Overlord Season 4 Episode 1 was a bit of a letdown. While the story was interesting, the execution felt off. The acting was good, but the writing was not. This episode had potential, but it didn’t quite deliver.

Overlord Season 4 Episode 1 Review

The Overlord anime was a hit when it debuted in 2015. The idea of an isekai character being trapped in a computer game is not new. Sword Art Online and Hack are two examples. It’s been done before by sign series. It was Momonga, who is now Lord Ainz, the main character. He is one of the most captivating characters to ever lead this kind of story. He is both funny and serious. It’s always a pleasure to watch him tackle problems.

Kugane Maruyama wrote the series, which was adapted from a light novel series. The show is a bizarre mix. It is a mix of intrigue, magic, comedy, and a little bit of a horny aspect. This makes it stand out from other series that don’t focus on more mature topics and aren’t as standard. People have been eagerly awaiting the fourth season of this show for quite some time. It seems that the wait was worth it.

Season 4 opens with what the light novels refer to as “The Holy Kingdom” and the story takes a twist that makes it a compelling tale. Ainz is now the Sorcerer Kingdom’s ruler, and he must take care of many important details in his day-to-day life. Unfortunately, Ainz does not know much about managing a city. Ainz’s experience as a regular salaryman has not prepared him for this type of responsibility.

Ainz is so passionate about the game that he can take initiative and make things happen regardless of what. While he would like to spend more time with NPCs as equals, they don’t really see him as anything less than a supreme being. It’s quite sad. It is very sad.

This episode focuses mainly on Ainz’s day. The episode does occasionally shift from Ainz’s perspective to show what is happening with Albedo. Albedo is Alinz’s loyal, eccentric and lusty servant. Albedo dreams about Ainz on a daily basis. Albedo’s time is only for the laughs. Her character brings nothing but fan service. This isn’t bad, but it is not great. Ainz should get more attention or stories with more substance.

Madhouse’s animation is not going to blow anyone away. While the story isn’t going to be a showpiece, it does need some animation. However, the presentation is lacking something. It could be even better. Although the setting is meant to feel empty, the background is too monotonous. Overlord is a compelling series that features Ainz’s search for dominion. Without it, Overlord wouldn’t be as interesting.

Ainz wants to make the Sorcerer Kingdom the best realm in the game. He does something completely unexpected to achieve this goal. He begins making changes to the laws in his kingdom. While some of his ideas may be sound, others are not as well received by the NPCs. He takes Pandora’s Actor, establishes a father-son relationship with him, and he begins to get closer to Albedo in dangerous ways.

The episode’s most memorable moment is at the end, when Ainz enters the Adventurer’s Guild to propose that the master of the guild absorb the Guild into the country. This is something that no country nor guild has ever done. Ainz’s argument is compelling. He wants adventures to go beyond exterminators. He wants them to help others and to share the Sorcerer Kingdom’s name with them. The offer is accepted by the guild master.

Since his childhood, Ainz has been trying to make his kingdom prosperous. This will be no easy task but it is a great premise for the season. Is Ainz capable of creating the country he dreams of? He is too powerful and his enemies will soon come after him. What happens if the power he has now goes to Ainz? There are many options and the show is keen to explore them all.

Season 4 of Overlord begins with a cool premise and is easy to root. Anyone who has ever played a video game knows what Ainz is thinking. We’ll wait to see how the season unfolds, but if he does it, that is another story.

Overlord Season 4, Episode 1: Why does Ainz take the Adventurers Guild under His Wing?

Albedo gone, Ainz decides that he will take a stroll through E-Rantel in order to better understand the realities of the merchant town. He spots the Adventurer’s Guild while shopping at the market and decides to visit it. He discovers it is empty now that there are no guarding or monster hunting duties. Despite the fact that crime has decreased due to the presence of undead Guards, the Adventurers must pay the price because there is nothing left for them.

Ainz listens patiently to the concerns and decides to meet with the Guildmaster. Ainz suggests that the Guildmaster join the Nation of Darkness, even though they are separate entities. He believes that the Guildmaster is able to convince the adventurers. The responsibility of protecting people and slaying monsters is usually given to the adventurers. Ainz argues that they are not needed anymore in his kingdom. He wants adventurers to focus on the jobs they were meant to do.

Ainz believes that exploring new lands will help the kingdom serve its best interests. Ainz, however, denies that Guildmaster is concerned that their discoveries could lead to an invasion of another kingdom. Ainz claims that he can invade neighboring countries with his army but he plans to only use his forces to defend his kingdom. Soon, Ainz will openly discuss his desire to make the kingdom more successful. A utopia where everyone feels safe is what he has envisioned and he plans to make it come true.

SCORE: 8.5 /10