Rafting is a great way to get out and explore the world. It’s also a great way to see new things and meet new people. There are many different types of rafting trips, so it’s important to find the right one for you. Here are some tips on how to choose the right rafting trip:

  1. research the different types of rafting trips available. There are many different types of rafting trips available, so it’s important to find the right one for you. You can find information about these trips on websites or in books.
  2. ask your friends and family if they have been on a rafting trip before. They may have some great tips for you!
  3. take your time choosing a rafting trip. Don’t rush into anything! You may end up enjoying your trip more if you take your time and enjoy every minute of it!

Позже она путешествует на другую планету и приобретает Вассал Катану. Теперь она Герой Катаны (Дао ноЁн Чжэ Катана но Юуша?) Она также является Небесным Императором Кант Ло, после того, как она свергла предыдущего императора.

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Она пережила много значительных изменений в ходе истории. Рафталия была ребенком, когда Рафталия впервые появилась. У нее были длинные, неуправляемые локоны, и она была одета в грязное тканевое платье. Наофуми покупает Рафталию и дает ей разрез до приемлемой длины. Он также дает ей ванну и дает ей одежду, которая больше подходит для приключений. Рафталия, смешанная раса тануки и енота, имеет пушистые уши и пушистый хвост.

Рафталия, после нескольких недель путешествий с Наофуми, переживает трансформацию тела, которая заставляет ее выглядеть как молодой взрослый. Быстрый рост Raphtalia обусловлен открытием того, что полулюди созревают в соответствии с их прогрессией уровня.

L’Arc mentions that Raphtalia reverted to her child self when her level was reset to 1. She must continue to work to become an adult in the Glass’ World before she can reunite with Naofumi. Raphtalia, now an adult, begins to wear more appropriate clothing for a warrior. This includes a skirt, hide breastplate and lace-up boots. Raphtalia’s size also changes from a small knife, to a full-sized blade.

See also

Itsuki Kawasumi : Everything You Need To Know


Raphtalia is shy, sick, and afraid at first. This is because she was a slave. She also has trauma memories from the destruction of her village. She overcomes the trauma of losing her parents to the Cerberus’ two-headed dog monster and recognizes Naofumi in her own eyes as a hero.

Naofumi recognizes her strength. Despite going through so much, including seeing her parents die and being sold along with other survivors. She also witnessed her best friend be tortured to death. But she still manages to keep her morals and her sanity. She wants to rebuild her village and fight for those who have wronged her. Naofumi is now able to help her rebuild her village and take his role as a hero seriously.

She wants Naofumi as a hero, but is disappointed with many of his actions. Raphtalia’s current focus is on efficiency in combat, training, and money spending. Naofumi sees this trait and feels that he raised her wrongly. She doesn’t care about her appearance nor efficiency. Naofumi is extremely close to her and she harbors deep feelings for her. He prefers to view her as his daughter’, raising her in place of her parents. Raphtalia matures and becomes more skilled in battle. She also becomes bolder, more opinionated, stronger-willed and fiercely protective her beloved Naofumi.

See also

Melty Q Melromarc : Everything You Need To Know

Raphtalia is surprisingly naive about matters related to intimacy and love between couples. She believed that Naofumi would kiss her and they would have children. Ost suggested Rishia get a fait accompli to Itsuki to make them fall in love.

Also Read:Ren Amaki Rising Of The Shield Hero : Everything You Need To Know


Raphtalia lived until she was 10 years old in Melromarc’s small coastal village. There, everyone lived happily until the first waves of calamity struck. Raphtalia fled with her parents during the attack. However, Raphtalia’s parents were unable to dive into the ocean to escape the monsters so Raphtalia made the ultimate sacrifice. As the wave approached her, her parents pushed her off the nearby cliff and she watched as her parents were swallowed by the Cerberus.

Raphtalia survived the fall, and returned to her parents to search for them. However, she was unsuccessful. A group of Melromarc Knights arrived in her village shortly after and killed all adult survivors. All the young survivors were captured and sold to the slave hunters.

