Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion is a popular anime series that has been airing for over 10 years now. The show has a large following in Japan and around the world, and its characters have been well-received by fans. There are many different skills that can be seen in the characters of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. Some of these skills include coding, Gundam fighting, and strategy. However, no character is perfect and there are some who have better skills than others. Here is a list of the best characters in Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion and their corresponding skills:

  1. Lelouch Lamperouge – Coding, Gundam Fighting, Strategy
  2. Suzaku Kururugi – Strategy, Gundam Fighting, Coding
  3. Britannian Soldier – Strategy, Gundam Fighting, Coding
  4. Rufus Seward – Strategy, Gundam Fighting, Coding 5) Euphemia LaValle – Coding

Yes, I do think that the code geass series has its own patterns, but the series was a thrilling and unforgettable experience while I watched the latest episode.

The series is full of mecha fights, mind games as well as hamlet’s storyline, and numerous fight scenes, According to me, this show is a must-watch for any otaku.

Top 15+ Best Code Geass Characters

This amazing anime series would not be anything without its amazing characters So let’s take a look at the list of the 15 characters with code geass.

15. Cornelia li Britannia

This Second Princess from the Britannia Dynasty, and Chief General of the Imperial Army, likes to work in the dirt.

She is often in battles alongside the Knight mare Frame and, in all likelihood and is gaining her nickname” The witch of Britannia. She is in a good relationship to her sister, Euphemia specifically.

Although she is devoted for her children, she does have some concerns about her father and siblings.

Her personality, character design, personality, and her battles are what make her one the top Princesses belonging to the Britannia family.

14. Akito Hyuga

The code gives the character’s name is Akito, one who isn’t sociable with others, and always preferring to remain in his own circle and has an unruly personality.

This was due to his traumatic childhood. Then the geass he received from his brother. This painful experience that he had throughout his life was the cause of his hatred towards his brother.

Akito has displayed a caring character by helping Leila in her battle plan and has also shown an ability to assist him in battle.

Of course, not just fighting ability is the sole factor in winning a battle but knowing the tactical side is crucial during battle. Akito has utilized his combat skills as well as expertise to stay alive in each of his suicide missions.

13. Mao

Another character in the code geass is mao who’s behaviour was normal for a person in the past, but as time passes it appears that he’s suffering from a mental illness that is destroying all his mental abilities and then raises his levels of insanity.

He caused suffering to Lelouch when he threatened to blow up his sister. He enjoys this because it’s a great moment for him, as he loves watching others suffer.

The person who is dangerous and unpredictable cannot be counted in the ranks of who are responsible, and in addition to the fact that he’s the kind that is not mature emotionally. There is no compassion for others present in him.

12. Arthur

Arthur was a cat that had gone missing wandering around the streets in Area 11 when Euphemia met her and immediately chose to keep Arthur as her own.

Although Suzaku ends up taking charge of him most. Suzaku causes a lot of problems for the students of Ashford Academy, going from almost destroying Lelouch’s house to bother Suzaku whenever he can. What could I possibly not like about Arthur?

The adorable design – his eyes! and the adorable spirit makes him a good character due to the capacity to surround him. When he took off the Zero head protector off and put it on it, I shouted from my head.

11. Villetta Nu

Villetta was among the most trustworthy and loyal characters of the lord of her empire. When he’s not respected, she is loyal to him. This makes her away to the Black Knights and Lelouch.

Villetta is the primary character Lelouch manages and is described as a crucial element prior to. It’s the way she is portrayed in every case through the story as well as her loyalty and being obsessed with the Black Knight, that makes her such a convincing character.

10. Nunnally vi Britannia (Nunnally Lamperouge)

In the time she was just a child, she was involved in an accident. Afterwards, she was blinded and paralyzed however she fought through it with a smile. Also, she is truly compassionate and feels empathy for everyone in her life.

It’s one of the primary motives Lelouch decides to fight Britannia she wanted to create an ideal world for herself and, sometimes, even.

Lovely, adorable and a need for protection obviously the criteria using which we evaluate Lelouch’s high-quality framework.

9. Lloyd Asplund

Lloyd established an enviable reputation within the Britannian elite, and finally, at last, turning into a Duke.

