The first and second episodes of the Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life anime have been released online. The episodes are available for streaming on the website and through Hulu. The anime is a spin-off of the popular light novel series, Tensei Kenja no Isekai. The story follows a group of people who are sucked into an alternate world where they are all turned into animals.

My Isekai Life Episode 1 & 2 Review

I don’t know if I will do a review for every single episode because I don’t really know if I’m going to enjoy this anime as other anime that I will definitely do reviews for. but yeah this first episode we see the main character yuji basically demonstrating his powers because oh and by the way sorry for the background noises. because there’s some construction going on but yeah like i was saying uh basically this first episode is all about yuji demonstrating his powers basically his chamber powers a second class a power or second second tier class. 

i think it is or something like that it is kind of weird that the anime started with an episode like this i mean the the first episode of the anime is not really going into the backstory or him getting i don’t know transported or carried away or basically some shocking stuff that happened in his life that made him be the way. 

he is today or anything related to that stuff it basically started with the plot already in development we didn’t really learn many things about him about the plot about the enemy about what it’s going to be about except for the synopsis but yeah we’re basically getting good straight into the action because we see that he’s fighting some monsters and then those monsters invade the town the nearby town where he’s in and he has to defend the town and he does it and basically that’s you can summarize the whole first episode like that. 

so yeah we can already see that he didn’t really or i mean the anime didn’t really get into explaining a lot of stuff about his backstory about the general plot about the enemies about how the things in this world works what is magic what are the mechanics behind it and anything like that so i think this first episode the animators the author the studio we’re basically trying to basically hook us in into watching this first episode without leaving it without closing the tap and with the expectation of us watching this the second episode i think that was what they were trying to do. 

because otherwise it is a really weird first episode not that it’s bad or anything like that i’m not saying that because i actually did enjoy the first episode it was a mind blowing or anything like that but it wasn’t bad either i will definitely watch the second episode.

 I don’t know if I’m going to do a review of all the anime but yeah I think it did work whatever the author was trying to do, which in my opinion was like I said already trying to hook us into watching the whole episode and expecting the second episode. 

because like i said general generally this type of anime is a guy or power and powerful animes where you see magic and stuff like that adventure anime you start oh well they start slowly as you said and they give us a little bit about the background of the character the mechanics of the world who are the enemies what is the psychology of the character of the protagonist who is going to be the partners of the protagonist and stuff like that and this first episode didn’t uh didn’t introduce us to anything of that sort so yeah like i said already kind of kind of weird.

but yeah i will definitely watch the second episode and i will see what what it will bring us it is cool to see these slimes and the wolf and i think it was the jewelry something like that uh helping helping me now to defeat the monsters and stuff like that it is always nice to see the main protagonists have a partners powerful partners especially ones considered to be weak.

but are actually strong i don’t know if they are actually strong on the by themselves or if it’s juji giving them powers or i think it’s actually him giving them powers it’s not that they muster themselves are actually powerful not that they’re weak either of course but yeah i think that is my general opinion on this first episode on the on the anime i was saying i didn’t actually know anything about the anime before him.

 i didn’t really read the manga i was just going into this first episode and into the anime in general with an open mind i didn’t have any previous thoughts and opinions into it so this is really my general raw thoughts on the first episode and on the anime so yeah no no bias opinions here just like i said already giving my general thoughts on the on the matter so yeah i think that will be everything for me in this video review on this anime episode one of my sky live and i don’t know yeah that will be everything for me.

Score 7/10

My Isekai Life Episode 3 Release Date

My Isekai Life Episode 3 will be released on Monday, July 11, 2022

Learn More About Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life

Shinkoshoto created the Japanese light novel series My Isekai Life. It is also known as My Isekai Life – I Gained a Second Class and Became a Strongest Sage in The World!

It began serializing online on the Shsetsuka ni Nar website, which publishes user generated novels. SB Creative later bought the series and has been publishing it under their GA Novel label since May 2018.

Square Enix’s Manga UP! manga website has published a manga adaptation featuring illustrations by Ponjea since July 2018. Square Enix holds the North American manga license. Revoroot launched their adaptation of the anime television show in July 2022.

Yuji Sano is a corporate drone who works 24/7, at work and at home. Yuji’s home computer displays a notification telling him that he was summoned to another realm. Yuji then restarts the machine.

Only to realize that he had not intended to accept the call! Yuji now lives in a fantasy world far removed from computers and paperwork. All he can imagine is getting up from the dream to return to the pile of work he left behind.

Yuji soon discovers that his Monster Tamer character allows him to make friends with slimes on another planet. Because they are abundant, the slimes help him absorb so much magical information that he can quickly acquire a second class! What will Yuji do with his authority as the realm’s greatest Sage? How about all that paperwork?