In the world of video games, there are often times where players must make choices that can affect the course of the game. One such choice is whether or not to erase a character from the game. This decision can have a significant impact on how the player fares in later portions of the game. There are many factors to consider when making this choice, but one of the most important is how well that character performs in comparison to other characters. Erasing a character can be seen as a way to improve their chances of success, but it also comes with risks. If a character is erased and then fails to perform well later on in the game, it can lead to frustration on behalf of the player. In order to rank and explain each type of erased character, we will need some data. To create our rankings, we will use two metrics: average performance and importance. Average performance refers to how well each character performs relative to other characters in their respective category. Importance refers to how important each category is for progressing through the game. The rankings are as follows: ..

В то время как только несколько персонажей были введены в Erased, но некоторые из них имели большие роли по сравнению с другими персонажами. Некоторые персонажи из нашей истории совершали действия, которые меняли ход событий. Это десять персонажей, которые были ключевыми для истории.


Если вы еще не смотрели или не читали об мультсериале (или, возможно, о живом действии), это хорошая идея, чтобы вернуться в этот блог в будущем. Список наполнен спойлерами. Если вы все еще пытаетесь определить, что является виновником, вам следует прочитать этот список после просмотра шоу.


Hiromi is one of the three victims who were among the three victim of serial killings that occurred in 1988. Because of his attractive appearance initially it was believed that the killer mistook Hiromi as female. Hiromi was a close associate of Satoru and was a part of the team that helped save victims too which led to his life, as he was never removed from the group as contrary to the original timeline.

No one would have thought of it. But, Hiromi is the person who got married to Kayo in the timeframe that would be the next. While he was not as smart as Kenya but, Hiromi was among Satoru’s close friends who helped save both Aya and Kayo and even helped in hiding them in their base. It shouldn’t come as a huge delight that Kayo was capable of getting engaged to Kenya as well as Kenya. The new timeline indicates that he’s with Kayo and his parents, who are called Mirai Sugita.


One of the loudest and dangerous bullying members of Kayo. It seems that her aim is to portray Kayo in a negative light. character particularly after the incident she Kayo dropped her pencil when they were in the 3rd grade. Although it’s odd to have one of the bullies as one of the most prominent characters, she was the cause of plenty of tension throughout the entire show. While she is skating on ice, she inspires Kayo to support Satoru and in the scene of the lunch money disappearing If she had not put all the blame on Kayo which led to Satoru to stand up for Kayo as well as her entire family. She might not believe in Satoru in the manner she did. We must not forget the fascinating character development that took place during the time-swap. It was speculated that Misato was key in raising money to help Satoru’s hospitalization . She also seemed to be at peace with the rest of his main buddies.


Akemi has been named one of the antagonists in the story. The mother has been cruel toward Kayo as she was her sole caretaker for her. After her abuse was discovered, she was stripped of the parental right to care for her children.

Akemi is the main antagonist of Satoru’s mom Sachiko. Since both mothers were forced to leave their husbands to be responsible for them as well as their children, Akemi played the role as the mother who wasn’t doing her best, and frequently expressed her anger on Kayo. Most of the time, she was devoted to attempting at saving Kayo from not only the serial killer she was, in addition, to save her mom.


Jun is also referred to by the name of “Yuuki” by local kids because he is known for his habit of encouraging kids to be brave. Because of his “odd” closeness to the children of the neighborhood, in addition to his proximity to his neighborhood and his family, he was initially convicted as the murderer of three victims, and was sentenced to execution.

It’s always the opposite. I’d like to say that among the greatest injustices Satoru had to endure during his early days was when they attempted to acquit Yuuki. Satoru was close with Yuuki and was obviously angry when Yuuki was named as the perpetrator. The events of the past may have changed Satoru throughout his life, and led to his personality to change into mature within the timeframe at the time of his birth. Unable to speak up for Yuuki is among his biggest regrets.


Students from high school who are her coworker with Satoru from Oasi Pizza. She has a romantic friendship with Satoru and helps him with getting away after being accused of murdering his mother.

Airi is believed to be Satoru’s only and most trusted acquaintance during that time. Airi although she’s not completely understanding Satoru can trust and respect Satoru and is able to trust Satoru. I believe that Airi is an antagonist to Kayo. Even though Kayo is timid, insecure and unsocial with people, Airi is the complete opposite. We don’t know for sure what his canon vessel is, we know that he’ll meet Airi. The final scene in the show depicts Satoru with Airi having their first meeting at a prior location as they search for refuge from the cold.


Another of Satoru’s childhood pals. He’s also among the oldest members of the group . He has also assisted Satoru in the rescue of the original victims. Though he is unsure regarding Satoru because of his growing older after “Revival”, he still can assist Satoru by any means is possible.

How smart and sophisticated Kenya is, even at his age was frightening however it’s a great option for the case of Satoru. If it wasn’t for Kenya, Satoru would have had to struggle to resolve the case. Kenya wasn’t the only person to Kenya help Satoru earlier and aid in the pursuit of the perpetrator when Satoru was awake from his sleeping.


An ex-newscaster who was mom to Satoru Fujinuma. When she discovered who the perpetrator was the murderer, she was slain in the exact same way by the person that murdered her husband. The tragic loss of her husband was the trigger for an “Revival” which sent him back to 18 years ago.

There are those who believe Kayo might be the primary reason Satoru returned to the present, but I’d suggest that the main reason Satoru took his 18-year time leap back to the future was for his mother’s sake. Satoru began to feel the need to save Kayo in the midst of his recovery. Sachiko could also be an adversary to Kayo’s mom, which is evident by the manner she looked after Satoru despite the absence of an older father figure. Sachiko also developed a fondness for Kayo who believed in Sachiko as the mother persona she never had. She was the mom character in the anime.


