The first three episodes of Todomachi Game are a bit of a letdown. While the story is interesting, the graphics and animation are not up to par. However, there are some interesting ideas and concepts here that could be developed into a more successful game. The first episode starts off with our protagonist, Todomachi, waking up in an unfamiliar place. He can’t remember how he got here or what happened to his friends and family. He’s also not sure if he’s still alive or dead. Todomachi begins his journey by exploring the area around him and learning about the history of this place. He meets some strange people along the way who help him learn more about his situation and what’s going on in the world around him. One thing that I really liked about this episode was how it showed us different sides of Todomachi from when he’s just starting out to when he’s getting closer to solving the mystery behind his situation. This gave us a lot of depth to him as a character while also giving us some new insights into the game itself. Overall, I wasn’t too impressed with episode one of Todomachi Game but I’m definitely interested in watching future episodes to see where this series goes next.

Honestly, I decided on Tomodachi Game Episode Review for a number of really mundane reasons. It was one of the more anticipated shows on my to-watch list (although we saw how that turned out with Platinum End…), it’s a genre I like and, most importantly, it airs on Tuesdays! That means I get 3 full days to write up a post for the weekend. Don’t underestimate how important that is!

Todomachi Game Episode 1 Review

I said that Tomodachi Game is a genre that I like, namely psychological thriller. But that’s not exactly true. It’s a genre I want to like but in practice, most of the anime I have watched that fit the bill were not my cup of tea. Darwin’s Game was o.k. but not great. Shin Sekai Yori was wonderful but I think I may be stretching the genre a bit. Basically, I was sort of thinking that there’s a pretty big chance that Tomodachi Game goes down the drain and I figured it would be easier to take with some company. Hence the post!

I will say, the first episode has left me cautiously optimistic. I looked up the manga and it’s at 78% on AniList which is actually pretty good (8.15 on MAL). For comparison, the aforementioned Platinum End manga is at 64% so that gives me some hope.

Moreover, there were a lot of things in this first episode that subverted my expectations in a good way. I was hoping for something like Cube (if you remember that movie) or maybe Squid Game (I haven’t watched it but I somehow know what it’s about) but realistically expecting like King’s Game. But now, I’m cautiously optimistic.

I really liked that they didn’t just throw gore and blood around to force tension. In fact, so far the stakes seem to only be money (at least on the surface. And that’s great. It really sets Tomodachi Game apart from all the shows and movies it resembles. Of course, the implied stakes are that the game (win or lose) could cost you your friends or even the ability to trust anyone and make friends in the future.

I know that on the screen that’s just not as impressive as the risk of getting decapitated with one wrong move. But I find the idea of it both frighteningly cruel and so very interesting. I mean the only hint they were given was, always trust your friends…

I also thought that Kokkuri-san was a really great choice for a first game. No big impressive technological wonder. No complicated rules that you have to keep straight. An extremely simple game that you can infuse with so much meaning. And it perfectly illustrated how easy t is to sow doubt.

That is not to say that there aren’t any red flags. The production is a little unimpressive. It’s only the first episode and I already noticed that the animation can get choppy and the character models are inconsistent. This is bound to get worse if there are more action-filled scenes.

Also, the two observers were basically just flat audience inserts that served as exposition dump devices for obvious information. I hope they find a proper use for the characters caus I liked their designs.

The dialogue in general is a little flat and shallow so far. I mean none of them seemed that surprised by the supernatural aspect of all of this. In fact, right from the very start main character Yuuichi was way more concerned about getting in debt than about being kidnaped and taken to a magical dimension or something. This could be an adaptational flaw. I figure seeing them all trying in vain to figure out what’s happening is something that is likely to get cut if you have limited time. However, for me, it made it feel a lot more generic and not quite thought out.

However, like I said for this Review, I am mostly pleasantly surprised by this episode of Todomachi Game. Possibly because my expectations were pretty low. So I will be watching more and I hope you enjoyed it as well.

Todomachi Game Episode 2 Review

I’m still somewhat ambivalent on Tomodachi Game. I’ve definitely watched and reviewed shows that I had less enjoyment than this one, but I’m not saying it’s a good show. It has the potential for being fascinating or even go to the bottom of the barrel.

In the meantime, I’m having a wonderful time watching anime, I thought I could add a wildcard to the mix. It’s quite different from the other shows I’m watching. But I’m still divided.

I’ve said the Tomodachi Game is a genre that I love, namely psychological thriller. But this isn’t the truth. It’s a genre I’d like to enjoy, but in reality I have found that the majority of the series I’ve watched that meet the criteria weren’t my preferred choice. “Darwin’s Game It was o.k. but not amazing. The Shin Sekai Yorui was a great movie but I’m afraid I might be overextending the genre. It’s a matter of thinking there’s a good possibility of Tomodachi Game goes down the down the drain, and I thought it’d be more convenient to share with a firm. This is why I wrote this post!

