Kengan Ashura is a manga and anime series created by Tetsuya Nomura and produced by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The series follows the story of Kengan Ashura, a young man who is forced to fight in a brutal war against his own people. The skills of all Kengan Ashura characters are based on their individual fighting styles. Here we will rank and explain each character’s skills in order to give you an idea of what they can do in battle.

  1. Kengan Ashura himself: Kengan is the main protagonist of the series and is known for his quick reflexes, powerful punches, and deadly kicks. He is also very skilled in using his sword, which he often uses as a weapon against enemies or as part of his strategy in fights.
  2. His sword-wielding allies: While not as skilled with swords themselves, Kengan’s allies are highly skilled with using them as weapons. They include two women who use knives to slash at enemies, a man who uses a staff to bash enemies into submission, and even a dog who helpsKengan fight from behind.
  3. His friends from the past: One of the most important aspects of any manga or anime series is its development arc; without these characters we would not have enough context or motivation for the events that take place later on in the story. In Kengan Ashura, we see this through flashbacks which show us how these friends have changed over time. We learn about their relationships, their goals, and how they help each other during combat. This allows us to understand why they are so important to Kengan as he struggles through his war against his own people.

The Omega and Ashura series both have a wealth of information about fighting styles and techniques from different parts of the globe.

Currently, this list will be discussing the ranking of the top 20 strongest fighters in Kengan Ashura. The ranking discussion focuses on the performances of the fighters at the Kengan Association Tournament.

Our Ranking Kengan Ashura Characters – Top 20

It’s not surprising that so many of the top-tier characters are competing in boxing and karate as well as grand bouts and other tournaments within the series.

Let’s take this chance and get rid of this issue. Below are 20 characters I believe to be the strongest and most powerful according to the manga.

Let’s take a look at each character to find out their power, fighting skills, and techniques.

20. Kaolan Woongsawat (“Gaolang”) or “Gaoran”)

What would you get if you combined boxing and martial art? Gaolang, when he combined the two, became the “Thai God Of War!”

Gaolang is proud to boast about these, as he has been practising his “Hitman”, or “Flicker”, boxing styles that eventually sent knocked out enemies just 10 meters from the boxing ring.

It’s amazing to think that Gaolang has been practicing boxing in Thailand for more than two decades. He can also arm wrestle and throw regular jabs at his opponents, earning him “Fist of God”. !

19. Koyasu Shingoro

Shingoro is “The Lion king among” his peers You’ll instantly be reminded of a Lion when you see him fighting head-to-head against his opponents! Koyasu Shingoro

His sideburns, thick beard and thick eyebrows are what make him look like a King of the Jungle.

This title belongs to Shingoro, who won numerous tournaments in karate.

He isn’t the most bright bulb in the toolshed, but he can see if his opponents are doing the right karate moves. He makes up for what he lacks in brain function by his fighting intuition.

His “Lance of Hades”, reverse punch technique, is fitting. He is the only person who can use this punch to win the Meido Kaikan Karateka Tournament again!

18. Julius Reinhold

Julius is an example of brute power. His body is covered in muscle mass thanks to the steroids he’s been taking. Julius Reinhold | Source: Fandom

He is a fighter and is known as “The Monster”, because he did everything to crush his opponents during the Annihilation Tournament.

Julius performs the “Godkiller Rock Drills” in order to improve his muscle control and expand his power. This is why Julius’s speed, endurance, and strength are unmatched.

It’s amazing that Julius uses his brains while fighting. He is well-versed both in medicine and sports science, including physiology, psychology, and kinesiology. Awesome, right?

17. Bando Yohei

Bando is more than a fighter or combatant. Bando’s greatest skill is his ability to move his body like a gymnast. However, comparing him with a gymnast would be an exaggeration. Bando Yohei | Source: Fandom

Bando’s most elastic technique, the “Joint Motion”, places him in a 140deg lateral place (an incredible type of flexibility that can even be difficult for real-life gymnasts).