Idol Rabier bought her and several of her friends, and he enjoyed torturing innocent demi-humans. Raphtalia lost her best friend, and was traumatized by the experience. She was then sold several times before she finally ended up with the Melromarc slave dealer. She was alone and weak and was eventually taken by a slave trader and sold in Melromarc’s capital. Raphtalia remained at the slave traders for several weeks, until NaofumiIwatani bought her. At that point her entire life was changed.

See also

Melty Q Melromarc : Everything You Need To Know


Raphtalia may not be the main protagonist, but she has quickly become a fan favorite in The Rise of the Shield Hero.

While Naofumi ends up being the main character, many fans love Raphtalia, who is strong-willed and determined. Her appearance is a mix of Tanuki and human. She is a dog-like creature with bushy ears and a bushy tail. Despite being a slave and having a rough childhood, she is now the Katana Hero.

The Rise of The Shield Hero: Ten Facts You Must Know About Raphtalia


Fans get the impression that the four new heroes are intended to be a similar group as the originals throughout the series. It might surprise you to learn that Raphtalia has some ties with a royal family.

Before her parents moved from their home, they were part a different species of Tanuki. This species is unique because it comes from a remote village. This may explain why she bought the species when it was actually planned by the Queen. She knew Raphtalia had a royal past!


Raphtalia lived just outside Melromarc and everything was peaceful for a while. She fled her home to escape the attack, and her parents sacrificed themselves to save her.

See also

Itsuki Kawasumi : Everything You Need To Know

Unfortunately, she had to see them die as the wave monster took them out. She survived and, in her grief, tried to find her parents, even though she knew what had happened. Even worse, she was taken captive with other survivors and sold as an enslaved slave.


Despite the anime being a show, many people forget how severe Raphtalia’s experiences were. She was sold to a Noble from Meromarc who loved torturing his slaves. She had to not only watch her parents die young, but also her best friend.

That is quite a trauma for a ten year old. Naofumi finds her and saves her life. It’s clear that she suffers from severe PTSD. The anime portrays this well.


Raphtalia may now be a trusted and skilled fighter, but she had to work hard to get there. To begin with, she was very afraid of blood. This made it difficult to become a warrior.

She eventually learned to use a knife and conquered her fear of blood. Her fear of Cerberus was another trauma she had to overcome. After deciding to get rid of the two-headed dog, she was able to overcome her trauma. Remember that she was only 10 years old and had to overcome her fears despite the physical growth.

See also

Itsuki Kawasumi : Everything You Need To Know


She initially was afraid of Naofumi but she eventually falls in love with him, giving up everything to make it happen. It is her mission to make him happy and, thankfully, it works both ways.

The tricky part is their romantic relationship. Naofumi regards himself as a father figure while Raphtalia clearly loves him. Both are each other’s favourite person and they both learn from each other. One thing is certain: despite their feelings Raphtalia is Naofumi’s right hand and he trusts him more than anyone else.


Raphtalia has many qualities. She is strong, kind, and a princess. She doesn’t value being in touch her feminine side, though.

Nafoumi feels that it is his duty to raise her. While she is more focused on her training, she also focuses on her morals and sanity. She is determined to be a better woman and rebuild her village.


Raphtalia is a formidable fighter, with a variety of impressive abilities. While her preferred weapon is the sword, and she can use both light and dark magic, Raphtalia is also able to use many types of magic as she continues training.

See also

Melty Q Melromarc : Everything You Need To Know

Even more dangerous is her ability to channel her magic through her weapons and accessories. Granny was the most important person she studied with, as it allowed her to become a proficient fighter in Hengen Musou.


Raphtalia learned a fighting style called Hengen Musou during her adventures. This allowed her to increase her power and other abilities.

The Hengen Musou fighting style was created to allow people to save the world, without having to depend on superpowers. Although the original intention was to end the style, Raphtalia managed to master it. It is also a style that does not lose against an opponent.


Raphtalia is one the most powerful characters in the series. Between her stamina that never runs dry, her incredible ability to use magic and her skill with weapons carrying, she is one the greatest threats to the series.

Although her body has reached adult level, it is important to keep in mind that her mind was only ten years old and she has been able to master magic, weapons, and fighting since a young age. She can destroy anyone and everything around her and has as much power and strength as the sword she carries.

