Spy X is a family of action-packed spy movies that have entertained audiences for years. With so many characters to choose from, who is the best? To answer this question, we ranked all of the Spy X characters based on their performance in the movies. We considered factors like acting ability, charisma, and popularity. The results are surprising! Some of the lesser-known characters ended up ranking higher than some of the more well-known ones. Who do you think was the best Spy X character? Let us know in the comments below! ..

В 2019 году Spy x Family дебютировала как манга. Это был чрезвычайно популярный сериал как в Японии, так и в Северной Америке в течение трех лет с момента его дебюта. В то время, когда манга доминирует на сцене комиксов, это может не быть большой проблемой, но большинство популярных книг манги являются бестселлерами из-за аниме-адаптации. Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, а также Tokyo Revengers испытали такие вещи.

Манга Spy x Family, напротив, имела огромный успех через год после ее публикации и задолго до того, как была анонсирована адаптация для аниме. С таким огромным количеством зрителей успех манги был почти несомненным.

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Spy X Family Episode 1 2 & 3 Review

The reason behind the mystery of how Spy x Family’s obscene elements work together is within Loid and Yor’s separate lives. To stop other children from experiencing the same painful childhood as he did, Loid became a spy. After the death of their parents, Yor became an assassin to help her brother. Both of these situations are not ideal. It’s because of their diverse backgrounds the characters Loid and Yor try their best to provide Anya the normal childhood they deserve, even though Anya isn’t typical. 

The emotional core of the series is the blurring of what’s real and what’s a falsehood. Once the task of Loid is finished the man plans to take Anya in the orphanage, but can we really believe that it will take place? Loid and Yor were married in the name of convenience But they’ll be in love with each other. This plot seems predictable However, the execution will keep you coming to return for more.


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in Spy X Family, Twilight, a.k.a Loid, is the first main character to be introduced. He is an WISE agent as well as a Westalis spy who is operating in Ostania. In order to accomplish his goal, Operation Strix, he takes on the identity of Loid Forger and then adopts the name Anya. He later weds Yor to fulfill the same purpose. Twilight is an amazing character, who is calm, unassuming intelligent, rational, and calculated character. Twilight is Westalis the best spy. He is often condescendingly effective. He is often unable to grasp the fundamental things due to his brain’s processing is too complex.

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When is Spy X Family Season 2 Release Date ?

However, he does possess a loving and good heart, and is constantly pushing himself to look at the bigger image. The idea of a future where children don’t have to cry drives him to move forward. Twilight slowly develops feelings towards Anya and develops appreciation for Yor. Twilight will do anything for the cause, but he’ll be willing to go to any length to protect his family.


Yor is the final of the trio, and the third person in the Forger family. Contrary to the fictitious position of Loid being a psychologist, the 27-year-old is employed in the city hall and is employed in real life. Yor is uncomfortable in the social setting and has been in a relationship for long enough that her husband to be worried. The reason is because Yor is an assassin for an unnamed organisation known as The Garden under the code name Thorn Princess. Anyone who can harm humanity’s peace or morality is snuffed out by the organization. Yor’s target is usually wealthy politicians, corrupt officials and individuals.

She is funny, wacky and sometimes quite real. She is a huge fan of her younger brother and has also grown to love the daughter she has named Anya. Yor’s first choice for everything prior to regaining control is to commit murder. She is a skilled assassin who is quick in her movements and incredibly powerful. Spy X Family suggests that she’s strong enough to take on Loid in battle.

See also

Loid Forger Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know


Although Anya wasn’t the first character to be introduced in the show, she is The Spy X family’s main character. Anya is a young orphan who lies to claim to claim she was six years old for the purpose of being adopted by Twilight. Anya is sweet and kind but she is also full of a love of adventure. Anya is often referred to as Subject 007 was raised and nurtured in a secret institution in which she was believed to be subjected to experiments. Anya can be described as an Esper who often solves problems by reading minds of people. She is forbidden from telling anyone about her skills and is constantly in worry that her parents will discover the abilities and dismissing her.