Bando can snap the necks of his enemies despite suffering heavy damage, but he cannot bend his body backwards.

When I refer to “heavy damage,” I mean Bando’s determination to fight despite suffering gouged and bleeding eyes and broken arms and a smashed body. He lives up to his nickname, “The Bloody Tusk”.

16. Kuroki Gensai

Gensai, The Devil Lance — is a man of extraordinary mental and physical power. Even if he is a Kaiwan Style master karateka, his power is not insurmountable. Kuroki Gensai

Gensai is a terrifying combatant because he masters the assassination arts!

Gensai is not comparable to Norman of The Promised Neverland and Light Yagami from Death Note. All of these characters have to adapt strategically to the unique environments they are placed in.

Gensai is a well-known assassin, who was raised and trained in the criminal underworld. His actions are unmatched! Gensai is also the “Wisdom Queen” because he uses his iron-steel weapons to his advantage and is careful with his words.

15. Chiba Takauki

Chiba has been the most handsome man on this list so far. Look at his smile! It’s almost as if an angel has appeared from the heavens. Ironically, Takayuki can copy the moves of his opponents! Chiba Takayuki | Source: Fandom

Chiba is known as “The Faceless Man”, a well-known actor of the underworld, because he can mimic the fighting styles and movements his enemies.

Chiba’s unique talents have one drawback: he can’t copy the physical traits or special abilities of his adversaries. However, Chiba’s acting skills were so impressive that his enemies mistakenly took his movements for their own.

However, the truth is that 60% of Chiba moves are imitated because he spends 2 hours practicing the combinations of fighting moves!

14. Tatsuyoshi Katsuya

Okay. In my examination of Katsuya, there were three things that I noticed: 1) His piercing eyes, particularly his black sclera eyelashes; 2) He’s the strongest Mongoloid in existence; and 3) He’s married. Tatsuyoshi Katsuya

Yes, I do. Although the third seems a bit odd, it’s true. The strongest Mongoloid can still enjoy romance and love, despite his being a strong fighter (including karateka), so he’s a winner. This only shows me that Katsuya has a wife and a girlfriend.

Despite his most powerful technique, the “Hammer of Myo’o”, he may still be a family man. Katsuya’s “Buddha’s Palm” is a powerful weapon that can overwhelm heavy-weight opponents.

Katsuya isn’t able to speak very well, but his determination to fight Koyasu Shigoro are admirable. It’s almost as if Shingoro & Katsuya are equally matched in combat and power!

13. Yamashita Kazuo

Although he may not appear like it, Kazuo, a family man, is hiding something underneath his professional appearance. He doesn’t have combat experience but he is number 13 on this list due to the fact that he inherited “The Fist Eye”, from Yamashita Ichinosin, one of his ancestors. Yamashita Kazuo

Kazuo was a pushover when he first appeared in the series. His bullying opens the door to his transformation, as he is constantly exposed through fights to bloodlust and constant bullies. He was desensitized but eventually became braver after seeing the most horrendous scenes.

Kazuo is extremely observant. His inherited abilities and his 20/20 kinetic vision allow him to see the power levels and stats his opponents.

12. Yamashita Ichinosin

Yamashita made his debut in Chapter 217 of manga. The first thing I thought of was that Yamashita is a delinquent due to his power: “The fist eye” (also known as “ultimate eyes”) Yamashita Ichinoshin

His eyes were ablaze with power, which suits his healthy, strong, and samurai-trained physique.

Yamashita was raised in a respected samurai family, even though his family was inundated with financial debt.

This boy has been through some tough times. In order to pay off the family debt, he became a servant of Nogiya Eichi, his only creditor. Yamashita was financially supported by Eikichi. Yamashita, in a way to repay Eikichi, followed Yamashita and became Eikichi’s loyal servant.