Kayo has been identified as one of three original victims of Gaku Yashiro’s demise in the initial timeline. Since she was an isolated and timid person, Kayo was easy be a target. The reason she was isolated is due to her family’s violent behaviour, which she was continuously beaten at the maternal grandparents. In the end, she becomes closer to Satoru and regularly visit him when he was suffering from an acne-related condition.

A significant portion of the story is devoted to the Kayo’s character Kayo as a victim, in contrast with the two other lovers. It is because of her history of abuse and emotional impact on the viewers in contrast to the other two victims. Many were hoping that Satoru would marry Kayo after “Revival”, their relationship was put in limbo, but she is eventually married Hiromi. It’s not a problem, the two of them won’t have any issues having a relationship.


He is the teacher in the homeroom for Satoru who is also the one who is responsible behind every murder which includes that of Sachiko. After getting fed up of Satoru always trying to thwart his plans and strategies, He decided to murder Satoru in a frozen lake. This led to Satoru being in a unconsciousness for 15 years.

I’m not sure what everyone feels about this , but it was clear that he was the killer right from the beginning. Since the time he was first appeared in the show the character was given absurd amount of attention from the bottom to the top. I’m not certain whether any other show could pay this much emphasis on the role of a secondary character , regardless of how involved the principal teacher in the classroom interacts with students. I believe that viewers would be aware of the role of the villain when they looked at the manga. The backstory of the villain was not much discussed in the manga.


The main character in The show. In the initial timeline, is an artist who is 29 years old older who works as a part-time employee in an eatery that serves pizza. He has the ability to utilize this power, called “Revival”, that allows him to go back in time and stop an event that could be life-threatening from taking place. When he was able recover from an induced coma, he stated that it was like that he lost the ability to believe that he’s on the correct timeline and had saved all of humanity.

While he seemed uninterested, not awed at the start of the show at his initial appearance, the actor wanted at being the main character. Maybe the reason behind his depressed and unmotivated personality is the fact that he was not one of the heroes among his old colleagues and Yuuki. As I mentioned, he remembers being privileged to see Kayo before she disappeared and also being close to Hiromi. He was also very loved by Yuuki since the latter was an adult. She typically the one who encouraged him to take risks. But “Revive” usually affects him negatively (he can save someone but at his own cost) it seems that the long time jump allowed him to overcome his past mistakes. Time42D



Satoru can be described as the protagonist in the erased anime. He is an introverted individual who prefers not to talk much although he does to keep his friendship with people. He is concerned about his family members. Satoru spends lots of time to study the his surroundings before they can be trusted.


Kayo is also shy and majority of the students in the school don’t know her. She was frequently abused by her mother and the incident left an impression on her brain and she began to become isolated and lonely from the rest of the students. Kayo is extremely emotional.


Gaku can be described as the main antagonist in this series. He appears to be an enthusiastic, helpful and extremely charming teacher. In time, we begin to learn that he’s the reason for the kidnappings, murders and deaths. In the end, he is a lover of the act of torturing and killing, and has devised elaborate plans to accomplish the same.


Сачиро – мать нашего главного героя И ее инстинкты и интуиция превосходны. Она заботится о своем сыне и знает свои сильные и слабые стороны. Она также может влиять на личные проблемы сына, которые ему могут не понравиться. Она ведет себя как проницательный детектив, так как она журналист.


Кения является самым популярным одноклассником Сатору и чрезвычайно умна. Его манера говорить спокойна, а наблюдательность превосходна. Он всегда был рядом, чтобы помочь, когда Сатору нуждался в этом. Кения хочет быть лучшим студентом в учебе и в спорте. У него есть одержимость превосходством из-за его талантов, однако из-за его интровертной природы он не в состоянии показать свое превосходство над другими.


Айри — лучшая подруга Сатору вместе со своим коллегой из пиццерии. Айри – счастливая и энергичная личность. Устойчивость является одной из ее основных черт. Она очень общительна и никогда не стесняется свободно говорить о своих мыслях или чувствах.


Хироми также был близким другом Сатору, однако он взрослый мужчина, а не актриса. Люди часто ошибочно принимают его за девушку. Айя в шоке обнаруживает, что он на самом деле был мальчиком. С другой стороны, он оптимистичный, счастливый и умный студент, который любит читать. Он также застенчив и может стать жертвой похищения.


Дзюн (Юки) Юки — сотрудник, который всегда находится в контакте с нашим главным героем. Он заботливый человек для детей, с которыми играют и особенно Сатору. Юки часто можно увидеть летающим на бумажных самолетиках. Юки поощряет детей заводить друзей, что является признаком того, что у него «заботливая» личность, которая соответствует типам личности ISFJ.


Акеми кажется суровой, оскорбительной и хладнокровной по отношению к дочери, которую она имеет Кайо. Травмы и синяки, от которых страдает Кайо, вызваны избиениями, нанесенными ее матерью. Побои ее матери оказали огромное влияние на психическое состояние Кайо и заставили ее чувствовать себя изолированной и подавленной сверстниками. После развода она была психически неуравновешенной.


Айя застенчива и сдержанна, которая всегда сосредоточена только на «важных» вещах и избегает ненужных коммуникаций. Ей нравится играть на пианино. Айю также можно охарактеризовать как талантливую студентку. Несмотря на застенчивость, у нее отличные отношения с несколькими ее близкими знакомыми. Она часами зубрит школу.


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