With the release of patch 5.4, many players are starting to gear up for the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Legion. With so much new content on the horizon, it can be hard to know what skills and abilities to focus on when gearing up your character. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of the top five skills and abilities for each class in Legion. We’ve also included a ranking of these skills based on their importance and how well they synergize with other class abilities. Finally, we’ve provided explanations for why each skill is important and how it can be used in game. Without further ado, here are the top five skills and abilities for each class in Legion:

  1. Holy Light – Priests use this ability to heal allies or damage enemies. It has a long range and can be used while moving, making it an ideal tool for support classes like Paladins or Druids.
  2. Flash Heal – Mages use this ability to quickly heal allies within a certain range. It has a short cooldown time and is perfect for supporting classes that need quick healing like Monks or Hunters.
  3. Ancestral Healing – Shaman use this ability to heal allies over time or damage enemies over time. It has a long cooldown time but is perfect for sustained healing needs like Paladins or Druids.
  4. Greater Heal – Priests use this ability to heal multiple allies at once with greater potency than Holy Light. It has a shorter cooldown time but less range than Flash Heal making it less ideal for support classes that need wide area healing like Monks or Hunters. ..

Прежде чем я начну этот блог, я хотел бы заявить, что Platinum End полностью вымышлен. Это неправда. Вот почему я это говорю. Потому что иногда читатели могут стать слишком вовлеченными в мангу или аниме. Речь идет не только о Platinum End, это все вымышленное произведение.

Platinum End был настолько реальным, что я чувствовал себя частью их реальности. Удивительно, как эти авторы могут создавать такие невероятные истории. Я прошу прощения, если я обидел, но я хотел бы сообщить вам об этом.

Без лишних слов, давайте начнем. Но сначала позвольте мне познакомить вас с мангой Platinum End.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/xDxVGqF3INU?feature=oembedСамые сильные платиновые конечные персонажи от AnimeBook

Platinum End was written by Tsugumi Okaba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. What other manga did they work on? The legendary Death Note series.

You don’t need to know anything about Death Note if you are serious about anime and manga. Both Platinum End (and Death Note) contain dark and heavy elements. This is not a fairytale that you can tell your children at night.

Platinum End’s premise is that one person can become the god or goddess of the new world. The chosen candidate is free to do whatever they want with humanity. This sounds familiar? Light Death Note wanted to inflict justice and judgment upon all those he considered evil.

Light was only a human being, so it was wrong for him to pretend he was God. He was he wrong to pretend to be something he wasn’t? He believed it was for humanity’s good. This ideology is carried on into the Platinum End series.

Platinum End’s main character is Mirai. In the first chapter, Mirai attempts to commit suicide. He was raised by an abusive aunt and uncle and is constantly bullied at school. His parents had been murdered.

Mirai was not like most people. Mirai was just done with life. He didn’t like the idea of having your neck stepped every morning. He graduates from high school and decides that he is done with life. He climbs to the top of a building and steps onto the outer ledge before he falls to his death.

An angel appeared before he could shut his eyes and relax in peace. Angel Nasse rescues him and gives him the chance to become a God Candidate. One of thirteen randomly suicidal candidates will bear the brunt of humankind’s fate. They were all suicidal.

Mirai accepts Nasse’s offer. However, Mirai has to agree to one condition. He gets both Wings and Angel’s Arrow abilities. Mirai asked her to comply and she explained that it was tradition to ask candidates to choose.

Mirai did not want to choose one of the two, he simply wanted to die. He asked for both powers so that he could not access the game. Mirai will use these superpowers in a different way. Will he protect Japan’s citizens with his wings? Will he protect the people of Japan with his wings?


Below are God candidates. This list divides the candidates into two groups. To win, they must kill each other. You can get the abilities of the dead by killing a god candidate.


Principal Character

Mirai, a 15-year-old boy, has a more serious and gloomy appearance. He is the protagonist of Platinum End. Mirai was selected by Nasse, the angel of Nasse, as a god candidate.

(Trigger Warning: Self-Harm). In Platinum End’s first chapter, Mirai attempts suicide. This was a very dark introduction to Mirai, the main character in the series ( Silver End Manga: Chapter 1).

Mirai is a mystery to me. As a child, he was severely abused ( Platinum End Manga Chapter 1), but he never harbored any grudges. Mirai never hated. I will never be as kind as him and I don’t want to. This is one of his strengths that attracted me to his character.

Did you remember how I said that he is a God candidate. He doesn’t want the title. Why is he allowing it to happen? To protect Saki from the Metropolitans.