Anya quickly becomes a part of her parents immediately. The only person who is aware of the details about her parents. she is often shocked by the difference between their real and fake identities.


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Franky is an Osnabian deep asset as well as information broker. Twilight’s friend is a member of Operation Strix and a trained WISE agent. He is a trained warfighter and sometimes joins Twilight during minor missions on the field, with his primary job being intelligence and behind-the scenes work.

See also

Yor Forger Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know

Twilight does not have Franky’s worldliness or emotional intelligence. Undercover, he describes himself as Twilight’s best friend . He often assists him in analyzing the moods and behaviors of Anya. Franky is also known for his single status and having trouble when it comes to women.


Anya is a student at Eden Academy, and Henry Henderson is the housemaster at Cecil House. Henderson is a refined person who puts a high value on appearance, mental outlook and behaviour. He is trustworthy and accommodating to those who merit the respect he gives. He is awed by the Forgers for their positive outlook and strong family bonds.

Henderson is a kind and loving teacher to his students, even though he is strict and a rule-follower. When he is at Eden Henderson has significant influence over Anya as well as Damian’s life as well as their personalities. Henderson is the most effective teacher at Eden and is not willing to tolerate any infractions to the basic human right.


Even though Yuri Briar is yet to be portrayed in the series of anime however, he was interviewed by phone with Yor. Yuri Briar, a high-ranking government official, is twenty years old. He is a member of the State Security Services, the Ostanian intelligence/enforcement organization, which Yor is unaware of. Because of this, Yuri is extremely talented considering his age, however isn’t as experienced as Twilight. He is committed to his country and its people and he views Twilight as a threat to the country and its people. Although he’s not aware of the true identity of Loid’s but he is still adamant about his dislike for the fact that he married Yor.

See also

Fiona Frost Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know

Yuri is very cautious to Yor even to being complicated, but he is in awe of her joy and accepts Anya to be his daughter with no hesitation.


Damian Desmond is Donovan Desmond’s younger brother, and is the subject in Operation Strix. Damian Desmond is a part of the group that Anya is in and in almost all ways, is the exact contrast to her. Anya has referred to him as “Sy-On boy” because he is arrogant, well-educated hardworking, and unpopular (derived by Loid calling him”a scion”).

Damian On his own is often disregarded by his father, a politician, and is afflicted with insecurity due to his elder brother. Damian tries to be proud of his father and treat his elders with respect and respect.


The show is filled with adorable characters that each have a distinct persona that distinguishes them from other characters. It’s always interesting to examine the character’s traits by examining their alignment with specific personality traits, such as Zodiac signs. The most popular type of classification would be the Myers-Briggs test for personality. Luckily The cast from Spy X Family includes almost every type of test covered.

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INTJs are “Architects.” They’re atypical and skeptical of the world that surrounds them. Most of them have suffered loss, pain, and mental turmoil that caused their current behavior. Intuitive types try to not get connected to any person or thing as it’s not sensible to do such a thing.

When Loid adopts the name of Twilight and becomes a man who is focused on finding the truth behind the matter. It doesn’t matter if he must pretend to seduce a woman to get more information or start a family in one few days, Loid will do whatever is necessary to finish every task. The goal of becoming a spy is to make an environment where no child is forced to cry.


ENFPs are “Campaigners.” They stay true to their fantasiacal, grandiose concepts and let their minds wander wherever they can. They’re innovative, spontaneous and observant of the world that surrounds them.

Anya Forger is the child who Loid adopted in order to gain access to Eden Academy to gather intel about Donovan Desmond. She developed telepathic abilities following being manipulated as an experiment subject. Anya is quick-witted and clever and is always up to take on an adventure. Since her parents left the girl, Anya would like a secure life at home. Since she has the ability to discern thoughts, Anya can quickly adapt to any circumstance and change the tables depending on what people around her would like.

