Mob Psycho 100 is an anime series that follows the story of a young man named Shigeo Kageyama. Kageyama is a student at Midori Middle School who has the ability to transform into a powerful psychic known as Mob. Mob is able to use his powers to help people and solve crimes, but he also has to deal with the challenges that come with being a superhero. Mob Psycho 100 is an interesting show because it features a diverse cast of characters. Some of the characters are normal people who have to deal with the consequences of Mob’s powers, while others are villains who want to take advantage of Mob’s abilities. The show does an excellent job of balancing these different storylines and making them all feel important. One of the things that makes Mob Psycho 100 so interesting is its unique setting. The show takes place in a future version of Japan where psychic powers are common and crime is rampant. This setting provides plenty of opportunities for humor and action, and the show executes both well. Overall, Mob Psycho 100 is an excellent anime series that features a diverse cast of characters and an interesting setting. It’s well-executed humor and action make it one of the most enjoyable shows on television, and its unique setting makes it one you won’t want to miss ..

Shigeo Kageyama is popularly referred to by the name Mob and is normal-looking teenager. In addition to his psychic abilities, Kageyama is just a small man with an average body, good academics, and physical activity. Kageyama has been born with psychic abilities and as he grew older, his abilities increased. This is the reason Mob isn’t keen on having the same powers as he cannot control it.

The feats mentioned were only the work of the main character and now we’ll look at some of the most powerful characters that this show has to offer.

The Most Powerful characters from Mob Psycho 100 ranked by Power

10. Dimple

Dimple can be described as an Evil Spirit who once was in human form, however following Shigeo beat him down, Dimple reverted to the form of a puff of smoke. His face is adorned with eyes and a nose with two large red dots on his cheeks. it is possible to grow legs and hands in certain situations. Prior to the time that Kageyama was defeated, Kageyama established his faith and declared himself to be God. He still attempts to claim the title of one.

Dimple is certainly one of the most formidable characters in the show. His powers are Smokescreen, Transformation, Wraither Beam, Overrun Wraither Beam and the most deadly of them all is Possession and Hypnosis. In addition, he is able to regenerate himself to a specific stance. Since Shigeo is his opponent, we were able to witness most of his moves during one fight and later on in the show.

The most effective ability of his is his hypnosis and possession capabilities and, with this ability, it is possible to possess Humans. He can be identified when he is possessed by someone since the red spots on his cheeks grow depending on the object he has. He is able to use his body that he is possessed to its fullest potential due to the numerous diverse fights he’s had to take on. Thanks to His Hypnosis strength, he manipulated an entire crowd to praise him prior to coming confronted with Kageyama.Dimple

9. Ritsu Kageyama

As the title suggests, this character is a close friend to Shigeo simply put, Ritsu Kageyama is the younger brother of Shigeo Kageyama. Like Shigeo Kageyama, Ritsu wasn’t born with any abilities. He is a pro at school and is always praised from his older brother. However, he is also a victim of an insecurity about Shigeo because he also wants to gain psychic powers. Another thing to note regarding his appearance is that you might be able to recognize it as similar to that of a character called Suiryu in the writer’s previous book, One-Punch Man.

As I said earlier, Ritsu was not a powerhouse from the beginning. So how can Ritsu stronger than the human being who has Evil Spirit? Okay, let me explain that Ritsu was able to use these powers , but they weren’t enough to be able to raise one spoon. One day, Dimple recognized the power and made an opportunity to Ritsu. The deal included that Ritsu would permit Dimple to control his body, and as a result the powers of Dimple would be amplified.Ritsu Kageyama from Mob Psycho

However, Dimple didn’t know about it since Ritsu’s power increased such a speed that he no longer required Dimple to support it. Also, Ritsu can’t be possessed. Ritsu’s primary power is Telekinesis.

8. Teruki Hanazawa

The character of Teruki Hanazawa who was nicknamed Teru was presented as a the typical Fuckboi and antagonist in the series. Teru used his strength to prove his superiority over the bullies and ordinary people. Then, one day, he was able to meet with Mob and was transformed. It’s not like anyone isn’t going to change from someone who can give the pleasure of a painless death.

If we are to be honest about this, the fact that it happened isn’t his fault since he was unaware that anyone similar to him or even more powerful than him actually existed. He also received invitations of The Claw organization to join. After suffering defeat by Shigeo He learned to be careful not to use his power for ill purposes. Also, not forgetting that he made friend of Mob even though Mob considers him a rival.

What is Teru’s Powers He has Air Whips, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Explosions and Pyrokinesis. He mostly relied on his Telekinetic abilities in combat with Mob however we could observe other abilities in the future also.

7. Toshiki Minegishi

As a member of Ultimate 5, Toshiki Minegishi is an impressive esper. Although he doesn’t look like one, but I think he hits plants, but he’s strong. He , too, as is typical was a villain but after a fight with great characters, he turned into an ally too. There will be more of his character in Season 3 of the show.

Toshiki’s most notable skill is Cholrokinesis. This ability allows him can plant plants in roads that are well-constructed. These plants are used by Toshiki to drain power or that he can live out any thing he likes. Toshiki was first introduced in The World Domination Arc. The anime hasn’t revealed any details about his life. He decided to switch sides of the battlefield when the encounter with Sho’s team.

6. Sho Suzuki

Sho Suzuki , the son of head the organization known as The Claw Organization. In the beginning of the series, Sho Suzuki was shown to viewers as an antagonist to be developed for season two. However, the situation quickly escalated. what he wanted to accomplish was to form an alliance in order to prevent his father from taking over and devastating the world. The character, like others, has incredible power and has some impressive abilities.

To gain Mob to join his side, He went to Mob’s home and set it on fire to make Mob excited. Even though he’s only a teenager, Sho has a great sense of how to deal with things and who to let handle. Sho’s talents comprise Psychic energy bombs and light distortion Telekinesis and Psychic Negation.

His Psychic Negation abilities are not yet fully demonstrated during the series. He has the ability to save Energy that he later utilizes to make Energy Bombs. The Light distortion capability lets him be invisibly.Sho Suzuki from Mob Psycho

5. Ryo Shimazaki

Ryo Shimazaki is among the most intriguing characters from this series. Yes, one major reason for this the power of his character. He was once a participant in Ultimate 5 and now is the main component the team known as The Claw. He joined Sho’s alliance as if he were play-dough, even though Sho was not there.

Ryo is a powerful player with capabilities, including Teleportation ESP as well as Super Sensory Zone “Mind’s Eye”. Ryo’s ESP is extremely accurate and he is able to discern the movements of a few of his foes. After a few minutes of the confrontation with Sho’s allies, the spokesman was able to focus at a level where could be used to utilize Mind’s Eye. By using this, he’s able to see everything and everything with the sense that Everything is Reigen sensei. This is an exceptional.Ryo Shimazaki from Mob Psycho

4. Katsuya Serizawa

Katsuya Serizawa was the strongest and most strong Esper of the Ultimate 5. Serizawa is believed to be capable of catching an attack of 3percent from Sho’s father. He was picked by Toichiro in his plight. Prior to the time that Mob beat him, He was a devoted fan to Toichiro who could dedicate his life to Toichiro.

He’s not an Evil man or anything. Suzuki utilized his power as a weapon while Katsuya was trying to master the art of gaining control over his abilities. The attack or ability of Katsuya is Psychokinesis that he utilizes through an Umbrella which was gifted the Umbrella from Suzuki as an extension of his private room.Serizawa Katsuya from Mob Psycho 100

He channelizes his esper energy through his umbrella, which can be used to defend and as an offense. He is also able to shoot an Energy weapon by storing the energy in the Umbrella’s tip. Katsuya was dealt with by Mob in the manner that Mob utilized Talk-no-Jutsu to deal with the incident. Later, he was offered a position at “Spirits and such Consultation Office”.