Mirai’s childhood friend

Saki, a young girl, used to be friends Mirai when they were small ( Silver End Manga: Chapter 2).

Later, however, all of his classmates start bullying him at school. This is a boy who lost his parents and lives with an abusive aunt and uncle.

Saki follows in the footsteps of her classmates and participates in bullying Mirai. She felt so bad about her actions (Trigger warning: self-harm) that she tried to commit suicide.

Let me give you some advice. Don’t bully anyone under any circumstances. It’s a horrible feeling to know that every day is a hellish day.


God Candidate

The beauty of 23 years old is also a God candidate. She was chosen by Yazeli, an angel. Her goal is to live her remaining years in comfort with Red Arrow Powers ( platinum End Manga: Chapter 28). She is my favorite girl in the series. BUT, THAT’S MY OPINION ONLY.

Red Arrow is her power. If you fire the Red Arrow at someone, they will fall for her for 33 days. To fall in love with her, you don’t have to be shot. You’ll understand what I mean when you read Platinum End.


God Candidate

Shuji, a thirteen year-old boy, is also a God candidate. The angel Ogaro chose him. Ogaro chose him because he has deep eyes. Is that excessive? Probably.

I felt the chills when he first appeared ( Platinum End Manga Chapter 31). Is he not reminiscent of Death Note’s little L?

What thirteen-year-old is that? Oh my goodness! I remember when I was thirteen I was watching Dragon Ball Z while eating Pop-Tarts. Yes, I’m not as strong as these kids.


God Candidate

Gentlemen and ladies, I’d like to introduce you the last God Candidate of the Platinum End Series: Gaku Yona.

He is a retired professor from Tokyo University ( platinum End Manga: Chapter 31), , and was also one of the youngest to win a Nobel Prize.

Professor Gaku Yonada was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics and literature. These are two opposites.


This is the second batch of God candidate candidates. One thing was the reason I separated them. After you’ve finished the manga, you can come back to see if the criteria I used for separating the candidates into two different groups.

A second fact about the candidates: they are all Japanese. Why? Japan is a country that has a high suicide rate despite being blessed. All thirteen of these candidates were suicidal. This is quite depressing.


God Candidate Part B

Susumu was chosen by the angel Penema as a God candidate. When I first saw Susumu ( platinum End Manga: Chapter 7), I wasn’t sure what to think. We only saw one picture of him. That’s it.

When he was first introduced to the series, I was concerned about him. We learn more about him throughout the manga.

He gives his full support to Mirai, and even shares with the public the existence of god candidates.


God Candidate Part B

Nanato, a God candidate, was selected by the angel Baret. He is a God candidate who was chosen by the angel Baret.

He is a 30-year old man who will do whatever it takes to help his family. He has three months left to live after being diagnosed with cancer.

How will Nanato be able to continue being with his family? By becoming an official God candidate.


God Candidate Part B

What do you know about Kanade Uryu? Is Metropoliman familiar? Kanade is the antagonist in the series’ first episode.

He was selected by Angel Meyza as a God candidate. This man is unstoppable. He will take anyone’s life without second thoughts.

He was born with a silver spoon in the foul mouth and is an arrogant human being. Kanade is pure evil. He is nothing like Eren or Itachi.


God Candidate Part B

Hajime, a God candidate, was selected by the angel Balta. Hajime is a God candidate who was chosen by the angel Balta.

Hajime is a young boy that struggled with his appearance. In the end, he had plastic surgery performed on him so that he could look more ‘beautiful’ ( Platinum End Manga: Chapter 14 ).

I know what you mean by Platinum End being too realistic. This character touched on my insecurities the most unexpectedly.

I don’t think you know me or my appearance so I won’t hesitate to share my real personality. However, I am very conscious of my appearance and try not to talk too much to avoid being noticed .

I am too conscious of how I present to society. That is a daily struggle for me. It hurts to see Hajime’s inner struggles with himself. This isn’t a problem that only a few people have to face. It is something everyone wants to improve on at least one aspect of their appearance.

His freckles looked adorable to me, but they didn’t. His button nose was cute, but I didn’t like it ( Platinum End Manga Chapter 14). This is an example of wanting to reach out and touch a character but being unable to do so because reality and fiction can be separated by paper and pencil.


God Candidate Part B

Shogo is an Angel Emaka’s God candidate. He is a God candidate chosen by the Angel Emaka.

Before he became a candidate, he failed the entrance exam of his college of choice for the third time. Saburo, on the other hand, failed his entrance exam for the first time.