This is due to his rigid approach to research and development that allowed him to forgo social skills and connections to create Knight mare’s own creation.

His talents are synchronized by his unique style of speech and manner of conduct. He is constantly fanciful and multi-faceted but almost unrivalled in his devious manner of thinking.

8. Jeremiah Gottwald

Jeremiah is an intriguing character. For starters the fact that he’s an idealist Britannia supporters and also the Margrave of the Area 11 military.

However He’s frightened and manipulated by Lelouch and he severs his titles and is referred to that he’s Orange Boy. The rest of his story is a heavenly study of his character and loyalty.

What I thought to have been a minor support role He certainly made an immense impact by the final. I also love Jeremiah’s elegant strategy.

The man is flawed right from the start and is willing to lie and kill an innocent man in order to hide any hint of incompetence but it’s difficult to not feel sympathy for the devastation he has caused.

7. Kaname Ohgi

Through the whole story, we witness Ougi develop into a person completely unaffected, always adapting to the situation and with a free mind. Ougi is a fully-grown supporting character who never gets any more than a few minutes on screen.

Before Lelouch arrived and put up the terrifying Black Knights, Ougi was driving the Japanese Hurdle in the battle against Britannia. Ougi is a quiet and trustworthy person who is always putting in the right points in place.

6. Euphemia

The 3rd Princess from Britannia, Euphie is a kind and a significant person of care. She is loved by her family and even by the Japanese who meet her. She’s what could be similar to Diana. Diana.

She is willing to accept that struggle will always be avoided, and leans toward an intelligent majority rule discussion over the devastation. At the time she meets young martial artist Suzaku Kururugi offers Suzaku Kururugi a place as a Knight.

Her empathy for people who are poor wealthy, solid, and rich and strong, makes her an exceptional figure of peace. Everyone is a fan of Euphemia so her character is among the most grounded characters in the show.

5. Suzaku

Following the death of his father, who was the head administrator who was the last to leave Japan, Suzaku joins the opposing side. Suzaku accepts that change in the political system can only come from within and is confined to strong changes.

In spite of the fact that he is a snubbed Japanese He swiftly rises through the ranks before becoming one of the only Knightmare Lancelot commander.

His legacy is his duty regardless the those around him believe in his status and authority, despite not his being Japanese.

A large portion of his beliefs are flawed. All through the show we see the extent to which Lelouch and his ideas regarding autocracy are unique.

4. Schneizel el Britannia

Schneizel is Lelouch’s best portrayal. Lelouch’s Second Prince of Britannia is smart, intelligent and savage. He’s the only person Lelouch could not beat in chess.

The argument continues to the real frontline since Lelouch discovers an increasing amount of evidence that proves claims that his most well-known sister had a huge impact on the death of his mother and in the debilitating of his sister.

A flamboyant, egoistic and unpredictability are the hallmarks of Schneizel. In many ways, he’s like Lelouch It’s not difficult to think of him as a person who remains in a dead-heat with his younger cousin regardless of the Geass advantage.

In any event the man soon discovers his identity to be much less well-known than most would think.

3. Kallen Stadtfeld (Kallen Kouzuki)

Based on Japanese as well as Britannian protectors, Kallen supports the Japanese and is determined to take down the corrupt government by mental warfare. Her stepmother is blue-blooded who served her mother as housekeeper.

She does her best to abuse herself until she is a drug abuse and eventually ultimately. She is currently disliking the Britannian top-of-the-line for their cold-bloodedness and coldness, she is able to compensate for the by utilizing her fully capable Knightmare Frame skills.

Kallen is a strong character due to her loyalty – willing to take on any sides, just like Lelouch however, she chooses to fight for those who are being persecuted.

Also Read : Code Geass Kallen : Everything you need To Know

2. C.C.

C.C. is a strange woman who is years old. She isn’t dead, and is able to recover from accidents, but all things considered but she doesn’t have the capacity to old age.

She is also able to give people the power of Geass but she isn’t able to do this regularly and, when she first meets her, she’s taken to test her abilities by Britannia. Lelouch helps her out, and she provides him with Geass power and they increase their security.