I’ll admit that this first chapter has made me feeling cautiously optimistic. I checked out the manga and found it at 78 percent according to AniList which is quite excellent (8.15 according to MAL). To compare, the previously mentioned Platinum End manga is at 64%, which is a bit encouraging.

Additionally There were plenty of things that happened in the first episode that shattered my expectation in a positive way. I wanted something like Cube (if you’ve ever seen the film) or perhaps Squid Game (I haven’t watched it , but I do am aware of the story) However, I was realistically expecting King’s Game. However, now I’m very cautiously hopeful.

I loved that they didn’t simply play blood and gore to create tension. Actually, to date, the stakes appear to be money (at at least on the surface). That’s fantastic. It differentiates Tomodachi Game apart from all the other shows and films that it has a lot in common with. Of course, the implicit stakes of the game (win and lose) could end up costing you your friends, or even the capability to trust someone and build relationships later on.

I’m aware that on screen it’s not as exciting as the possibility of being cut off with a single wrong move. However, I find the concept of it to be both terrifyingly brutal and fascinating. The only warning they received was to always be sure to trust the people you trust…

I also felt I thought Kokkuri-san was a great choice for a very first game. It’s not a huge technological feat. There aren’t any complicated rules are difficult to follow. It’s a simple game can be infused with significance. It perfectly demonstrated how simple it is to dispel doubt.

This isn’t to say there aren’t any warning signs. The production quality is not impressive. This is only the first episode and I’ve noticed that the animation could be blurry and the characters’ models aren’t as consistent. It’s likely to be worse when there are more action-packed scenes.

Additionally, the two observers were essentially plain audience pieces that were used as exposition dumps for obvious information. I’m hoping that they will come up with a better application for the characters. I enjoyed their design.

The overall dialogue has been somewhat dull and sloppy to date. In fact, no one seemed shocked by the supernatural element of it all. In fact, from the beginning, the main character Yuuichi was far more worried about accumulating debt than about being kidnapped and taken to a mystical dimension or some such thing. This could be a flaw in adaptation. I think that seeing everyone trying to find out what’s going on is a way to be cut when you’re only given a short amount of time. For myself, this made the appear more general and unthought-of.

As I’ve said for this review, I’m mostly amused by this episode of Todomachi Game. Maybe due to my expectation being low. This is why I’m going to be watching the show again and hope you enjoy it too.

Todomachi Game Episode 3 Review

Tomodachi Game Episode 3 Review The Villain The Truth

This show is troublesome because of a myriad of reasons, one of one of the most important being the name and what it means. The main characters are believed to have a healthy, friendly group that enjoys one another and enjoy the company of each other and what they contribute in the room. However they are portrayed as people who know the other, but aren’t able to trust or respect one another in the least. The relationship isn’t credible because they are able to turn against one another on the spot even though they know the damage they’ll cause in the game.

The games are mysterious and confusing. Although not being awed with Japanese culture could be a reason for not knowing how certain aspects are executed, all you have to be aware of how difficult they can be to observe how long it takes to explain each one. There are lengthy monologues on how the games work and, even more importantly leave a lot to be wanted when the amount of money is considered. The show is in a fast and loose manner in relation to the amount that is at stake, since it is sometimes relevant and not other occasions.

The episode was slow and focused on one character, and their tragic background. It was a touching story of bullying and the loss of one’s self due to it and the show did a great job of highlighting this. But, on the opposite side of the spectrum there was a lot of discussion of a girl’s virginity and the way that society’s norms are viewed by. Although the show played of the wrongness of society in how it does, the way it did was more on the other side of the spectrum. However, the subject was handled with care and wasn’t utilized to shame anyone that is a good thing.

The group’s infighting is much more predictable than it was when the group was first formed. While the majority of the group has capable and acceptable characters, nobody is particularly popular or worthy of a fan’s support. 

Tomodachi Game Episode 3 did some good work by making two characters much superior to the others however, while doing so the show made an obvious distinction between “good” and “bad” characters in the group. In keeping this up until the very end could have been beneficial to Tomodachi Game Episode 3 in the future however, doing it is also giving an abundance of chances to do something beneficial with the information.

In the spirit of charades Tomodachi Game Episode 3 also brought out something completely shocking towards the conclusion in the show. The episode revealed who the culprit of this was since the beginning. 

We know who made the money disappear, who brought the group of friends to the game, and was attempting to break their friendships. One would think that this was a plot for later during the series, however it’s this isn’t the case. It happened out of thin air at this point, and it can be viewed as a positive decision as the show currently has a multitude of different ways to tell this story. It’s a much-needed twist to put it mildly.


Like Review, Tomodachi Game Episode 3 was a wild ride and packed with twists and turns that contributed much in bringing the narrative of the show forward, and also making it interesting. The portrayal of human emotions was effectively conveyed and its outlook for the future is are solid.