They met and decided to (Trigger Warning: Self-Harm) to commit suicide together in order to avoid the shame of failing.

They are greeted by two angels before they go to sleep. These angles give them the chance to be God candidates. Shogo and Saburo make a deal with these angels and agree to it.

However, they make a pact with each other as well: whoever becomes the winner of the game must treat the other to their desires . So, they believe this will be a win-win for them


Supporting Character

Tonma is an angel candidate for God who was chosen by Luta. (SPOILER: He is actually the first candidate to be eliminated from Metropoliman ( Silver End Manga Chapter 2). Metropoliman is Kanade Uyu.

Tonma is just as selfish as he can be. Tonma’s greed never fails me. His Red Arrow ability is his strength, and he doesn’t hesitate to use it.

He has women falling head over heels for him because of the Red Arrows. His ego is the size of a stadium. It’s unfathomable how self-absorbed he can be.

Before he was elected God candidate, he was a comic that no one remembered ( platinum End Manga: Chapter 2). So I don’t understand why he thinks that he is all that, when he wasn’t.


God Candidate Part B

Chiyo, a young girl, was selected by the angel Jami to be a God candidate. She is fragile. She could be a victim of bullying at schoolChiyo can be a fragile girl. Metropoliman’s Red Arrow might have been the reason.

Her ability is Wings, so she can fly. She doesn’t have Angel Arrows, and with her weak drive, she’s really at a disadvantage in this battle of royale.


Supporting Character

Saburo is an angel chosen Saburo as a God candidate. His talents include Red Arrows and Wings.

Both he and Shogo Hatakeyama failed college entrance exams. They decide to commit suicide to avoid the shame of failing college entrance exams.

Before they do it, two angels appear before them and offer the chance of becoming a god candidate. Saburo and Shogo agree to the angels’ offer .

When he needs to keep his identity secret, he wears a Metroyellow superhero outfit ( Silver End Manga: Chapter 5).

Also Read:Platinum End Ending Explained: Everything You Need To Know


In the Platinum End Manga, there are thirteen angels . They can be categorized according to rank. They are classified by rank.


Special Ranked Angel

Meyza, an angel who selected Kanade Uryu to be her God candidate, is called Meyza. Meyza, like Nasse is a special-ranking angel.

She is also known as the Angel of Lust. It was a new concept to me that angels could be named for a questionably impure emotion. Is lust impure? It can be compared to love. But, do I have to compare it with other emotions to determine if it is inappropriate?

Let’s go back to the blog, instead of dwelling on my inner philosophical crisis.


Second Ranked Angel

Before I get into Revel’s background, I must mention that I love his eyes. I love the way his eyes are shaped and the color of their iris.

Revel was a second-rank angel at the beginning of Platinum End. This is still quite good. Later, he moves up to second rank ( Silver End Manga: Chapter 16).

He was second-ranked as an angel and was called Angel Of Trickery. He was very manipulative because he had low self-esteem. He began to understand people when he rose in rank. He was then known as the Angel of Emotion.


Special Ranked Angel (former)

Baret was the angel who chose Nanato Mukaido to be a God candidate ( platinum End Manga: Chapter 7). Because she is a first-ranking angel, her words mean business.

Her beautiful mossy-green eyes contrast beautifully with her pale skin and blonde hair. She is known as the Angel of Knowledge.

Fun Fact: She was once a special rank. But Revel stated in chapter seven that she was degraded because she was a “know-it-all”. I find this hilarious.


Second Ranked Angel

Jami is an angel who chose Chiyo Nakayama to be a God candidate ( platinum End Manga: Chapter 7). He is the second rank.

He has short, white hair and an golden band around his forehead. He truly looks like an angel. It’s unfair!


First Ranked Angel

Egura is an angel who chose Saburo Tbuchi to be her god candidate ( Gold End Manga Chapter 7). She is a first-ranking Angel. Red Arrows and Wings are her specialties.

She covers her left blue eye with her white hair. But why? I want to see her full face!


First Ranked Angel

Do you think Emaka sounds pretty? I don’t know if it rhymes with Baka.

She is a first-rank Angel and chose Shogo Hatakeyama to be her God candidate. She is short and has golden eyes. A golden band is found on her forehead. She is a Red Arrows and Wings pilot


Second Ranked Angel

Luta was an angel who chose Tonma Rodriguez to be a god candidate. He is a second rank angel and has Wings as his only ability.