3. Keiji Mogami

Keiji Mogami was the 2nd Evil Spirit of this list. He was popular as “The Most Influential Psychic from the 20th Century”. In the sense that he’s the most powerful Spirit ever. The power of his presence is such, even Mob needed assistance from Dimple. If it weren’t due to Dimple’s support, Keiji could have been able to take over the body of Mob.

He first came by us during season three , when he was possessed by the daughter of a wealthy businessman. The fight with Mob was fought in his subconscious in which he showed Mob his path to the point of.

Mogami is a highly adept Hand-to Hand Combatant. A few of his Absurd capabilities comprise Evil Spirit Control, Life Force Absorption and Poltergeist Phenomenon. Possession Chlorokinesis in addition to Mental Mindscape.Keiji Mogami from Mob Psycho 100

As with Dimple, Keiji can also be possessed by someone else and utilize his other powers, while controlling the body. The Poltergeist Phenomenon is nothing more than the weak telekinesis he gained as a Spirit. Like I said earlier, Mob was also having difficult time fighting his opponent. This was due to Mob’s Mental Mindscape Power. He is able to create a Mental World that allows everyone to be in his control. He created Mob the normal, powerful kid in the moment that Mob came into in his Mental World to fight.

After being freed from the Matsuo’s container Mogami utilized the Life Force Absorption power to pull life force from Claw’s fake Espers. When he returned, Mogami was able to manipulate the plants that were created by Minegishi and utilized them to build an individual body.

2. Touichirou Suzuki

It’s no certainty the case that Toichiro Suzuki is by far the most powerful person besides Mob. He even surpasses Mob in a few aspects. If it weren’t for Broccoli-Kun,Mob would have perished. Toichiro Suzuki was the primary antagonist in the two seasons. He is the leader of The Claw terrorist organization.

His abilities are among the Absurdest of the list. He is equipped with Gravity Manipulation, Elemental Powers, Ethereal Cloning, Automatic Barrier, Shockwave, Explosion Induction. He also has Pyshic Energy Projection, Telekinesis, Psychic Energy Absorption and Transference as well as Output Control, Power Output control, and finally Psychic Energy storage.

We saw him fight in only season 2, therefore his abilities were shown during the fight. He defeated Sho by using his Elemental abilities. When Reigen was able to attack him, he created an emulating of himself using Ethereal ability to clone. He created his Ultimate 5 as his Energy reservoir. He utilized this ability of absorption and transference to make Artificial Espers. In the next episode we were able to witness the other powers he has when he fought Mob.Touichirou Suzuki from Mob Psycho 100

1. Mob

Shigeo Kageyama also known by the name of Mob is the main protagonist of the series. In his appearance, it appears that he’s an extremely normal middle schooler and his academic results are more average than his. In reality, he’s all this until the madness meter increases to 100.

Mob is person who is not attracted to use his power until it’s extremely crucial and, in certain cases, when he’s working from his master. Because of his power , he was unable to get his girlfriend to leave. There were many times in the show, he was unwilling to give up his full power unless it led to the point of his death.

Shigeo’s powers are Telekinesis, Psychic Energy Absorption, Psychic Energy Transference, Chlorokinesis Spiritual Awareness as well as Astral Projection. Telekinesis is the primary power that he employs occasionally. The Psychic Energy Absorption ability lets him take in emotions too. Additionally, he can move energy that he has to himself into other objects that for Plants is Chlorokinesis.

Mob used his most extraordinary feats, which is Astral projections, whereby the man can transform into an Spirit through the body of his. Mob employed this to take on Keiji Mogami. By using his Spiritual Awareness the mob is able to detect any Psychic obstruction within up to 20 kilometers .

Mob Psycho 100 The Main Characters, Ranging from Worst to Top based on Character Arc

The show is filled of amazing comical moments, a great story and some amazing fight scenes and truly memorable characters that have been developed throughout the series with their thrillingly engaging character stories. Of of course, there are certain characters that are better than others which is why this listing will rate the character arcs to provide more insight into the subject.

10. Dimple

There was a point in time when Dimple was just another ordinary spirit who Mob could eliminate with his psychic abilities.

But, rather than disappearing into the darkness, Dimple actually ended up being a part of Mob throughout his travels. Although his goal has generally been to become Mob as well as Ritsu’s corpse in the past but his ability to have aided the heroes in times of need shouldn’t be discounted not even the slightest.

9. Tome Kurata

There was a moment when Mob was planning be a member of to the Telepathy Club in order to maximize his abilities and do things that were productive… but only to find out later that his true interest was within his involvement in the Body Improvement Club and the goals he could achieve through the club instead.

It was not a favorite for Tome Kurata — the head of the Telepathy Club who pretty much was to blame for using club money on food rather than doing something worthwhile. Although she certainly becomes a decent character as the story progresses however, her story is far from being as captivating like the other members of the group.

8. Musashi Goda

The head in Body Improvement Club Body Improvement Club is a comedian who, although he may appear to be sort of a bullyreally wants to ensure the club’s performance is good.

The way Musashi helps Mob in his quest for self-improvement is definitely a plus however Musashi isn’t getting adequate screen time in order to distinguish himself from other characters.

7. Toichiro Suzuki

The chief of Claw is a devilish person who was too engrossed in his own power and ego to consider anyone else, even his own wife , who quit him when she realized that she was a selfish, power-hungry person. the man really was.

The battle he engages in with Mod is eventually a path to the path of destruction and destruction, with Mob making use of his strong feelings to hold Toichiro’s explosive and stop the destruction of the city by using a special method that is poetic justice.

6. Sho Suzuki

Toichiro Suzuki’s son was fed up of his father’s amoral behavior and attempted to get out of the chains he was placed on him . He started the movement in opposition to Claw along with his father… but only faced with a brutal — and painful reminder of how large their power disparity was.

In the end, Sho’s arrogance did not help his cause in this respect — a trait which has been fairly steady even after his father’s death by Mob.

5. Arataka Reigen

There are instances where Reigen appears to be an innocent person who has only his own agenda in mind. This is the part of his personality that’s very unlikeable… however, it’s not the case about the other aspects of his story.

First of all, the real concern he has for Mob regardless of the way he may be using him is quite likable to observe. This, along with his personal story that is actually quite accessible, shows it’s not just about Reigen than is apparent to the naked eye.

4. Katsuya Serizawa

A kind and compassionate person who became lost in the workings of Claw because of Toichiro’s manipulation Katsuya is a funny guy whose heart was not in the right place for the longest period of time.

Thankfully, when Claw was taken down, Serizawa saw the error of his ways and eventually being a part of his fellow members of the Spirits and Such Consultation Office to make use of his power to benefit others.

3. Teruki Hanazawa

Teruki -and his appearance – and his hairstyle and his hairstyle, in particular is certainly changing in the course of the series as the story developed. The character was initially an individual psychic, who seemed naive and obsessed with his own power but just to wait for Mob to provide him with an enormous wake-up call showing him what the real power actually was.

After the humiliation Hanazawa was able to try to be a gentle person who actually fought to defend the cause of good and then eventually think of Mob as his most trusted enemy and friend. It is unclear if Mob did the same is up in the in the air.

2. Ritsu Kageyama

There was a time that Mob was thought as the less shrewd of the two of the twins, with his psychic skills being the only positive aspect in a competition that was largely one-sided.

But, the fact that Ritsu actually was at times jealous of Mob in addition to his psychic abilities resulted in an enlightening revelation that eventually proved that people always think of the worst of themselves, no matter what potential they actually possess. When he developed his own powers, Ritsu ended up learning to control his emotions and discovered that there is much more than being psychic, which is a welcome change in speed for this character.