He fought through the abyss with his “Fist Eye”, or Kengan, in spite of the trouble he was in! Yamashita was able to see the world with his 20/20 kinetic vision and possess powers that were almost identical to those of a god.

11. Nakata Ichiro (“Lihito”)

Ichiro Nakata vs Ohma Tokita

Despite the physical similarities, their powers are quite different! Kyojuro practice fire, while Lihito is proficient in ice magic, which led to him becoming the president and CEO of Super Frozen Cold Storage.

Ichiro isn’t just a ice-smashing power. Ichiro’s brute force will surprise enemies with everything from Kaiwan Style to Razor’s Edge.

Lihito was praised by two A-list Gladiators for his fighting prowess, and his unorthodox fist moves! His “Razor’s Edge” can rip the skin of humans up to their bone-marrows.

This is too creepy! He can also use the Kaiwan Style hybridally (he can increase its battle prowess by using the “Nakara Ichiro Style”)

10. Kiryu Setsuna

Talk about child prostitution and organ harvesting. This is the environment that “Beautiful Beast”, a fictional character, lived in from childhood to adulthood. Even though his appearance is fleeting, there are many manga readers who can relate to him. Kiryu Setsuna

Kiryu is a warrior genius in any case! He eliminates his enemies before they even breathe! He uses the Niko Style and Koei Style as well as other flash-fire and martial arts techniques.

These fine techniques were combined, and it was as if Kiryu unleashed devil himself!

Because they are based on martial arts, these techniques are extremely powerful. Kiryu is charismatic, which makes it easy to understand why his abilities are as explosive and flashy as he is. One of his Niko Style techniques can even be called “flashfire”. He is indeed a strong man to the core.

9. Hassad

Hassad, also known as “The Arabian Whirlwind”, is the Kengan-universe’s most magnetic and captivating character. He is not only the prince of a small Middle Eastern country, but he is also a patriot who travels around the globe to increase his knowledge to find ways to help his Muslim homeland. Hassad

His most effective fighting techniques were the ones he inherited as a royal: the “Desert Palm”, and the “Shuri-te”.

These fighting styles allowed Hassad fight like a fast martial artist, much like Aang in the Avatar movie franchise but without the elemental power.

Hassad was able to execute the whip-like “muchimi,” which enabled him to be one of five people who were successful during the preliminary stages of the Kengan Annihilation Tournament.

His “energy drinks” are beer and booze, which is in addition to his strength. Even though he is a Muslim, he’s not particularly religious.

8. Muteba Gizenga

Talk about bloody! Muteba is a terrifying fighter. Muteba longed for two things: women, and manhunt. You might think that his desire to be a woman is bad. But wait, he joined an orgy! Muteba Gizenga

Yes. Yes.

Muteba was left blinded and is now deaf. He uses artificial eyes or implants to detect vibrations from infrareds and other creatures around him. Amazing about this “Genocider”, is his ability to use “Heart Jab” as a combatant weapon.

One strike against the enemies’ bodies and they are not only plummeted but also their hearts are “jabbed” once Muteba touches the oxygen-pumping organ in the body.

He is so terrifying and frightening! This is not to mention his ability to use the Chinese assassination methods. Muteba, despite his African mercenary appearance, is brutal down to the core!

7. Narushima Yoga

Koga looks like a young, arrogant muscular man with an arrogant aura around him. You can see that Koga is a real gangster in real life. Narushima Koga

He exudes a gangster vibe from the moment he learned he was in the Underground Marial Arts Industry.

Koga is hungry for power and violence. Koga’s bravado was evident when he beat every member of a mixed karate school. He sustained some injuries from beating up the karate students. He came out of the fight almost unscathed.

Koga’s primary strengths are speed and footwork, even though he didn’t go to any combat training other than gyms, tournaments, and karate schools.

To accomplish this feat, he had to be trained by a professional wrestler.