He is a calm, easy-going man who can handle any negative situation in a flash. One example would be when Tonma (SPOILER!) died. Instead of being upset about Tonma’s death, he wanted more information ( Silver End Manga: Chapter 2).

Luta is one peculiar dude.


Second Ranked Angel

Does he not remind you of the one hero Thor? Was it Hawk man? Are you mad that I don’t even know who you are?

Yazeli, an angel who chose Yuri Temari to be a god candidate, is however. He is the Angel of Truth, and is the second rank.


First Ranked Angel

Penema is an angel who chose Susumu Yuito as a God candidate. He is the Angel of Games and is the Angel of Games.

He is a funny guy who just wants to entertain ( Platinum End Manga Chapter 28). Red Arrows and Wings are his strengths.


First Ranked Angel

Shuji Nakaumi is Shuji Ogaro’s god candidate. She is a first rank angel and is also known as Angel of Darkness.

Can someone explain how an angel, a being of light, is known for the darkness? When I was a kid, I never understood that name or how it came to be. Orgaro even looks bright . Oh well.

She is also ethereal.


Special Ranked Angel

This guy looks exactly like the man he is known for. Muni is also known as the Angel of Destruction. He is an angel but takes on a humanoid appearance that is quite unsettling.

I was reading the manga late at midnight and lost it when I saw him first ( Platinum End Manga Chapter 28). I couldn’t fall asleep! I could see him every time I closed my eyes. It was horrible.

Muni, a special rank angel is much more prominent than the rest of the 13 angels.


These characters aren’t angels, and they are not candidates. They are all creepy and I am glad they don’t possess their powers. If they did, streets would be filled with blood and innocent people.


Serial Killer

Don’t be fooled! This girl is a serial murderer. Are you curious about her preferred victims? Cute girls. At least I’m not on the hook. She is sinister and troubling.

I don’t care about her attractiveness. What makes her more terrifying? She is a bright and bubbly person. She giggles when she is slicing her targets.

Sometimes if she’s feeling a tad bit frisky, she’ll engage in Rated R play with her victims before cutting them open. I just don’t get it.

Однажды она заявила, что любит убивать людей ради острых ощущений и что она все еще хочет большего (платиновый Конец Манги: Глава 8).

Поскольку Мимими был поражен одной из своих Красных Стрел (Серебряный Конец Манга Глава 7), Мимими имеет связь с Метрополиманом. Он приказывает ей убивать уродливых девушек. Оба они сумасшедшие!

Факт, что я не нахожу это забавным: Мимими означает красивая. Извините меня, пока я иду барфом в углу.



Этот парень ужасный человек. ####. Это то, что я ненавижу в нем. Он ужасно издевался над ним вместо того, чтобы любить его.

От всего сердца я желаю, чтобы этот персонаж много раз попадал в ад. Я надеюсь, что вы будете затыкать палец ноги каждый раз, когда проходите мимо стола. После 66 попыток я надеюсь, что вы сможете успешно подключить USB-порт.

Он манипулировал Мираем и даже заставлял его быть своим рабом. Он украл деньги из страховки, которую получил после того, как Мирай начал жить с ним.

Это просто ужасно. Именно он убил родителей Мирай (Манга Серебряного Конца: Глава 1).

(СПОЙЛЕР: Мирай мстит своему дяде, используя Красную Стрелу (Silver End Manga: Chapter 3).


Я никогда никому не желал вреда. Да, я поклянусь вам, что я не святой, но я не буду молиться, чтобы вас или кого-либо сбил автобус.

Сегодняшний день является исключением. Это не только для тети, но и для дяди. Жестокое обращение с сиротой, не говоря уже о ребенке, является преступлением. Печальная история Мирай заставила меня плакать. Это несправедливо.

(ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ СПОЙЛЕРА) Родители Мирай были убиты ею (Platinum End Manga Chapter 1). Почему? Потому что это просто.


Кохината Фуюко работает фармацевтическим исследователем. Она не делает лекарства для спасения жизней. Она не создает медицинские устройства, которые могут помочь в управлении здравоохранением.

Она увлечена созданием биологического оружия. Кохината использует это оружие для испытаний на животных и людях. Ее дерзкий характер заставляет мои ноги трястись.

Кохината — медсестра, которая готова усугубить вашу лихорадку и вызвать рвоту кровью. Мирай подумала, что все кончено, когда я впервые увидела ее (платиновая манга End: Chapter 17). Она страшная!

Она была разведана этой таинственной, неизвестной организацией, потому что она была очень хорошо осведомлена о человеческих экспериментах и производстве биологического оружия.