1. Shigeo Kageyama

It’s just an absolute fact that the main character of this show will be the most intriguing character in the series as well. Mob is unique in the world of the lead characters — his powers are far greater than the capabilities of many characters in the show however he finds himself treating his abilities as if it were a curse, and is constantly striving to be better in different areas.

But that isn’t stopping the man from let his feelings take over his temper at times, and the man slays any adversary that could trigger emotions within his.

The 10 main characters in Mob Psycho 100 characters that fans are most likely to enjoy the most

1) Arataka Reigen

Arataka Reigan is a psychic who claims to be one, but hasn’t demonstrated the ability to utilize psychic abilities. He is Mob’s boss and mentor, and always strives to aid Mob when he’s in trouble.

According to MyAnimeList, Reigen is the most watched Mob psycho 100 character, with 28,193 fans. Many people love him because of the advice he provides Mob and the humour that he offers during fights.

2) Shigeo Kageyama

Shigeo Kageyama is commonly called Mob is the title character in Mob, the main character of Mob Psycho 100 series. He is an awkward middle-school child with psychic abilities and uses them to accomplish the tasks Reigen gives him.

Mob’s psychic abilities are connected to his mood. Negative emotions like sadness and anger could cause the harm of the people he loves and he is sure to exercise his powers with care.

In MyAnimeList, Mob has 20,059 favorite characters, which puts him lower than Reigen by around 8000. There’s a significant difference in popularity between Mob and Reigen which is understandable, however it does make sense as some people think Mob as a weak character.

3) Ekubo

Ekubo is one of the first opponents of Mob and has since become one of his close acquaintances. He is a devilish spirit who hopes to become God one day , but is currently Mob’s spiritual adviser. Despite his evil nature He provides Mob tips regarding how to handle certain spiritual issues.

In MyAnimeList, Ekubo has received 1,014 favorite characters. Even though this is less than Mob or Reigen however, he’s one of the most loved characters from Mob The Psycho 100. Perhaps this is due to his hilarious personality and his amazing powers.

4) Teruki Hanazawa

Teruki Hanazawa is a close friend of Mob’s, but was also Mob’s adversary. Because he didn’t know an esper prior to meeting Mob and his esper, Teruki overestimated his abilities and displayed self-confident attitudes. The result was that he was considered an antagonist because his beliefs were not in line with Mob’s. Yet, Mob was able to demonstrate the error of his thought process and made him humble. The two were able to become friends.

A total of 768 MyAnimeList members have said they think Teruki is a fan favorite of theirs. It’s not more than the others however, it is enough to secure his place as the fourth on this list.

5) Ritsu Kageyama

Ritsu Kageyama is the brother who is younger than Mob and is also psychic. In Middle School, he is as an officer on the student council. He’s outstanding in his academics and other extracurricular activities. He admires Mob extremely, and though his abilities aren’t the same as his older brother’s, he’s eager to do his best to build his strength.

On MyAnimeList 416 members have listed him as a favourite anime character. Since he is one of the major characters of the Mob Psycho 100 it is logical to expect Ritsu to be among the five top most watched characters from the anime.

6.) Musashi Gouda

Musashi Gouda is president of the Body Improvement Club in Mob Psycho 100 and, despite his intimidating appearance Musashi is a gentle person that a lot of students admire. He does everything to assist those he believes as struggling and has made it a priority of his to defend those he loves.

In MyAnimeList, Gouda is a popular character among 362 members. The character he has is the reason he is an instant fan favorite.

7) Tome Kurata

Tome Kurata appears as a secondary actor of The mob Psycho 100 anime. She is also an active part of the Telepathy Club. Her aim is to tap into the potential of the mind to communicate with otherworldly beings. Although she is extremely determined, Tome and her club members usually sit down and eat chips while playing games.

MyAnimeList lists her as a top character for 127 users. Her relatable personality and awe-inspiring goals are what make people love her character more.

8.) Shou Suzuki

Shou Suzuki is a different secondary character with a strong esper. He is a character determined to make his father, who is Claw’s leader Claw and the Claw clan, to justice making use of his own power.

Although he’s nowhere near as strong as his father Shou’s strength and courage are admirable, and it’s not a surprise that 94 users have Shou as their preferred actor on MyAnimeList.

9) Tenga Onigawara

Tenga Onigawara is one the most fearsome pupils on the campus of Salt Middle School as he is the head in Salt Middle School’s Bancho group. Tenga is known to initiate battles with other groups in schools to increase his influence, but ends up falling short. Despite his erratic nature and his reliance on fighting Tenga is an incredible person in the core of his being.

The character he portrayed as a delinquent is very popular with anime enthusiasts. It’s one of the main reasons the 57 MyAnimeList members consider him to be the most popular despite not getting more screen time than others.

Ichi Mezato sophomore pupil in Salt Middle School and a member of the News Club. She is the kind of person you would expect to meet in journalist because she’s always scouring for data for the school’s newspaper and, at times, putting her security at risk. Through her wit, insight and keenness she was able quickly discern that Mob is psychic, despite the fact that he keeps them hidden.

She might only have 20 people on MyAnimeList who consider her a top character However, she’s an outstanding character. If she continues to get much more time on screen, viewers will start to see her as a fan favorite.

title: “Ranking And Explaining The Characters Of Mob Psycho 100” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-27” author: “Brandi Manery”

MOB Psycho 100 is a new game developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment America. It is a horror game for the PlayStation 4. The game was announced at E3 2019 and is set to release in 2020. The story of MOB Psycho 100 revolves around the protagonist, who is stuck in a mental institution after being released from prison. The protagonist must explore the Institution and try to find ways out so that they can return home. The characters in MOB Psycho 100 are unique and interesting, making this an enjoyable game to play. The protagonist is a strong character who will not give up easily. They are also able to use their wits and intelligence to survive in this game. The antagonist of MOB Psycho 100 is one of the most menacing characters that I have ever played in a video game. They are intelligent and have a lot of planning going into their attacks, which makes them difficult to beat down. They are also one of the most creative antagonists that I have ever played in a video game.

Сигео Кагэяма в народе упоминается под именем Моб и является нормальным подростком. В дополнение к своим экстрасенсорным способностям, Кагэяма всего лишь маленький человек со средним телом, хорошими учеными и физической активностью. Кагэяма родился с экстрасенсорными способностями, и по мере того, как он становился старше, его способности увеличивались. Вот почему Мафия не заинтересована в том, чтобы иметь те же полномочия, поскольку он не может ее контролировать.

Упомянутые подвиги были только работой главного героя, и теперь мы рассмотрим некоторых из самых сильных персонажей, которые может предложить это шоу.

САМЫЕ МОГУЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ ПЕРСОНАЖИ ИЗ MOB PSYCHO 100 В РЕЙТИНГЕ POWER Psycho 100: Самые сильные персонажи в рейтинге ProfessorFiction


Ямочку можно описать как Злого Духа, который когда-то был в человеческом облике, однако после того, как Шигео избил его, Димпл вернулся к форме дыма. Его лицо украшено глазами и носом с двумя большими красными точками на щеках. в определенных ситуациях можно отращивать ноги и руки. До того, как Кагэяма потерпел поражение, Кагэяма утвердил свою веру и объявил себя Богом. Он все еще пытается претендовать на звание одного из них.

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Dimple is certainly one of the most formidable characters in the show. His powers are Smokescreen, Transformation, Wraither Beam, Overrun Wraither Beam and the most deadly of them all is Possession and Hypnosis. In addition, he is able to regenerate himself to a specific stance. Since Shigeo is his opponent, we were able to witness most of his moves during one fight and later on in the show.