6. Wakatsuki Takeshi

Takeshi is a blond, muscular, and goatee-haired man who reminds me of Reiner Braun from Attack on Titan. Takeshi is best known for “The Wild Tiger”, his nickname in Kengan. Wakatsuki Takeshi

Since his birth, Takeshi has had a high level of muscle density. He used this strength to execute his “Blast Core”, a feat he accomplished as an adult.

The “Blast Core” technique concentrates all of Takeshi’s muscular force (possibly his abdomen or chest) so that when Takeshi releases his punch, it throws and pummels his opponents!

Takeshi’s remarkable feat is that he was raised in a lab called Furumi Pharmaceuticals. If you think about it, he was not experimented on.

Instead, he was brought up by a scientist from the age of seven years. Takeshi grew to be a scientist’s son. Furumi Heihachi, a scientist who was to become Takeshi’s father and future employer, is Furumi.

Takeshi was able to overcome his muscle disorders by training him via strength regulation (via punching).

5. Kiozan Takeru

Takeru’s greatest assets are his hands (“open hand strike”) and his muscular legs (“thrusts” (or tsuppari), because he is a professional sumo wrestler. Kiohzan Takeru

We see Takeru’s rise to the title of “The Brawler in the Sumo Ring” after he had trained his body daily, 365 days a calendar.

Takeru used his vast knowledge to apply a dangerous form sumo against his enemies, the Raging Vigour. It is a technique that combines strength and speed.

Takeru basically “sumo squats”, and charges at his enemies. However, Takeru’s charging style is so strong that his enemies will be flat out squatted when he tramples them!

Takeru was a sumo wrestler and fighter to give his older “yokozunas” the respect and admiration they deserve.

4. Tokito Ohma

Ohma is one the most unique characters in the series. He was a child who wasn’t given a name growing up on “The Inside”. Tokito Ohma

The illegal Japanese territory of Japan where prostitution, drugs, and violence are all-pervasive and open to everyone is called “Harsh.” Children must survive without parental love or any form of education (hence their illiteracy).

This description alone made Ohma a fighter-lover. He is obsessed with fighting and even sleeps, he does “image training”. This is basically his mental training, while his body rests.

Because he is constantly under stress, all of his power stats (endurance, battle speed and strength) are affected. He is able to fight at a higher level than an average fighter.

Because he can execute both “The Advance” as well as “The Nik Style”, he’s often called “The Asura”. (Two fighting styles that complement each other and that, when combined, can cause severe damage to the opposing party.

3. Kure Raian

“The devil is a saint when compared to Raian from the Kure Clan.” This is because Raian is more than a monster. He is a sadistic assassin that preys on and tortures his enemies. Kure Raian

He was raised in the Kure Clan and learns assassination techniques from only the best of the clan’s combatants. He enjoys waging a bloody siege, using various martial arts fighting techniques that rival his masters.

It is clear that the Raian will kill to satisfy his bloodlust. His simple, but powerful herculean strength allows him to easily conquer his opponents. He is a deadly machine, and he even wishes he could kill everyone in the tournament.

Raian doesn’t show any remorse towards his enemies. That’s why Raian is so terrifying. He was literally a monster from the inside.

Raian’s aggressive, violent and offensive actions are unstoppable. If you look closely at his black sclera, you can see his psychopathic nature!

2. Imai Cosmo

Cosmo, despite his title “The King Of Stranglers”, would have been hard to believe that he was a man. His small features and bob haircut make him look like a woman at first glance. Imai Cosmo

Cosmo was a strong man, and I knew it from the moment he stretched his muscles.

Cosmo is a reflection of the vibe you get from watching “Men in Black”. He is not only strong, but also smart and strategic! He was one of “Nishihonji’s Seven Fists.”

When he decided to take on Adam Dudley, he was only a teenager. Cosmo was severely wounded and ended up in a wheelchair for one day.

Cosmo was not in a wheelchair, but that wasn’t the worst thing. Cosmo’s stubbornness and determination kept him going despite a bloody coup de grace that invaded Kengan Dome.