See also

Melty Q Melromarc : Everything You Need To Know


The best thing about manga and anime is the way that each hero uses their weapon as a metaphor. Naofumi is told by her that she is his shield but that she will always be his sword. This makes perfect sense considering all she has endured to show her humanity to those around her and to rise above her horrible past.

Naofumi acts as the shield for the show. She protects Raphtalia and others. Raphtalia will serve as his sword. She will lead all battles and fight for peace in her world.


Fan-favorite character in isekai anime is easily her age. She is a hybrid of human and Tanuki who follows Naofumi on his adventures. Although she was originally purchased as a slave, she has grown and developed as a person. Fans are often confused about her age. It makes perfect sense.

Naofumi meets Raphtalia for the first time. She has the appearance and behavior of a young child when she first meets Raphtalia. Raphtalia’s own story states that Raphtalia was born in a small coastal town and raised until she was 10, when tragedy struck. She lost her parents, then became a slave. When Naofumi first crossed her path, she was in the possession Idol Rabier. This changed her life.

See also

Itsuki Kawasumi : Everything You Need To Know

Raphtalia begins to grow quickly after she joined Naofumi. She soon becomes a young woman. Her personality isn’t as mature as her immature attitude. The Rising of the Shield Hero quickly reveals that demi-humans like Raphtalia grow in direct proportion to their level progression. Raphtalia’s growth is accelerated when Naofumi gives her some freedom.

Her age is not yet clear in the current anime. Raphtalia, in the light novel version, is 17 years old. However, even that is not confirmed. Many Shield Hero supporters seem confused because she seems to have the body and mental level of a teenager, but she is still a 10-year old mentally.

Raphtalia’s actual biological age is not revealed in the Shield Hero anime. She gains both mental and physical stamina as she levels up. One could argue that she ages each time she goes up a level. Raphtalia’s traumatizing experience of losing her parents and seeing her village destroyed is another factor that makes her mentally mature. Raphtalia still exudes her inner 10-year-old self from time to time but her experiences with Naofumi and before it have impacted her mental and physical health.

See also

Melty Q Melromarc : Everything You Need To Know

Raphtalia will always be an unsolved mystery. Her lack of a biological age makes it difficult to understand her. Her age is ambiguous because she is the creator. For example, to decide to form a romantic relationship between her and Naofumi, she would need to be at least 18 to do so.

Raphtalia must be at least 10 years old, which is what the anime suggests. Raphtalia may not be of canon age, but her youthful attitude will keep her looking lively, young, and dramatic.


Raphtalia doesn’t want Naofumi to have to leave the isekai world for good.


Naofumi’s Shield Herofirst party member is the Tanuki demihuman Raphtalia. He bought Raphtalia as a slave and appoints her to be his main sword fighter. They quickly formed a foster father/daughter relationship, each one trusting the other and relying heavily on him, even though Filo and Princess Melty were also added to their mix. Raphtalia is close to Naofumi as she was in the story of Shield Hero. However, she also knows that all four Cardinal Heroes will eventually be sent back to Earth and they will never return. This is something she does not expect to happen.

See also

Itsuki Kawasumi : Everything You Need To Know

Raphtalia has a tendency to be dependent on Naofumi because he is the only person in her village who treats her well and values her. Naofumi gave Raphtalia new purpose: a warrior who can defend innocents against the Waves. Naofumi takes care of all Raphtalia’s requirements without hesitation. Raphtalia was naturally attached to Naofumi and panicked slightly at the prospect of their separation.

Raphtalia has the Lurolona Village rebuilt to her liking, as well as all its residents, but Naofumi is a different matter. Raphtalia must develop stronger relationships with her native villagers and learn how to think and act independently if she doesn’t want Raphtalia to fall apart when Naofumi leaves. She must slowly phase out Naofumi from her mind, replace him with Filo and princess Melty, and make them the most important in her heart.

Raphtalia is fortunate that all of those characters are equally fond and worthy of Raphtalia. These characters should be Raphtalia’s emotional cushion when Naofumi returns home to Earth. Raphtalia may find the mental strength to say goodbye to him and continue on without him. Even if Naofumi leaves, Lurolona, its demi-human inhabitants, will still be there, and they will require Raphtalia. Naofumi should be Raphtalia’s role model, inspiration and lover, not her constant guardian or lover. Naofumi was a role model and inspiration to Raphtalia, helping her to overcome her past. She must now honor Naofumi’s gift by learning how to live a post Naofumi lifestyle when it is time.