The most effective ability of his is his hypnosis and possession capabilities and, with this ability, it is possible to possess Humans. He can be identified when he is possessed by someone since the red spots on his cheeks grow depending on the object he has. He is able to use his body that he is possessed to its fullest potential due to the numerous diverse fights he’s had to take on. Thanks to His Hypnosis strength, he manipulated an entire crowd to praise him prior to coming confronted with Kageyama.Dimple


Как следует из названия, этот персонаж является близким другом Сигео, проще говоря, Рицу Кагэяма является младшим братом Сигео Кагэямы. Как и Сигео Кагэяма, Рицу не родился с какими-либо способностями. Он профессионал в школе и всегда хвалится от своего старшего брата. Тем не менее, он также является жертвой неуверенности в Шигео, потому что он также хочет получить психические способности. Еще одна вещь, которую следует отметить в отношении его внешности, заключается в том, что вы, возможно, сможете распознать его как похожего на персонажа по имени Суирю в предыдущей книге писателя «Человек с одним ударом».

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Как я уже говорил ранее, Рицу не был электростанцией с самого начала. Так как же Рицу может быть сильнее человека, обладающего Злым Духом? Хорошо, позвольте мне объяснить, что Рицу смог использовать эти силы, но их было недостаточно, чтобы иметь возможность поднять одну ложку. Однажды Димпл признал силу и сделал возможность Рицу. Сделка включала в себя то, что Рицу позволит Димплу контролировать свое тело, и в результате полномочия Димпла будут усилены. Рицу Кагэяма из Mob Psycho

Тем не менее, Димпл не знал об этом, так как сила Рицу увеличила такую скорость, что ему больше не требовалась Димпл для ее поддержки. Кроме того, Рицу не может быть одержим. Основной силой Рицу является телекинез.


Персонаж Теруки Ханадзавы, который получил прозвище Тэру, был представлен как типичный Фукбой и антагонист в сериале. Теру использовал свою силу, чтобы доказать свое превосходство над хулиганами и простыми людьми. Затем, однажды, он смог встретиться с Мобом и преобразился. Это не значит, что кто-то не собирается меняться от того, кто может доставить удовольствие безболезненной смерти.

Если быть честными в этом, то тот факт, что это произошло, не является его виной, поскольку он не знал, что кто-то похожий на него или даже более могущественный, чем он, на самом деле существует. Он также получил приглашения от организации The Claw присоединиться. Потерпев поражение от Сигео, Он научился быть осторожным, чтобы не использовать свою силу в плохих целях. Кроме того, не забывая, что он подружился с Мафией, хотя Мафия считает его соперником.

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Каковы силы Теру У него есть воздушные хлысты, телекинез, телекинетические взрывы и пирокинез. Он в основном полагался на свои телекинетические способности в бою с мафией, однако мы могли наблюдать и другие способности в будущем.


As a member of Ultimate 5, Toshiki Minegishi is an impressive esper. Although he doesn’t look like one, but I think he hits plants, but he’s strong. He , too, as is typical was a villain but after a fight with great characters, he turned into an ally too. There will be more of his character in Season 3 of the show.

Toshiki’s most notable skill is Cholrokinesis. This ability allows him can plant plants in roads that are well-constructed. These plants are used by Toshiki to drain power or that he can live out any thing he likes. Toshiki was first introduced in The World Domination Arc. The anime hasn’t revealed any details about his life. He decided to switch sides of the battlefield when the encounter with Sho’s team.


Сё Судзуки, сын главы организации, известной как The Claw Organization. В начале сериала Шо Судзуки был показан зрителям в качестве антагониста, который будет разработан для второго сезона. Однако ситуация быстро обострилась. Чего он хотел достичь, так это создать альянс, чтобы не дать своему отцу захватить власть и разрушить мир. Персонаж, как и другие, обладает невероятной силой и обладает некоторыми впечатляющими способностями.

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Чтобы заставить Моба присоединиться к его стороне, Он пошел в дом Моба и поджег его, чтобы взволновать Моб. Несмотря на то, что он всего лишь подросток, у Шо есть отличное понимание того, как справляться с вещами и кому позволить справиться. Таланты Шо включают в себя психические энергетические бомбы и искажения света Телекинез и Психическое Отрицание.

Его способности к Психическому Отрицанию еще не полностью продемонстрированы во время сериала. У него есть способность экономить энергию, которую он позже использует для создания энергетических бомб. Способность искажения Света позволяет ему быть невидимым. Сё Судзуки из Mob Psycho


Рё Симадзаки является одним из самых интригующих персонажей из этой серии. Да, одной из главных причин этого является сила его характера. Когда-то он был участником Ultimate 5 и теперь является основным компонентом команды, известной как The Claw. Он присоединился к альянсу Шо, как если бы он был игровым тестом, хотя Шо там не было.

Рё является мощным игроком с возможностями, включая Teleportation ESP, а также Super Sensory Zone «Mind’s Eye». ESP Рё чрезвычайно точен, и он способен различать движения нескольких своих врагов. После нескольких минут противостояния с союзниками Шо пресс-секретарь смог сосредоточиться на уровне, где его можно было использовать для использования Mind’s Eye. Используя это, он может видеть все и вся с чувством, что Все есть Рейген сенсей. Это исключительная особенность. Рё Симадзаки из Mob Psycho

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Кацуя Сэридзава был самым сильным и сильным Эспером Ultimate 5. Считается, что Сэридзава способен поймать атаку на 3% от отца Сё. Он был выбран Тоитиро в его бедственном положении. До того, как Мафия избила его, он был преданным поклонником Тоитиро, который мог посвятить свою жизнь Тоитиро.

He’s not an Evil man or anything. Suzuki utilized his power as a weapon while Katsuya was trying to master the art of gaining control over his abilities. The attack or ability of Katsuya is Psychokinesis that he utilizes through an Umbrella which was gifted the Umbrella from Suzuki as an extension of his private room.Serizawa Katsuya from Mob Psycho 100

Он направляет свою энергию эспера через свой зонтик, который может быть использован для защиты и в качестве нападения. Он также может стрелять энергетическим оружием, сохраняя энергию в наконечнике зонтика. Маоб расправился с Кацуя так, как Моб использовал Talk-no-Jutsu для борьбы с инцидентом. Позже ему предложили должность в «Спиртном и таком консультационном бюро».


Кэйдзи Могами был 2-м Злым Духом в этом списке. Он был популярен как «Самый влиятельный экстрасенс 20-го века». В том смысле, что он самый могущественный Дух. Сила его присутствия такова, что даже Мафия нуждалась в помощи Димпла. Если бы не поддержка Димпла, Кэйдзи мог бы захватить тело Мафии.

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Впервые он пришел к нам в третьем сезоне, когда его завладела дочь богатого бизнесмена. Борьба с Мобом велась в его подсознании, в котором он показывал Мабу свой путь до такой степени.

Могами является очень искусным рукопашным бойцом. Некоторые из его абсурдных способностей включают контроль над злым духом, поглощение жизненной силы и феномен полтергейста. Обладание хлорокинезом в дополнение к Mental Mindscape.Keiji Mogami из Mob Psycho 100

Как и в случае с Димплом, Кэйдзи также может быть одержим кем-то другим и использовать свои другие силы, контролируя тело. Феномен Полтергейста есть не что иное, как слабый телекинез, который он приобрел как Дух. Как я уже говорил ранее, Моб также испытывал трудности с борьбой со своим противником. Это было связано с Ментальной Силой Разума Моба. Он способен создать Ментальный Мир, который позволяет каждому быть под его контролем. Он создал Моба нормальным, могущественным ребенком в тот момент, когда Моб вошел в свой Ментальный Мир, чтобы сражаться.

После освобождения из контейнера Мацуо Могами использовал силу Поглощения Жизненной Силы, чтобы вытащить жизненную силу из поддельных Эсперов Когтя. Когда он вернулся, Могами смог манипулировать растениями, которые были созданы Минегиси, и использовать их для создания индивидуального тела.