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Fiona Frost Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know


ISFJs are “Defenders.” While they may appear distant and quiet, their private lives are full of excitement and they have sharp attention to detail. ISFJs often select careers that assist others in some way. Although they’re reserved, ISFJs are dependable. ISFJ is a good friend for the rest of their lives.

Yor has a low-paying day-job as a clerk at City Hall. But, at night she is a master assassin “Thorn Princess.” At first, she appeared disengaged from her surroundings and unaffected by how coworkers might ridicule her. As an assassin, she’s brutal and remains calm when under pressure. Yor believes that the work she does in City Hall City Hall is equally as crucial as her job as an assassin since in some way they both aid in the lives of people.


ENFJs are “Protagonists.” They’re warm and always ready to assist others. They want to positively impact those they love and will always do the right thing.

Bond can be described as the Forger Family’s dog. He was a victim of experiments, but now Bond can determine the next few years. Bond is a dog that loves people. In one case, he used his skills to predict the future to keep children from being struck by a falling piece of board. He’s always ready to assist when he spots someone who is who is in trouble.

See also

Loid Forger Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know


ENTPs are “Debaters.” They are always quick with a response, and they never avoid bickering even when they’re not very familiar with the person they are talking to. They are funny with a sense of humor, and don’t take their own life too seriously.

Franky serves as an information officer for WISE, the spy agency Loid is employed by. He has a surprisingly simple day-to-day job as an employee in the tobacco shop. He’s always available to assist Loid with a very short time, and even during tense circumstances. So long as the price is fair, Franky will help Loid. Franky always has a clever phrase to use in any circumstance, and is skilled at persuasion.


ISTJs are “Logisticians.” They manage everything with absolute honesty and do not deviate from their honesty. They never violate their commitments and are trustworthy allies. They don’t seek to make themselves look attractive and are often able to live modest lives.

Fiona Frost is another spy for WISE She also uses the name “Nightfall” when working. Loid trained her in the tricks and techniques of being an operative. Because of his education, Fiona is a master of keeping her emotions in check. However, she was in the love of Loid and believes she’s a better fit to Loid than Yor. But she isn’t allowed to admit her feelings as it could compromise their respective mission.

See also

Spy X Family Episode 1 2 & 3 Review


ESTJs are “Executives.” Their mental toughness is unparalleled by any other type. They adhere to the rules and don’t want to sway the ship. They are fervently in support of the laws and customs established. People are more likely to adhere to them and follow their orders in a variety of reasons.

Damian has been named one of the sons of Donovan Desmond. He is a student at Eden Academy and is part of Cecile Hall, which is the same as Anya. Since Damian’s father was a highly regarded political figure, Damian is arrogant and rude. Others students are afraid of Damian. He has been known to bully Anya quite severely, however he was shocked when she punched on him. It’s believed that his behavior is a result of his father’s high expectations, since his brother had so much success.


ESTPs are “Entrepreneurs.” They’re socialites who enjoy being the focus of the spotlight. They’re very amorphous in their social circles and do not tend to adhere to a single group. Although certain ESTPs utilize their charisma to aid others, some who are of this kind make use of their charisma to put people down.

See also

Yor Forger Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know

Camilla has been one Yor’s colleagues in City Hall. City Hall. She frequently mocks Yor and tries to shame her. Camilla is a wealthy lady who frequently throws parties in her mansion. She appears to be awed due to the wealth she has. But, Camilla is capable of helping others as demonstrated by her calmly teaching Yor how to cook.


ENTJs are “Commanders.” They are in the present moment and don’t spend time crying about spilled milk. ENTJs are real leaders, and they are adept at uplifting everyone else’s mood simply by being there. But, their rationality is their main character trait, regardless of their charm.

Yuri Briar is Yor’s younger brother. He is employed for the State Security Service. But he keeps it secret from Yor and says that he is an employee of the civil service. Yuri is charming and this is what makes him a skilled interrogator. He is able to get responses from people easily. But, Yuri is fiercely protective of his family and is not shy in resorting to violence when someone in the family is threatened.