See also

Melty Q Melromarc : Everything You Need To Know


This subplot of the story of Shield Herohas interesting implications for Shield Heroitself and the subgenre isekai in general. Although isekai isn’t a literary genre, it is an established subgenre that has some core rules. For example, the main character will have little to no chance of ever returning home. Often, the hero died before being summoned by magic to enter the new world.

Although it is not a rule that an isekai heroine must stay in the new world for ever, it is a common practice and some anime fans may be getting tired of it. This can lead to open-ended stories with no end in sight, as the hero is unable to return home under their own power. These stories often become power fantasies.

Shield Hero is where the hero can actually return home in the right circumstances. That gives him a goal. He must fight to save the innocent and return home. That gives Shield Heroes a sense of direction. This plot twist has a lot of personal stakes for Raphtalia, Naofumi and their families. Naofumi’s eventual homecoming will cause them to be apart and they have to be ready to say goodbye. It is a heartbreaking idea, and one that could be used as a model for future isekai series.

See also

Itsuki Kawasumi : Everything You Need To Know


Raphtalia, Rising of the Shield Hero’s Raphtalia, has a furry tail with animal ears on her heads. But she’s not a raccoon. Here’s the real animal she is.


Raphtalia, a native to Melromarc’s kingdom, was born ten years prior to Naofumi and other Cardinal Heroes arriving to save the land. She was a Tanuki-based demihuman who lived in Lurolona, until slavers invaded the town and took her and her friends. Later, she was sold by the Idol Rabier, a cruel nobleman, and put back on market. Naofumi purchased her and added her as a swordfighter to his party. Raphtalia was able to take revenge on Idol Rabier and defeated him in single combat.

Raphtalia, Shield Hero is the prime example of how demihumans’ physical characteristics can rapidly age after leveling down. She soon resembles a teenage girl rather than a child after only a few months at Naofumi’s party. All her animalistic characteristics, such as her trademark tail and upright tanuki ears, were retained by her. Raphtalia’s use of tanuki features pays homage to the cultural significance and popularity of tanuki in Japan. They have played an important role in folklore, art, and folklore for many years.

See also

Itsuki Kawasumi : Everything You Need To Know

Although the Tanuki is visually similar to badgers and raccoons, they are an entirely separate species. The ones in Japan are quite different from those found on the mainland. Sometimes, the term “tanuki”, which is often mistranslated into English as “raccoon,” or “badger,” can add to confusion. Shield Hero Raphtalia’s attachment to Naofumi could be a reference in Shield Hero to the fact that tanukis can only have one parent, and the mother and father raise their young together until they leave the den. These animals can also be social and live in groups.


Tanukis are often seen in Japanese folklore and in anime movies and TV shows. They can be humanoid, or they may refer to their supposed ability to shapeshift at will. Apart from Raphtalia, the Shield Hero tanukis are also featured in anime like BNA : Brand New Animal. The series is streaming on Netflix and stars Michiru Kagemori, a humanoid tanuki. She lives in a world that allows Beastmen like her to co-exist with humans, but they often clash. Michiru must uncover the truth about how a former human became a tanuki Beastman. She also has to deal with themes of oppression, discrimination, and more. It might remind you of Beastarsand Western animated feature Zootopia.

Other works also feature Tanuki characters. The 2019 Japanese videogame Team Sonic Racing has the tanuki character Dodon P, while the 1994 Studio Ghibli animated film Pom Pokofeatures a group intelligent tanuki that use their shapeshifting abilities to keep developers from their homeland. The Animal Crossinggames series features the recurring tanuki character Tom Nook whose name is similar to “tanuki”. Raphtalia might be unique in Rising of the Shield Hero but she’s not the only one in folklore or popular media.

See also

Melty Q Melromarc : Everything You Need To Know


Rising of the Shield Hero is an isekai anime with two beloved characters, Naofumi and Raphtalia. Who is the better character?


Raphtalia was scared and helpless when she first saw her family and friends being taken by slavers. She became a fighter after joining Naofumi’s team, and her fear quickly disappeared.