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Нет уверенности в том, что Тоитиро Судзуки на сегодняшний день является самым влиятельным человеком, кроме Mob. Он даже превосходит Mob в нескольких аспектах. Если бы не Брокколи-Кун, толпа погибла бы. Тоитиро Судзуки был главным антагонистом в двух сезонах. Он является лидером террористической организации «Коготь».

Его способности являются одними из самых абсурдных в списке. Он оснащен гравитационными манипуляциями, стихийными силами, эфирным клонированием, автоматическим барьером, ударной волной, индукцией взрыва. У него также есть проекция энергии Pyshic, телекинез, поглощение и перенос психической энергии, а также управление выходом, управление выходной мощностью и, наконец, хранение психической энергии.

Мы видели его бой только во 2 сезоне, поэтому его способности были показаны во время боя. Он победил Шо, используя свои способности Элементаля. Когда Рейген смог напасть на него, он создал эмуляцию себя, используя эфирную способность клонировать. Он создал свой Ultimate 5 в качестве своего энергетического резервуара. Он использовал эту способность поглощения и переноса, чтобы сделать искусственные эсперы. В следующем эпизоде мы смогли стать свидетелями других его способностей, когда он сражался с Мобом.Туитиро Судзуки из Mob Psycho 100

1. МОБ

Сигео Кагэяма, также известный под именем Моб, является главным героем сериала. В его внешности кажется, что он чрезвычайно нормальный ученик средней школы, и его академические результаты более средние, чем у него. На самом деле он все это делает до тех пор, пока счетчик безумия не увеличится до 100.

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Mob is person who is not attracted to use his power until it’s extremely crucial and, in certain cases, when he’s working from his master. Because of his power , he was unable to get his girlfriend to leave. There were many times in the show, he was unwilling to give up his full power unless it led to the point of his death.

Shigeo’s powers are Telekinesis, Psychic Energy Absorption, Psychic Energy Transference, Chlorokinesis Spiritual Awareness as well as Astral Projection. Telekinesis is the primary power that he employs occasionally. The Psychic Energy Absorption ability lets him take in emotions too. Additionally, he can move energy that he has to himself into other objects that for Plants is Chlorokinesis.

Mob used his most extraordinary feats, which is Astral projections, whereby the man can transform into an Spirit through the body of his. Mob employed this to take on Keiji Mogami. By using his Spiritual Awareness the mob is able to detect any Psychic obstruction within up to 20 kilometers .


The show is filled of amazing comical moments, a great story and some amazing fight scenes and truly memorable characters that have been developed throughout the series with their thrillingly engaging character stories. Of of course, there are certain characters that are better than others which is why this listing will rate the character arcs to provide more insight into the subject.

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There was a point in time when Dimple was just another ordinary spirit who Mob could eliminate with his psychic abilities.

But, rather than disappearing into the darkness, Dimple actually ended up being a part of Mob throughout his travels. Although his goal has generally been to become Mob as well as Ritsu’s corpse in the past but his ability to have aided the heroes in times of need shouldn’t be discounted not even the slightest.


There was a moment when Mob was planning be a member of to the Telepathy Club in order to maximize his abilities and do things that were productive… but only to find out later that his true interest was within his involvement in the Body Improvement Club and the goals he could achieve through the club instead.

It was not a favorite for Tome Kurata — the head of the Telepathy Club who pretty much was to blame for using club money on food rather than doing something worthwhile. Although she certainly becomes a decent character as the story progresses however, her story is far from being as captivating like the other members of the group.

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The head in Body Improvement Club Body Improvement Club is a comedian who, although he may appear to be sort of a bullyreally wants to ensure the club’s performance is good.

The way Musashi helps Mob in his quest for self-improvement is definitely a plus however Musashi isn’t getting adequate screen time in order to distinguish himself from other characters.


The chief of Claw is a devilish person who was too engrossed in his own power and ego to consider anyone else, even his own wife , who quit him when she realized that she was a selfish, power-hungry person. the man really was.

The battle he engages in with Mod is eventually a path to the path of destruction and destruction, with Mob making use of his strong feelings to hold Toichiro’s explosive and stop the destruction of the city by using a special method that is poetic justice.


Toichiro Suzuki’s son was fed up of his father’s amoral behavior and attempted to get out of the chains he was placed on him . He started the movement in opposition to Claw along with his father… but only faced with a brutal — and painful reminder of how large their power disparity was.

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In the end, Sho’s arrogance did not help his cause in this respect — a trait which has been fairly steady even after his father’s death by Mob.


There are instances where Reigen appears to be an innocent person who has only his own agenda in mind. This is the part of his personality that’s very unlikeable… however, it’s not the case about the other aspects of his story.

First of all, the real concern he has for Mob regardless of the way he may be using him is quite likable to observe. This, along with his personal story that is actually quite accessible, shows it’s not just about Reigen than is apparent to the naked eye.


A kind and compassionate person who became lost in the workings of Claw because of Toichiro’s manipulation Katsuya is a funny guy whose heart was not in the right place for the longest period of time.

Thankfully, when Claw was taken down, Serizawa saw the error of his ways and eventually being a part of his fellow members of the Spirits and Such Consultation Office to make use of his power to benefit others.

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Teruki -and his appearance – and his hairstyle and his hairstyle, in particular is certainly changing in the course of the series as the story developed. The character was initially an individual psychic, who seemed naive and obsessed with his own power but just to wait for Mob to provide him with an enormous wake-up call showing him what the real power actually was.

After the humiliation Hanazawa was able to try to be a gentle person who actually fought to defend the cause of good and then eventually think of Mob as his most trusted enemy and friend. It is unclear if Mob did the same is up in the in the air.


There was a time that Mob was thought as the less shrewd of the two of the twins, with his psychic skills being the only positive aspect in a competition that was largely one-sided.

But, the fact that Ritsu actually was at times jealous of Mob in addition to his psychic abilities resulted in an enlightening revelation that eventually proved that people always think of the worst of themselves, no matter what potential they actually possess. When he developed his own powers, Ritsu ended up learning to control his emotions and discovered that there is much more than being psychic, which is a welcome change in speed for this character.

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It’s just an absolute fact that the main character of this show will be the most intriguing character in the series as well. Mob is unique in the world of the lead characters — his powers are far greater than the capabilities of many characters in the show however he finds himself treating his abilities as if it were a curse, and is constantly striving to be better in different areas.

But that isn’t stopping the man from let his feelings take over his temper at times, and the man slays any adversary that could trigger emotions within his.



Arataka Reigan is a psychic who claims to be one, but hasn’t demonstrated the ability to utilize psychic abilities. He is Mob’s boss and mentor, and always strives to aid Mob when he’s in trouble.

According to MyAnimeList, Reigen is the most watched Mob psycho 100 character, with 28,193 fans. Many people love him because of the advice he provides Mob and the humour that he offers during fights.

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Shigeo Kageyama is commonly called Mob is the title character in Mob, the main character of Mob Psycho 100 series. He is an awkward middle-school child with psychic abilities and uses them to accomplish the tasks Reigen gives him.

Mob’s psychic abilities are connected to his mood. Negative emotions like sadness and anger could cause the harm of the people he loves and he is sure to exercise his powers with care.

In MyAnimeList, Mob has 20,059 favorite characters, which puts him lower than Reigen by around 8000. There’s a significant difference in popularity between Mob and Reigen which is understandable, however it does make sense as some people think Mob as a weak character.


Ekubo is one of the first opponents of Mob and has since become one of his close acquaintances. He is a devilish spirit who hopes to become God one day , but is currently Mob’s spiritual adviser. Despite his evil nature He provides Mob tips regarding how to handle certain spiritual issues.