Cosmo had to fight Okubo & Ohma in a bloody struggle just to protect his position as fighter.

Cosmo was barely able to make it, but you can see from his determination why he is worthy of this position. Although he doesn’t possess any superpowers, Cosmo’s tenacity as well as his tactical skills give him the strength to conquer his obstacles.

1. Toa Mudo

Pride. Strength. Ambition. Toa Mudo is a martial arts gladiator who has become so destructive that he was nicknamed “The Beast of Destruction strong>”. His only ambition in Mudo is to be the strongest. Toa Mudo

He is a monster with strength and might, so it’s not surprising that he pushes forward towards his goals. His ego and pride are overwhelming, but he also degrades others due to his desire to be the strongest “Seeker”.

Mudo doesn’t even care about his tribe. Mudo doesn’t care about his tribe, and even though he has a Maori warrior background (which would indicate he’s destined to greatness), he’d probably put it aside to pursue his goals of surpassing Jonah Mudo (a man worshipped like a god who happens to be Toa’s ancestor).

Mudo’s Maungamanawa, or “Breathing Mountain”, is a family secret technique. This technique was passed to Toa, who used it in most of his battles.

After Toa has blown them away, this technique cuts down his enemies to pieces. This fighting style is not unbeatable for Mudo. He is proud of the legacy that he will leave the world, even though he does have a tribe who supports him.

He has been a Purgatory gladiator for all his life. He is one of the most powerful characters in Kengan.

Also Read:When is Kengan Ashura Season 3 release date ?


We will be counting down the top ten most grounded characters from the Kengan Ashura anime to this point. It’s easy to forget that this will only be about anime and not Manga. The fact that one person is guaranteed to beat the other is not a guarantee.


This is an unusual investigation that could conceivably occur if Batman approves of killing people. Seishu Akoya has been credited with one of the fastest response times in the Kengan Annihilation contest. This is a huge advantage to have over someone, at least for now. Akoya is an extraordinary powerhouse when you add his insane power and strength.

We can see his solidarity during both his matches. He also has the option of bringing down Haruo Kono using a under 10 leg kick. Cosmo Imai won Akoya’s match because he was too arrogant to finish it.

Akoya is now at the end of the rundown because he lost some focus for seeking support from his chief.


Jun Sekibayashi, the series’ ace grappler, is undoubtedly someone you wouldn’t want to cross in a dim rear entranceway. Jun was undefeated until he met Ohma Tokita, a group of fundamental heroes in Kengan matches.

Jun is a strong character in this show’s rundown. He’s ready to face any attack by Ohma and other big-shots without hesitation. Jun’s match against Kiozan Takeru is a great example of Jun’s strength. He takes every attack that Ohma can throw at him, even a strategy that turns him into a rocket.

Jun would rank higher on this list; however, he seems to rely a lot on the strength of his character, which is a weak part, as Ohma has shown.


Raian is believed to possess the greatest inactive potential of the Kure family. He has the ability to unlock 100 percent of his power using his family’s “Removal”.

Raian is a complete monster. Raian was able to pummel Lihitio at the washroom, and then proceeded to battle his opponent in a match in which he almost killed his rival barehanded.

Raian then confronted Ohma Tokita. He had the option of living through Ohma’s development process. Different Kure family members mentioned that Raian would have been able to defeat Ohma if he had used the Kure procedures.

Raian is known for his inability to use his most powerful methods and prefers to pound people with pure power. He is also believed to be able to discharge 100 percent of his dormant energy, but he isn’t the most grounded. This was why he was second in his granddad’s Kengan selection. (Kengan Ashura Strongest characters manga)


Setsuna Kiryu, a fascinating character in Kengan Ashura is Setsuna Kiryu. Kiryu, who is odd and shares likenesses with Ohma Tokita’s past, plays the role as a foil.

Setsuna is known for his extraordinary style and many fans hope to see more of it. Two procedures allow Setsuna to “transport” his opponent and Rakshasa’s Palm. This is essentially a one-hit, KO method that can be used on anyone.