She acts as his most solid ally who is the only one who has a connection to him as an undisputed ruler, his understudy and as a progressive.

1. Lelouch vi Britannia (Lelouch Lamperouge) (Zero)

The main character in the series is code named Lelouch and is well-known for his depressed state. He’s not a regular intellectual and has even been caught saying he’s been kicked out of the house earlier. He’s happy and challenges come up before him.

His friends and family are supportive of him, but at the same time, they must trust his detachment ways of life and his method of governing.

He’s calm and makes an important influence on the fights as an experienced. His style is sleek and his animation is designed to be the best fighting action of the entire series.

Code Geass: The Main Characters, Ranked From Worst To Best By Character Arc

The main thing that is what makes Code Geass appeal to many viewers is the reality that the characters in the show are unique and merit praise for being so captivating and engaging for the majority of the series. Characters from the main cast are particularly noteworthy in this regard and their individual arcs effective in establishing their personalities and advancing the overall plot. However there is no doubt that certain arcs are portrayed superiorly than others which is why this listing will be a ranking of each of these character arcs in order to give additional importance to the statement.

10. Cornelia Li Britannia

At first, she was an interesting antagonist in the beginning in Coda Geass the character of Cornelia tends to be a sideshow to major events as the story develops.

It’s unfortunate because it was evident that her character was an enormous amount of potential, but was discarded to make room for other stories. The scene in which she breaks down following the death of Euphemia is an excellent illustration of this.

9 V.V.

V.V. is among the most interesting characters from the entire series. He’s an immortal being who will always remain in his body as a child because of his abilities.

His cruel, cold and heartless personality was already established for quite a while and that’s perhaps the reason V.V. does not really require development as an individual character. His persona was established way before the series made him an appearance.

8. Charles Zi Britannia

The lelouch’s dad was one of the most oppressive characters from the entire show is something that nobody would have anticipated, which speaks volumes to the utterly disgusting character of Charles zi Britannia.

In the end, it was Lelouch’s Geass ability that ultimately resulted in Lelouch losing interest in his ambitions which led to the subsequent part of Code Geass which was more engaging because of this peculiar change of events. The character’s arc may not be the main focus of this show but it’s useful and provides an interesting example of why Lelouch became such a brutal and power-hungry person.

7. Kallen Kouzuki

There was a time that Kallen Kouzuki was an utterly unlikable character, whose sarcastic character was akin to old news since the moment it was made public.

However, as the story progressed and the relationship between Kallen and with Lelouch was further explored viewers saw an even more intimate and real aspect of Kallen which made her appear to be much more than another angry rebel. The way in which she is able to fall in love with Lelouch is truly original and is one of the most memorable elements of Code Geass… even although some may feel this happens far too early in the show.

6. Shirley Fenette

Shirley Fenette is one of the most distinctive characters of the entire series. her character’s storyline in relation to the relationship she has with Lelouch throughout the initial part of Code Geass.

This particular development makes Shirley’s death in the second part so tragic, as her attempts to bring Lelouch and his sister, causing Rolo Lamperouge’s jealousy to grab the hold of him, and kill Shirley before she could achieve her aim.

5. Nunnally Vi Britannia

The thought of someone who smiles in spite of all the suffering and conflict that Nunnally was through throughout her life is really difficult to grasp This is what makes her character fascinating and appealing.

In a wheelchair following a gunshot to the legs and manipulated to believe her dad’s Geass to believe that they were both blind. However, the way that Nunnally overcomes all of the issues is truly amazing and transforms her into one of the most memorable actors on television by the mile.

4. Suzaku Kururugi

Suzaku is the most cherished Suzaku is the most beloved friend Lelouch is ever known to have and this creates the dynamic in Lelouch as Zero in his life and Suzaku being an army soldier to be all the more thrilling due to. The way the two characters interact with each other after the revelation of Lelouch’s real motives is absolutely fascinating and is one of the best moments of the show.

One could argue that Suzaku’s singular focus to seek justice while remaining faithful to the side of truth can become frustrating as time passes… But Suzaku’s commitment to his morals and ethics are so strong and unshakeable that it’s hard not to applaud him for that.