In MyAnimeList, Ekubo has received 1,014 favorite characters. Even though this is less than Mob or Reigen however, he’s one of the most loved characters from Mob The Psycho 100. Perhaps this is due to his hilarious personality and his amazing powers.

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Teruki Hanazawa is a close friend of Mob’s, but was also Mob’s adversary. Because he didn’t know an esper prior to meeting Mob and his esper, Teruki overestimated his abilities and displayed self-confident attitudes. The result was that he was considered an antagonist because his beliefs were not in line with Mob’s. Yet, Mob was able to demonstrate the error of his thought process and made him humble. The two were able to become friends.

A total of 768 MyAnimeList members have said they think Teruki is a fan favorite of theirs. It’s not more than the others however, it is enough to secure his place as the fourth on this list.


Ritsu Kageyama is the brother who is younger than Mob and is also psychic. In Middle School, he is as an officer on the student council. He’s outstanding in his academics and other extracurricular activities. He admires Mob extremely, and though his abilities aren’t the same as his older brother’s, he’s eager to do his best to build his strength.

On MyAnimeList 416 members have listed him as a favourite anime character. Since he is one of the major characters of the Mob Psycho 100 it is logical to expect Ritsu to be among the five top most watched characters from the anime.

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Musashi Gouda is president of the Body Improvement Club in Mob Psycho 100 and, despite his intimidating appearance Musashi is a gentle person that a lot of students admire. He does everything to assist those he believes as struggling and has made it a priority of his to defend those he loves.

In MyAnimeList, Gouda is a popular character among 362 members. The character he has is the reason he is an instant fan favorite.


Tome Kurata appears as a secondary actor of The mob Psycho 100 anime. She is also an active part of the Telepathy Club. Her aim is to tap into the potential of the mind to communicate with otherworldly beings. Although she is extremely determined, Tome and her club members usually sit down and eat chips while playing games.

MyAnimeList lists her as a top character for 127 users. Her relatable personality and awe-inspiring goals are what make people love her character more.


Shou Suzuki is a different secondary character with a strong esper. He is a character determined to make his father, who is Claw’s leader Claw and the Claw clan, to justice making use of his own power.

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Although he’s nowhere near as strong as his father Shou’s strength and courage are admirable, and it’s not a surprise that 94 users have Shou as their preferred actor on MyAnimeList.


Tenga Onigawara is one the most fearsome pupils on the campus of Salt Middle School as he is the head in Salt Middle School’s Bancho group. Tenga is known to initiate battles with other groups in schools to increase his influence, but ends up falling short. Despite his erratic nature and his reliance on fighting Tenga is an incredible person in the core of his being.

Персонаж, которого он изобразил как преступника, очень популярен среди энтузиастов аниме. Это одна из основных причин, по которой 57 членов MyAnimeList считают его самым популярным, несмотря на то, что он не получает больше экранного времени, чем другие.

Ученик второкурсника Ити Мезато в средней школе Солт и член Клуба новостей. Она тот человек, которого вы ожидаете встретить в журналисте, потому что она всегда ищет данные для школьной газеты и, порой, ставит под угрозу свою безопасность. Благодаря своему остроумию, проницательности и проницательности она смогла быстро понять, что Моб экстрасенс, несмотря на то, что он скрывает их.

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У нее может быть только 20 человек на MyAnimeList, которые считают ее главным персонажем, однако она выдающийся персонаж. Если она продолжит получать гораздо больше времени на экране, зрители начнут видеть в ней любимца поклонников.

title: “Ranking And Explaining The Characters Of Mob Psycho 100” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-30” author: “Carol Gray”

MOB Psycho 100 is a new game developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment America. It is a horror game for the PlayStation 4. The game was announced at E3 2019 and is set to release in 2020. The story of MOB Psycho 100 revolves around the protagonist, who is stuck in a mental institution after being released from prison. The protagonist must explore the Institution and try to find ways out so that they can return home. The characters in MOB Psycho 100 are unique and interesting, making this an enjoyable game to play. The protagonist is a strong character who will not give up easily. They are also able to use their wits and intelligence to survive in this game. The antagonist of MOB Psycho 100 is one of the most menacing characters that I have ever played in a video game. They are intelligent and have a lot of planning going into their attacks. They are also very creative with their attacks, making it difficult for the player to predict what will happen next.

Сигео Кагэяма в народе упоминается под именем Моб и является нормальным подростком. В дополнение к своим экстрасенсорным способностям, Кагэяма всего лишь маленький человек со средним телом, хорошими учеными и физической активностью. Кагэяма родился с экстрасенсорными способностями, и по мере того, как он становился старше, его способности увеличивались. Вот почему Мафия не заинтересована в том, чтобы иметь те же полномочия, поскольку он не может ее контролировать.

Упомянутые подвиги были только работой главного героя, и теперь мы рассмотрим некоторых из самых сильных персонажей, которые может предложить это шоу.

САМЫЕ МОГУЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ ПЕРСОНАЖИ ИЗ MOB PSYCHO 100 В РЕЙТИНГЕ POWER Psycho 100: Самые сильные персонажи в рейтинге ProfessorFiction


Dimple can be described as an Evil Spirit who once was in human form, however following Shigeo beat him down, Dimple reverted to the form of a puff of smoke. His face is adorned with eyes and a nose with two large red dots on his cheeks. it is possible to grow legs and hands in certain situations. Prior to the time that Kageyama was defeated, Kageyama established his faith and declared himself to be God. He still attempts to claim the title of one.

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Dimple is certainly one of the most formidable characters in the show. His powers are Smokescreen, Transformation, Wraither Beam, Overrun Wraither Beam and the most deadly of them all is Possession and Hypnosis. In addition, he is able to regenerate himself to a specific stance. Since Shigeo is his opponent, we were able to witness most of his moves during one fight and later on in the show.

The most effective ability of his is his hypnosis and possession capabilities and, with this ability, it is possible to possess Humans. He can be identified when he is possessed by someone since the red spots on his cheeks grow depending on the object he has. He is able to use his body that he is possessed to its fullest potential due to the numerous diverse fights he’s had to take on. Thanks to His Hypnosis strength, he manipulated an entire crowd to praise him prior to coming confronted with Kageyama.Dimple


As the title suggests, this character is a close friend to Shigeo simply put, Ritsu Kageyama is the younger brother of Shigeo Kageyama. Like Shigeo Kageyama, Ritsu wasn’t born with any abilities. He is a pro at school and is always praised from his older brother. However, he is also a victim of an insecurity about Shigeo because he also wants to gain psychic powers. Another thing to note regarding his appearance is that you might be able to recognize it as similar to that of a character called Suiryu in the writer’s previous book, One-Punch Man.

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As I said earlier, Ritsu was not a powerhouse from the beginning. So how can Ritsu stronger than the human being who has Evil Spirit? Okay, let me explain that Ritsu was able to use these powers , but they weren’t enough to be able to raise one spoon. One day, Dimple recognized the power and made an opportunity to Ritsu. The deal included that Ritsu would permit Dimple to control his body, and as a result the powers of Dimple would be amplified.Ritsu Kageyama from Mob Psycho

However, Dimple didn’t know about it since Ritsu’s power increased such a speed that he no longer required Dimple to support it. Also, Ritsu can’t be possessed. Ritsu’s primary power is Telekinesis.


The character of Teruki Hanazawa who was nicknamed Teru was presented as a the typical Fuckboi and antagonist in the series. Teru used his strength to prove his superiority over the bullies and ordinary people. Then, one day, he was able to meet with Mob and was transformed. It’s not like anyone isn’t going to change from someone who can give the pleasure of a painless death.

If we are to be honest about this, the fact that it happened isn’t his fault since he was unaware that anyone similar to him or even more powerful than him actually existed. He also received invitations of The Claw organization to join. After suffering defeat by Shigeo He learned to be careful not to use his power for ill purposes. Also, not forgetting that he made friend of Mob even though Mob considers him a rival.