Setsuna has this power, plus a change that makes his grounded and more unreasonable. This is why he should be a special focus in the Kengan competition.


We don’t know much about Takeshi’s ability to treat this because his main argument lasted for three seconds.

Takeshi smashed his first opponent in the destruction contest with one powerful punch. The punch was so powerful that it broke the ribs and adjusted some organs. It sent Takeshi flying into the divider again. The divider was broken and the punch caused a large opening in the chest of his opponent.

We can see Takeshi’s power, and his Fang of Metsudo being one of his biggest misfortunes, many would agree that he is someone to be focused on in the competition.

Naoya Okubo, the absolute ruler of intense fight, is something I will simply accept as the Kengan universe’s version of the UFC. This means that he is the most likely heavyweight champion in this advancement, which makes him the saddest man alive, at least in public.

Ohma also stated that Naoya Okubo, out of all his “companion” who are competing in the competition is the most grounded. To get Ohma to admit you are solid before he has even seen you fight, it takes a special kind of man.

Okubo lost in the first round, but he put on a great match that showed his ability to adapt to his opponent. It is also important to mention that Okubo lost the first round of the competition to the Fang Of Metsudo. This man character is the strongest in all of Kengan matches. (Kengan Ashura Strongest characters manga)


Most likely, the Thai God of War is the most grounded striking expert at the competition. After just four years of training in the discipline, and being petite in stature and weight, Gaolang became the heavyweight champion of the world in each one of the four international boxing associations.

Gaolang had the opportunity to defeat Kaneda in their match, and was quick enough to point out that Kaneda couldn’t peruse or foresee his developments which are fundamentally his whole thing.

Gaolang also announced that he is the most grounded competitor in Thailand for the age of 15. He had the option of beating Saw Paing, an extreme warrior, by choice.

Gaolang’s ability to treat is one of the most frightening things about him. Gaolang is a Muay Thailand warrior who has taken up enclosing request to improve his punches. Gaolang’s arsenal includes Kicks, Elbows and Knees Sweeps. We still don’t know how to find them.


Finally, we get to Ohma Tokita, the main hero of this series. Ohma is a fantastic troublemaker and the crowd will witness a lot of examples of this. He is the alleged leader of underground karate. He can also poke a hole in the side of a mountain and it’s obvious that he is a formidable rival.

Ohma’s strength lies in flexibility and versatility. Ohma has many options in battle thanks to the Niko Style. It is difficult to keep him from falling into a bind. It is also great to note that he can beat most of them on his own without the Niko Style.

Ohma also has The Advance as his ace-in-the-hole, which supports his true capabilities through the roof at the cost of his fundamental well-being.

Ohma is going to need a lot of work because he will be creating his own Niko style and really putting stock into it.


We are a puzzled participant in this competition. We don’t know much and haven’t had a chance to see many Gensai Kuroki. We have seen very little of Kuroki, but we think he is a great guy.

The Devil Lance could choose to do all the damage that a more grounded Lihitio would inflict on him. He didn’t hesitate. He figures. He beat Lihitio instead and used his fingers to make huge cuts in Lihito’s body. After he started to take Lihitio somewhat real, he took him out in a short time.

Kuroki is astonishingly strong and I cannot wait to see more.


Most Kengan match participants fear the name of The King of Kengan Matches. Agito Kanoh (also known as The Fang Of Metsudo) is a huge fan and top choice in Kengan matches. He has never lost 160 sessions.

Kanoh was prepared to defeat Naoya Okubo, the King of MMAMMA. This quickly demonstrated his ability. Kanoh’s remarkable ability to adapt to any style he is fighting against in the middle of a match is what is most striking about him. It is possible that he will return with a new fad to defeat the one that failed.

Kanoh, despite not seeing him much, has had an enormous impact on the fan base. We need to see if anyone can stop him and take him out.