3. Euphemia Li Britannia

Euphemia is among the most compassionate and thoughtful characters of the show, and has a desire for justice and justice-based justice which governs the majority she does throughout the show… except for her final act that resulted in her death.

The harrowing way Euphemia ends her life is truly heartbreaking , and illustrates the costly error Lelouch did when he didn’t realize the full potential that was his Geass.

2. C.C.

The idea of having immortality may appeal to many… prior to when they realize how difficult and lonely an existence that is eternal could be and is embodied by C.C. C.C. Coda Geass.

The notion of someone dying in such a way that they’d create bonds and friendships to help them reach the end goal could seem a bit strange to some individuals… however it’s not like anyone has ever had to face the idea of immortality even have a measured answer to this question at all.

1. Lelouch Vi Britannia

Lelouch, the main character of Code Geass can one of the most fascinating characters throughout the show Lelouch’s bold character and arrogant personality making Lelouch one of the most intriguing character on TV, by a country mile.

Lelouch shows many facets of his character throughout the series, displaying an authentic growth in his character, while remaining true to his fundamental beliefs in justice right from the first episode. This is exactly what is what makes the character arc of Lelouch so fascinating to watching.

Code Geass Characters, Ranked by Intelligence

Code Geass will be an absolute fun for those who love the thrill of intrigue and strategic thinking, with an impressive array of clever as well as sly characters.

The show is widely considered to have some of the finest and intricate plots of the world of anime Cod Geassis is a joy for those who love suspense, strategy and thrilling mecha battle. The show is a saga of complicated moral dilemmas and weaves science fantasy, science fiction, and political themes beautifully.

Since the show is an intricate and shifting plot there is no doubt that the majority of the characters are extremely intelligent. From clever schemers to masterful tacticalists Cod Geassfeatures an array of extremely smart characters who have diverse goals and motivations.

10. Kallen Kozuki

Although some fans might consider Kallen Kozuki more like a high-fisted warrior rather than a skilled strategist, she’s actually intelligently gifted. Kallen is among the most skilled Knightmare characters in the show, showing her ability to be extremely quick at processing information and respond appropriately in a chaotic situation.

She is a morally strong person and this is evident in her refusal to accept discrimination against the Japanese by Britannians even though has a half Brittanian. In addition, as she was a student in the Ashford Academy, she effectively disguised her identity in order to avoid suspicion which proved that she was highly clever and adapts her appearance to the requirements of the moment.

9. Suzaku Kururugi

Suzaku Kururugi is an ambiguous person who is a complex character in the Code Geass,at times acting as the deuteragonist in the show while working with Lelouch and his comrades. As Kallen Suzaku is also an accomplished Knightmare pilot, and can pilot the novel Knightmare Frame Lancelot. Though his morality shifts throughout the course of the show, he eventually chooses to go on his own way.

Together with Lelouch and Lelouch, he assists in develop Lelouch and he helps to create the Zero Requiem in a bid to create world peace and peace, showing his ability to look at the bigger picture and set aside his own ambitions to serve the greater good. The decision to assume the role of Zero is also a sign of his wisdom and maturity, since he recognizes that it’s the best route to ensure an effective and successful Zero Requiem.

8 Li Xingke

Even though he’s first presented as a bodyguard for Eunuch Gao Hai Eunuch Gao Hai, Li Xingke shows his strength of character as his character develops as the show. Affirmatively loyal towards his country and the Chinese Federation, especially Empress Tianzi, Li is an experienced pilot who is able to determine the best move to make during combat.

For instance, he deliberately suffered a blow from Bismark Waldstein to put himself in a position to be able to protect his beloved Chinese Federation flagship, a move that required courage and sense of. He also has a knack for playing politics as evidenced in his plans to utilize his Black Knights for his own purposes of securing that the safety of Chinese Federation and Empress Tianzi’s security.

7 Euphemia Vi Britannia

Half-sister Lelouch’s Euphemia Vi Britannia is perhaps more caring and open-minded than a lot of Britannians in her group however she is not less educated. She is a firm believer in the universal rights of human beings and doesn’t put a slack on those who are judged based on their nationality. Euphemia is exceptionally perceptive and has superior deductive reasoning abilities for instance, when she was able to deduce that Lelouch was alive following having witnessed the hotel hijacking.