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What is Teru’s Powers He has Air Whips, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Explosions and Pyrokinesis. He mostly relied on his Telekinetic abilities in combat with Mob however we could observe other abilities in the future also.


As a member of Ultimate 5, Toshiki Minegishi is an impressive esper. Although he doesn’t look like one, but I think he hits plants, but he’s strong. He , too, as is typical was a villain but after a fight with great characters, he turned into an ally too. There will be more of his character in Season 3 of the show.

Toshiki’s most notable skill is Cholrokinesis. This ability allows him can plant plants in roads that are well-constructed. These plants are used by Toshiki to drain power or that he can live out any thing he likes. Toshiki was first introduced in The World Domination Arc. The anime hasn’t revealed any details about his life. He decided to switch sides of the battlefield when the encounter with Sho’s team.


Sho Suzuki , the son of head the organization known as The Claw Organization. In the beginning of the series, Sho Suzuki was shown to viewers as an antagonist to be developed for season two. However, the situation quickly escalated. what he wanted to accomplish was to form an alliance in order to prevent his father from taking over and devastating the world. The character, like others, has incredible power and has some impressive abilities.

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To gain Mob to join his side, He went to Mob’s home and set it on fire to make Mob excited. Even though he’s only a teenager, Sho has a great sense of how to deal with things and who to let handle. Sho’s talents comprise Psychic energy bombs and light distortion Telekinesis and Psychic Negation.

His Psychic Negation abilities are not yet fully demonstrated during the series. He has the ability to save Energy that he later utilizes to make Energy Bombs. The Light distortion capability lets him be invisibly.Sho Suzuki from Mob Psycho


Ryo Shimazaki is among the most intriguing characters from this series. Yes, one major reason for this the power of his character. He was once a participant in Ultimate 5 and now is the main component the team known as The Claw. He joined Sho’s alliance as if he were play-dough, even though Sho was not there.

Ryo is a powerful player with capabilities, including Teleportation ESP as well as Super Sensory Zone “Mind’s Eye”. Ryo’s ESP is extremely accurate and he is able to discern the movements of a few of his foes. After a few minutes of the confrontation with Sho’s allies, the spokesman was able to focus at a level where could be used to utilize Mind’s Eye. By using this, he’s able to see everything and everything with the sense that Everything is Reigen sensei. This is an exceptional.Ryo Shimazaki from Mob Psycho

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Katsuya Serizawa was the strongest and most strong Esper of the Ultimate 5. Serizawa is believed to be capable of catching an attack of 3percent from Sho’s father. He was picked by Toichiro in his plight. Prior to the time that Mob beat him, He was a devoted fan to Toichiro who could dedicate his life to Toichiro.

He’s not an Evil man or anything. Suzuki utilized his power as a weapon while Katsuya was trying to master the art of gaining control over his abilities. The attack or ability of Katsuya is Psychokinesis that he utilizes through an Umbrella which was gifted the Umbrella from Suzuki as an extension of his private room.Serizawa Katsuya from Mob Psycho 100

He channelizes his esper energy through his umbrella, which can be used to defend and as an offense. He is also able to shoot an Energy weapon by storing the energy in the Umbrella’s tip. Katsuya was dealt with by Mob in the manner that Mob utilized Talk-no-Jutsu to deal with the incident. Later, he was offered a position at “Spirits and such Consultation Office”.


Keiji Mogami was the 2nd Evil Spirit of this list. He was popular as “The Most Influential Psychic from the 20th Century”. In the sense that he’s the most powerful Spirit ever. The power of his presence is such, even Mob needed assistance from Dimple. If it weren’t due to Dimple’s support, Keiji could have been able to take over the body of Mob.

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He first came by us during season three , when he was possessed by the daughter of a wealthy businessman. The fight with Mob was fought in his subconscious in which he showed Mob his path to the point of.

Mogami is a highly adept Hand-to Hand Combatant. A few of his Absurd capabilities comprise Evil Spirit Control, Life Force Absorption and Poltergeist Phenomenon. Possession Chlorokinesis in addition to Mental Mindscape.Keiji Mogami from Mob Psycho 100

As with Dimple, Keiji can also be possessed by someone else and utilize his other powers, while controlling the body. The Poltergeist Phenomenon is nothing more than the weak telekinesis he gained as a Spirit. Like I said earlier, Mob was also having difficult time fighting his opponent. This was due to Mob’s Mental Mindscape Power. He is able to create a Mental World that allows everyone to be in his control. He created Mob the normal, powerful kid in the moment that Mob came into in his Mental World to fight.

After being freed from the Matsuo’s container Mogami utilized the Life Force Absorption power to pull life force from Claw’s fake Espers. When he returned, Mogami was able to manipulate the plants that were created by Minegishi and utilized them to build an individual body.

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It’s no certainty the case that Toichiro Suzuki is by far the most powerful person besides Mob. He even surpasses Mob in a few aspects. If it weren’t for Broccoli-Kun,Mob would have perished. Toichiro Suzuki was the primary antagonist in the two seasons. He is the leader of The Claw terrorist organization.

His abilities are among the Absurdest of the list. He is equipped with Gravity Manipulation, Elemental Powers, Ethereal Cloning, Automatic Barrier, Shockwave, Explosion Induction. He also has Pyshic Energy Projection, Telekinesis, Psychic Energy Absorption and Transference as well as Output Control, Power Output control, and finally Psychic Energy storage.

We saw him fight in only season 2, therefore his abilities were shown during the fight. He defeated Sho by using his Elemental abilities. When Reigen was able to attack him, he created an emulating of himself using Ethereal ability to clone. He created his Ultimate 5 as his Energy reservoir. He utilized this ability of absorption and transference to make Artificial Espers. In the next episode we were able to witness the other powers he has when he fought Mob.Touichirou Suzuki from Mob Psycho 100

1. MOB

Shigeo Kageyama also known by the name of Mob is the main protagonist of the series. In his appearance, it appears that he’s an extremely normal middle schooler and his academic results are more average than his. In reality, he’s all this until the madness meter increases to 100.

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Mob is person who is not attracted to use his power until it’s extremely crucial and, in certain cases, when he’s working from his master. Because of his power , he was unable to get his girlfriend to leave. There were many times in the show, he was unwilling to give up his full power unless it led to the point of his death.

Shigeo’s powers are Telekinesis, Psychic Energy Absorption, Psychic Energy Transference, Chlorokinesis Spiritual Awareness as well as Astral Projection. Telekinesis is the primary power that he employs occasionally. The Psychic Energy Absorption ability lets him take in emotions too. Additionally, he can move energy that he has to himself into other objects that for Plants is Chlorokinesis.

Mob used his most extraordinary feats, which is Astral projections, whereby the man can transform into an Spirit through the body of his. Mob employed this to take on Keiji Mogami. By using his Spiritual Awareness the mob is able to detect any Psychic obstruction within up to 20 kilometers .


The show is filled of amazing comical moments, a great story and some amazing fight scenes and truly memorable characters that have been developed throughout the series with their thrillingly engaging character stories. Of of course, there are certain characters that are better than others which is why this listing will rate the character arcs to provide more insight into the subject.

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There was a point in time when Dimple was just another ordinary spirit who Mob could eliminate with his psychic abilities.

But, rather than disappearing into the darkness, Dimple actually ended up being a part of Mob throughout his travels. Although his goal has generally been to become Mob as well as Ritsu’s corpse in the past but his ability to have aided the heroes in times of need shouldn’t be discounted not even the slightest.


There was a moment when Mob was planning be a member of to the Telepathy Club in order to maximize his abilities and do things that were productive… but only to find out later that his true interest was within his involvement in the Body Improvement Club and the goals he could achieve through the club instead.