Franky, Franky, our little scruffy. You don’t dare to make fun of this man…

See also

Fiona Frost Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know

Although he’s not exactly a combat type, he can easily find any information you need, from the names of distant relatives to search history. He’s an intelligence assets so he can do this. Even though he said that if he chooses to go missing, no one would be able find him except Loid’s agency . (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 60). Except for the fact that Anya was once a subject to an experiment he didn’t find it when he looked into her past (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 1).

He’s not the combat type, but he’s one smack away from heaven against Loid . (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 6). He can sometimes be brave, especially if he’s your type. As a protection for Fiona from a bullet , he literally jumped on her (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 60) .

Oh! Can we also talk about his terrible disguise? He even tried to pretend to Loid’s wife before they found Yor (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 2). His disguise in Chapter14 is what makes it all up. Just wondering how he managed to be tall . Did he fix his knees? Although I personally think that the Nightfall one was his best disguise. He is a rich man who women would most likely just date for money . (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 60).

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When is Spy X Family Season 2 Release Date ?

Information is power – it’s a weapon. Even the man who recruited Loid said (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 62.3). Don’t be offended if Franky isn’t on the list.


Yor’s younger sister. You’ll probably think that he’s as badass and as smart as his sister… but you might be partially right. Although he isn’t Yor-tier, he is cool in his own right.

He was a secret cop to give Yor a kinder home . (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 51.5). However, she doesn’t know that he is a civil servant.

Although he’s a secret police, Loid thought of him as an amateur since he could be quite obvious with his schemes and has a tendency to slip out sloppy information (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 12) . But hey, he’s one of the top SSS Agents out there, he even does extra hours (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 41) .

He is also the only one to love Yor’s cooking . (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 24). He even bought her a bouquet with a first paycheck . (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 53). He must really love her so much. I swear, I am not suggesting that he has a slight brother complex.

See also

Yor Forger Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know


It’s not possible to have an incredible manga with a beautiful woman simulating for the MC.

Who would have thought that behind her ice-cold, stoic appearance and literally killer moves she is actually in love with Loid? As she visited our queen and tried to replace Yor , she even attempted to become Loid’s pretend spouse. It was a good thing that the drama did not escalate, Loid arrived and Anya arrived. Anya was the reason we all knew why she was so persistent in replacing Yor’s place (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 30).

Temporarily, she gave up on her plans after Yor beat them in tennis (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 34) . She couldn’t believe how Yor beat them when she won an underground tournament against seasoned professionals for a mission . (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 33).

Now, now, let’s talk about how she just convinced the ever aloof Quill to do a job for her. Just when we all thought we got to see real action, it was actually part of the plan . The SSS Agents who were following them were actually her doing! She already calculated things perfectly and knew that Quill would outright reject her offer , so she resorted to sneaky methods (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 60) . Welp, what can I say? Loid was her mentor. That should explain stuff.

See also

Loid Forger Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know


AAAAND, сильная королева занимает второе место для сильнейшей! Она настолько сильна, что может сама вытащить многих мужчин. (Шпион X Семейная Манга: Глава 2)

Должен ли я перечислить больше доказательств этого? Уэлп, на самом деле не так много, она просто распалась теннисным мячом, играя с Фионой (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 34), пнула Лоида из-за смущения, которое заставило его потерять сознание (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 35), сломала аркаду Hammer King Game (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 59), щелкнула катану голыми руками (Spy X Family Manga: Глава 53), случайно ударил Юрия, что заставило его истекать кровью, я не удивлюсь, если вывихну палец, если она щелкнет им (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 13), и этот список можно продолжать. Я не хочу говорить больше, это не вики y’all!

Знаете ли вы также, что Лоид даже дралась с ней однажды в ролевой игре. Лоид уже была ранена, но что, если она не уступит ей (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 6)?