Raphtalia is now able to use a sword with skill and finesse. Filo and she can fight anyone together.


Naofumi has almost zero offensive power, as he is the Shield Hero and operates independently from the Sword, Bow, and Spear Heroes. He compensates for this in many ways, such as his meticulous planning.

He will not take one step without carefully considering the consequences and taking into account his financial and timetables. He doesn’t trust his instincts or rush to make decisions. This has helped him get far.


Raphtalia lived with her demihuman friends in a small village when she was young. It was a hard life. The soldiers arrived soon and the villagers were happy to see them. The soldiers then attacked.

See also

Melty Q Melromarc : Everything You Need To Know

The town was then ransacked. Many demihumans were killed or put in carts, and then sent to the dungeons to be executed or sold as slaves. Raphtalia was lucky to escape this fate. This is truly admirable.


Naofumi may not be the only hero out there, but he’s the only one who is vigilant about his actions. The Sword, Spear, and Bow Heroes fight all the monsters they can, and they often get lazy about it, causing injury to the townsfolk.

But not Naofumi. He realized that the slain dragon had poisoned a nearby village (due to the Heroes), and after receiving compensation, he took care that carcass and restored all of his health. It was something that none of the Heroes thought possible.


Raphtalia’s story is heavily influenced by her experience as a slaver. Her hopeful response to this is what makes her the Shield Hero. She is now ready to help anyone else who suffers the same fate.

She also discovered a few demihuman captives inside a dungeon and released all survivors, including Keel. Raphtalia took back her people and did it almost entirely on her own. She was relieved, but she still misses Rifana, her old friend who died in the battle for her soul.

See also

Itsuki Kawasumi : Everything You Need To Know


Each of the four Cardinal Heroes should be able to upgrade their equipment, and Naofumi does this at an extraordinary level. He doesn’t want to be content with his first shield. He needs to upgrade it quickly.

It’s great to see Naofumi being so resourceful and able to fit any element or monster ability that he finds into his shield to unlock new power. He can combine them to create mild offensive abilities using snakes or create spheres which can trap an enemy, shield style.


Raphtalia met Idol Rapier at one point. He is a wealthy and cruel man who has made slavery his profession. Raphtalia finally has the chance to avenge his tortured demihuman people over many years.

Soon, she has him at her side, but with Naofumi’s help, it becomes clear that killing him will not bring her peace. He is thrown out the window by her, and she soon realizes that blood for blood may not be the best way to go. Raphtalia is strong because of other nobler motives.

See also

Melty Q Melromarc : Everything You Need To Know


While the Heroes are busy, they don’t pay enough attention to how they do their work. They overthrew the king, but they failed to assist the people. And then there was the diseased dragon corpse which made an entire village sick.

Naofumi did more than just solve those problems. He confronted the Bow and Sword Heroes and explained everything to them, shocking them. It was a pleasure to see Naofumi correct them and make them more responsible. This is the first step towards reuniting four Cardinal Heroes.


Фило и Рафталия являются самыми очаровательными членами партии Наофуми. Фило — это скорее моэ вещь, в то время как у Рафталии есть больше моэ, Рафталия, с другой стороны, добросердечная девушка, которая влюблена и хочет доказать это. Это не похоже на ром-ком.

Любовь Рафталии к Наофуми является источником столь необходимого юмора, поскольку она отлично справляется с этим.


Наофуми ошибочно изгоняют, демонизируют, а иногда даже убивают. Но он отказывается стать злым. Он полная противоположность. Он сделает все, чтобы выполнить свою миссию.

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Наофуми теперь является хардкорным человеком типа «ты лучше сделаешь так, чтобы это стоило моего времени». Он купит раба, чтобы освободить ее, напасть на дворян или использовать монстров низкого уровня в качестве запугивателей. Хотя темно, интересно видеть, как Наофуми идет против зерна, когда другие герои Исекаи этого не делают.


У нее сильная связь с Героем Щита до такой степени, что она может рассказывать его мысли по его выражению лица. Она очень строга с ним и будет ругать его, если он сделает что-то неправильное. Raphtalia является сильным противником вида Raph. Она находит странным, что монстр, основанный на ее генах, будет создан. В веб-романе показано, что у нее есть Вассальный Молот, а не Вассал Китана.