It was not a favorite for Tome Kurata — the head of the Telepathy Club who pretty much was to blame for using club money on food rather than doing something worthwhile. Although she certainly becomes a decent character as the story progresses however, her story is far from being as captivating like the other members of the group.

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The head in Body Improvement Club Body Improvement Club is a comedian who, although he may appear to be sort of a bullyreally wants to ensure the club’s performance is good.

The way Musashi helps Mob in his quest for self-improvement is definitely a plus however Musashi isn’t getting adequate screen time in order to distinguish himself from other characters.


The chief of Claw is a devilish person who was too engrossed in his own power and ego to consider anyone else, even his own wife , who quit him when she realized that she was a selfish, power-hungry person. the man really was.

The battle he engages in with Mod is eventually a path to the path of destruction and destruction, with Mob making use of his strong feelings to hold Toichiro’s explosive and stop the destruction of the city by using a special method that is poetic justice.


Toichiro Suzuki’s son was fed up of his father’s amoral behavior and attempted to get out of the chains he was placed on him . He started the movement in opposition to Claw along with his father… but only faced with a brutal — and painful reminder of how large their power disparity was.

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In the end, Sho’s arrogance did not help his cause in this respect — a trait which has been fairly steady even after his father’s death by Mob.


There are instances where Reigen appears to be an innocent person who has only his own agenda in mind. This is the part of his personality that’s very unlikeable… however, it’s not the case about the other aspects of his story.

First of all, the real concern he has for Mob regardless of the way he may be using him is quite likable to observe. This, along with his personal story that is actually quite accessible, shows it’s not just about Reigen than is apparent to the naked eye.


A kind and compassionate person who became lost in the workings of Claw because of Toichiro’s manipulation Katsuya is a funny guy whose heart was not in the right place for the longest period of time.

Thankfully, when Claw was taken down, Serizawa saw the error of his ways and eventually being a part of his fellow members of the Spirits and Such Consultation Office to make use of his power to benefit others.

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Teruki -and his appearance – and his hairstyle and his hairstyle, in particular is certainly changing in the course of the series as the story developed. The character was initially an individual psychic, who seemed naive and obsessed with his own power but just to wait for Mob to provide him with an enormous wake-up call showing him what the real power actually was.

After the humiliation Hanazawa was able to try to be a gentle person who actually fought to defend the cause of good and then eventually think of Mob as his most trusted enemy and friend. It is unclear if Mob did the same is up in the in the air.


There was a time that Mob was thought as the less shrewd of the two of the twins, with his psychic skills being the only positive aspect in a competition that was largely one-sided.

But, the fact that Ritsu actually was at times jealous of Mob in addition to his psychic abilities resulted in an enlightening revelation that eventually proved that people always think of the worst of themselves, no matter what potential they actually possess. When he developed his own powers, Ritsu ended up learning to control his emotions and discovered that there is much more than being psychic, which is a welcome change in speed for this character.

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It’s just an absolute fact that the main character of this show will be the most intriguing character in the series as well. Mob is unique in the world of the lead characters — his powers are far greater than the capabilities of many characters in the show however he finds himself treating his abilities as if it were a curse, and is constantly striving to be better in different areas.

But that isn’t stopping the man from let his feelings take over his temper at times, and the man slays any adversary that could trigger emotions within his.



Arataka Reigan is a psychic who claims to be one, but hasn’t demonstrated the ability to utilize psychic abilities. He is Mob’s boss and mentor, and always strives to aid Mob when he’s in trouble.

According to MyAnimeList, Reigen is the most watched Mob psycho 100 character, with 28,193 fans. Many people love him because of the advice he provides Mob and the humour that he offers during fights.

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Shigeo Kageyama is commonly called Mob is the title character in Mob, the main character of Mob Psycho 100 series. He is an awkward middle-school child with psychic abilities and uses them to accomplish the tasks Reigen gives him.

Mob’s psychic abilities are connected to his mood. Negative emotions like sadness and anger could cause the harm of the people he loves and he is sure to exercise his powers with care.

In MyAnimeList, Mob has 20,059 favorite characters, which puts him lower than Reigen by around 8000. There’s a significant difference in popularity between Mob and Reigen which is understandable, however it does make sense as some people think Mob as a weak character.


Ekubo is one of the first opponents of Mob and has since become one of his close acquaintances. He is a devilish spirit who hopes to become God one day , but is currently Mob’s spiritual adviser. Despite his evil nature He provides Mob tips regarding how to handle certain spiritual issues.

In MyAnimeList, Ekubo has received 1,014 favorite characters. Even though this is less than Mob or Reigen however, he’s one of the most loved characters from Mob The Psycho 100. Perhaps this is due to his hilarious personality and his amazing powers.

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Teruki Hanazawa is a close friend of Mob’s, but was also Mob’s adversary. Because he didn’t know an esper prior to meeting Mob and his esper, Teruki overestimated his abilities and displayed self-confident attitudes. The result was that he was considered an antagonist because his beliefs were not in line with Mob’s. Yet, Mob was able to demonstrate the error of his thought process and made him humble. The two were able to become friends.

A total of 768 MyAnimeList members have said they think Teruki is a fan favorite of theirs. It’s not more than the others however, it is enough to secure his place as the fourth on this list.


Ritsu Kageyama is the brother who is younger than Mob and is also psychic. In Middle School, he is as an officer on the student council. He’s outstanding in his academics and other extracurricular activities. He admires Mob extremely, and though his abilities aren’t the same as his older brother’s, he’s eager to do his best to build his strength.

On MyAnimeList 416 members have listed him as a favourite anime character. Since he is one of the major characters of the Mob Psycho 100 it is logical to expect Ritsu to be among the five top most watched characters from the anime.

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Musashi Gouda is president of the Body Improvement Club in Mob Psycho 100 and, despite his intimidating appearance Musashi is a gentle person that a lot of students admire. He does everything to assist those he believes as struggling and has made it a priority of his to defend those he loves.

In MyAnimeList, Gouda is a popular character among 362 members. The character he has is the reason he is an instant fan favorite.


Tome Kurata appears as a secondary actor of The mob Psycho 100 anime. She is also an active part of the Telepathy Club. Her aim is to tap into the potential of the mind to communicate with otherworldly beings. Although she is extremely determined, Tome and her club members usually sit down and eat chips while playing games.

MyAnimeList lists her as a top character for 127 users. Her relatable personality and awe-inspiring goals are what make people love her character more.


Shou Suzuki is a different secondary character with a strong esper. He is a character determined to make his father, who is Claw’s leader Claw and the Claw clan, to justice making use of his own power.

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Although he’s nowhere near as strong as his father Shou’s strength and courage are admirable, and it’s not a surprise that 94 users have Shou as their preferred actor on MyAnimeList.


Тенга Онигавара является одним из самых грозных учеников в кампусе средней школы Солт, поскольку он является главой группы Банчо в средней школе Солт. Тенга, как известно, инициирует битвы с другими группами в школах, чтобы увеличить свое влияние, но в конечном итоге терпит неудачу. Несмотря на его неустойчивый характер и его зависимость от борьбы с Тенгой, он является невероятным человеком в основе своего существа.

Персонаж, которого он изобразил как преступника, очень популярен среди энтузиастов аниме. Это одна из основных причин, по которой 57 членов MyAnimeList считают его самым популярным, несмотря на то, что он не получает больше экранного времени, чем другие.

Ученик второкурсника Ити Мезато в средней школе Солт и член Клуба новостей. Она тот человек, которого вы ожидаете встретить в журналисте, потому что она всегда ищет данные для школьной газеты и, порой, ставит под угрозу свою безопасность. Благодаря своему остроумию, проницательности и проницательности она смогла быстро понять, что Моб экстрасенс, несмотря на то, что он скрывает их.

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