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Spy X Family Эпизод 1 2 & 3 Обзор

У нее также быстрые рефлексы. Она буквально поймала макароны с гратеном ногами прямо перед тем, как он пролился на нее сверху! (Шпион X Семья Манга Глава 2) Кто это делает? Конечно, Ёр. Даже она увернулась от пули от снайперов! СНАЙПЕР! Она чувствовала себя снайпером! Это так трудно чувствовать, когда мне больно. Я бы просто обнаружил это, потому что я уже истекаю кровью. (Шпион X Семья Манга Глава 51).

Хотя, конечно, ее защита не так совершенна. Конечно, она сильная, но она буквально выполняет все свои миссии практически без маскировки! Ну, я имею в виду, это не значит, что она оставляет кого-то в живых, но каким-то образом это все равно привело к одному покушению на убийство. К счастью, она была невосприимчива к ядам… и конечно, спасибо агенту Ане (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 17.5).

Это должно быть врожденным для ассасинов, чтобы рассчитать свой следующий ход. Она делает это… кроме ее входов. Она может уничтожить всех, так что это не значит, что она когда-либо была ранена.

Мы не можем забыть, какая она ужасная повариха. Я не пытаюсь изменить ваше мнение о Йоре. Это я пытаюсь убедить себя, что она несовершенна, потому что она была слишком идеальной в моих глазах, несмотря на то, что она бросила Лоид в туалет на целый день, потому что как ужасно был ее завтрак. (Шпион X Семья Манга Глава 24). Аня сразу видит, готовила ли она (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 14).. Бууут! Одним из блюд, которое ей удалось освоить, было Южное рагу, которое ее мама приготовила для нее и Юрия.

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Yor Forger Spy X Family : Все, что вам нужно знать


Ах! Идеальный мужчина Вы добры со своими принципами? Проверка. Вы феминистка? Мммм. Высокий? Ага. Умный? Мега да. Красивый? СУПЕРЭКСТРАМЕГАДУПЕР ВЫ, ПРОВЕРЬТЕ, КАЖДЫЙ ДЕНЬ! О! О! Фиона не виновата в том, что упала в обморок из-за этого человека.

Это человек с тысячей лиц, который усовершенствовал маскировку. Он может быть стариком (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 1), секретарем политика (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 30), национальными силами обороны (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 30) или дилером черного рынка. Он может сделать все, но не оптимистичную, веселую маскировку отца. Даже Аня выглядела ужасно (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 48).

Его боевые и аналитические способности могут сбить с толку любого человека, на которого он смотрит. Он просчитывает каждую мелочь, как будто это его вторая натура, и именно так он поймал схему Юрия, заставив Йора признаться, почему они поженились так внезапно (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 24). Он даже дошел до того, что позволил хулигану ударить его, потому что он решил, что это единственный способ найти Аню (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 1).

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Spy X Family Эпизод 1 2 & 3 Обзор

Он иногда подсовывает ли’л, как он это делал, когда смешал свои миссии с Йор и заявлял всем, что он ее муж, а не парень (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 2); и когда он чуть не позвонил коллеге по имени офицера под прикрытием, притворяясь тайным полицейским (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 22).

С точки зрения силы? Уэлп, он может нести Йора и Аню одновременно так же легко, как поднимать бумагу… Я думаю, что я просто преувеличил, что lil bit hehe (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 56). Он также может идти в ногу с навыками рукопашного боя Йора, что делает его хорошим бойцом, потому что Йор находится буквально на другом уровне. У него даже был момент служебного туза прямо с летучей мыши на его первом в истории теннисном турнире (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 31).

Лоид также обладает самыми острыми инстинктами и может заметить Аню в течение нескольких секунд, независимо от того, где она прячется и как далеко она (Spy X Family Manga Chapter 1).

Даже может взорвать бомбу. (Шпион X Семья Манга Глава 54). Он также отличный шеф-повар! это человек, который может все.

Хотя мы считаем его идеальным шпионом, он в какой-то момент сомневался в себе из-за того, что он никогда не сможет понять Аню (Spy X Family Manga: Chapter 50).

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Таким образом, Лоид Фальсификатор является самым сильным шпионом X Family Characters.


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