cloak and her purple eyes make her look like a doll. Tisse is a member of the Hero’s Party .

Danan LeBea

Danan is a refreshing character that is associated with his party. He has protection divine fighter. He is a formidable fighter, as his talents and personality suggest.

He is like other heroes and hates the demonic. He also gives his all to the demon army. Together with Rit, Ruti and Ares, he had a group together. Danan has a gentle and kind nature. Red’s words are his constant companion. (Manga Chapter 3 and 13).

In terms of powers and strength, he is also pretty strong. However, he knows that Ruti is much stronger than him.

“I have already admitted that Hero Sama has way more strength than me” (Manga Chapter 7 7)

He looks exactly like a fighter because he has been blessed with the ability to fight. His muscular physique clearly shows he is a fighter. Danan is a member of the Hero’s Party.

Albert Leland

Meet Albert, a Brank Adventurer! He is a strong adventurer and is well-known. Red is a master of aggression when he meets him. Red is more aggressive than he is when he meets Red.

Giordan is the most skilled adventurer in . He is a champion, and is at Level 24. Albert is a hero-like power. Albert can face any adversity with courage thanks to this hero-like power.

He is not afraid of the obstacles and dangers in his path! (Manga Chapter 21)

Albert has an annoyed and aggressive look on his face. He appears strong in his armor.


Dir was blessed with the protection flame mage. He was also an adventurer for five year. The chief of the thief guild gave Dir a task: the big hawk. It was his mission to convince Rit. Because if Rit decides to work against them, it could put them in danger.

To avoid that, he was assigned this task. Dir is a villain and does not shame in ruining the happiness of others. He said it himself: “I’ll destroy the heroine’s happiness with mine own hands.”

When he met Rit, he acted rude and immoral towards her but guess what? It isn’t simple to do it! He is an insolent guy who is a thief by profession and lives by looting the weak. In short, he is merciless and never cares for others’ destruction. (Manga Chapter 15 and 16)

Dir is a bald man with a bad smile. This is his insolent personality. He would have looked much better without the smile. You would be foolish to not ask him “Why so serious?” He is a Thief Guild Chief.


Megria, a side character, plays the role as a receptionist. Megria also works as an adventure guide. She is a good judge. Red, she believes, isn’t just an ordinary herbalist. He’s a strong knight.

So, you’ll find her on Red’s side as she has a strong level of trust in Red! Mergia is a side character and doesn’t have a significant role. Hence, nothing much is known about her! (Manga Chapter 1.12).

Mergia is innocent but also friendly. Mergia has short hair and has green eyes. She is most often seen in professional attire.


Meet Mido! Meet Mido! He is not an elf, but a human. He was happy when Gonze brought Red home to Tanta. We can’t say that Mido is blessed with protection, but we can say it isn’t mentioned in anime or manga.

Like other side characters, he does not play a significant role. Therefore, there is no specific information regarding him! (Manga Chapter 1.13)

Mido is a normal guy with brown hair. He radiates a cheerful aura.

Nao Stow

She is Tanta’s mother and, of course, Gonze’s sister. Nao refers to an normalcharacter. He is her brother Gonze, and she was searching for him when Tanta became ill.

Other than that, she likes keeping in touch with Red and Rit! Nao has immense respect and liking towards Red. That is because he is the one responsible for Tanta’s wellbeing. (Manga Chapter 1.1)

Nao is half-elf, half-human. Her big, pointed ears are more prominent than her hair. Her ears are adorable and look as slim as a Stow. (Straw)

Newman Winters

Newman is the Zoltan doctor. He is the same doctor that treated Tanta’s white eye disease. Red’s knowledge about the disease impressed Newman. He was amazed at how Red could analyze Tanta’s condition with just one glaze.

Doctor Newman is also blessed with divine protection. The blessing is of Fast Preparation”. That means; he can swiftly prepare the medicines. Well, that is also the reason why he was surprised when Red was able to gather the medicine in less time.

Red was also a great help to Tanta, as he was. He also has great respect for Red. (Manga Chapter 1.1)

Newman isn’t new, but he is a common doctor who wears white coats with a three-piece suit. He is both half-bald and old.


Stormthunder is a half-orc green. He is a skilled craftsman. He is not often seen in manga and anime. He has a strong friendship with Red and Gonze.

They enjoy the sauna in good weather and have a lot of fun mocking each others. He is competitive by nature. (Manga Chapter 10).

Storm is a half-orc green with a large body. Although his green appearance made him seem strange, you will see that his teeth come out of his mouth as a double bonus!

Chief (Big Hawk).

He is a thief, so it is obvious that he’s not a goodie. Dir was given the order by Big Hawk. He wanted Rit to convince him that she should not become an adventurer with her opposition. He gave Dir instructions to get around the complexities of his business.

He is even more cruel and deadly than Dir. He is even more strong>merciless/strong> and dangerous than Dir.

Chief is a large and muscular man. Chief is a terrifying thief. He is also frightening because of his outwardly pointed and sharp teeth. He is an affiliate of the South Marsh Slum.


Aru is like Tanta, a cute little kid and an elf. Red is his close friend and he considers him dear. Red was the one to treat Aru with a magic potent, as normal treatment was impossible.

Red did not return any of his wealth to Aru’s family. Red treated Aru without expecting anything in return because his family is not that wealthy.

He is a charming little half-elf and a sweet little child. He is innocent and cute, just like Tanta.