While she’s too naive, and ultimately causes her to fall through Lelouch’s Geass however, she has a clear view. The ability she has to see the bigger picture is evidence of her imagination and intelligence, as well as the ability to solve problems even when faced with impossible obstacles.

6 Cornelia Vi Britannia

Cornelia Vi Britannia was able to be the chief general of the Imperial Army of Brittania through an amalgamation of her natural talent and her cold intelligent, calculating mind. She’s extremely clever and can even set traps in Zero that Lelouch cannot see.

In the majority of the show she sees Zero as her adversary However, when she discovers about the motivations behind Lelouch’s actions and motives, she can put aside her hatred for the man who killed Euphemia to ensure that his dream to bring peace in the world is realized. The ability of her to put aside her personal grievances shows an impressive level of maturity and an comprehension of politics, which points towards a sharp and mature mind.

5 Charles Di Britannia

Lelouch’s father, and the primary antagonist in the series, Charles di Britannia is a ruthless and cunning ruler. He is a masterful actor in the political arena, defying countless attempts to assassinate and political battles and spearheading an array of military campaigns.

The idea of bringing the world in a single mind and achieve a common consciousness is an ingenuous idea, but it’s straight from the mind of the mad scientist. He is able to bring out the most out of Lelouch at times however, even though he loses to the son of his, he proves that he’s not a light.

4 V.V.

Charles’s brother V.V. might appear young however he’s just as smart as his older twin. V.V. was the person who gave Charles the Geass contract. He also succeeded C.C. as the leader of the Geass Order. This alone demonstrates his genius, since the organization was able to operate under cover for years , operating in hostile areas and still pull the strings of the leaders of political parties and movements around the world.

He’s just as ruthless and brutal as his brother Charles While the two have a childlike inclination, but he is a mature and intellectual man. V.V. successfully manipulated Charles for many years however, he did not anticipate Charles changing his mind and taking V.V.’s Code of Immortality.

3 C.C.

The Tritagonist of the series, as well as the person who puts all its events in motion. C.C. is an immortal lady who has the power to confer Geass contracts to other. Although it’s unclear the length of time she’s been alive, flashbacks suggest that she’s lived multiple lives in the span of at minimum 500 years.

The unnaturally long time she lived transformed her into an emotionally distant and cold individual, yet the passage of time did not diminish her intelligence. C.C. is extremely perceptive and is able to detect traps that Lelouch is unaware of, for instance when she advises Lelouch not to take Cornelia’s lure that she placed within C.C.’s Saitama Ghetto. She is able to identify Lelouch as the person who has the power to help her achieve her goal that of ending this Geass Order and ushering in an era of peace and her judgement proved to be wise.

2. Schneizel El Brittania

Second Prince of the Britannian Imperial Family, and Lelouch’s most formidable opponent, Schneisel el Brittania’s intellect surpasses that of Lelouch’s. Schneizel is the sole one Lelouch could not defeat in chess when he was a child and has a sharp and sharp mind. He is a master strategist and isn’t afraid to influence others like when he tried using Suzaku as a sacrifice playing pawn in order to kill Zero.

However, even though he’s a master strategist, he often makes decisions based on the most intriguing outcome than winning a particular victory. This eventually caused his downfall when Lelouch and his associates took on him and stopped him from using his power Damocles to take over the world.

1. Lelouch Lamperouge

The main character and the driving force in the show, Lelouch Lamperouge is one of the most skilled animators. He is an expert strategist and can discern a variety of strategies ahead of his rivals. Lelouch is a master at analyzing other people’s thoughts and has learned to control his emotions so that he can conceal his emotions and fool people into thinking they underestimate his abilities.

While he’s unreliable and indecisive, and will not be afraid to risk life of his soldiers as well as civilians in order to achieve his goals but he’s not brutal or cruel. Every thing Lelouch does is in pursuit of his aim of eliminating his own Britannian royals and creating peace in the world and he clings with determination to bear the pain that he suffers to turn his dream into a reality.